Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Mounts

by Chappie in


Below are the mounts that can be found at War’s Den in Immortals Fenyx Rising!



This mount can be found slightly northwest of the Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point.



This mount can be found at the bottom of the chasm in the southern part of Ajax’s Fort.



This mount can be found north of the Sanctuary of Erebos vault in southern War’s Den.



This mount can be found in the northern part of Ajax’s Fort near the epic chest.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Guarded Chests

by Chappie in


Below are the guarded chests that can be found at War’s Den in Immortals Fenyx Rising! *NOTE: We believe the items in the chests are randomly generated or the items might be given in a certain order based on the number of chests you’ve opened already.


This guarded chest can be found in the north central part of War’s Den.

Defeat the enemies guarding the chest to unseal it.


This guarded chest can be found in the far northwestern corner of War’s Den along a wall.

Defeat the enemies guarding the chest to unseal it.


This guarded chest can be found southeast of the God of War statue near a giant statue stuck in the ground with an arrow coming out of its hand.

Defeat the enemies guarding the chest to unseal it.


This guarded chest can be found at the base of a giant statue just south of the Big Lyre Myth Challenge.

Defeat the enemies guarding the chest to unseal it.


This guarded chest can be found west of Giant’s Fall fast travel point.

Defeat the enemies guarding the chest to unseal it.


This guarded chest can be found in the far western part of War’s Den along the border with Valley of Eternal Spring.

Defeat the enemies guarding the chest to unseal it.


This guarded chest can be found near the center of Ajax’s Fort.

Once the minotaur comes off of the platform a ring of lasers will spawn. You can always place a clone of yourself on it to deactivate them. Defeat the enemies guarding the chest to unseal it.


This guarded chest can be found on the eastern side of Ajax’s Fort.

Defeat the enemies guarding the chest to unseal it.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Epic Chests

by Chappie in


Below are the epic chests that can be found at War’s Den in Immortals Fenyx Rising! *NOTE: We believe the items in the chests are randomly generated or the items might be given in a certain order based on the number of chests you’ve opened already.


This chest can be found on the large island to the east of War’s Den.

To open the chest, you’ll need to ride the air current to a ledge across the way. Smash the breakable wall in the little building to find some metal cubes. Stand on the circular platform and throw a cube onto the newly revealed platform to the right of the chest. Once you make it onto the platform the chest will unseal.


This epic chest can be found northeast of Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point on the side of the cliff.

To unlock the chest you’ll need to head south across the ocean to find a lever on a rock. Pull the lever then quickly make your way to the chest using the columns in the water and the air current. Once you make it before time runs out, open the chest.


This epic chest can be found north of the Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point.

To open the gate, place a weight on top of the lightweight platforms on each side of the chest.


This epic chest can be found south of the Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point.

To open the chest, you’ll need to work the 2 metal cubes inside the structure onto the platforms that are also inside to open 2 gates. You’ll then need to pull the cube that was closest to the gate towards you by first standing on the south side and pulling it towards you then standing on the east to again pull it to you. While still on the east side, pull the other cube towards you as well. The gate will close sealing it off from the other cube but that is ok. You’re going to want to move this cube onto the platform that the previous cube was on by standing on the north side to pull it. This will reopen the other gate allowing you to pull the cube that’s not on the platform. Work this cube towards the platform near the chest. Once you make it to this platform, the chest will unlock.


This epic chest can be found east of the God of War fast travel point.

To unseal the barrier, stand on the circular platform then throw the giant metal cube into the hole. Head around back to open the chest.


This epic chest can be found northwest of the Giant’s Fall fast travel point in the belly of a giant statue.

To unseal the chest, head to the mountain across from it then light the braziers behind the lasers using an Apollo’s Arrow. You’ll need to light the one on the far right first, then the one closest to the lasers and lastly the one above the chest. Head back across and open the chest.


This epic chest can be found in the far western part of War’s Den near the border with Valley of Eternal Spring and Gates of Tartaros.

To unseal the barrier, first head into the cave on the left side of it. Jump through the hole in the ceiling just past the 2 barriers. Push the cube through the hole in the floor and follow it down. Place it on the platform next to the pedestal to cause lasers to spawn. Rush through the lasers then go into the space that was previously blocked by the barrier. Stand on the platform and pull the cube to you so it now rests on this platform. Again bash through the laser then activate the pedestal. Afterwards, head to the cave on the other side of the chest. To know which order to step on the platforms, look on the wall. Start on the platform to the left of the pedestal then follow the direction the arrows are pointing. Once you’ve stepped on all the platforms, activate the pedestal then inside the middle cave to open the chest.


This epic chest can be found on the southwestern coast of War’s Den.

To raise the gate, look inside and shoot both of the targets. Once inside, stand on the platform then dash to the chest.


This epic chest can be found on the southern coast of War’s Den just southeast of the Sanctuary of Erebos vault.

To open the barrier, you’ll need to head to the island across from the chest to pull a lever then hop across the columns to reach the chest before times runs out. Head inside once the barrier has been removed to open the chest.


This epic chest can be found on the western side of Ajax’s Fort.

