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How to Complete Persona 5 Tactica Quest 3

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on Persona 5 Tactica Quest 3 Decompressing. This quest becomes available during the 1st kingdom. In this guide we’ll cover the party requirements, victory conditions, any prep work that you may need to do along with how to complete the quest and the rewards you’ll receive at the end.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 3 Details

The party requirements for this quest require you to use both Ryuji and Haru leaving the third party member choice up to you To complete it, you must defeat all of the enemies within 3 turns.


Once you start this quest, move Ryuji up and use his shotgun to take out most of the enemies in the central area.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 3 Decompressing Guide Ryuji Turn 1

Next, switch over to Haru and use her to finish off the rest of them. This will trigger more enemies to spawn in the smaller enclosed area. Go ahead and end your turn.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 3 Decompressing Guide Haru Turn 1

When your next turn comes around, use Ryuji’s shotgun again to take out all of the enemies in the smaller enclosed space.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 3 Decompressing Guide Ryuji Turn 2

This will spawn the last two groups of enemies and give Ryuji a 1more. Move him to the next group of enemies and take them out using his shotgun.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 3 Decompressing Guide Ryuji Turn 2 Image 2

Finally switch over to Haru and attack 2 of the enemies making sure to get the enemy not standing by a wall. This will give you a 1more to take out the last enemy completing the quest.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 3 Decompressing Guide Haru Turn 2

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 3 Rewards

  • +20 GP to Ryuji
  • +20 GP to Haru

To find more content on Persona 5 Tactica, check our main guide and walkthrough page here!

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Like a Dragon Gaiden – The Outfit from my Memories Request

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Hello! Welcome to our walkthrough on The Outfit from my Memories for Like a Dragon Gaiden. To obtain this request, speak with the Quiet Widow standing outside of the Casino at the Gambling Hall.

Outfit from my Memories Request Location

For this request, you’ll need to present yourself to this woman wearing Formal Attire, a Single Rose and Leather Shoes. The Single Rose and the Leather Shoes can be purchased directly from the Castle Boutique. You’ll receive the Formal Attire at Ebisu Pawn Sotenbori during the “Continue the debauchery” objective from Chapter 4.

Once you’ve put the outfit together at the Boutique, return to the woman and The Outfit from my Memories request will complete. As a reward, you’ll receive 600 points and 75,000 yen.

For more Like a Dragon Gaiden guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Like a Dragon Gaiden – Itching for Ichiban Senbei Request

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Hello! Welcome to our guide on the Itching for Ichiban Senbei request in Like a Dragon Gaiden. This Stroll n’ Patrol Akame Network request will become available during Chapter 4. To retrieve the Itching for Ichiban Senbei request, speak with the Senbei Connoisseur outside of Yokobori Golf Center on Sotenbori St.

For this request, you’ll need to locate Ichiban Senbei (Shoyu), Ichiban Senbei (Salt) or Ichinban Fried Senbei. All of these items can be collected from brief cases around Sotenbori. Alternatively, you can purchase these from Akame’s Hideout or Poppo (Ashitaba Park).

Once you’ve acquired Ichiban Senbei, return to the connoisseur to hand it over and complete the Itching for Ichiban Senbei request. As a reward, you’ll receive 5,000 yen and 500 points.

For more Like a Dragon Gaiden guides and walkthrough, click here!

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Like a Dragon Gaiden – Solve the Mysterious Note Request

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Hello! Welcome to our guide on the Solve the Mysterious Note request in Like a Dragon Gaiden. Solve the Mysterious Note can be obtained by speaking with the Young Man on the north side of the Sotenbori Footpath during Chapter 4.

Solve the Mysterious Note Request

For this Stroll n’ Patrol Akame Network request, you’ll need to solve the riddle of where the treasure can be found. You’ll find the blue orb across from the turtle statues on Shofukucho.

Solve the Mysterious Note Request Gaiden Gold Ball
Solve the Mysterious Note Request Gaiden Gold Ball Location

Once you’ve collected the blue orb (aka Gold Ball), return to the man to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive 800 points and 50,000 yen.

