Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – Clashing Rocks Navigation Myth Challenge

by Chappie in

This myth challenge can be found on an Olympic track in the southern area of the large island.

To begin the navigation myth challenge, stand on the platform to activate a glowing beam then race down the track towards the beam, jumping over the broken columns. Your goal is to reach the beam before it disappears. You’ll collect 2 Coins of Charon for reaching it.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – Clashing Rocks Epic Chest Locations

by Chappie in


Below are the epic chests that can be found at Clashing Rocks in Immortals Fenyx Rising! *NOTE: We believe the items in the chests are randomly generated or the items might be given in a certain order based on the number of chests you’ve opened already.



1. This chest can be found at the very top of The Observatory where the fast travel point is.


2. This chest can be found at The Observatory.

To reach the chest, break the wall on the east side of The Observatory then stand on a platform at the top of some stairs. Once on the platform, shoot Apollo’s Arrow, guiding it through the sealed gate, to light the brazier at the base of the sculpture at the very top of the observatory.


3. This chest can be found in the mountain underneath The Observatory.

You can reach it via a hole in the cliff. Once inside, use the axe to break the wall on the right side of the chest. Head through the hole then jump through the opening in the ceiling to find a metal cube. Push the cube clockwise around the 4 pillars to drop it down to the platform below. Once the cube is on the platform, the chest will unseal.


4. This chest can be found underwater in the ocean south of The Observatory.

In the water, look for a statue surrounded by 4 pillars. The chest can be found in front of the statue. To unlock the chest, swim underneath the statue and activate the pedestal.


5. This chest can be found in a large building on the eastern side of the large island.

To enter this building, activate the following 4 pillars: The first pedestal is located in front of the main entrance’s red barrier (as pictured above).


The second pedestal is located on the east side of the building behind a red barrier.

To unseal this barrier, you’ll need to head into the cave on the other side of the tree adjacent to the barrier. Once in the cave, head up the stairs on the left side then drop into the hole in the floor. This will bring you into a small sealed hallway. You’ll need to use Heracles’s Strength to move a cube onto a platform behind the gate. This will remove the barrier from the other gate allowing you to shoot an arrow through the fire igniting the brazier inside the tree outside the cave. You can use Apollo’s Arrows to guide the arrow through the fire to the brazier. This will unseal the barrier of the building allowing you to activate the second pedestal.


For the third pedestal, head to the back of the building to find a platform with a feather on it.

From there, head to the north side of the building to find a raised platform of a satyr statue. Grab one of the rocks and carry it to the platform. This will open a red barrier blocking a room at the end of the bridge. Head into the room and drop down into the hole in the floor in the back corner. This will bring you to a lower level filled with water. In the center of the room, dive into the water and follow the path to emerge under the bridge in front of the pedestal.


For the fourth pedestal, head to the north side of the building and stand next to the satyr statue.

Grab a rock and throw it at the section of the wall just above the red barrier in the building. This will break the wall revealing a target behind a gate. Shoot the target with an arrow to unseal the barrier.


After you have activated all 4 pedestals, head to the main entrance and engage in combat with the enemies awaiting inside. Defeat them to gain access to the epic chest.


6. This chest can be found in the western part of the large island southwest of the Odysseus’s Struggle fast travel point.

To reach it, you’ll first need to defeat the minotaur. Once that task has been completed, place 2 of the broken columns onto the platform to unlock the chest.


7. This chest can be found in a ruined village in the central part of the large island. It is located directly east of the Messenger of the Gods fast travel point.

To unlock the chest, you’ll need to place the 2 missing sheep statues on the open platforms. The first sheep can be found on the other side of the western wall next to the puzzle. The second sheep can be found on the other side of the building on the north side of the puzzle.


8. This chest can be found in a small cave in the cluster of islands southwest of the Messenger of the Gods fast travel point.

Enter the cavern near the base of the island at the water line to find a sealed chest. To open this chest, you’ll need to place 2 metal cubes on the platform. The first one can be found to the left in the bubbling water. Use your Herakles’s Strength to pull it out of the water and place it on the platform. You will then need to dive into the bubbling water and follow the path underwater. Once on the other side, climb up the rocks in the room to reach a gated section in the wall. You’ll find the second metal cube on the other side. Use your Herakles’s Strength to drop it into the water. Swim back to the platform and pull it out of the water. Place the cube on the platform to unlock the chest.


