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Like a Dragon Gaiden Club Heavenly Hostess Ayu

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Like a Dragon Gaiden guide on the Club Heavenly Hostess Ayu! You’ll come to Club Heavenly located on E Shofukucho in Sotenbori as part of the main story during the Emergency Request Akame Network Job Request. To enter, speak with the Bouncer where you’ll need to fork over 10,000 yen to gain access. Afterwards, you’ll be able to select a hostess. For this guide, you’ll need to have chosen Ayu!

Like a Dragon Gaiden Ayu - Club Heavenly Hostess Ayu

During your visit, you’ll be asked a series of questions. Certain answers will net you a higher affinity than others! The more hearts received the more Kei liked your answer! In the guide below we’ve highlighted all the answers based on the amounts of hearts you receive or lack there of!

  • +2 Hearts = Green
  • +1 Heart = Yellow
  • 0 Hearts = Blue
  • -1 Heart = Red

Romance Level 0

It’s nice to meet you. I’m Ayu.…Sounds good.
Yeah, let’s enjoy ourselves.
Mm. We’ll see how you do.

When given a drink menu, you’ll need to select an option! If you order Water, it won’t cost you anything, however, you won’t receive any hearts!

Dressing on Days OffI try to relax by wearing comfier clothes…Like pants and flats?
Like a sweatshirt and sandals?
Like your school gym outfit?
My Drinking HabitsHow much do you usually drink?Like, a glass.
Like, a bottle.
Like a fish.
My Skincare RoutineDo you have a skincare routine?Face mask after bathing, every night.
Nope. Not a thing.
I had some yakiniku on the way here.
Playing SportsDo you play any sports or anything?I go to the gym every day.
No… I just watch what I eat.
I like trying out different positions.
Valuable Work SkillsWhat’s important in your line of work?A disconcerting eye for people.
The ability to resist temptation.
Power and speed.
Was It Cold Out?You weren’t cold on your way here, were you?Indeed. Winter has truly arrived.
I ran here, so I’m actually sweating.
I’m freezing. Why don’t you come warm me up?
What Are You Staring At?Why are you just staring at me?You’re so pretty, I can’t help it.
I just… really need to use the toilet.
Your boobs are… really big.

At the end, you’ll be able to give her a present if you wish. If you hand over an item such as a consumable, she’ll give you 1 heart. If you give here the Kitty Kat (American Shorthair) toy from the UFO claw mini games at Club SEGA, she’ll love it!

If you’re about to level up, meaning you’ve answered all of the questions with the answers she loves and gave her a gift, you’ll have filled the bar past the bracket! If this is the case you’ll be posed a question to fill up the first heart under the bar.

How should a club’s number one act?They should be a role model, a leader.
They should have the final say on things.
I don’t know… I was only on top for a moment.

Romance Level 1

After you’ve filled the first heart, you’ll be asked a new set of questions and topics!

Intro Question

Have you dealt with customers before?I drove a taxi for a bit.
I ran a cabaret club for a bit.
I was a host for a bit.

When given a drink menu, you’ll need to select an option! If you order Water, it won’t cost you anything, however, you won’t receive any hearts!


Alluring SightsWhat small, fleeting image gets you going?The nape of her neck when her hair is up.
Slender legs stepping into a pair of high heels.
Her bust when she leans forward.
Chinese Food TherapyDo you know what Chinese food therapy is?Yeah, it’s about treating problems your body was born with.
Yeah, it’s about treating problems your body might develop.
Yeah, it’s about treating your body to tai chi every morning.
CoffretsHave you heard of a coffret?Yeah, it’s a pastry, right?
Yeah, it’s a makeup thing, right?
Yeah, it’s a microcosm, right?
Her Off Day RoutineWhat do you think I do on my days off?You hit the dessert buffet.
Exercise, I bet.
Ride the train?
Ice BreakersWhat’s your go-to conversation starter?Well, there are some cats I’ve befriended…
Something about the time of year, perhaps.
Whatever’s hot in the world of crime, I guess.
Regional FriendsDo you have a lot of friends from all over?You could say that.
Not a whole lot.
I’ve never counted them before.
Talkative WomenWhat do you think of talkative women?I love their energy.
They’re great, as friends.
I like a little silence now and again.

Ending Question

What career would be best for me?How about running a beauty salon?
How about running a daycare?
How about… being with me?