To open the entrance, you’ll need to head up the hill past a lit brazier trapped behind a barrier to a circular pedestal on a column. Use an Apollo’s Arrow to then light the 2 braziers by the entrance. Head down the hill and go inside to smash the breakable wall. Look above the door to find a tiny fire. You’ll need to shoot an Apollo’s Arrow to through this fire and navigate the tiny space behind it to light another brazier at the end. Proceed forward and open the chest.


This epic chest can be found in the northwestern corner of Ajax’s Fort.

To raise the gate, head across the broken walkway towards the lit brazier. Use this brazier and Apollo’s Arrow to light the braziers on either side of the gate. Once both have been lit, head inside to open the chest.


This epic chest can be found in the northern part of Ajax’s Fort.

To unseal the barrier, start by throwing the metal cube up on the ledge above the entrance. Next, pull the lever in front of the entrance then sprint around the lasers to make it inside the entrance before time runs out. Once your inside the building, head to the second level then pull the lever. Pull the cube that you previously threw up there through the barrier before time runs out. Place that cube and a clone of yourself on the platforms inside to release the chest.


This epic chest can be found in the northern part of Ajax’s Fort.

To unlock the chest, first smash the breakable wall on the left side of the third level. Head back down to the bottom floor and stand on the circular platform to the left of the chest to grab the cube inside. Head to the walkway above the entrance then stand on that circular platform and throw the cube inside where the barrier was. Climb up to the top right of the structure and pull the cube towards you to get it to drop down to the next level. Head to the opposite side and pull the cube towards you so that it rests on a barrier. This is the tricky part. Drop down to the next level below and pull the lever then quickly jump back up to the upper lever and pull it to release the cube. You’ll then need to drop down to the second level and pull the cube towards you as it falls. With the hard part over, head to the opposite side to pull the cube towards you. It will fall to the next level onto the platform below allowing you to open the chest.


This epic chest can be found in the eastern part of Ajax’s Fort.

To unlock the chest, start by pulling the level on the bottom floor then quickly making your way up to the circular platform on the right no longer blocked by lasers. Once on the platform, shoot the target directly across from you behind the gated wall to raise a gate on the next level above. Jump to that level to pull the level there then quickly make your way to the next circular platform no longer blocked by lasers. Once on that platform, use Apollo’s Arrow to shoot an arrow through the gated wall next to you then swing it right to hit the target. This will unseal the chest. Head to the middle of the next level up to open the chest.


This epic chest can be found on the southeastern side of Ajax’s Fort.

To begin, head up to the top level of the building containing the chest and smash the breakable wall to reveal the order for lighting the braziers. Head back down to the lever and pull it. Start on the far right side and light the middle brazier. Then light the brazier closest to you in the middle row. Lastly, for the last row on your right, light the brazier farthest from you.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – Sight Unseen

by Chappie in


You can obtain this quest while traversing King’s Peak as part of the story. Along the path you’ll see a pedestal next to a statue near a broken bridge where a large enemy spawns. Help the guys take it out then activate the pedestal to trigger the quest. You’ll need to follow the stares of the statues so head down into the chasm. When you reach the end, you’ll come to a chest in a cave. Open it to receive the Greedy One-Eyed Giant Helm and complete the quest.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – Pay-Bagock

by Chappie in


This side quest is obtained automatically as part of the story. Follow the objectives southeast of Ajax’s Fort then defeat the enemy at each location to gather their armor. Once you’ve collected the armor travel to the Forge of the Gods in The Forgelands and approach the fire in the forge. After a brief cutscene, you’ll need to defeat the Legendary Brute of Tartaros. Afterwards, return to Ares at the Hall of the Gods to complete the quest.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – The Forgelands Big & Small Lyres Myth Challenge

by Chappie in


Big Lyre

The big lyre can be found northeast of The God of the Forge fast travel point.

To play the big lyre, you’ll need to first find the 3 small lyres scattered around The Forgelands. They will give you the order of the strings to play on the big lyre. At the big lyre, shoot the strings with arrows in the correct order to receive Coins of Charon.


Small Lyres

This lyre can be found in the south central part of The Forgelands.

To remove the barrier, you’ll need to pull the lever then use Apollo’s Arrow to shoot all 3 unlit braziers. Once the braziers have been lit, you’ll be able to play the lyre. The order of the strings is 1323.


This lyre can be found on the southside of the island east of The Forgelands.

To unlock the barrier, head northwest along the path to find an object between 2 statues. Carry the object back to the barrier and place it on the pedestal. Head inside to play the lyre. The order of the strings is 321.


This lyre can be found north of The Aqueducts fast travel point.