9. This chest can be found about halfway up an island southwest of the Messenger of the Gods fast travel point.

To unseal the chest, you’ll need to grab a metal cube up in the ceiling to the left of the platform and use it to break the wall to the right of the platform to reveal the second cube. Place both cubes on the platform to unseal the chest.


10. This chest can be found on an island in the southern part of the Clashing Rocks in the wreckage of a ship.

To open the chest, you’ll need to find a metal cube in a piece of ship hanging off the edge of the island. Carry the cube to the nearby platform to unseal the chest.


11. This chest can be found on the northeastern tip on the southernmost island in Clashing Rocks.

In order to unseal the chest, stand on the platform in front of the chest and fire an Apollo’s Arrow across the gap towards the red barrier on the adjacent rock. Guide the arrow underneath the red barrier and up the hole in the floor to reach the target behind the red barrier. Once the red barrier has been abolished, the chest will unseal.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – Clashing Rocks Chest Locations

by Chappie in


Below are the chests that can be found at Clashing Rocks in Immortals Fenyx Rising!


1. This chest can be found in a cave on the southern part of the medium island near the shipwrecked ships.

You’ll need to break the rocks with your axe to reach the chest.


2. This chest is located on a broken ship in the middle of the ocean south of The Observatory.


3. This chest can be found north of Odysseus’s Struggle in a cave along the cliffside overlooking the water.

To unseal the red barrier you’ll need to activate 3 pedestals. The first can be found in front of the red barrier. The second pedestal facing the red barrier behind the gate can be found by turning around and following left around the cliff until you reach an opening that will lead to the pedestal.

The third pedestal can be reached by jumping into the water just outside the entrance to the cave where there is bubbling water. Follow this underwater cavern to reach the last pedestal.


4. This chest can be found inside a ruined building underwater near the entrance to Odysseus’s Struggle fast travel point.


5. This chest can be found underneath a tree on the back of the giant turtle near the Odysseus’s Struggle fast travel point.


6. This chest is located in a ruined house on the southernmost island in Clashing Rocks.


7. This chest is located on a rock with a crashed ship against it south of the southernmost island in Clashing Rocks.



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Honk-Honk Hero Trophy

by MrsChappie in


In Yakuza: Like a Dragon, there is a trophy called Honk-Honk Hero. In order to earn this trophy, you’ll need to find all the people who will give you a honk-honk. These people can be found at the below locations, however, they make take awhile to spawn. It’ll help to reset the area by taking a taxi.


Isezaki Ijincho

Bar District

The Honk-Honk Girl can be found in the alley south of Survive Bar next to a silver safe. It’ll cost you 10,000 yen but will give you +10 Passion.


East Jinnai Station

The Honk-Honk Man can be found in the fenced in area behind the large building in the very north part of the map. This building is located next to the Election Office taxi. It’ll cost you 100,000 yen but you’ll get +10 to all personality stats.


Isezaki Road

The Honk-Honk Lady can be found in the underground area directly north of Wette Kitchen. It’ll cost you 50,000 yen but will give you +10 Passion, +10 Charisma and +10 Kindness.




The Honk-Honk Woman can be found in the alley northwest of S Shofukucho between two red vending machines and a gold chest. It’ll cost you 50,000 yen but you’ll get +10 Confidence, +10 Passion and +10 Charisma.



Hotel District

The Honk-Honk Princess can be found in the U-shaped alley north of Yoshida Batting Center. It’ll cost you 30,000 yen but you’ll get +10 Intellect, +10 Style and +10 Charisma.



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Sujidex

by MrsChappie in


Below are the all enemies that can be found in the Sujidex in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Make sure to “catch” ’em all!


