Scarlet Nexus

Scarlet Nexus – Arashi Spring’s Bond Episodes & Presents

by Chappie in


Below are the Bond Episodes for Arashi Spring during Yuito’s S in Scarlet Nexus.

  • Standby Phase 2 – Reply to her message
  • Standby Phase 6 – Reply to her message
  • Standby Phase 7 – Reply to her message
  • Standby Phase 10 – Speak with her in the hideout


Please note that the following presents can also increase the bond level and can be obtained through the Item Exchange shop:

  • Modifiable Drone
  • Debarabi Cushion
  • Plug-In Parallelization Program V
  • Plug-In Parallelization Program H
  • Fighting Game “Duel IV”
  • Ranch Escape “Poppoko Adventure”
  • Hero Figure Vol. 2
  • Large Cola Bottle Set
  • Subculture Magazine “epoch”
  • Game Grab Bag: Action 100



Scarlet Nexus

Scarlet Nexus – Kasane’s Side Quests

by Chappie in


Below are the side quests that can be found in Scarlet Nexus!


Phase 1

Top Cadet’s Prowess

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Speak with the 566th Member outside the cafe

Objective: Deliver 2 Mizuhagawa Environment C Resources

These items can be collected in Mizuhagawa District. If you collected all the environment resources when first visiting, this is likely already obtained.

Reward: Water-Proof Coating: Generic x1 (Plugin)


Standby Phase 1

Trouble With Moisture

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Speak with the City Equipment Maintenance Head

Objective: Defeat 2 Bile Pool Others with Electrokinesis active

The Bile Pools can be found in the Mizuhagawa District – Construction Site.

Reward: Special Baton Type R-2 x1 (Weapon for Shiden)


Surprise Test!

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Speak with the Examiner outside of the OSF Training Facility

Objective: Defeat 2 Vase Paws in Mid-air

The Vase Paws can be found in all areas of Kikuchiba, however, they can are super abundant around the Sub-Level. To easily complete this quest, just do rising attacks when the enemy’s HP gets low.

Reward: All: Light Jelly x3


Phase 2

Collecting Donations

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Sumeragi Tomb Grounds

Requester: Sumeragi Tomb Administrator

Objective: Deliver 2 Medium Jelly

The Medium Jelly is a green resource point that can be obtained in the Mizuhagawa District Contstruction Site. We found ours on the second floor. After taking the elevator all the way down to the bottom level (3F), continue up the stairs and head forward (instead of to the right to fight the boss). Defeat the Others and retrieve it from the ground! In Phase 2, we also found another Medium Jelly in front of the store behind the Shopping Woman. It was on West Main Street across from Sumeragi Tomb Grounds. Alternatively, you can complete the below side quest called Surprise Test Cont.

Reward: Bunny Ear Device (Black) x1


Surprise Test Cont.

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Examiner

Objective: With Brain Crush, defeat 2 Wither Sabbat

The Wither Sabbat can be found at Kikuchiba – Mid-Level Shopping District and Mizuhagawa District – Construction Site. To defeat these creatures, you can use a vending machine (L2 with psychokinesis) to knock it down then attack its weak spot on the back with melee and psychokinesis to lower the gauge. Alternatively, you can use SAS combos such as pouring water and electrokinesis. If you kill the Sabbat without Brain Crush, you will have to leave the area entirely to get it to respawn.

Reward: Medium Jelly x3


Standby Phase 2

Missed Deadline

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Speak with the Teleworker outside of the OSF Training Facility

Objective: While SAS Duplication is active, defeat 3 Plateau Pendu

The Plateau Pendu can be found at Mizuhagawa District – Construction Site.

Reward: Fun Snack Set x1 (Gift Item)


Brain Drive Training

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Speak with the OSF Platoon Commander just south of the cafe

Objective: During Brain Drive, defeat 5 Rainy Rummy

The Rainy Rummy can be found at the Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9.

Reward: All: Normalization Tablet x3


Standby Phase 4


Location: Musubi’s

Requester: Wild Animal Researcher

Objective: With Brain Crush, defeat 3 Auger Sabbat

The Auger Sabbat can be found at the Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9 – Inside Abandoned Line. There are saves near the Auger Sabbat fights, so you can use them and reload if you fail to get a Brain Crush. To easily get Brain Crushes, use Kyoka’s duplication on the Auger Sabbat from the front to break its face armor. Switch to Shiden’s Electrokinesis and use rising attacks from the front or psychokinesis from the front to boop its nose. Pay attention for water barrels to use with Psychokinesis to aid in stunning them with Electrokinesis.

