
We Happy Few – Cult of Jack

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is triggered automatically while exploring Lud’s Holm.



  • Watch Fake Uncle Jack
  • Power the TV
  • Loot Each House


Watch Fake Uncle Jack

As you enter the makeshift village, follow the objective to find Fake Uncle Jack in one of the houses to trigger a cutscene.


Power the TV

After the cutscene, head back outside to the TV in the middle of the village. Insert a power cell into the TV to turn on Uncle Jack’s show. This will bring all of the villagers rushing out to watch it.


Loot Each House

While the villagers are distracted, you will have 60 seconds to loot a chest in each of the three houses. Looting all of the houses will complete the quest.



We Happy Few – Hallucinogenic Salad

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is triggered automatically while exploring Lud’s Holm.



  • What’s Driving Them Crazy?
  • What’s Going On Up There?
  • Grab the Recipe


What’s Driving Them Crazy?

Head into the house to continue the quest.


What’s Going On Up There?

Once in the house, start working your way upstairs. The first room will have a tripwire, so be on the lookout for it. Setting it off will alert the occupants of the house to your location. Keep heading upstairs taking out enemies along the way until you reach the final room at the top.


Grab the Recipe

Deal with the two enemies in this room and grab the recipe on the wall to complete the quest.



We Happy Few – An Awkward Courtship

by Chappie in


Acquired: The quest is triggered automatically while exploring Lud’s Holm.



  • Come Back at Night
  • Hide in the Bushes Near the Log
  • Come Back Tomorrow Evening
  • Ease Drop Some More
  • Come Back Tomorrow Evening
  • Lend an Ear
  • Come Back Tomorrow Evening
  • Hear Them Out
  • Pick Up Their Spare Gear


Come Back at Night

Head back to the quest location after 9 pm to continue the quest.


Hide in the Bushes Near the Log

Hide in the yellow flowers near the log next to the tree to trigger a cutscene.


Come Back Tomorrow Evening

Find a bed or bench to pass the time or keep exploring until the next night. Then return back to the quest location.


Ease Drop Some More

Hide in the yellow flowers again to watch another cutscene.


Come Back Tomorrow Evening

Find a bed or bench to pass the time again or keep exploring until the next night. Then return back to the quest location.


Lend an Ear

Hide in the yellow flowers again to watch another cutscene.


Come Back Tomorrow Evening

Find a bed or bench to pass the time once more or keep exploring until the next night. Then return back to the quest location.


Hear Them Out

Hide in the yellow flowers again to watch the final cutscene.


Pick Up Their Spare Gear

Head over to the log and pick up the spare equipment to complete the quest.



We Happy Few – I Yam What I Yam

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is automatically triggered while exploring Lud’s Holm.



  • Come Back at Night
  • Find a Way Through the Door
  • Go Up the Hill
  • Observe the Mass of the Sacred Yam
  • Play Drums
  • Take the Sacred Yam
  • Take the Book of the Yam


Come Back at Night

Come back to this location after 9 pm to start the quest.


Find a Way Through the Door

You will need to eat a histoplasma mushroom to pass through the door. They can be found in the Bog of Ravensholm near the military camp or growing in bathtubs of abandoned houses. With the mushroom in hand, consume it near the tree after 9 pm in game time.


Go Up the Hill

Follow the path up the hill to reach the mass site.


Observe the Mass of the Sacred Yam

A cutscene will trigger as the mass begins.


Play Drums

In the middle of mass, you will be tasked with playing the drums. Press the button when the prompt appears.


Take the Sacred Yam

When you touch the yam, a cutscene will trigger. You will be given the opportunity to choose one of three permanent buffs for the character. They are the dog (digestion – eat food that the blight has taken. Rotten food will lower your chance of getting sick), the horse (sturdiness – stronger against the insults of the body), and the wolf (stamina – run longer without pausing for breath). Choose one to complete the objective.


Take the Book of the Yam

Pick up the formula to complete the quest. Everyone will turn hostile so be prepared to run or fight.



We Happy Few – Constant Gardeners

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is triggered automatically while exploring Lud’s Holm.



  • Explore the Garden
  • Give Bob a Neximide Pill
  • Only Take One Item
  • Find Margery’s Missing Diary
  • Return Margery’s Diary
  • Take Only One Item
  • Find Humphry’s Note
  • Take Only One Item


Explore the Garden

Follow the path up the tiny mountain to trigger a cutscene.


