
Shining Resonance Refrain – Character Bonds Guide

by Chappie in


  • Op.2 Etude of the Dragoneers
    • I don’t feel comfortable here yet…
      • Increases Bond + Flash Bottle
    • Yea! I feel comfortable here now!
      • Nothing
    • I don’t really know.
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op.3 Ricordanza of Souls
    • I think I saw him around the castle…
      • Nothing
    • C-Captain Burrough!?
      • Decreases Bond
    • Do you want me to go look for him?
      • Bond Increase + Spirit Seedling
  • Op.4 Golden Sonata
    • I was totally about to train.
      • Nothing
    • You train every day, Sonia?
      • Decreases Bond
    • I train every day.
      • Increases Bond + Mana Blessing
  • Op. 5 Oratorio of Betrayal
    • We have to stay strong.
      • Increases Bond + Sky Score
    • A lot of people were injured.
      • Decreases Bond
    • He’ll get better in no time.
      • Nothing
  • Op. 6 Capriccio of the Strong
    • Only if we can understand each other…
      • Decreases Bond
    • But that doesn’t change what they’ve done.
      • Increases Bond + Jiggly Flan
    • You don’t have to worry about that.
      • Nothing
  • Op. 7 Fairy Elegy
    • Yeah, I think so, too.
      • Decreases Bond
    • I still have a lot to learn.
      • Increases Bond + Spirit Tonic
    • That’s not true. I’m just happy.
      • Nothing
  • Op. 8 Shining Concerto
    • It’s not a matter of can or can’t. We HAVE to.
      • Nothing
    • I’m worried, but we have to do it.
      • Decreases Bond
    • We can stop him.
      • Increases Bond + Healing Incense
  • Campfire
    • I usually take it easy.
      • Bond Decreases
    • I go for a walk around the city…
      • Nothing
    • I actually train too…
      • Bond Increases
  • Campfire
    • We’ll fight them together.
      • Increases Bond
    • I can protect you, too.
      • Nothing
    • You’re so dependable…
      • Decreases Bond



  • Op.2 Etude of the Dragoneers
    • I wanted to say thanks for saving me.
      • Nothing
    • …Could you speak normally?
      • Decreases bond
    • Nothing, really. I just wanted to talk to you.
      • Increases Bond + jiggly flan
  • Op.3 Ricordanza of Souls
    • I’m not angry.
      • Increases Bond + Shining Score
    • Your brother is scary…
      • Decreases Bond
    • He must be hard on you, too.
      • Nothing
  • Op.4 Golden Sonata
    • You can call me “Your Radiance” if you want.
      • Nothing
    • You’ll get used to it eventually.
      • Increases Bond + Magic Nectar
    • Just remember next time.
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op. 5 Oratorio of Betrayal
    • I still don’t really know.
      • Increases Bond + Panacea Charm
    • I don’t think she’s a bad person.
      • Nothing
    • I think she’s a bad person.
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op. 6 Capriccio of the Strong
    • I don’t know…
      • Nothing
    • You actually believed that joke?
      • Decreases Bond
    • Uh, apparently, it’s true…
      • Increases Bond + Heal Blessing
  • Op. 7 Fairy Elegy
    • It hasn’t really sunk in yet…
      • Increases Bond + Elixir
    • It wouldn’t be possible without the Shining Dragon.
      • Decreases Bond
    • It’s all thanks to you, Kirika.
      • Nothing
  • Op. 8 Shining Concerto
    • I feel the same.
      • Nothing
    • It’s okay. I’m here for you.
      • Increases Bond + Spirit Seedling
    • You’re overthinking it.
      • Decreases Bond
  • Campfire
    • Don’t mind if I do.
      • Nothing
    • No thanks…
      • Decreases Bond
    • Do you like cats, Kirika?
      • Increases Bond
  • Campfire
    • A biography sounds good.
      • Decreases Bond
    • How about horror?
      • Nothing
    • Do you have um… romance?
      • Bond Increases
  • Campfire
    • It was for world peace.
      • Increases Bond
    • I couldn’t even think of one.
      • Decreases Bond
    • I wished to get a girlfriend.
      • Nothing
  • Campfire
    • Spring
      • Increases Bond
    • Summer
      • Nothing
    • Winter
      • Decreases Bond