Reward: Cat Ear Head (Black) x1, Animal Paw (Black) and Animal Foot (Black) x1


Standby Phase 5

Incredible Speed

Location: Seiran City – Town Center

Requester: Veteran Soldier

Objective: While SAS Hypervelocity is active, defeat 2 Bandeau Pendu

The Bandeau Pendu can be found at Kunad Highway – Suoh Exit or Junction. Activate Hypervelocity as you approach then throw an object to stun the Bandeau Pendu. Use a weapon attack to close the gap and recover some energy then quickly throw another object. This should break the gauge allowing a Brain Crush for an easy kill. Please note that if you have increased Psychokinesis gauge and/or Brain Crush SAS restore this should be easy to chain and complete.

Reward: Innocent Rabbit Hug x1 (Arashi’s Weapon)


In Need of Meds

Location: Seiran City – Town Center (outside OSF Training Facility)

Requester: Good Friend Soldier

Objective: Deliver 1 Max Jelly

You can pick up a Max Jelly from the Supernatural Life Research Facility – Museum Ruins.

Reward: Electric-Proof Barrier: Generic x1


Barrage Attack

Location: Seiran City – Town Center

Requester: Flexing Soldier

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Kyoka, defeat 2 Rat Rut

The Rat Rut can be found at Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9 – Inside Abandoned Line or Osukuni Station. Break the Rat Rut’s shell and whittle down its HP. Once its HP is low, activate the Combo Vision for Kyoka to kill or allow Brain Crush. If your teammates get in the way, either remove them from active party or change their attack behavior.

Reward: Pronghorn 94 x1 (Kyoka Weapon)


Standby Phase 6

Brain Field Data

Location: Seiran City – Town Center

Requester: Seiran Technical Researcher

Objective: In the Brain Field, defeat 2 Brawn Yawn

The Brawn Yawn can be found at Kunad Highway – Suoh Exit or Junction. Fight your way to the Brawn Yawn spawn point to build Brain Field then fight the Brawn Yawn as a standard until its low on HP. Finally, activate the Brain Field to finish it off.

Reward: Confusion Ward: Generic x1


Power Analysis

Location: Seiran City – Town Center

Requester: Group Formation Soldier

Objective: Whie SAS invisibility is active, defeat 4 Marabou Pendu

The Marabou Pendu can be found at Kikuchiba – Sub-Level Underground Facility.

Reward: Invisible Dancer v4 + x1 (Kagero’s Weapon)


Standby Phase 7

In Need of Meds

Location: Seiran City – Town Center (outside OSF Training Facility)

Requester: Good Friend Soldier

Objective: Deliver 1 Max Jelly

You can obtain a Max Jelly from the shops (starting from Standby Phase 7).

Reward: Electric-Proof Barrier: Generic x1


Fast and Quick Prep

Location: Seiran City – Town Center

Requester: Infrastructure Developer

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Arashi, defeat 1 Winery Chinery

The Winery Chinery can be found at Mizuhagawa District – Construction Site. If you can reduce the Crush Gauge, hit it with Arashi’s Combo Vision while stunned then execute a Brain Crush. This will count towards the quest. To reduce the Crush Gauge, attack its rear legs with Invisibility backstabs, Duplication and Psychokinesis attacks. Another option is to fight it normally. When its HP is low, do the following to ensure you can get the hit:

  • Activate Invisibility to stop your allies from attacking it
  • Activate Combo Vision while it does not see you
  • Change your allies AI in the Party Menu to ‘Evasive Maneuvers’ to stop them from attacking
  • Remove your AI allies from the active party in the Party Menu

Reward: Hanging Scroll “Speed” x1 (gift item)


What’s in the Box?!

Location: Seiran City – Town Center

Requester: Used Book Store Owner

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Shiden, defeat 2 Saliva Santa

The Saliva Santa can be found at Mizuhagawa District – Construction Site. An easy way to accomplish this task is to first go invisible with Kagero. Use a backstab on the weak spot to fully deplete the Crush Gauge in one strike. If this fails, quickly activate Hypervelocity and follow up with psycokinesis or physical attacks to deplete the gauge. Conversely, you can use Hypervelocity before the Saliva Santa retreats and knock it over. Afterwards, attack its weak spot. Once the Saliva Santa is stunned and awaiting a Brain Crush, quickly use a Combo Vision with Shiden. When Shiden’s animation has played out, quickly finish the foe with a Brain Crush.

