
Days Gone – Just Doing My Job

by Chappie in



  • Locate The Anarchist Camp
  • Clear The Anarchist Camp
  • Find And Rescue Mitch Allen
  • Escape The Mine


Locate The Anarchist Camp

Follow the objective to the northern part of Highway 97 north of Aspen Butte Ambush Camp in the snowy section.  Inspect a footprint behind the red truck to pick up a trail leading north off the main road.  Along the trail, you will need to fight some Freakers.  Inspect the drag marks at a makeshift camp on a rock ledge overlooking the lake.  Follow the trail north and cross through the lake.  Head up to the mine located in the hill.


Clear The Anarchist Camp

Defeat 14 enemies.


Find And Rescue Mitch Allen

Head further into the cave.  Mitch Allen is on the second level in the center of a cavern tied up.


Escape The Mine

A horde spawns after you free Mitch Allen.  Run!  Don’t try to fight the horde, because they will just keep spawning until you escape.



Days Gone – Didn’t Want To Join Up?

by Chappie in



  • Locate Marauder Area
  • Find And Rescue Ethan Ross


Locate Marauder Area

Follow the objective to eastern Highway 97.


Find And Rescue Ethan Ross

Defeat the Marauders in the area then head into the ruins of a house to trigger a cutscene.



Days Gone – Chemult Community College Nero Checkpoint

by Chappie in

*Note: You must complete the You Couldn’t Stop Shaking mission in order to gain access to Chemult College.


  • Restore Power
  • Loot The MMU

Item(s) Of Interest:

  • Mobile Medical Unit Recording – 0805 (Nero Intel Collectible)
    • On a counter in the Mobile Medical Unit at Chemult Community College Nero Checkpoint
  • Nero Injector

Restore Power

Be mindful that there is a horde in this area.  Inspect the fuse box on the north side of the Mobile Medical Unit (MMU) to discover the fuse is missing.  The fuse is located in a storage container located in the black and red tent closest to the football field.  Grab the gas can in the northernmost tent closest to the MMUs.  Fix the fuse box and bring the gas can to the generator located in the middle of the MMUs.  Disable all the speakers to discourage any unwanted attention.  When you’re ready, turn on the generator.

Loot The MMU

Loot the white medical crate to complete the mission.

Days Gone

Days Gone – Chemult College Infestation

by Chappie in

*Note: You must complete the You Couldn’t Stop Shaking mission in order to gain access to Chemult College.



  • Clear All Nests (6)


Clear All Nests (6)

1. Semi trailer

The first nest is located east of the college in the back of a semi trailer parked underneath the overpass.


2. Underneath overpass

The second nest is located north of the previous nest underneath an overpass next to some train tracks.


3. Train car

The third nest is located next to the previous nest in the red train car.


4. White trailer

The fourth nest is located at Chemult College behind the football field in the parking lot in a white trailer next to a green Army vehicle.


5. Tin shed

The fifth nest is located at Chemult College on the side of a tin shed next to the football field.


6. Building

The sixth nest is located on the side of a building with a red Chemult Comm. College banner next to the football field near the parking lot.



Days Gone – You Couldn’t Stop Shaking

by Chappie in



  • Clear The Area
  • Return To Your Bike With Sarah
  • Clear The Area
  • Return To Your Bike With Sarah
  • Clear The Area Of Marauders
  • Retrieve The Centrifuge
  • Return To Your Bike With Sarah


Clear The Area

Defeat all the enemies.


Return To Your Bike With Sarah

Head back to your bike.


Clear The Area

Defeat more enemies near the entrance of the college.


Return To Your Bike With Sarah

Continue heading to your bike until a cutscene triggers.


Clear The Area Of Marauders

Defeat the wave of enemies.


Retrieve The Centrifuge

Head back to Sarah at the entrance of the college for a cutscene to trigger.


Return To Your Bike With Sarah

Follow Sarah back to your bike for another cutscene to trigger.



Days Gone – Pillette Bridge Nero Checkpoint

by Chappie in



  • Restore Power
  • Loot the MMU


Item(s) of Interest:

  • Mobile Medical Unit Recording – 1685 (Nero Intel Collectible)
    • Highway 97 – Found on a counter in the Mobile Medical Unit at the Pillette Bridge Nero Checkpoint


Restore Power

Pick up the gas can located next to the gate security box and head towards the school bus at the back of the checkpoint.  From the front of the school bus, head north past the sandbags towards a green Army truck.  Swing right past the truck to get on the other side of the fence and find the generator in the corner.  Use the gas can to fuel the generator.  Make sure you disable all speakers to discourage any unwanted attention, including the speaker on a light pole pointing towards the train tracks where a horde is located.  When you’re ready, turn on the generator.


Loot the MMU

Loot the white medical crate to complete the mission.



Days Gone – So Many Of Them

by Chappie in



  • Enter The CCC Campus
  • Clear The Swarm
  • Find The CCC Science Building
  • Clear The Swarm
  • Find The CCC Science Building
  • Find Sarah
  • Find A Way Into The CCC Science Building
  • Help Sarah Find The Centrifuge


Enter The CCC Campus

Head up to the gate and give Sarah a boost over the gate to the platform above.  Climb up the crate Sarah drops down.  Follow Sarah up the stairs until a cutscene triggers.  Follow Sarah and use your knife to unlock the door.  Help Sarah push the bookshelf out of the way and a cutscene will trigger.


Clear The Swarm

Fight the Swarmers.


Find The CCC Science Building

Follow Sarah further into the campus where you will discover an open window.  Boost Sarah up.


Clear The Swarm

Defeat the enemies that come out of the building directly across from the building you boosted Sarah into.


Find The CCC Science Building

Climb on the crate to trigger a cutscene then try the door to trigger another cutscene.  Keep following Sarah around the campus and boost her through another open window.


Find Sarah

Push the blue truck in front of the window and climb up it.  Run through the building to trigger a cutscene.


Find A Way Into The CCC Science Building

Head around to the back of the building for another cutscene to trigger.  Follow Sarah to an Army vehicle.  Push the vehicle towards the building and climb up it.  Kill all the Newts then drop down into the building through the skylight for a cutscene to trigger.


Help Sarah Find The Centrifuge

Follow Sarah to trigger a cutscene.



Days Gone – Can I Ask You Something?

by Chappie in



  • Ride With Sarah To The Chemult Community College


Ride With Sarah To The Chemult Community College

Follow the objective southeast of Wizard Island to Chemult College in Highway 97 until a cutscene triggers.



Days Gone – Just Another Requisition Form

by Chappie in



  • Drive To Location
  • Follow Sarah To Her Tent
  • Follow Sarah To Your Bike


Drive To Location

Head to Sarah’s tent at Wizard Island to trigger a cutscene.


Follow Sarah To Her Tent

Follow Sarah up the hill until a cutscene triggers.


Follow Sarah To Your Bike

Follow Sarah back through camp towards your bike until a cutscene triggers.



Days Gone – You Got The Wrong Guy

by Chappie in



  • Locate The Thief
  • Knock The Thief Off His Bike
  • Restrain The Thief


Locate The Thief

Follow the objective southeast of Wizard Island to arrive at the Crater Lake Visitor’s Center.  Drive your bike behind the Visitor’s Center and examine the blood on the ground.  A high speed chase will ensue.


Knock The Thief Off His Bike

Pursue the thief, shooting at him when you get close.


Restrain The Thief

After you knock the thief off his bike, walk up to him to trigger a cutscene.