For more Like a Dragon Gaiden guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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How to Recruit Akechi and Kasumi in Persona 5 Tactica

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on How to Recruit Akechi and Kasumi in Persona 5 Tactica! Here, we’ll go over everything you need to know to recruit Akechi and Kasumi into the fold to assist the rest of the Phantom Thieves in their quest stoke the fires of revolution!

Joker Akechi and Kasumi group picture

STep1: Buy the Repaint Your Heart Challenge Pack

To recruit Akechi and Kasumi in Persona 5 Tactics, you’ll first need to buy the Repaint Your Heart Challenge Pack, a day 1 DLC that costs about $20. This pack includes a standalone episode where Joker, Akechi, and Kasumi work together to save an infamous artist from herself. It also introduces a new paint mechanic that alters the gameplay from the base game.

Step 2: Beat Repaint Your Heart

Once you’ve bought the DLC, the next step is to finish it. On normal difficulty, it took us just under 4 hours to complete it. After defeating the final boss and watching the credits roll, you’ll see a message saying that Akechi and Kasumi can now join the Phantom Thieves in the main game.

Step 3: Complete Persona 5 Tactica

The third step is to complete Persona 5 Tactica. Both characters can only be use in NG+. Bring them along in story missions does not impact the story making them essentially be silent party members.

Step 4: Reunite the Phantom Thieves

The final step to recruit Akechi and Kasumi is to reunite the Phantom Thieves during your NG+ run. In Persona 5 Tactica, the team splits up shortly after meeting Marie, the ruler of the first kingdom. Joker, Mona, and their new friend Erina must work together to find Ann, Ryuji, Yusuke, Haru, Futaba, and Makoto. Once this is accomplished, Akechi and Kasumi will join the party. This will happen naturally as the story progresses towards the end of the first kingdom.

To find more content on Persona 5 Tactica, check our main guide and walkthrough page here!

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How to Complete Persona 5 Tactica Quest 1

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on Persona 5 Tactica Quest 1 Quietly Storming the Castle. This quest becomes available during the 1st kingdom and is a story mission acting as a tutorial for quests. In this guide we’ll cover the party requirements, victory conditions, any prep work that you may need to do along with how to complete the quest and the rewards you’ll receive at the end.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 1 Details

For this quest, you’ll be required to use Ann in addition to 2 other party members of your choosing. The game will also mention that even though Joker is the leader, he is not a required party member. As to who you choose, it really doesn’t matter. In order to complete the quest, you’ll need to defeat all enemies within 2 turns. You can do this by utilizing the Triple Threat attack.


Once you start the quest, move Ann to the nearest yellow square and use Agi on the two closest enemies. This will push them into the adjacent square, bringing them closer together and weakening them.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 1 Quietly Storming the Castle Ann Using Agi

Switch to another character, then either shoot or use a skill on one of the enemies you hit with Agi to knock them down. This will activate a 1more, allowing you to move to the yellow square on the far side of the enemy bunker, parallel to Ann. Now, move your third party member to the other yellow square to attack all the enemies in the bunker with a Triple Threat, taking them all out. Please note, the party member who downed an enemy will be the only who can start the Triple Threat.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 1 Quietly Storming the Castle Triple Threat Attack!

During the next turn, two more enemies will appear in the second bunker. You can then repeat the same action as before in order to use another Triple Threat attack to defeat them, thus finishing the quest.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 1 Rewards

  • +20 GP for Ann
  • +20 GP for Futaba

To find more content on Persona 5 Tactica, check our main guide and walkthrough page here!

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Like a Dragon Gaiden – In Search of Star Crossed Earrings Request

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Hello! Welcome to our guide on where to find the Star Crossed Earrings for the In Search of Star Crossed Earring request in Like a Dragon Gaiden.

To acquire this quest, speak with the lady on the Sotenbori Footpath. Afterwards, make your way to the Castle. These special earrings can be purchased from the Castle Boutique for 240,000 yen.