To access it, you’ll need to get both of the giant metal cubes down into the slit with the 2 lasers. If you have the Heavy Lifting ability, you can simply toss them in there. Once both are on the platforms, activate the pedestal to play the lyre. The order of the strings is 1413.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – A Debt Repaid

by Chappie in


You’ll obtain this quest after completing The Name of Love and Eagle Eye side quests. Follow the objective to the Valley of Eternal Spring near Athena’s Sanctuary to reach treasure room, which is inside the Daidalos’s Treasury vault. Make your way through the vault to reach the Godly Griffin Lieutenant. Defeat it to trigger a cutscene and complete the quest.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – The Name of Love

by Chappie in


Location: War’s Den

Objective: Find a clue leading to Daidalos’s Treasure

After completing the Bolt from the Blue side quest, you’ll receive this quest. Head to the objective slightly northeast of the God of War fast travel point to trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene, head to the circular platform and use Apollo’s Arrow to light the 2 braziers on the first level of each of the golden buildings. Move a giant metal cube onto the platform to unseal the clue. Interact with the clue to trigger another cutscene and complete the quest.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – Hammer Baby

by Chappie in


Pick up the item down the path (northwest) from the small lyre myth challenge on the island to the east of The Forgelands to receive the quest. You’ll then need to carry the item up to the platform in front of the small lyre. After you place the item, follow the objective to the north to investigate Hera’s throne. Stand on the seat of the throne to complete the quest.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – The Forgelands Constellation Myth Challenge

by Chappie in


Auriga Constellation

This constellation can be found in the northeast corner of The Forgelands.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. The first orb can be found right next to the puzzle in a little nook covered in corruption. R2 the corruption then retrieve the orb.


2. Jump to the room above the sealed orb then grab the metal cube and place it in front of the lasers. After you pass through the lasers, grab the metal cube and continue to the next set. Place this cube and a nearby cube in front of the lasers so you can pass. Do this again for the crisscrossed lasers. After you pass through the lasers, grab the orb!


3. Follow the path north of the puzzle to the middle level. Enter a building about halfway up. Head to the back room and flip the lever then quickly head into the next room before the barrier reactivates. Place the metal cube on the platform. Jump up to a higher lever with a lever. Pull the lever then jump through the hole across from you. Smash a breakable wall then jump down. This will put you at the first barrier of the puzzle. Smash the breakable wall next to the lever and enter the room to find another metal cube. Grab the cube then head back to the room above where the cube was. Throw the cube into the hole and flip the lever. Head back through the barrier then activate the lever in the next room. This will allow you to pull the cube through and drop it onto the platform. You will then be able to grab the cube.


4. Follow the path north of the puzzle to the top to arrive at a building. Break the corruption and enter the building. Defeat the 2 lions inside then retrieve the orb.


5. Head north of the puzzle to find a building on a ledge then head inside. Break the corruption to reveal a metal cube. Throw the cube through the lasers. Activate the platform on the other side then pull the cube onto the platform to release the orb.


6. A little further up from the previous orb, you’ll come across an orb trapped inside a small stand alone room. Smash the breakable wall then grab the orb!


The Aqueducts Constellation

This constellation can be found south of The Aqueducts fast travel point.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. The first orb is located in the structure to the east of the puzzle near the silver dog statue. To reach it, climb up onto the top of the building across from it (west) to find a lever. Pull the lever then glide across the gap minding the fireballs before time runs out and the barrier closes again. Head inside the small room and grab the orb!


2. & 3. The second orb is located behind a gate on top of the image on the wall showing where to place the orbs. To open the gate, you’ll need to place an orb in the slot across from the other one up there. One the gate raises, head inside and smash the breakable wall to the right of the locked orb. Use an Apollo’s Arrow to light both braziers.


4. This orb can be found to the left of the image on the wall showing where to place the orbs underneath the ground protected by lasers. Head up to the area above the lasers to find 3 giant metal cubes. Arrange the cubes on the 3 platforms then push the cube in the back up and down the slope. When it falls in the hole below, the lasers will stop allowing you to head inside. Push the cube onto the platform then grab the orb.


5. For the last orb, head to the very top of the mountain above the puzzle to find an orb trapped behind a barrier with a bunch of platforms in front of it. Look at the cow heads for the correct order of the platforms that need weights. The rocks should be placed on the following platforms:


Sisyphos’s Cage Constellation

This constellation can be found east of Sisyphos’s Cage vault in northwestern The Forgelands.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. For the first orb, smash the corruption to the left (south) of the puzzle.


2. Place the above orb into the slot right next to where you found it to raise the gate. Head inside and pull the orb in. Place it in the slot. Look to the right of the orb you just placed in the slot to find another one. Pull it towards you then head up the stairs and drop down into the hole in the floor. Pull the orb towards you again the climb back of the ceiling. Drop down towards the stairs then turn around and pull the orb towards you once more. Head down the stairs to retrieve the orb.


3. To the right of the puzzle (north) you’ll notice a red barrier with a caged orb on the left. Carry an orb up the rocks to a circular platform. Stand on the platform to remove the red barrier then throw the orb through the hole. This will enable both gates to open!


4. Head to the building above the puzzle. On the left side you’ll see a slot for an orb. Place an orb in the slot then use Apollo’s Arrow to lit the newly revealed brazier in the slot to the right of the orb you placed.


5. & 6. Head back up to the building above the puzzle and quickly jump through the lasers above the entrance to enter. Once inside, press the pedestal to remove the barrier. Grab the orb at the entrance then head into the next room and throw it behind the 2 lasers. Stand on the circular platform then shoot the target to release both gates.