  1. Burnout Bully – Isezaki Ijincho Jinnai Station, Other
  2. Capitalist Punisher – Isezaki Ijincho Jinnai Station, Other
  3. Dotcombatant – Isezaki Ijincho Jinnai Station, Other
  4. Hammeredhead – Isezaki Ijincho Commercial District, Other
  5. Beerserker – Isezaki Ijincho Commercial District, Other
  6. Knight of the Cask – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  7. Urbane Legend – Kamurocho, Other
  8. Battle Bum – Isezaki Ijincho Commercial District
  9. Hungry Hungry Homeless – Isezaki Ijincho Commercial District
  10. Arch-Vagrant – Isezaki Ijincho Commercial District
  11. Invested Vagabond – Isezaki Ijincho Chinatown, Other
  12. Biting Barker – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District
  13. Hostile Host – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District, Other
  14. Host with the Most – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District, Other
  15. Heavenly Host – Kamurocho, Other
  16. Punkling – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road, Other
  17. Steamed Punk – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road, Other
  18. Overpunk – Isezaki Ijincho East Jinnai Station, Other
  19. Mohawk – Emperor – Kamurocho, Other
  20. Hands Thrower – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  21. Wrestlemanic – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  22. Masque Raider – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  23. Ultimate Champion – Sotenbori, Other
  24. Color Gangsman – Isezaki Ijincho East Jinnai Station, Other
  25. Mad Gangsman – Isezaki Ijincho East Jinnai Station, Other
  26. Elite Gangsman – Isezaki Ijincho East Jinnai Station, Other
  27. Boss Gangsman – Kamurocho, Other
  28. Tribesman – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown
  29. Tribesguard – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  30. Tribesbrute – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  31. Tribeschief – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  32. Assassin – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row, Other
  33. Primal Psychopath – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row, Other
  34. One-Hitman – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row, Other
  35. The Fist – Kamurocho Underground 2F
  36. Newbie Yakuza – Isezaki Ijincho Bar District, Other
  37. Ornery Yakuza – Isezaki Ijincho Bar District, Other
  38. Eloquent Yakuza – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  39. Grizzled Yakuza – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road, Other
  40. Scarred Yakuza – Kamurocho, Other
  41. Some Other Yakuza – Isezaki Ijincho, Other
  42. Demolitioneer – Isezaki Ijincho Bar District, Other
  43. Clobberjack – Isezaki Ijincho Bar District, Other
  44. Sledgeharmer – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  45. Batterer out of Hell – Kamurocho, Other
  46. Pro Pickpocket – Isezaki Ijincho Commercial District
  47. Break-and-Entryman – Isezaki Ijincho Chinatown, Other
  48. Cutpurse – Isezaki Ijincho Chinatown, Other
  49. King of Thieves – Kamurocho Underground 1F
  50. Chinese Mafioso – Isezaki Ijincho Chinatown, Other
  51. Chinese Mafia Officer – Isezaki Ijincho Chinatown, Other
  52. Chinese Mafia Boss – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row, Other
  53. Kung Fu Disciple – Isezaki Ijincho Chinatown, Other
  54. Kung Fu Master – Isezaki Ijincho Chinatown, Other
  55. Qigong Master – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row, Other
  56. Dragon King – Sotenbori Battle Arena
  57. Pressured Cooker – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row, Other
  58. Mystery Meatsmith – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row, Other
  59. Ironclad Chef – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row, Other
  60. Shruggler – Isezaki Ijincho Jinnai Station
  61. Thuggler – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  62. Druggler – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  63. Juggle-O – Sotenbori, Other
  64. Slasher – Isezaki Ijincho Commerical District
  65. Paralyticist – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District, Other
  66. Black Blade – Isezaki Ijincho Commercial District, Other
  67. Dismemberer – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road, Other
  68. Jack the Ripper – Kamurocho Underground 2F, Other
  69. Quackpot – Isezaki Ijincho West Jinnai Station
  70. Heartless Surgeon – Isezaki Ijincho West Jinnai Station
  71. Dr. Black – Kamurocho Underground 2F, Other
  72. Sneak-a-tack – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road
  73. Pierceologist – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road, Other
  74. Mad Casey – Isezaki Ijincho Chinatown
  75. Weltraiser – Isezaki Ijincho Sewer 3F, Other
  76. Dine-and-Dasher – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road, Other
  77. Snack-and-Sprinter – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road, Other
  78. Chomp-and-Charger – Isezaki Ijincho Chinatown, Other
  79. Noblesse Obesity – Kamurocho Underground 1F, Other
  80. Hitjourneyman – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  81. Urban Ranger – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown
  82. Notorious V.I.P. – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  83. Ghillie Man – Isezaki Ijincho Sewer 3F, Other
  84. Military Buffed – Isezaki Ijincho Sewer 3F, Other
  85. One-Man Army – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  86. Master and Commando – Kamurocho Underground 1F, Other
