Immortals Fenyx Rising
by Chappie in


In Immortals Fenyx Rising, you’ll need to collect Ambrosia to increase your maximum health. You can find the Ambrosia at the below locations in Clashing Rocks.


1. The Ambrosia can be found underwater near a wrecked ship to the west of the Passage in the Abyss fast travel point.


2. The Ambrosia can be found in the pond near the Big Lyre.


3. The Ambrosia can be found on the right arm of the giant Messenger of the Gods statue.


4. The Ambrosia can be found on top of the tall rock located southwest of the Messenger of the Gods fast travel point.


5. The Ambrosia can be found on a cliff overlooking the broken bridge on the western side of the large island.


6. The Ambrosia can be found in a silo of a ruined village in the central part of the large island. It is located directly east of the Messenger of the Gods fast travel point.


7. The Ambrosia can be found on the eastern side of the large island atop the pillars of a large building.


8. The Ambrosia can be found on a cliff overlooking the Olympic track in the southern part of the large island.



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