
Dragon Quest XI – Planting Seeds for the Future

by Chappie in


Location:  This quest can be found in the Arborian Highlands – Grove of Repose.



Objective: Defeat a Wight Bulb to Get A Wisteria Seed

Travel to the First Forest – Summit Campsite during the day to find some Sprite Bulbs (blue monster in the image above). Keep battling them until a Wight Bulb (yellow monster in the image above) appears. Defeat the Wight Bulb to obtain some Wishteria Seeds for the little girl. Return to her at the Grove of Repose and talk with her to hand over the seeds thus completing the quest.


Reward: Healer



Dragon Quest XI – Justice is Brined

by Chappie in


Location: This quest can be found in Nautica.

Objective: Bring the Mermaid Lawyer a Book of Undersea Legal Precedents

Head for the Insula Occidentalis located north of the strand and dock there. Then make your way to the cabin on a hill and enter it. Talk with the sailor inside then open the chest nearby to obtain the Sealicitor’s Statues the mermaid was after. Return to Nautica and talk with the mermaid to hand over the documents thus completing the quest.


*Sealicitor’s Statues Location


Reward: Sovereign Seal



Dragon Quest XI – Marking a Momentous Occasion

by Chappie in


Location:  This quest can be found in Nautica.

Objective: Bring Back a Specific Item From the World Above

*Note: To get this quest, you will first need to have the Queen of Nautica turn you into a fish. 

The item the turtle is looking for is a Cannon. So make your way to Lonalulu and head for the Cannon Lady’s house. Talk to her and she will lend you the Kanono Cannon. Return to the curator in Nautica and talk with him to hand over the Cannon. This will complete the quest.


*Cannon Lady’s House


Reward: Secrets of the Sunken Spirit



Dragon Quest XI – The Measure of a Man

by Chappie in


Location:  This quest can be found in Lonalulu.

Objective: Defeat a Night Clubber with the Pep Power Buff-Buff

*To use the Buff-Buff pep power, you will need the Main Character/Hendrick with the Unbridled Blade skill from the greatsword skill tree and Jade with the Puff-Puff skill from the allure skill tree.

Head to the Insual Incognita island located to the far west of Lonalulu. Once there, dock and make your way to the north side of the island to find the Night Clubber. You will need to weaken the monster until it’s almost defeated, then finish it off with the Buff-Buff pep power to complete the objective. After the monster has been slain, return to the old man at the bar on Lonalulu and talk with him to complete the quest.

Reward: Venus’ Tear



Dragon Quest XI – Soothing Seaweed

by Chappie in


Location:  This quest can be found in Lonalulu.

Objective: Obtain a Dulcet Dulse to Help Soothe the Mermaid’s Sore Throat

To obtain the Dulcet Dulse, travel to Sniflhiem then sail to the lone island located to the southeast.  Dock there (its name should be the Insula Algarum) and head forward until you reach a bridge with a yellow fish man fishing there. Talk with him to get the Dulcet Dulse, then return to Lonalulu. Head back to the boy and give the dulcet to the mermaid in the water near him. When that is done, talk to the boy to complete the quest.

Reward: 5 Molten Globules



Dragon Quest XI – My Kingdom for Some Kanaloamari

by Chappie in


Location:  This quest can be found in Lonalulu.

Objective: Slay a Tentacular Using the Tempered Tantrum Pep Power

To use the Tempered Tantrum pep power, you will need to have both the Main Character (MC) and Sylvando’s pep powers activated. The MC will also need to know the sword ability Flame Slash. In order to find the Tentacular, you will need to sail around the world until one appears (I found mine to the west of Sniflheim). Once you find one, whittle its HP down until it’s almost dead, then activate the Tempered Tantrum pep power to defeat it (you have to defeat it with the pep power to complete the objective). Defeating the Tentacular this way will cause it to drop some Kanaloamari. Take that back to the fisherman in Lonalulu and hand it over to him thus completing the quest.

Reward: Pentarang



Dragon Quest XI – A Long-Lost Literary Love

by Chappie in


Location:  This quest can be found in Arboria.

Objective: Search for the Next Part of the Love Letter

Make your way to Gallopolis and head for the house to the left of the stables. Enter the building, follow the stairs to the second level and talk with the butler at the top. He tells you that the book was given to a traveling woodcutter. With that information, travel to the Manglegrove campsite and enter the woodcutter’s house located there. Read the book on the bookshelf to find the second page to the love letter. Return to the Minstrel in Arboria and talk with him to complete the quest.

Reward: Things to Do with Metal Goo



Dragon Quest XI – A Ballad of Bravery

by Chappie in


Location:  This quest can be found in the Zwaardsrust Region.

Objective: Search for the Minstrel’s Lost Sheet Music

Head to a cabin located south of the Ruin of Dundrasil in the Dundrasil Region (near a save statue). Enter the cabin and open the chest located there to obtain Luter’s Opus. Return to the Minstrel at the Warrior’s Rest Inn and talk with him to hand over the opus to complete the quest.

Reward: Fine Fashions for Philosophers


Dragon Quest XI – When Knight Falls

by Chappie in


Location:  This quest can be found in Puerto Valor.

Objective: Use the Arise Pep Power on the Knight Aberrant in the Eerie Eyrie



*Note: To use the Arise pep power, you will need the main character, Sylvando, and Hendrik with their pep power activated.

Travel to the Eerie Eyrie near Champs Sauvage to find the Knight Aberrant north of the campsite near the entrance. Start the battle and use the Arise pep power when able.  Then defeat the knight. Return to the Old-Timer in Puerto Valor and talk with him to complete the quest.


Reward: Metal Slime Shield



Dragon Quest XI – One Last Request

by Chappie in


Location:  This quest can be found in  L’ACademie de Notre Maitre des Medailles.

Objective: Find Maxie van Bloem’s True Treasure for Rose

*Note: This quest can only be accepted/completed at night as that is the only time Rose appears.

Travel to the Zwaardsrust Region and head to the wheat field located southeast of the Warrior’s Rest Inn. Inspect the headstone in the middle of the field to find the True Treasure of Maxie van Bloem then return to Rose at the Academy. Talk with her to complete the quest.



Reward: Chronocrystal