Romance Level 2

After you’ve filled the first heart, you’ll be asked a new set of questions and topics!

Intro Question

Did you follow my little suggestion?Yep. I’m drinking water along with my alcohol.
Yep. I’m eating eel so I can stay chipper through the day.
Yep. I’m brushing my teeth each night before bed.

When given a drink menu, you’ll need to select an option! If you order Water, it won’t cost you anything, however, you won’t receive any hearts!


Admiring HerWhat are you looking at?Your eyes-they’re beautiful.
Those sexy lips of yours.
Your makeup’s outstanding.
CheatingWhat do you consider cheating?If you feel something for them.
Spending the night together.
I’ve never bothered with details like that.
Dating AppsHow do you feel about fibbing on a dating profile?The first meeting’s the real introduction anyway.
Any blatant lies should be avoided.
For a one-night stand, anything is fair game.
Favored CosplayWhat sort of cosplay do you like?A maid outfit, for sure.
Oh, a job-interview suit!
Idol costumes are nice.
Her Drinking HabitsHow much do you think I usually drink?A glass of shochu, about?
Two bottles of champagne, probably?
A bottle of vodka.
More About MeTell me something about yourself.I don’t have anything good to talk about.
I’m not good at talking about myself.
Actually… I have amnesia!
Pursing DreamsPursuing my dreams is my top priority.Does that make dating difficult?
You need a guy who’s the same way.
I wouldn’t mind pursuing you.

Give a present if you wish!

Ending Question

I started studying to get the license I need!Guess your time here’s up, eh?
Congratulations. Let’s raise a glass to you.

After you reach the third heart, she’ll ask if you want to go somewhere private. Tell her “I would love to.” You’ll then be treated to a long cutscene!

For more Like a Dragon Gaiden guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Like a Dragon Gaiden Club Heavenly Hostess Mini Game Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Like a Dragon Gaiden guide on the Club Heavenly Hostess mini game!

You’ll come to Club Heavenly located on E Shofukucho in Sotenbori as part of the main story during the Emergency Request Akame Network Job Request. To enter, speak with the Bouncer where you’ll need to fork over 10,000 yen to gain access. Afterwards, you’ll be able to select a hostess, either Kei or Ayu.

During your visit, you’ll be asked a series of questions. Certain answers will net you a higher affinity than others! The more hearts received the more the hostess liked your answer! For guides on which answer the hostesses like best, click here for Kei or here for Ayu!

For other Like a Dragon Gaiden guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Like a Dragon Gaiden Club Heavenly Hostess Kei

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Like a Dragon Gaiden guide on the Club Heavenly Hostess Kei! You’ll come to Club Heavenly located on E Shofukucho in Sotenbori as part of the main story during the Emergency Request Akame Network Job Request. To enter, speak with the Bouncer where you’ll need to fork over 10,000 yen to gain access. Afterwards, you’ll be able to select a hostess. For this guide, you’ll need to have chosen Kei!

Like a Dragon Gaiden Kei - Club Heavenly Hostess Kei

During your visit, you’ll be asked a series of questions. Certain answers will net you a higher affinity than others! The more hearts received the more Kei liked your answer! In the guide below we’ve highlighted all the answers based on the amounts of hearts you receive or lack there of!

  • +2 Hearts = Green
  • +1 Heart = Yellow
  • 0 Hearts = Blue
  • -1 Heart = Red

Romance Level 0

Intro Question

Sorry if my Japanese sounds a little weird.It sounds good to me.
I can be your speaking partner.
Are you okay handling customers like that?

When given a drink menu, you’ll need to select an option! If you order Water, it won’t cost you anything, however, you won’t receive any hearts!


Adventurous PalateWhat new food do you think I tried?Cheese?
Spicy fish roe?
Clothing of ChoiceWhat do you wear besides suits?I only wear suits.
I have a lot of monk’s robes.
My birthday suit.
Hitting the BottleDo you usually drink a lot?I black out quick.
I match those around me.
I chug as much as I can.
HobbiesDo you have any hobbies?Karaoke.
Coming to places like this.
Japanese FoodWhat’s your favorite Japanese dish?Sushi.
Kansai DialectSometimes, I can’t understand…Like what?
Just go with the flow.
Sometimes even I don’t understand.
PizzaDo you like pizza?I like it now and then.
Pizza gets me pumped up.
I worry about the calories.