  • Op.2 Etude of the Dragoneers
    • You don’t need to thank me.
      • Increases Bond + Spirit Tonic
    • Hamburger steaks!
      • Decrease Bond
    • I want your heart.
      • Nothing
  • Op.3 Ricordanza of Souls
    • I want you to like me.
      • Increases Bond + Mana Mist
    • I-I’m not happy about it.
      • Decreases Bond
    • I am happy, but…
      • Nothing
  • Op.4 Golden Sonata
    • I feel exactly the same way.
      • Bond Increases + Sky Score
    • Calm Down.
      • Nothing
    • Not really…
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op. 5 Oratorio of Betrayal
    • That’s what I thought.
      • Increases Bond + Magic Nectar
    • Oh, really?
      • Nothing
    • That’s hard to believe… Are you joking?
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op.6 Capriccio of the Strong
    • He’s taking a nap.
      • Nothing
    • Can’t you go yourself?
      • Decreases Bond
    • Do you want me to go?
      • Increases Bond + Elixir
  • Op. 7 Fairy Elegy
    • I’m not that reliable.
      • Decreases Bond
    • I have my friends to thank for that.
      • Nothing
    • It’s thanks to you, Rinna.
      • Increases Bond + Dark Score
  • Op. 8 Shining Concerto
    • I always want you to be smiling.
      • Nothing
    • It’s normal to be afraid.
      • Decreases Bond
    • I’m scared, too…
      • Increases Bond + Spirit Tonic
  • Campfire
    • Yeah.
      • Nothing
    • If you eat late, you’ll gain weight.
      • Decreases Bond
    • We don’t have a knife.
      • Increases Bond


  • Op.2 Etude of the Dragoneers
    • That’s what’s bothering you?
      • Decreases Bond
    • I’m feeling like fish today…
      • Increases Bond + Fighting Charge
    • It’s gotta be meat!
      • Nothing
  • Op.3 Ricordanza of Souls
    • Maybe Lestin’s…
      • Decreases Bond
    • You of course, Agnum.
      • Increases Bond + Earth Score
    • I won’t know until the time comes.
      • Nothing
  • Op.4 Golden Sonata
    • Yeah, ghosts don’t exist!
      • Increases Bond + Tough Buff
    • I can’t say for sure.
      • Nothing
    • Huh? Behind you…
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op. 5 Oratorio of Betrayal
    • This is suspicious…
      • Decreases Bond
    • Okay, thanks.
      • Increases Bond + Heal Blessing
    • I’m not hungry right now.
      • Nothing
  • Op. 6 Capriccio of the Strong
    • I like that heat.
      • Increases Bond + Panacea Charm
    • I don’t like either.
      • Decreases Bond
    • I think I prefer the cold.
      • Nothing
  • Op. 7 Fairy Elegy
    • I think the Blazing Pyromaestro is fine…
      • Decreases Bond
    • Does Red-Hot Noble sound good?
      • Increases Bond + Excecider
    • How about the Fiery Chef?
      • Nothing
  • Op. 8 Shining Concerto
    • But, I’m not hungry…
      • Decreases Bond
    • Skewers for good luck!
      • Increases Bond + Life Soma
    • I’ll go with roasted chicken.
      • Nothing



