Genshin Impact
by Chappie in


Below are the world quests that can be found at Mondstadt in Genshin Impact.


Collector of Anemo Sigils

Obtained: Collect enough Anemo Sigils while exploring

Objective: Talk to the shop owner, Marjorie

In Mondstadt city, head to the With Wind Comes Glory shop just past the Adventurer’s Guild and speak with Majorie. When you’re done speaking with her, the quest will complete. Also note, that you don’t have to buy anything from her to complete the quest.

Rewards: N/A


In the Mountains

Obtained: Speak with Iris at the pass leading to Windwail Highland

Objective: Investigate the strange ice

Rewards: 500 Adventure EXP, 60 Primogems, 3 Hero’s Will, 3 Mystic Enhancement Ore, 30000 Mora

Notes: This is a level 30 area


Lost in the Snow

Obtained: Speak with Joel at the pass leading to Windwall Highland

Objective: Follow the Snow-Covered PAth to search for Joel’s father

Rewards: 300 Adventure EXP, 40 Primogems, 2 Hero’s Will, 4 Mystic Enhancement Ore, 30000 Mora

Notes: This is a level 30 area


Scent of the Wind

Obtained: Pass by the Good Hunter restaurant in Mondstadt after finishing the “The Outlander Who Caught the Wind” Archon questline

Objective: Purchase Fisherman’s Toast

Speak with Sara choosing the “Can I get good to-go?” option. Purchase a Fisherman’s Toast for 1025 Mora to complete the quest.

Rewards: 5 Enhancement Ore, 2500 Mora, 125 Adventure EXP


Sharpening the Axe Won’t Hinder the Work

Obtained: Mondstadt – Speak with the Blacksmith near the city entrance

Objective: Talk to Wagner the blacksmith

Head to the entrance of town to locate the blacksmith nearby and speak with him. He’ll give you the low down on what he does then tell you where you can find some ore. Go collect the ore then return and speak with him again. Use the ore to create an Enhancement Ore to complete the quest.

Rewards: N/A


The Art of Cooking

Obtained: Mondstadt – Speak with Lynn at the small camp just outside of the city

Objective: Give the Chicken-Mushroom Skewer to Lynn

Loot the barrel to the right of Lynn then use the Fowl and Mushrooms from it to cook the Chicken-Mushroom Skewer at the cooking station. Give the skewer to Lynn to complete the quest.

Rewards: 5 Mushroom, 10 Fowl, 5 Wheat, 5 Bird Egg,  25000 Mora, 125 Adventure EXP


The Blessings of The Seven

Obtained: Complete the “The Outlander Who Caught the Wind” Archon questline

Objective: Offer the Anemoculus to the Statue

Head for one of the Statue of The Seven – Anemo statues then interact with it. Choose “Worship Statue” and offer up an Anemoculus (you should have received one from one of the temples during The Outlander Who Caught the Wind quest chain). This will trigger a brief cutscene and the quest will complete.

Rewards: ???


Welcome to the Adventurers’ Guild

Obtained: Complete the “The Outlander Who Caught the Wind” Archon questline

Objective: Talk to Katheryne for more details

Head to Adventurers’ Guild near the entrance to Mondstadt and speak with Katheryne. Read through all of the dialog and the quest will complete when you finish.

Rewards: 100 Adventure EXP, 20 Primogems, 3 Fine Enhancement Ore


When the Trail Goes Cold

Obtained: Complete the “Welcome to the Adventurers’ Guild ” quest

Objective: Talk to Katheryne

Speak with Katheryne at the Adventurers’ Guild in Mondstadt then follow the objective south of Mondstadt to find Iris at a makeshift camp. Talk to her and choose the “About adventuring in Dragonspine…” option to complete the quest.

Rewards: 10000 Mora, Adventurer’s Experience



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