  87. Arminator – Kamurocho, Other
  88. Biker Cavalier – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  89. Biker Vanguard – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  90. Biker Boss – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  91. Stern Stranger – Isezaki Ijincho East Jinnai Station
  92. Big Dog – Isezaki Ijincho East Jinnai Station
  93. Bouncer – Isezaki Ijincho East Jinnai Station, Other
  94. Big Payback – Kamurocho Underground 2F, Other
  95. Technomancer – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row
  96. Black Hat Wizard – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  97. Nameless – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row, Other
  98. Smugglebug – Isezaki Ijincho East Jinnai Station
  99. The Mule – Isezaki Ijincho East Jinnai Station, Other
  100. Scarredface – Kamurocho Underground 1F, Other
  101. False Alarmist – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  102. Phony Bookie – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  103. Master Gambler – Kamurocho, Other
  104. Poser – Isezaki Ijincho East Jinnai Station
  105. Freestylist – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park
  106. Diss Tracker – Isezaki Ijincho East Jinnai Station
  107. King Joe – Sotenbori Battle Arena
  108. Pimpmaster – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District
  109. Roguish Recruiter – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District, Other
  110. Shakedowner – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District, Other
  111. Maneating Loan Shark – Kamurocho
  112. Bomb Bug – Sotenbori, Other
  113. Iceonist – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  114. Bombardier – Isezaki Ijincho West Jinnai Station, Other
  115. Escapist – Isezaki Ijincho Sewer 2F, Other
  116. Feral Felon – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row, Other
  117. Twisted Mind – Sotenbori Battle Arena, Other
  118. Unboxer – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  119. Headguardian – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  120. Prizedfighter – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  121. The Death Knuckle – Sotenbori, Other
  122. Hollow Follower – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  123. Shady Minister – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  124. Fishy Founder – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  125. unanugget Messiah – Kamurocho Underground 2F, Other
  126. Spirited Medium – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown
  127. Blind Seer – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  128. Mister Six – Kamurocho Undergroung 1F, Other
  129. Pocketing Watchman – Isezaki Ijincho Bar District, Other
  130. Officer of the Lawless – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown, Other
  131. False Security – Sotenbori, Other
  132. Subjugation-kun – Sotenbori Battle Arena, Other
  133. Baseball Diehard – Isezaki Ijincho North Jinnai Station, Other
  134. Rabblerouser – Isezaki Ijincho North Jinnai Station
  135. Massacre Mascot – Kamurocho Underground 2F, Other
  136. Shade Thrower – Isezaki Ijincho North Jinnai Station, Other
  137. Hands Catcher – Isezaki Ijincho North Jinnai Station, Other
  138. Assaulting Batter – Sotenbori
  139. Purger of Filth – Isezaki Ijincho Sewer 3F, Other
  140. Pest Control Freak – Isezaki Ijincho Sewer 2F, Other
  141. Broke Breakman – Isezaki Ijincho West Jinnai Station, Other
  142. The Dark Sweeper – Kamurocho Underground 2F, Other
  143. Twitchy Steamer – Isezaki Ijincho West Jinnai Station, Other
  144. Popup Paparazzo – Isezaki Ijincho North Jinnai Station
  145. Voyeurchin – Kamurocho Underground 1F, Other
  146. Creeper Peeper – Sotenbori Battle Arena
  147. Skaterboi – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park
  148. Trickmaster – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  149. The Wheelman – Kamurocho Underground 1F, Other
  150. New Aged Hippie – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  151. Peacemaker – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park
  152. Bohemiarch – Kamurocho, Other
  153. Shillboard – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District
  154. Killboard – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District
  155. Inbulnera-Billboard – Kamurocho, Other
  156. Japan Bleacher – Isezaki Ijincho Jinnai Station
  157. Beefcake – Isezaki Ijincho Sewer 2F, Other
  158. Gym Rat – Isezaki Ijincho Sewer 3F
  159. Brawnwarden – Kamurocho Underground 2F
  160. Pompadork – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  161. Rockabillian – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  162. Jonny Gale – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  163. The Twister – Kamurocho, Other
  164. City Slicker – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District
  165. Grease Monk – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District
  166. Pornogra-Pharoah – Kamurocho, Other
  167. Imp Patient – Isezaki Ijincho West Jinnai Station, Other
  168. Pandemicist – Isezaki Ijincho West Jinnai Station, Other
  169. The Outlier – Kamurocho Underground 2F
  170. Turncoat Titillator – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  171. Flash Mobber – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  172. Crotchety Geezer – Kamurocho, Other
  173. Automoburglar – Isezaki Ijincho Jinnai Station, Other
  174. Safe Crackpot – Isezaki Ijincho Jinnai Station, Other
  175. Undertaker – Isezaki Ijincho Sewer 3F, Other