  • Op.4 Golden Sonata
    • I’ve been comfortable from the beginning.
      • Decreases Bond
    • I’m still not used to it.
      • Nothing
    • You’ll get used to it in no time.
      • Increases Bond + Mana Potion
  • Op. 5 Oratorio of Betrayal
    • It means you eat a lot, like a baby.
      • Decreases Bond
    • Cute like a baby… I think.
      • Nothing
    • She meant you don’t like hot things.
      • Increases Bond + Happy Drink
  • Op. 6 Capriccio of the Strong
    • I don’t think this is what he meant.
      • Increases Bond + Dark Score
    • That’s really unnecessary.
      • Decreases Bond
    • You’re allowed to rest, too.
      • Nothing
  • Op. 7 Fairy Elegy
    • It’s nothing. I’m all right.
      • Increases Bond + Panacea Charm
    • I want to be alone for awhile…
      • Decreases Bond
    • I feel crushed by my responsibilities.
      • Nothing
  • Op. 8 Shining Concerto
    • You don’t need to thank me.
      • Nothing
    • Why did you say that, all of a sudden?
      • Decreases Bond
    • I should be thanking you.
      • Increases Bond +  



  • Op. 5 Oratorio of Betrayal
    • Resting
      • Increases Bond + Sea Score
    • Having fun
      • Nothing
    • Training
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op. 6 Capriccio of the Strong
    • The Seagull Inn
      • Increases Bond + Mana Blessing
    • The city entrance
      • Decreases Bond
    • The castle
      • Nothing
  • Op. 7 Fairy Elegy
    • Yeah, I think so.
      • Increases Bond + Fighting Charge
    • Honestly, I don’t know.
      • Nothing
    • The title is a bit much for me…
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op. 8 Shining Concerto
    • My Friends.
      • Increases Bond + Earth Score
    • All my hard work.
      • Decreases Bond
    • You, Lestin.
      • Nothing



  • Op.2 Etude of the Dragoneers
      • I’m all rested up now. Sorry for worrying you.
        • Nothing
      • You look worse than me, Jinas.
        • Increases Bond + Tough Buff
      • We have more important things to worry about!
        • Decreases Bond
  • Op.3 Ricordanza of Souls
      • He does seem cheerful and reliable.
        • Increases Bond + Happy Drink
      • He might be too cheerful to me…
        • Decreases Bond
      • Say, you two are kind of similar.
        • Nothing
  • Op.4 Golden Sonata
      • How’d you know I’d be able to control it?
        • Increases Bond + Panacea Charm
      • I’d do the same thing again if I had to.
        • Nothing
      • I felt like I had no choice.
        • Decreases Bond
  • Op. 5 Oratorio of Betrayal
    • What do you mean?
      • Nothing
    • Okay. I’ll remember.
      • Increases Bond + Fighting Charge
    • I’ll be fine! I’ve got you all!
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op. 6 Capriccio of the Strong
    • You’re not weak. You’re here by my side.
      • Increases Bond + Life Soma
    • The past made you who you are now.
      • Nothing
    • Sorry… I don’t know what to say…
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op. 7 Fairy Elegy
    • I don’t see myself as that…
      • Nothing
    • Don’t say your role is coming to an end!
      • Increases Bond + Shining Score
    • It’s thanks to the Shining Dragon’s power.
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op. 8 Shining Concerto
    • I say the exact same to you, Jinas.
      • Increases Bond + Excecider
    • If we can save the world… then…
      • Decreases Bond
    • Yeah… I won’t ever forget them…!
      • Nothing