At the end, you’ll be able to give her a present if you wish. If you hand over something like Prima Earrings or food, she’ll love it and give you 2 hearts!

If you’re about to level up, meaning you’ve answered all of the questions with the answers she loves and gave her a gift, you’ll have filled the bar past the bracket! If this is the case you’ll be posed a question to fill up the first heart under the bar.

Do you know what a streamer is?Something you use to get creases out of clothes.
Someone who runs around naked outside.
Someone who does live broadcasts online.

Romance Level 1

After you’ve filled the first heart, you’ll be asked a new set of questions and topics!

Intro Question

What would you stream, Joryu-san?Karaoke.
Let’s Plays.

When given a drink menu, you’ll need to select an option! If you order Water, it won’t cost you anything, however, you won’t receive any hearts!


Chatty DrunksAre you a chatty drunk?Guess I’m the same way.
Actually, I tend to talk less.
Only around you.
Feeling UnwellAre you tired or something?I’m never tired.
Maybe a little.
This is just my face.
HairstylesWhat kind of hairstyle do you like on women?Long.
Same as mine.
Ladies’ Man?You must be popular with the ladies.I suppose I am.
Not particularly.
I usually get rejected.
Live StreamingI got worried about people’s reactions…Just ask the viewers directly.
It’s okay if it wasn’t the best.
If you have fun, that’s all that matters.
Talking is NiceIt’s easy to open up to you!I’d love to hear more.
Just doing my job.
…Sorry, I must’ve dozed off.
TravelingDo you travel a lot?I’ve been all over Japan.
Not all who wander are lost.
The world is just one click away.

Give a present if you wish!

Ending Question

What do you think my goal is?To become a legendary hostess.
To become a legendary streamer.
To become a legendary yakuza.

Romance Level 2

After you’ve filled the second heart, you’ll be asked a new set of questions and topics!

Intro Question

Do you have any close friends?I do.
I don’t.
I have online friends.

When given a drink menu, you’ll need to select an option! If you order Water, it won’t cost you anything, however, you won’t receive any hearts!


Being Cheated OnWhat would you do if a girl cheated on you?Break up with her.
Pretend I didn’t know.
Depends on her feelings.
Date DestinationsWhere would you take me on a date?How about a theme park?
We’d start at my place.
An adult amusement park.
Dearth of DatesI wonder why I haven’t been able to date much…You probably don’t get out enough.
Do you have high standards?
Yeah, I wonder.
Fighting ProwessYou’re a force to be reckoned with, huh?I’m unbeatable.
I’m nothing to write home about.
I’ve never been in a fight.
Getting Out of ThingsI can’t pretend I don’t understand Japanese anymore…You did that?
Don’t worry, native speakers do that too.
What do you say in those situations?
Pick-Up LinesDo you have any pick-up lines?Keep quiet and follow me.
I would die for you.
You’re one interesting woman.
Too Much AlcoholI might’ve had too much to drink…You push yourself too hard.
Your face does seem a little red.
You should drink more water.

Give a present if you wish!

Ending Question

I wonder if I’ll ever be able to do that… I’m worried.I believe in you.
I know how to help you relax…
It’s never too late to quit.

After you reach the third heart, she’ll ask if you want to go somewhere private. Tell her “Yeah, let’s go.” You’ll then be treated to a long cutscene!

For more Like a Dragon Gaiden guides and walkthroughs, click here!

Tales of Arise

A Bright Schoolhouse Subquest Guide: Beyond the Dawn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the A Bright Schoolhouse subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the A Bright Schoolhouse subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn at the end. Happy Questing!

How to Start The A Bright Schoolhouse Subquest

A Bright Schoolhouse Subquest Map Location

To start the A Bright Schoolhouse subquest, you must first begin the Free from Pursuit main quest and then progress to the Take Nazamil to the palace’s noble room objective. Once you’ve done that, travel to Autelina Palace in Menancia and head to Autelina Palace 1F. Speak with the Renan man there standing with a kid then offer to help them out.

A Bright Schoolhouse Objectives

  • Talk to the client
  • Acquire 3x Sharp Fangs
  • Acquire 3x Hard Bones
  • Acquire 1x Earth Stone
  • Deliver the materials to the client in Autelina Palace

Talk to the Client

Talk to the client to learn about his plan to build a schoolhouse where all children can come to learn. He’ll then mention they are missing some materials needed for the schoolhouse. Offer to go collect them for him. There is a good chance you’ll have most if not all of the materials already if you’ve been fighting zeugles along the way.