  176. Crabby Sentinel – Sotenbori, Other
  177. Pier Reviewer – Isezaki Ijincho Sewer 2F, Other
  178. Captain Cruncher – Kamurocho Underground 2F, Other
  179. Slugger – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row, Other
  180. Battering Batter – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row, Other
  181. Grand Slammer – Kamurocho Millennium Tower
  182. Eccentrickster – Sotenbori Battle Arena
  183. Tinkersman – Sotenbori Battle Arena, Other
  184. Edison of Anarchy – Kamurocho Millennium Tower, Other
  185. Dancin’ Fool – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park
  186. Beat Dropper – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park
  187. Emperor of Funk – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  188. Restless Otaku – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road
  189. Bag Toter – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road
  190. Otaku-at-Arms – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road, Other
  191. Bobcutter – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road, Other
  192. Fashion Police – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road, Other
  193. Bonsaientist – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road
  194. Weaponologist – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  195. Death Merchant – Kamurocho, Other
  196. Forsaken Samurai – Sotenbori Battle Arena, Other
  197. Poacher Egghead – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other (by himself – found on boardwalk/deck west of Dragon Kart)
  198. Spearheader – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  199. The Shadow Diver – Sotenbori Battle Arena
  200. Pseudotrash – Isezaki Ijincho Commercial District, Other
  201. Toxic Wastoid – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown
  202. Gifted Gatherer – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row
  203. Ramblin’ Man – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road
  204. Guitarsbane – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road
  205. Metal Headsman – Isezaki Ijincho Isezaki Road, Other
  206. Shaman – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  207. Bedeviler – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  208. High Necromancer – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park, Other
  209. Excavator – Isezaki Ijincho Sewer 1F (substory)
  210. Catherine – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park (substory)
  211. Charlotte – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park (substory)
  212. Sojimaru – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park (substory)
  213. Seiso Shogun – Isezaki Ijincho Sewer 3F
  214. Jo Sawashiro – Kamurocho, Other (boss)
  215. Zheng – Isezaki Ijincho Commercial District, Other (boss)
  216. Yamato Totsuka – Isezaki Ijincho East Jinnai Station, Other (boss)
  217. Foreman – Isezaki Ijincho Yokohama Trading Company Warehouse, Other (boss)
  218. Mamoru Takabe – Isezaki Ijincho Restaurant Row (boss)
  219. Joon-gi Han – Isezaki Ijincho Geomijul Interior (boss)
  220. Akira Mabuchi – Isezaki Ijincho North Jinnai Station, Other (boss)
  221. Wrecking Ball Crane – Isezaki Ijincho (boss)
  222. Reiji Ishioda – Isezaki Ijincho Geomijul Interior, Other (boss)
  223. Nanba – Isezaki Ijincho Geomijul Interior (boss)
  224. Qing Jin Manager – Isezaki Ijincho Qing Jin (boss)
  225. Man-Eating Beast King – Isezaki Ijincho Qing Jin (boss)
  226. Matoba – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District (boss)
  227. Goro Majima – Osaka Omi Alliance HQ (boss)
  228. Taiga Saejima – Osaka Omi Alliance HQ (boss)
  229. Kazuma Kiryu – Isezaki Ijincho Geomijul Interior (boss)
  230. Mirror Mask – Isezaki Ijincho Ishioda’s Hideout (boss)
  231. Yosuke Tendo – Kamurocho Millennium Tower (boss)
  232. Ryo Aoki – Kamurocho Millennium Tower (boss)
  233. Piss Wizard – Isezaki Ijincho Commercial District (substory)
  234. Machiavellian Manager – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District (substory)
  235. Susumu-chan – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District (substory)
  236. Mr. Masochist – Isezaki Ijincho Red Light District (substory)
  237. Il Yu-Jin – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown (substory)
  238. Tsuzuki – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown (substory)
  239. Jiei-san – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown (substory)
  240. Red Sujimon – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown (substory)
  241. Blue Sujimon – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown (substory)
  242. Green Sujimon – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown (substory)
  243. Fauxno Michio – Isezaki Ijincho Chinatown (substory)
  244. Gomi – Isezaki Ijincho Commercial District (substory)
  245. Clara and her Excavator – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park (substory)
  246. Tosanoyama – Isezaki Ijincho Bar District (substory)
  247. Guttersniper – Isezaki Ijincho Bar District (substory)
  248. Locker Warlock – Isezaki Ijincho Bar District (substory)
  249. Hiro – Isezaki Ijincho North Jinnai Station (substory)
  250. Middling Manager – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park (substory)
  251. Traitorous Trader – Isezaki Ijincho Hamakita Park (substory)
  252. Sujimon Sensei – Isezaki Ijincho Koreatown (After you collect all the above, you’ll receive a message from him. When you do, head to his office and defeat him.)


