Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Nanba Bonding Events

by MrsChappie in


Level 1


  • I won’t just listen and nod. +20 Kindness
  • Just say what’s on your mind! +20 Passion
  • Welcome to Kasuga’s Counseling Corner! +20 Charisma


  • Stay calm and let things play out. +20 Intellect
  • What’s done is done. +20 Confidence 
  • Just say an angel drank it. +20 Style


Level 2


  • Maybe he’ll just let you off the hook. +20 Confidence
  • I’ll help you pay off your debt. +20 Kindness
  • Just pay it off in installments. +20 Intellect


Level 3


  • Don’t worry, you’re younger than you look. +20 Charisma
  • Age is only a number. +20 Passion
  • You can still be a player +20 Style


Level 4


  • Pie-throwing contest. +20 Charisma
  • We’ve giving you a cocktail party. +20 Style
  • Sorry, top secret. +20 Intellect


Level 5

For this bonding event, you’ll actually have to defeat Jun and his minions.



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Saeko Mukoda Bonding Events

by MrsChappie in


Level 1


  • I’m here to listen, Sa-chan. +20 Kindness
  • Well, it’s not like you gotta entertain me. +20 Passion
  • I’m all about boring stories! +20 Charisma


Level 2


  • It’s about the club, huh? +20 Intellect
  • It’s about a boyfriend, right? +20 Confidence
  • It’s about your hair, isn’t it? +20 Style


Level 3


  • I’m sure she’ll understand. +20 Kindness
  • Leave Nanoha to me! +20 Passion
  • I think it depends on how you say it. +20 Intellect


Level 4


  • Let’s just find her someone better! +20 Charisma
  • Could always wait for winter to roll around. +20 Confidence
  • A little herbal tea goes a long way. +20 Style


Level 5

For this bonding event, you’ll actually have to defeat Katsuragawa and his minions.



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – The Crawfish Caper

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 5 – Approach the crawfish on Sunrise Bridge (night)

After the cutscene, head to the objective on Sunrise St. When you approach the stairs leading to the river, a quick cutscene will trigger after which you’ll be placed in Active Search Mode. For us, Nancy was directly to the right of us near a stool with some boxes on it. Once you retrieve Nancy, head to S Sakura River St. to speak with Ebihara. You’ll be prompted to select “Wait a minute!” so go ahead and do so! To find Ebihara a Premium Sushi Set, head north to Poppo (Jinnai Station) and purchase the item for 2,000 yen. Once you’ve acquired the Premium Sushi Set, return to Ebihara and hand it over.

Reward: Nancy-chan is now a Poundmate



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 5 – Approach the alley east of Romance St. (night)

During the cutscene, choose the options “Check It Out” then “Escort Him” to begin the substory. Escort him up towards E Central St. then turn right on Isezaki Road to find the clothing store on E Tsurukame Highway. Avoid anyone throwing water on your walk! Once Mr. Bubbles goes inside the clothing store, he’ll of course be thrown out and you’ll need to select from the following options:


  • He’s on his way out of a soapland.
  • He’s just a pervert.
  • It’s a long story. +10 Passion


Select “It’s a long story.” since the other options are incorrect and won’t give you any personality stats. Afterwards, head back down to where you first met Mr. Bubbles in the alleyway near Romance St. and speak with him.

Reward: Mysterious Blush



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Persimmon Premonition

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 4 – Approach the empty park in the Bar District (day)

After the brief cutscene, wait a little while until the objective appears again on the map then return to the park and speak with the Tired Man. You’ll agree to check in on the persimmon so wait awhile again then return when the objective appears. Defeat the Sumo Wrestler. Afterwards, you’ll need to wait yet again for the objective to reappear. When it does, return to the tree to find a sniper shooting at the fruit. To stop him, you’ll engage in combat. Defeat him then wait again for the objective to appear. This time when you return to the tree, you’ll find a guy hammering a straw doll to it. Defeat Kugitani in battle then wait one last time for the objective to appear. When it does, approach the tree for the last cutscene.

Reward: Tosanoyama as a Poundmate



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Adachi Bonding Events

by MrsChappie in


Level 1

Occurs: Chapter 4 – Survive Bar


  • I’d rather just make my own. +20 Charisma
  • Yeah, but I’d be upfront about it. +20 Confidence
  • A good drink’s worth a little debt. +20 Kindness


Level 2


  • Man, that’s some real commitment. +20 Passion
  • You’re like Daddy-Long-Legs. +20 Intellect
  • Maybe we should get you a suit. +20 Style


Level 3


  • Just gonna have to make some money! +20 Passion
  • I’d tell the kid I’m broke. +20 Confidence
  • I can lend you some cash. +20 Kindness


Level 4


  • Yamada’s lackey. +20 Charisma
  • Yamada’s secretary. +20 Intellect
  • Yamada’s stylist. +20 Style


Level 5

For this bonding event, you’ll actually have to defeat Hasegawa (Lv. 19).



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Baby Don’t Cry

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 4 – Speak with the Weak Man and Tough Yakuza on Ohama St. (day)

Interact with the pair to trigger a fight. After the fight you’ll be given the following options:


  • How about getting some rest?
  • Have a heart-to-hear with your wife. +10 Kindness
  • Divorce her.


Oshima will then want you to fetch some hot water, so head to Pocket Cafe on N Isezaki Road and speak with the woman behind the counter. With the water in hand, return to Oshima. After a brief cutscene, a fight will trigger. Defeat the Yakuza. Afterwards you’ll be given the following options:


Drink the Milk +20 Passion

Turn Down the Milk +10 Kindness