  • Op.2 Etude of the Dragoneers
    • I’m okay. Are you sure you’re fine?
      • Increase Bond + Mana Potion
    • Y-Yeah… I’m fine.
      • Nothing
    • Everything’s all so sudden…
      • Decrease Bond
  • Op.3 Ricordanza of Souls
    • Thanks for worrying about me, Excella.
      • Nothing
    • I want to get Stronger.
      • Increases Bond + Mana Blessing
    • Yea… but Lesting has a point.
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op.4 Golden Sonata
    • I thought I hear your voice, Excella.
      • Nothing
    • I feel better after seeing you.
      • Increases Bond + Heal Blessing
    • I can’t control the Shining Dragon…
      • Decreases Bond
  • Op. 5 Oratorio of Betrayal
    • Can you stay by her side?
      • Nothing
    • Sorry, I can’t think of anything…
      • Decreases Bond
    • Why don’t we think of something together?
      • Increases Bond + Elixir
  • Op. 6 Capriccio of the Strong
    • You’d never get captured so easily.
      • Decreases Bond
    • I’ll never let that happen to you!
      • Nothing
    • I’d rescue you, of course!
      • Increases Bond + Spirit Tonic
  • Op. 7 Fairy Elegy
    • I’m afraid I don’t measure up to it.
      • Decreases Bond
    • I don’t want to dishonor it.
      • Nothing
    • I finally can stand next to you.
      • Increases Bond + Magic Nectar
  • Op. 8 Shining Concerto
    • Tell me the rest after this is over.
      • Nothing
    • When it’s over, let’s have fun together.
      • Increases Bond + Dark Score
    • Let’s focus on the battle for now.
      • Decreases Bond



Vampyr – Alignment of Stars

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Triggered automatically near the northern West End


Summary: Jonathan comes across a man trapped in a building by an Ekon who is calling out for help.



  • Save the exhausted man by defeating his abductor
  • Talk and check on the exhausted man


Save the exhausted man by defeating his abductor

Head to the northern part of the West End to trigger this investigation. Defeat the vampire to update the objective.


Talk and check on the exhausted man

Follow the objective into the nearby building and talk to the man to complete the investigation.



Vampyr – A Surprise for the London’s Lone Gourmet

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Talk to Calhoun Russell in the West End and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘Any interesting local news?’, then ‘I have specific tastes…’


Summary: Calhoun likes exotic food leading him to make a request of Jonathan. He asks to be informed if Jonathan finds an intriguing table to eat at.



  • Find an exceptional restaurant for Calhoun Russell
  • Report to Calhoun Russell


Find an exceptional restaurant for Calhoun Russel

Head to the mall like area north of the West End and locate the Chocolate shop across from the Clothing shop. Facing the shop, head to the left and go a little ways to find a poster advertising an eating experience where the patrons are blindfolded while they eat (image below).



Report to Calhoun Russel

Head back to the West End and talk to Calhoun to complete the investigation.




Vampyr – Like Father, Like Daughter

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Obtained in the underground passages under the park northeast of the West End. You will come across this quest before exiting the passages to reach the Dawson Mansion during the chapter 5 main story quest Unnatural Selection


Summary: Jonathan comes across a lady trapped in the sewer by a vampire with ill intentions.



  • Find Louise Teasdale
  • Save the pugnacious young woman by defeating her abductor
  • Talk and check on the pugnacious young woman


Find Louise Teasdale

Reach the end of the underground passage under the park northeast of the West End. Before you take the stairs leading up to the Dawson Mansion, head to the right and follow the tunnel to a cell area where Louise is trapped.


Save the pugnacious young woman by defeating her abductor

Jump down into the cell area and defeat the Ekon.


Talk and check on the pugnacious young woman

Open the cage and talk to Louise to complete the investigation.



Vampyr – A Journey to the Past

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: To start this investigation, find the Small Key in Jonathan’s room at the Reid Mansion near the foot of his bed. Exit his room and head down the hall, taking a left at the end instead of going down the stairs. Use to key to unlock the door on the left and enter the room. Grab Aubrey Reid’s First Letter to receive the investigation.


Summary: Jonathan comes across his father’s testament. He thinks looking into it may help determine why his father disappeared many years ago.



  • Find the first part of your father’s testament
  • Find the second part of your father’s testament
  • Find the third part of your father’s testament
  • Open your father’s safe


Find the first part of your father’s testament

Exit Jonathan’s room from the Reid Mansion and head down the hall, taking a left at the end instead of going down the stairs. Use the key to unlock the door on the left and enter the room. Grab Aubrey Reid’s First Letter to receive the investigation.