Acquire 3x Sharp Fangs, 3x Hard Bones, 1x Earth Stone

In order to complete this quest, you’ll need to collect some Sharp Fangs, Hard Bones and an Earth Stone. The fangs are dropped from Archer Hawks, Rioter Claws and Withered Wolves which can be found at Adan Lake or Aqfotle Hills. The Hard Bones come from the Sweeper Apes found in Mausoleum: Helgal-Ryugola 238. Lastly, the Earth Stone can be looted off of the Ominous Earthen Mass zeugles also found in Mausoleum: Helgal-Ryugola 238.

Deliver the Materials to the Client in Autelina Palace

Once you’ve obtained all of the materials, bring them back to the client to complete the subquest.

A Bright Schoolhouse Rewards

  • Shock Charm x1
  • 2300 Gald
  • 420 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

Complete Beyond the Dawn: Silence and Sleep Subquest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the Silence and Sleep subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the Silence and Sleep subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn at the end. Happy Questing!

How to Start The Silence and Sleep Subquest

To start the Silence and Sleep subquest, you must first begin the Free from Pursuit main quest. Once you’ve done that, speak with the tomb raider near the entrance to Aqfotle Hills at Adan Lake in Mahag Saar.

Silence and Sleep Objectives

  • Speak to the tomb raider
  • Investigate the voices in the mausoleum
  • Defeat the giant zeugle in the mausoleum
  • Report back to the tomb raider

Speak to the Tomb Raider

Silence and Sleep Subquest Map Location

Talk to the Tomb Raider and she’ll tell Alphen and the gang that she snuck into the mausoleum, but left after sensing a terrifying presence. Agree to investigate it.

Investigate the Voices in the Mausoleum

Silence and Sleep Subquest Mausoleum Map Location

Travel to the Mausoleum of the Ruins: Helgal-Ryugola 238, which can be found at the southwestern part of Adan Lake. Head inside and use the teleporter to warp to the Control Compartment. From there take a right heading west down the hall. This will trigger an event when you go far enough.

Defeat the Giant Zeugle in the Mausoleum

Silence and Sleep Subquest Cruel Keeper Image

Continue heading west down the hall then enter the door on the right side to find the level 73 giant zeugle, Cruel Keeper. Run into it to start the battle. For this fight, the zeugle will be constantly flying around the battlefield while occasionally trying to cast artes. Its core is also located on the tip of its tail and its weak to wind-based attacks.

Report Back to the Tomb Raider

After you defeat the Cruel Keeper, return to the Tomb Raider at Adan Lake and speak with her to complete the subquest.

Silence and Sleep Rewards

  • 2200 Gald
  • 250 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

Complete Beyond the Dawn: The Meaning of the Flag Subquest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering The Meaning of the Flag subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start The Meaning of the Flag subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn at the end. Happy Questing!

How to Start The Meaning of the Flag Subquest

To start the Meaning of the Flag subquest, you must first begin the Warmth main quest. Once you’ve done that, speak with the Dark Wings Member at Niez in Mahag Saar near the fountain by the Dark Wings Headquarters then agree to help him.

The Meaning of the Flag Objectives

  • Speak to the Dark Wings member
  • Defeat the zeugles near the entrance to Adan Lake
  • Defeat the zeugles around the abandoned village near Adan Lake
  • Defeat the zeugles on the lakeshore of Adan Lake
  • Report back to the Dark Wings member

Speak to the Dark Wings Member

The Meaning of the Flag Subquest Map Location

Talk with the Dark Wings Member who will ask you to clear out some Zeugles around Adan Lake allowing them to gather materials to create a new flag that will symbolize the friendship between Dahnans and Renans for the town.

Defeat the zeugles near the entrance to Adan Lake

Head to Adan Lake where you’ll find the first batch of zeugles near the entrance to Aqfotle Hills. You’ll need to defeat 3 level 65 Archer Hawks.

Defeat the zeugles around the abandoned village near Adan Lake

The Meaning of the Flag Subquest Abandoned Village Map Location

Travel to the southeastern corner to find the second group of zeugles. It will consist of 4 level 66 Tempestuous Mass that need to be cut down.

Defeat the zeugles on the lakeshore of Adan Lake

The Meaning of the Flag Subquest Lakeshore Map Location

For the last group of zeugles, travel to the southwest part of Adan Lake. There you’ll find 2 level 65 Archer Hawks and 2 level 66 Tempestuous Mass.

