by Chappie in


You’ll come to Moiro’s Carnival in Sinaro Meadow for the side quest called Moiro’s Carnival. Below are the rewards you can receive from completing them.


Western Tent Challenge

The guy in the red top hat mans the game on the western side of the carnival. When you head inside the tent, go down to the circular platform. You’ll have to stay on this platform while hanging balls crazily come at you to receive a chest containing 50 Dindi!


Large Tent Challenge

Speak with the guy standing near the large tent to begin a challenge where you have to walk along a narrow wooden path and avoid getting hit by swinging balls. When you get to the ones where you step on the ball floating in the water, wait for the swinging ball to go all the way to the left then step on it to float on by. Finish this challenge to receive 50 Dindi.


Little Girl Challenge

Speak with the little girl running around to play a game of hide and seek! She can be found in the southwestern part of the area through an archway. If you find her, she’ll give you 50 Dindi.


Treasure Chest Challenge

Speak with the guy wearing a blue and yellow hat to head inside an outhouse like building with a treasure chest on top. Inside a chest awaits with a random prize! I did it several times and got the following: Orb, Golden Bobo Statue, Small Dust Bag, Blue Liquid half bottle and 1 Dindi.



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