Find the second part of your father’s testament

Make your way to the park located northeast of the West End. Head to the back right side of the part and turn right just before the bridge leading to the gazebo by the lake. Aubrey Reid’s Second Letter is tucked away in a box behind a tree next to a lantern on the ground.


Find the third part of your father’s testament

Head to Pembroke Hospital to begin the search for the third letter. Enter the hospital from the entrance that is to the left of the gate leading to Rakesh’s shop to find Aubrey Reid’s Third Letter hidden in a box behind some stand-up curtains left of the door.


Open your father’s safe

Make your way to the hideout in Southwark (the first hideout of the game located south of the Docks) to find Aubrey’s safe. Open the safe to loot its contents and complete the investigation.



Vampyr – They Are Among Us

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Talk to Clarence Crossley and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’ then ‘What have you discovered about vampires?’


Summary: A friend of Jonathan’s named Clarence is convinced that vampires exist and are currently in London. He asks Jonathan to help him collect articles talking about the different types of vampires.



  • Find 6 articles (collectibles) about vampires for Clarence Crossley
    • Find “The heresy of the Pure Blood”
    • Find “The antique figure of the Vrykolakas”
    • Find “Fertile is the belly of the beast”
    • Find “Supremacy of Ekons”
    • Find “Rare species of vampires”
    • Find “The violence of Vulkods
  • Report to Clarence Crossley


Find “The heresy of the Pure Blood”

Located in a building in the northern West End (the same building from the Alignment of Stars investigation)


Find “The antique figure of the Vrykolakas”  

Located in Darius Petrescu’s house in Whitechapel


Find “Fertile is the belly of the beast”

Located in the hideout south of Pembroke Hospital that is unlocked during the investigation Burn After Reading


Find “Supremacy of Ekons”

Found in Harriet Jones’ room at the Skal Sewer Camp


Find “Rare species of vampires”

Located on a bookshelf in Dr. Swansea’s office


Find “The violence of Vulkods

Defeat the mini-boss in the passage on the way to Aloysius Dawson’s mansion during the chapter 5 main story mission Unnatural Selection


Report to Clarence Crossley

Head back to the West End and talk with Clarence to complete the investigation.



Vampyr – A Cherished Souvenir

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Talk to Clayton Darby and pick the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘About your relationship with Cristina’, then ‘You are right’


Summary: While talking to Clayton, Jonathan learned that Cristina lost a scarf her brother gave her. Finding it would mean a lot to her.



  • Find the scarf lost by Cristina Popa
  • Choose what to do with the scarf
    • Give it to Cristina Popa
    • Give it to Clayton Darby


Find the scarf lost by Cristina Popa

Follow the objective west of Whitechapel to the Whitechapel Old Road. The scarf will be located on a corpse in an enclosed area at the objective location. Defeat the 3 enemies there and grab the scarf.


Choose what to do with the scarf

Head back to Whitechapel and talk with Clayton Darby to hand over the scarf him. This will complete the quest and unlock a hint for Clayton and Cristina.



Vampyr – Emily is Missing

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Talk to Charlotte Ashbury in the West End and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘What do you do around here?, then ‘How are the locals reacting?’


Summary: Charlotte’s friend Emily has gone missing so she asks Jonathan to look into it.



  • Locate Emily’s house
  • Search the room
  • Follow Emily’s blood trail
  • Report to Charlotte Ashbury about her missing friend


Locate Emily’s House

Head to the southern West End near the North Docks. To reach Emily’s house, you will need to enter Clarence and Venus Crossley’s house. Head up to the second floor and exit out the door in their bedroom. From here, you will be able to teleport to the balcony of Emily’s bedroom.


Search the room

When you first enter the room, turn to the right and loot Emily’s Love Letter off a side table. Next, head over to the right side of the bed and inspect the blood for a new objective.


Follow Emily’s blood trail

Using your vampire sense, follow the blood trail back out to the balcony and drop down to the street below. You will then pass through the nearby gate leading to the North Docks and end up in the presence of another Ekon. Talk to him and choose whatever option you like.