Give Bob a Neximide Pill

You can find Neximinde Pills in chests around Lud’s Holm or in vending machines. I found mine in a chest at Faraday’s house in Lud’s Holm.


Only Take One Item

Open the crate near Bob and take an item from it.


Find Margery’s Missing Diary

Talk to Margery and follow the objective to find Margery’s Diary. You will have to fight an enemy to get it.


Return Margery’s Diary

Return the diary to Margery.


Take Only One Item

Take another item from the crate.


Find Humphry’s Note

Talk with Humphry and follow the objective to a location under the garden. Remove the planks with a Jimmy Bar and grab the note. Return it to Humphry.


Take Only One Item

Take the last item from the crate to complete the quest.



We Happy Few – Forbidden Fruit

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is automatically triggered while exploring Lud’s Holm.



  • Get Through the Fenced Area


Get Through the Fenced Area

You can fight off the Bobbys during the day or wait until after 9 pm to sneak it. You will need a lockpick to pick the lock and enter the gate. This will complete the quest.



We Happy Few – Walkabout

by Chappie in


Acquired: Locate and interact with Sally’s Old Toy at White Tree Park while exploring Lud’s Holm.



  • Eat Mushrooms Here Some Night
  • Pursue Mum’s Ghost
  • Dig It


Eat Mushrooms Here Some Night

You will need to have histoplasma mushrooms to eat near the tree at night for this quest. They can be found in the Bog of Ravensholm near the military camp or growing in bathtubs of abandoned houses. With the mushroom in hand, consume it near the tree after 9 pm in game time.


Pursue Mum’s Ghost

While under the effects of the mushroom, Arthur sees the ghost of his mother. Follow the ghost to her grave site. You may encounter enemies patrolling the road along the way.


Dig It

Using a shovel, dig up the ghost’s grave and collect the item that you find to complete the quest.



We Happy Few – Love Birds

by Chappie in


Acquired: This is quest is triggered automatically while exploring Maidenholm.



  • Hide Nearby to Observe the Lovers
  • Talk to Benedick
  • Collect a Night-Blooming Nonsuch
  • Return to Benedick
  • Hide Near the Lovers
  • Hide Near the Second Spot
  • Hide Near the Third Spot


Hide Nearby to Observe the Lovers

Head into the fountain park area then crouch and enter the yellow flowers. Sneak up close to the couple to initiate a cutscene.


Talk to Benedick

Talk to Benedick to learn about his mojo.


Collect a Night-Blooming Nonsuch

If you don’t have one already, head to Eel Pie Holm at night to collect a Night-Blooming Nonsuch. They can be found across the area.


Return to Benedick

Head back to Benedick and hand over the plant.


Hide Near the Lovers

Head into the yellow flowers behind the next bench for another cutscene.


Hide Near the Second Spot

Follow the pair to the next bench and hide in the flowers for the next cutscene.


Hide Near the Third Spot

For that last time, follow the pair to the next bench and hide in the yellow flower for the final cutscene to complete the quest.



We Happy Few – Speaker’s Corner

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is triggered while exploring Maidenholm.



  • Return to the Park Tomorrow
  • Listen to William Godwin Rant
  • Talk to William Godwin
  • Post Seditious Flyers
  • Go Back to Eric Blair Park
  • Talk to William Godwin


Return to the Park Tomorrow

You will get this objective if you discover Eric Blair Park at night. Return after 8 am in-game time to continue the quest.


Listen to William Godwin Rant

When you arrive at the park, a cutscene will play.


Talk to William Godwin

After the cutscene, talk to William Godwin.


Post Seditious Flyers

Follow the objective to each location and post a flyer. Be wary of your surroundings as posting these flyers will attract attention and you will be attacked.


Go Back to Eric Blair Park

Return to the park after hanging the flyers to check in on William.


Talk to William Godwin

Talk to William to complete the quest.


We Happy Few

We Happy Few – Golden Oldies

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is acquired in Maidenholm after doing some other quests for Lionel at the Odds and Ends shop.



  • Find the 3 Golden Records
  • Bring the 3 Golden Records Back to Lionel


Find the 3 Golden Records

This objective is pretty straightforward. Follow the three objectives to abandoned homes in Lud’s Holm. There will be enemies you will have to deal with at each location and the records can be found on the top floor of each building tucked away in a chest. Make sure you bring enough lockpicks.


Bring the 3 Golden Records Back to Lionel

Head back to the Odds and Ends pawnshop to hand over the 3 golden records to Lionel, completing the quest.