Astria Ascending
by Chappie in


In Astria Ascending, speak with Ophern at Uptown after you make Ulan a Black Mage to obtain the Magical Worship side quest.


Consecrate the tunic at the Pisces Temple

Fast travel to the Anun Prayer Room at the Pisces Temple then head west and go through the door. A red glowing orb will be on the ground slightly to the east. Interact with it and defeat the group of enemies.


Consecrate the tunic at the Virgo Temple

Fast travel to the Shala Prayer Room at the Virgo Temple and head east until you stumble across a red glowing orb at the top of the area. Interact with it then defeat the group of enemies.


Talk to Nobi at the Harmonia Tower

Speak with Nobi on Floor 000 at Harmonia Tower.


Investigate the Scorpio Temple


Rewards: Chrysos x1, Priest Hat x1, Elixir x3 and Lums x5,000




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