Report to Charlotte Ashbury about her missing friend

Return to Charlotte in the West End and talk to her to complete the investigation.




Vampyr – Pandora’s Box

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Talk to Usher Talltree and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘What do you do here?’, then ‘Some believe you are a vampire?’


Summary: Jonathan comes across Usher Talltree, a member of the Brotherhood of St. Paul’s Stole. He asks Jonathan to retrieve a notebook they stole from him.



  • Learn where is the notebook stolen from Usher Talltree by Priwen agents
  • Find the safe’s key
  • Open the safe and retrieve Usher Talltree’s notebook
  • Bring back the notebook to Usher Talltree


Learn where is the notebook stolen from Usher Talltree by Priwen agents

Head to Finsbury Theater and work your way to the main hall. Use the stage door to head down to the basement. Pass through the doorway with golden trim and turn right. Enter the room with the safe in it that also contains the Pinned Note. The theater will be accessible in chapter 6.


Find the safe’s key

Make your way back to the main entrance of the theatre and head up the stairs to the second level. Pass through the door leading to the second level balconies to find a pair of Priwen agents. Defeat them to obtain the key.


Open the safe and retrieve Usher Talltree’s notebook

Go back to the basement and use the key to open the safe and collect its contents.


Bring back the notebook to Usher Talltree

Return to Usher and talk with him to complete the quest. If you choose to not open the notebook, you will lose out on the hint.



Vampyr – West End Citizen Hints

by Chappie in




Emelyne Reid – 2 hints

  • Emelyne is only looked after by Avery Cork now
    • Talk to Avery and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘How is my mother?’, then ‘Does she receive medical care?’
  • Emelyne frequently speaks to dead people, including her son
    • In the Reid Mansion, wait for Emelyne to lock herself in her room. When that happens, head into Jonathan’s room and exit the mansion to end up on the balcony. Walk over to the window to Emelyne’s room with your vampire sense active to eavesdrop on her.


Avery Cork – 3 hints

  • Avery is the only one who is looking after Emelyne Reid now
    • Talk to Avery and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘How is my mother?’, then ‘Does she receive medical care?’
  • Avery has been paid to take care of Reid’s family until his last breath
    • Talk to Avery and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’ then ‘Tell me about the neighborhood?’
  • Avery wishes the young Jonathan Reid would take more care of his mother
    • Talk to Avery and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’ then ‘Leave if you could?’ (requires the looking after Emelyne hint)


Clarence Crossley – 4 hints

  • Clarence is spending his family’s fortune to finance his campaign against vampires in the West End
    • Find Venus’ Journal in the nightstand on the second floor of the Crossley house.
  • Clarence believes that vampires have invaded London
    • Find the warning leaflet on the stack of leaflets around the area Clarence likes to hang around in the West End, south of Calhoun’s shop.
  • Clarence saw a vampire killing a victim while he was serving in France
    • Talk to Clarence and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘About your leaflets concerning vampires?’, then ‘I believe you’
  • Clarence’s wife is convinced that the war caused his paranoia
    • Talk to Clarence after witnessing Venus Crossley’s eavesdrop event and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘Your wife is poisoning you’, then ‘You have no suspicion at all?’


Venus Crossley – 4 hints

  • Venus is deeply worried for the family’s reputation
    • Talk to Clarence Crossley and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘How is your wife?’, then ‘Is there trouble at home?’
  • Venus is deliberately poisoning her husband
    • Wait outside the back window of the Crossley house in the West End for Venus’ eavesdropping conversation to trigger. Activate your vampire sense and watch the scene.
  • Venus is convinced that the war caused Clarence Crossley’s paranoia
    • Talk to Clarence after witnessing Venus Crossley’s eavesdrop event and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘Your wife is poisoning you’, then ‘You have no suspicion at all?’