Once you have the Star Crossed Earrings, return to the woman to hand them over. As a reward, you’ll receive 1,500 points.

For more Like a Dragon Gaiden guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Like a Dragon Gaiden – Time’s a Luxury Request

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our guide on the Time’s a Luxury request in Like a Dragon Gaiden. To obtain the Time’s a Luxury request, speak with the Wannabe Rich Guy just south of Iwao Bridge.

Time's a Luxury Location

You can purchase a Luxury Timepiece at the Castle Boutique for 623,000 yen. Once you’ve acquired the Luxury Timepiece, return to the man to complete the Time’s a Luxury request. As a reward, you’ll receive 800 points and 1,000,000 yen!

For more Like a Dragon Gaiden guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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How to Complete Persona 5 Tactica Quest 2

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on Persona 5 Tactica Quest 2 Stealing Classified Info. This quest becomes available during the 1st kingdom. In this guide we’ll cover the party requirements, victory conditions, any prep work that you may need to do along with how to complete the quest and the rewards you’ll receive at the end.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 2 Details

For this quest, you’ll be required to bring both Joker and Erina along with a third party member of your choice. To complete it, you must reach the target area in 1 turn. This requires moving Erina from her starting point to the highlighted area on the other side of the map using the 1more mechanic.

Before You Start

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 2 Stealing Classified Info Erina Skill Tree Image

Before you begin the quest, check if you have upgraded the Partisan art to Great Partisan for Erina in the skill menu. If you have, you might encounter issues completing the quest because Great Partisan requires 28sp instead of the 12sp that Partisan costs. This means you’ll be able to cast the art fewer times with the limited amount of SP early in the game. Fortunately, you can easily disable this in the skill menu by going to the prep screen from the mission info screen. Just remember to re-acquire the skill after completing the quest.


At the start of the quest, Erina will be in the middle, with Joker on the right and the party member of your choice on the left. Begin by switching to your other party member and using them to climb up the ladder to the top of the wooden platform. Ignore the enemy there, and climb down the ladder on the other side to attack the enemy hiding behind cover. You need to be on the left side of the wall and use an art like Agi, Zio, or Garu to push the enemy to the edge of the ledge.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 2 Stealing Classified Info Other Party Member Attack Target

Next, switch over to Joker and use his attack to knock both of the enemies to the lower level below.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 2 Stealing Classified Info Joker First Two Targets

After that, climb down the ladder to his right and attack the enemy there facing towards the objective target.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 2 Stealing Classified Info Joker Second Single Target

Finally, switch to Erina then head over to the closest enemy and shoot them. Use the 1more to climb down the ladder and shoot the standing enemy at the bottom to get a second 1more. Progress as far as you can towards the target then use the Partisan art on the enemy next to Joker to get a third 1more.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 2 Stealing Classified Info Irina 3rd 1More

Again, procced as close as you can to the target then use Partisan on then enemy standing on top of the wooden platform to get a fourth 1more.

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 2 Stealing Classified Info Erina 4th 1More

Once last time, procced as close to the target as you can get then cast Partisan on the enemy that your other party member attacked earlier. This will get you the final 1more you need to reach the goal, completing the quest!

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 2 Stealing Classified Info Erina Final 1More

Persona 5 Tactica Quest 2 Rewards

  • +20 GP for Joker
  • +10 GP for Erina

To find more content on Persona 5 Tactica, check our main guide and walkthrough page here!

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Like a Dragon Gaiden – Golden Gauntlet Throwdown

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our guide on the Golden Gauntlet Throwdown in Like a Dragon Gaiden! This request will unlock after reaching the Platinum Rank in the Coliseum.

For your final match with the Golden Samurai, head to the roof of Yotsudera Kaikan, which is above the Gambling Hall (Yotsudera Kaikan) in the southwestern corner of Sotenbori. Once there, defeat the Golden Samurai yet again to complete the Golden Gauntlet Throwdown request. As a reward, you’ll receive 30,000 points and 2,000,000 yen!!

For more Like a Dragon Gaiden guides and walkthroughs, click here!