Report Back to the Dark Wings Member

Once all of the zeugles have been dealt with, return to the Dark Wings member and speak with him to complete the subquest.

The Meaning of the Flag Rewards

  • Stamina Ring x1
  • 2000 Gald
  • 300 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

Complete Beyond the Dawn Subquest: Life’s Changes

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the Life’s Changes subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the Life’s Changes subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn at the end. Happy Questing!

How to Start the Life’s Changes Subquest

Life's Changes Subquest Map Location

To start the Life’s Changes subquest, you’ll first need to begin the Warmth main quest. Once you’ve done that, speak to the Renan man in the Renan district of Niez in Mahag Saar then agree to help him.

Life’s Changes Objectives

  • Talk to the Renan man
  • Acquire 3x Adan Peppers
  • Acquire 3x Lettuce
  • Acquire 3x Potato
  • Acquire 3x Pork
  • Deliver the ingredients to the client in Niez

Talk to the Renan Man

Speak with the Renan man who is worried about the limited food that is distributed by the Renans. He will ask that party to help gather additional food for his people.

Acquire 3x Adan Peppers, Lettuce, Potatoes and Pork

You can get the pork from a chest in Niez down the road northwest of the Renan man. As for the rest of the ingredients, if you progress a little further in the Warmth main quest, you’ll be tasked with finding an Adan Pepper so the group can cook together at Lake Adan. You’ll end up using the Adan Peppers you collect as part of the story, but there will be another group northwest of the campfire past the Vandal Dragon you can harvest. There will also be potatoes and lettuce nearby that you can collect.

Deliver the Ingredients to the Client in Niez

With all of the ingredients in your possession, deliver them to the Renan man to complete the subquest.

Life’s Changes Rewards

  • Swift Ring x1
  • 2000 Gald
  • 300 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

Complete Beyond the Dawn: Ignorance of Knowledge Subquest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the Ignorance of Knowledge subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the Ignorance of Knowledge subquest, what you’ll need to do to complete it, and what rewards you’ll earn at the end. Happy Questing!

How to start the Ignorance of Knowledge Subquest

Ignorance of Knowledge Subquest Map Location

To start the subquest, you must first begin the Warmth main quest. Once you’ve done that, speak to Torvin at the Aqfotle Hills of Mahag Saar near the entrance to Nier and agree to help him by gathering materials.

Ignorance of Knowledge Objectives

  • Talk to Torvin
  • Acquire x3 Wind-Swept Mane
  • Report back to Torvin

Talk to Torvin

Talk to Torvin who will request the party’s assistance in gathering weapon crafting Materials.

Acquire x3 Wind-Swept Mane

Ignorance of Knowledge Subquest Withered Wolf Picture

The Wind-Swept Manes Trovin needs can be obtained by defeating the Withered Wolf enemies. You can find them around Adan Lake in Mahag Saar.

Report Back to Torvin

Once you collect 3 of the manes, bring them back to Trobin to complete the subquest.

Ignorance of Knowledge Rewards

  • Curse Charm x1
  • 2000 Gald
  • 300 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

Complete Beyond the Dawn: For a Safe Trade Route Subquest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn guide covering the For a Safe Trade Route subquest. Here, you’ll learn how to start the For a Safe Trade Route subquest along with what you’ll need to do in order to complete it and what rewards you’ll earn at the end. Happy Questing!

How to Start the For a Safe Trade Route Subquest

For a Safe Trade Route Subquest Map Location

To start the For a Safe Trade Route subquest, you must first begin the Warmth main quest. Once you’ve done that, speak to the sailor close to the Adan Lake entrance at the Aqfotle Hills in Mahag Saar and agree to clear out some zeugles for him.

For a Safe Trade Route Objectives

  • Speak to the sailor
  • Defeat the Zeugles in the east of the Aqfotle Hills
  • Defeat the Zeugles in the central Aqfotle Hills
  • Defeat the Zeugles in the west end of the Aqfotle Hills
  • Report back to the sailor

Speak to the Sailor

Speak with the sailor to learn that he wants to establish a trading hub in Aqfotle Hils. In preparation for that, he will ask the party for some help clearing out nearby zeugles to make the area safer.