Carolyn Price – 4 hints

  • Carolyn has always taken good care of her daughter whenever she was injured
    • Talk to Carol and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘Awake at night?’, then ‘Work not easy?’
  • Carolyn admits she has a thing for her former physician, Doctor Jonathan Reid
    • Talk to Carolyn and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘Tell me about your occupation?’, then ‘Tell me about yourself?’
  • Carolyn often hurts her daughter by “clumsiness”
    • Wair for Carolyn and Carol to head through the locked door in their shop. Head outside to the front of the shop and activate your vampire sense to find the eavesdrop location. Listen in on their conversation.
  • Carolyn may be suffering from some unknown mental disorder
    • Talk to Carolyn and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’ then ‘You abuse your daughter?’


Carol Price – 3 hints

  • Carol’s mother has always taken good care of her when she was injured
    • Talk to Carol and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘Awake at night?’, and ‘Work not easy?’
  • Carol is often hurt by her “clumsy” mother
    • Wait for Carolyn and Carol to head through the locked door in their shop. Head outside to the front of the shop and activate your vampire sense to find the eavesdrop location. Listen in on their conversation.
  • Carol seems unable to remove herself from her mother’s influence, for now
    • Talk to Carol after confronting Carolyn and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘Your mother is a treat to you’, then ‘Your mother is terribly sick’


Kimura Tadao – 4 hints

  • Tadao is a rich landlord who is nostalgic about his hometown
    • Talk to Kimura and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’ then ‘What do you do for a living?’
  • Tadao has been captured by a vampire who had discovered his passion for astronomy
    • Talk to Kimura and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, Tell me about your abduction?’, then ‘Why not sacrifice you on the spot?’
  • Tadao has left his family and has not seen his son for years
    • Talk to Kimura and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘Nostalgic for your hometown?’, then ‘What about your family?’
  • Tadao has decided to fight against vampires after what happened to him
    • Talk to Kimura and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘Will you really change?’, then ‘ There is no need to thank me’


Charlotte Ashbury – 4 hints

  • Charlotte was raised in Lady Ashbury’s orphanage before being adopted by the Lady herself
    • Talk to Charlotte and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘About your adoption?’, ‘How did you meet Lady Ashbury?’
  • Charlotte knows a lot about vampires and does not seem to fear them
    • Talk to Charlotte and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’ then ‘What do you know about me?’
  • Charlotte is still hoping to become a vampire despite her mother’s disagreement
    • Find the Personal Diary in Lady Ashburn’s house
  • Charlotte hopes to more efficiently pursue her fight against injustice once she becomes immortal
    • Talk to Charlotte and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’ then ‘Why do you wish to become a vampire?’


Aloysius Dawson – 2 hints

  • His twin brother died in a plane crash
    • Talk to Carolyn Price and choose the dialog option ‘Do you know Aloysius Dawson?’ during the chapter 5 main quest Unnatural Selection
  • Aloysius was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, until 1900
    • Talk to Usher Talltree and choose the dialog option ‘Do you know Aloysius Dawson?’ during the chapter 5 main quest Unnatural Selection


Calhoun Russel – 4 hints

  • Calhoun does not consider the seriousness and dangerousness of the epidemic
    • Talk to Calhoun and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘Tell me about the neighborhood?’, then ‘It’s false’
  • Calhoun likes good restaurants and succulent tables
    • Talk to Calhoun and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘Any interesting local news?’, then ‘Is food all that interests you?’
  • Calhoun was the lover of the famous actress Doris Fletcher for a time
    • Find the Old Love Letter in the basement of the Finsbury Theater during Chapter 6
  • Calhoun claims he gives money and is involved with charity organizations
    • Talk to Calhoun after completing his investigation and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘About the restaurant I recommended you?’
      • During the Y dialog choice, pick the ‘Your money could be more usefully spent’ option to get the hint


