
Biomutant – Silo 6D Area Objectives

by Chappie in


Below are the area objectives at Silo 6D in Biomutant!


Superb Loot x1

  • In the underground area (see below)


Resource Totem x1

  • Near the northern guard station/car stopper stick


Underground Area x1

  • From the southern silo, head south to the guard shack then to the fence across the road. Jump down on the right side of the fence to reach a grass field along the foundation of the silo. Use your klonkfist to break a hole in the foundation. Please note that this fist must be level 2.




Biomutant – Shopperia 7D Area Objectives

by Chappie in


Below are the area objectives at Shopperia 7D in Biomutant!


Bioblob Container x1

  • Facing the building it is on the right side of the building (on the outside)


Superb Loot x1

  • In a filing cabinet




Biomutant – Bangshelter 7C2 Area Objectives

by Chappie in


Below are the area objectives at Bangshelter 7C2 in Biomutant!


Superb Loot x4

  • In a metal cart at the bottom of the elevator
  • In a trashcan in a breakroom
  • 2 Behind the locked door in the cave… 1 in a vending machine and 1 in cabinet





Biomutant – Grottu Area Objectives

by Chappie in


Below are the area objectives at Grottu in Biomutant!


Superb Loot x2

  • In a garbage pile in the cave
  • In the back of the cave in the trunk of a car


Mekton Wrekbox x1

  • In the back of the cave next to a car




Biomutant – Holesome Area Objectives

by Chappie in


Below are the area objectives at Holesome in Biomutant!


Superb Loot x3

  • 2 are on the ground floor of the structure in the cave behind a locked door… 1 in a chest and the other in a vending machine
  • On the bottom level of the structure in a metal table


Mekton Wrekbox x1

  • In the cave near the entrance of the structure




Biomutant – Shopperia 7A Area Objectives

by Chappie in


Below are the area objectives at Shopperia 7A in Biomutant!


Bioblob Container x1

  • On the first floor of the store


Superb Loot x2

  • In a chest on the left side
  • In a trashcan behind the counter on the right side