Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Ashen Forest

by Chappie in


The Ashen Forest has 12 treasure chests and 27 resource points in Ys Memories of Celceta.


Miasmic Road


5 Mineral Deposits

Treasure Chests:

  • Kaiser Potion
  • Purification Powder x3



5 Plants

Treasure Chest: Immovability Belt



4 Mineral Deposits

Treasure Chests:

  • Sorcery Robes +3
  • Strange Mass x10



3 Mineral Deposits

1 Plant

Treasure Chests:

  • Gold Ingot x3
  • Bitter Potion
  • Golden Axe





2 Plants

1 Mineral Deposit

Treasure Chest: Guard Elixir



3 Mineral Deposits

Treasure Chests:

  • Ancient Halberd +5
  • Healing Tablet



1 Mineral Deposit





2 Plants

Treasure Chest: 6000 Gold



Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Frogs’ Inn

by Chappie in


Frogs’ Inn has 5 treasure chests in Ys Memories of Celceta.



The treasure chests contain the following items:

  • Silver Dragon Charm
  • Black Stone x5
  • Purification Powder x3
  • Bitter Potion x3
  • Honey Potion x3


*NOTE: The chest with the green dot in the middle is story related and was not included in the count.*



Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Tower of Providence

by Chappie in


Tower of Providence contains 19 treasure chests in Ys Memories of Celceta.


1st Area

The treasure chests contain the following items:

  • Anti-Paralysis Powder x3
  • Tactician’s Gloves
  • Power Tablet
  • Warrior Seal III


2nd Area

The treasure chests contain the following items:

  • Roda Droplet
  • Azure Scale Charm


3rd Area

The treasure chests contain the following items:

  • Catholicon x3
  • Cerise Cape +8
  • Bitter Potion


4th Area

The treasure chests contain the following items:

  • Emerald
  • Celcetan Panacea


5th Area

The treasure chest contains the following items:

  • Kaiser Potion


6th Area

*NOTE: In this room, you will need to energize the yellow thing to make a yellow path with stairs appear. As soon as you start running along the path, the yellow path will begin to disappear. To reach a hidden area, you must let the path disappear underneath you on the 6th yellow square. When it disappears, you will drop down to the floor below next to a chest.

The treasure chests contain the following items:

  • Purple Stone x5
  • Anti-Paralysis Powder x3
  • Sapphire x2
  • Skill Tablet x2


Hidden Area (see description for 6th area above)

The treasure chest contains the following items:

  • Life Elixir


7th Area

The treasure chest contains the following items:

  • Prism Mace +6


8th Area

The treasure chest contains the following items:

  • Roda Droplet



Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Underground Ruins

by Chappie in


Underground Ruins contains 10 treasure chests and 5 resource points in Ys Memories of Celceta.


1st Area

The treasure chests contain the following items:

  • Ruby (east)
  • Hunter Knives DX +4 (northeast underwater)
  • Roda Droplet (southwest)
  • Bitter Potion (southwest)
  • Spirit Cape (southwest)


2nd Area

Mineral Deposit


3rd Area

Mineral Deposit


4th Area

Mineral Deposit


5th Area

Treasure Chest: Hard Scale x3


6th Area

Mineral Deposit


7th Area



8th Area

Mineral Deposit

The 4 treasure chests contain the following items:

  • Ruby
  • Bitter Potion
  • Bronze Edge DX +5
  • Sapphire



Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Plateau Path

by Chappie in


Plateau Path contains 2 treasure chests and 11 resource points in Ys Memories of Celceta.



The treasure chests contain the following items:

  • Warrior Seal II (Stargazer Ruins)
  • Shield Tablet (central north)



Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Sanctuary Approach

by Chappie in


Sanctuary Approach contains 4 treasure chests and 10 resource points in Ys Memories of Celceta.



The treasure chests contain the following items:

  • Purple Stone x5 (northeast)
  • Bitter Potion (northeast)
  • Life Elixir (east)
  • Bitter Potion (northwest)



Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Table Mountain

by Chappie in


Table Mountain has 4 treasure chests and 13 resource points in Ys Memories of Celceta.



The treasure chests contain the following items:

  • 5000 Gold (Halfway Point)
  • Blue Tree Earring (Halfway Point)
  • Gold Ore x 10 (Halfway Point)
  • Red Stone x5 (Halfway Point)