Carina Billow – 4 hints

  • Carina only has incoherent speech when speaking about what happened to her
    • Talk to Carina and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘What happened to you?’, then ‘Tell me about the voice in your head’
  • Carina feels the urge to eat live rats
    • Watch Carina and follow her when she starts heading down the street. She will walk past a newspaper stand and down some stairs to enter a gated area. Use your vampire sense to find the eavesdrop location near the newspaper stand to observer her.
  • Carina is aware of the existence of vampires
    • Inspect the poster on a wall near a set of starts that Carina can be found by
  • Carina’s mind has been mentally broken by a powerful vampire
    • Talk to Carina and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’  then ‘Tell me what really happened to you?
      • During the Y dialog choice, pick the ‘He tricked you…’ option to get the hint


Louise Teasdale – 4 hints

  • Louise’s father tried to rescue her
    • Find the Pinned Letter on the door of a building to the east of the park located northeast of the West End
  • Louise’s father has been killed while trying to find and rescue her
    • Locate the Soiled Letter in the underground passages under the park to the northeast of the West End. Head through the passages until you reach the big room where the mini-boss fight from chapter 5 took place. Head through the metal door in the northeastern side of that room then teleport to the ledge on the wall to the right. Follow that path forward and take the first right you come across to find the Soiled Letter on the corpse of Louise’s father.
  • Louise’s abductor wanted to make her a vampire
    • Defeat Louise’s abductor during the Like Father, Like Daughter investigation
  • Louise has run away from her house after a violent argument with her father
    • Talk to Louise after she returns to the West End and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘Why did your father feel guilty?’. then ‘He never gave up on you’


Charles Jerome Albright – 3 hints

  • Charles believes a homicidal maniac is hiding behind the epidemic
    • Talk to Charles and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘Tell me about the neighborhood?’, then ‘What killer?’
  • Charles has been reduced in rank for having sent an innocent to the gallows
    • Find the Newspaper Article on the second floor of the Dawson Mansion
  • Charles does not believe in the death penalty
    • Talk to Charles and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘Is it true you were reduced in rank?’
      • During the Y dialog option, choose ‘The death penalty is a great shame’ to unlock the hint


Usher Talltree – 3 hints

  • Usher seems to know that many Londoners have been recently murdered
    • Talk to Usher for the first time
  • Usher is aware of the real circumstances of Mary’s death
    • Talk to Usher and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’ then ‘Tell me about the neighborhood’
  • Lost Hint
    • During the investigation Pandora’s Box, look at Usher’s notebook before giving it to him


Agamemnon Baker – 4 hints

  • Agamemnon and Pericles Baker are waiting for something or someone before leaving the city
    • Talk to Agamemnon and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’ then ‘What are you doing here?’
  • Agamemnon and Pericles Baker have opposing explanations about their current situation
    • Talk to Pericles and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘What do you do for a living?’, then ‘Why do you want to leave London, then?’
  • Agamemnon and Pericles Baker want to leave the city because they feel something is strange about the situation
    • Wait for Agamemnon and Pericles to get off the bench and start walking away. Follow them and eventually, they will head into a gated area. Activate your vampire sense to find the eavesdrop point and listen in.
  • Agamemnon and Pericles Baker are a complete mystery
    • Talk to Agamemnon and choose the dialog option ‘Personal questions’, ‘How long have you been waiting?’, then ’I don’t understand who you are’


Pericles Baker – 4 hints

  • Agamemnon and Pericles Baker are waiting for something or someone before leaving the city
    • Talk to Agamemnon and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’ then ‘What are you doing here?’
  • Agamemnon and Pericles Baker have opposing explanations about their current situation
    • Talk to Pericles and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘What do you do for a living?’, then ‘Why do you want to leave London, then?’
  • Agamemnon and Pericles Baker want to leave the city because they feel something is strange about the situation
    • Wait for Agamemnon and Pericles to get off the bench and start walking away. Follow them and eventually, they will head into a gated area. Activate your vampire sense to find the eavesdrop point and listen in.
  • Agamemnon and Pericles Baker are a complete mystery
    • Talk to Agamemnon and choose the dialog option ‘Personal questions’, ‘How long have you been waiting?’, then ’I don’t understand who you are’