Reward for completing the Sujidex: Eye of the Dragon (accessory that boosts HP by 75 and MP by 25) and you become a Sujimon Master!



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – The Lone Survivor

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 15 – After doing all the romance option substories (14. Something Worth Protecting, 47. Girl of My Dreams, 48. Shared Vision, 49. Certified Lover, 50. Pillow Chat and 51. The Real Me), head up to the second floor of Survive Bar and approach the bed to trigger a cutscene.

During the cutscene, you’ll be given the following options:


  • It’s Saeko’s gift.
  • Doesn’t that belong to the bartender?
  • I have no idea what that is!


Select whatever option you’d like as they all lead to the same thing!

Reward: Massive defense boost



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Pillow Chat

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 15 – Speak with Iroha at Survive Bar

The first time you speak with her, give her 1 bouquet of roses, which you can obtain from Survive Bar or purchase from Flowers 2 Go in Hamakita Park. The second time you speak with her, you’ll need to give her 5 bouquets of roses. In order to speak with her the third time, your Charisma will need to be at level 10. If needed, you can raise your Charisma using You, Unleashed, which can be purchased from the Can Quest. When you’re able to speak with her, hand over 10 bouquets of roses. Once you do that, speak with her one last time!

Reward: Iroha can now be hired in Management



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Something Worth Protecting

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 15 – Speak with Sumire at Romance Workshop

The first time you speak with her, hand over 1 bonsai. The second time you’ll need to hand over 5 bonsai. In order to speak with her a third time, you’ll need to have level 10 Passion. Once you’ve achieved that, speak with Sumire and hand over 10 bonsai. In order to proceed with the next part, you’ll need to have maxed out the shop. When you do, exit the shop to trigger a cutscene that leads to a battle. Defeat all the enemies.

Reward: Sumire can now be hired in Management



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – The Real Me

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 15 – Speak with Ririka at Hello Work

The first time you speak with her hand over 1 bouquet of pansies. The second time you speak with her hand over 5 bouquets of pansies. In order to speak with her a third time, you’ll need to have level 10 Confidence. Once you’re able to speak with her again, hand over 10 bouquets of pansies! Afterwards, make sure you have changed through all of Kasuga’s jobs. To confirm you’ve done this, make sure there are none that say “Inexperienced”. Don’t forget to scroll down since Kasuga has a total of 10 jobs. Once you’ve confirmed this, exit Hello Jobs and leave the area then return to trigger a cutscene outside Hello Jobs.

Reward: Ririka can now be hired in Management



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Certified Lover

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 15 – Speak with Miyakoshi at Ounabara Vocational School

The first time you speak with her hand over 1 bouquet of lilies. The second time you speak with her hand over 5 bouquets of lilies. In order to speak with her a third time, you’ll need to have completed all the tests and have level 10 Intellect. When you can talk with her a third time, hand over 10 bouquets of lilies!

Reward: Certificate of Completion and Manae Miyakoshi can be hired in Management