Defeat the Zeugles in the east of the Aqfotle Hills

For a Safe Trade Route Subquest East Zeugles Map Location

The first group of zeugles can be found slightly northwest of the sailor. It will consist of 3 level 65 Crystamadillos that you’ll need to defeat.

Defeat the Zeugles in the central Aqfotle Hills

For a Safe Trade Route Subquest Central Zeugles Map Location

Head a little farther west to come across the second group of zeugles. There will be 3 level 66 Tempestous Mass and 1 level 65 Cyrstamadillo for you to take care of.

Defeat the Zeugles in the west end of the Aqfotle Hills

For a Safe Trade Route Subquest West Zeugles Map Location

Continue heading southwest to find the last group of zeugles in the corner of the area. You need to defeat 3 level 65 Rioter Claw and 1 Tempestuous Mass.

Report Back to the Sailor

Once all three groups of zegules have been dealt with, return to the sailor and speak with him to complete the subquest.

For a Safe Trade Route Rewards

  • Black Onyx x1
  • 2000 Gald
  • 300 SP

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!

Tales of Arise

Complete Guide to Subquests in Beyond the Dawn

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Tales of Arise Beyond the Dawn Subquests guide. Here you’ll find a list of the Beyond the Dawn subquests in the Tales of Arise DLC along with when they become available and where you can pick them up. For additional information on how to complete each subquest, click the link under the subquest column in the table. There are 40 subquests (including 12 character subquests) in this DLC for you to complete. You’ll unlock the Unparalleled Problem Solver trophy/achievements for completing all of them. Happy Questing!

The character subquests that make up the rest of the 40 subquests can be found here.

Beyond the Dawn Subquests List

A Bright SchoolhouseDuring the Free From Pursuit main questMenancia – Autelina Palace 1F
A Dahnan Concert [Reconstruction]During the For Whom main questGanath Haros – Pelegion
A Donut-Fueled Town Revitalization [Reconstruction]During the One’s Own Master main questCalaglia – Ulzebek
A New JuiceDuring the Land of the Beginning main questMenancia – Viscint
A New RivalDuring the Disappearance and Distress main questMenancia – Training Grounds
A Nice Spot for Love and Healing [Reconstruction]During the For Whom main questGanath Haros – Thistlym
A Thread to the Future [Reconstruction]During the For Whom main questCyslodia – Cysloden
Beauty Clearing the Land [Reconstruction]During the Budding main questMenancia – Traslida Highway
Cast Aside [Reconstruction]During the One’s Own Master main questCalaglia – Ulzebek
For a Safe Trade RouteDuring the Warmth main questMahag Saar – Aqfotle Hills
Goodwill Ambassador Zareh [Reconstruction]During the Disappearance and Distress main questMenancia – Viscint
Gourmet Saga: Wind of the New WorldDuring the Disappearance and Distress main questMenancia – Traslida Highway
Grenar’s Important Letter [Reconstruction]During the For Whom main questCalaglia – Ulzebek
Hand In HandDuring the Land of the Beginning main questCyslodia – Nevira Snowplains
Ignorance of KnowledgeDuring the Warmth main questMahag Saar – Aqfotle Hills
Kindling the Flames of Change [Reconstruction]During the For Whom main questGanath Haros – Pelegin
Life’s ChangesDuring the Warmth main questMahag Saar – Niez
On the Brink of Paradise [Reconstruction]During the Land of Beginning main questGanath Haros – Pelegion
Pastoral RomanceDuring the Feared main questMenancia – Pharia Ranch
Sentimental BouquetDuring the For Whom main questGanath Haros – Thistlym
Silence and SleepDuring the Free from Pursuit main questMahag Saar – Adan Lake
Thawing a Frozen Heart [Reconstruction]During the Land of Beginning main questCyslodia – Riville Prison Tower
The Girl’s True FaceDuring the For Whom main questGanath Haros – Shinefall Woods
The Keeper of Wallets [Reconstruction]During the Budding main questMenancia – Viscint
The Meaning of the FlagDuring the Warmth main questMahag Saar – Niez
The Owls’ GratitudeDuring the Disappearance and Distress main questMahag Saar – Aqfotle Hills
The Ties That BindDuring the Disappearance and Distress main questCyslodia – Messia 224
You’re So Thoughtful [Reconstruction]During the Disappearance and Distress main questCylodia – Cysloden

For more guides on Tales of Arise and the Beyond the Dawn DLC check out our guides and walkthrough page here!