Reward: Lightning Photograph x1 (gift item)


Easy Victory

Location: Seiran City – Town Center (Outside OSF Training Facility)

Requester: Spirited Soldier

Objective: With Charge Attack, defeat 3 Rat Rut

The Rat Rut can be found at Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9 – Inside Abandoned Line or Osukuni Station. The enemies in the subway should be quite weak. Break their shell then hit them with Charge Attacks only.

Reward: Oil-Proof Coating: Generic x1


Aerial Attack

Location: Seiran City – Town Center

Requester: Weeping Member

Objective: With Slam Attack, defeat 3 Barrista Santa

The Barrista Santa can be found at Kikuchiba – Sub-Level Underground Facility or Supernatural Life Research Facility – Museum Ruins.

Reward: Fire-Proof Barrier: Generic


Standby Phase 8

Busy Bee

Location: Seiran City – Town Center

Requester: Relaxed Soldier

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Kagero, defeat 3 Bandeu Pendu

The Bandeu Pendu are found at Kunad Highway – Suoh Exit or Junction. Use Hypervelocity (and Duplication) to quickly deplete the Crush Gauge. When the enemy falls, before activating Brain Crush, use Kagero’s Combo Vision. Once the Combo Vision hits, execute the enemy with a Brain Crush.

Reward: Printed Photo Stand x1


Help With Coverage

Location: Seiran City – Town Center

Requester: Journalist

Objective: With Psychokinesis Follow-Up Attack, defeat 5 Scummy Pendu

The Scummy Pendu can be found at Kikuchiba – Mid-Level Shopping District or Upper-Level Construction Site. Use a Rising Attack into a Psychokinesis Follow-Up. The enemies are weak, so this should be enough to eliminate them!

Reward: Ogre Horn (Luminous) x1


Going to Togetsu

Location: Musubi’s – Restaurant Interior

Requester: Togetsu Faith Hopeful

Objective: During Brain Drive, defeat 5 Session Pound

The Session Pound can be found at Hieno Mountain and this challenge is exceptionally annoying. Do your best to manage the Brain Drive gauge to being close to activating in a major fight. We recommend an arena near the Psychokinetic snowboarding section. Killing so many weak enemies quickly builds Brain Drive. Just be sure to not go over. Alternatively, a method requiring Concurrent SAS skill is to use Electrokinesis and Duplication at the same time at range. If you manage to hit the Session Pound from afar, it’ll be knocked down. Follow up (made easier with Brain Drive) with another Psychokinesis attack and you should deplete the Crush Gauge allowing Brain Crush. You’ll need to hurry, though. The Session Pound will explode shortly after being knocked down after the first Psychokinesis attack. You can also use Hypervelocity and the Ice Pillars to drain their Crush Gauge in one move. Otherwise, try to use Contextual (L2) Psychokinesis in the environment to drain their health/Crush Gauge before they detonate. We highly recommend using Hypervelocity to give you as much time as possible to deplete Crush Gauge or HP before they explode. As a result, SAS Refuel Drinks are handy here to keep Hypervelocity charged.

Reward: Full-Face Mask (Luminous) x1


Standby Phase 9

Please Collect Intel

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Beginner Council Secretary

Objective: Deliver 2 Kunad Highway Environment C

This item can be found at Kunad Highway.

Reward: Health Boost: Mk IV x1


Power to Repel

Location: Seiran City – Town Center

Requester: Karen Worshipper

Objective: With intercept, defeat 3 Kitchen Rummy

The Kitchen Rummy can be found at Kikuchiba – Sub-Level Underground Facility. Use Standard melee attacks to bring down the HP to roughly 5% – 10%. From there, it’s up to executing the perfect dodge and getting the intercept prompt. So long as the HP is low enough, the intercept shot should kill it. If your allies are getting in the way, you can change their AI or remove active members to focus on dodging.

Reward: Breastplate (Luminous) x1


Seeking Your Advice

Location: OSF Hospital – Lobby

Requester: 567th New Recruit

Objective: With Psychokinesis Finish, defeat 5 Cushion Pound

The Cushion Pound can be found at Supernatural Life Research Facility – Museum Ruins. Use the contextual Psychokinesis attacks with the statues then use the statues to crush the armor of the Cushion Pound, break the shell and down it. Afterwards, activate Duplication and follow up with a Psychokinetic attack. This should lower the Crush Gauge allowing for a Brain Crush to finish the enemy. If the Psychokinesis attack does not involve the item going straight up and crashing down, you did not execute a Psychokinesis finisher and it will not count.

Reward: OSF Armband Vision (Black) x1


Standby Phase 10

Even a Small Guy…

Location: Seiran City – Town Center

Requester: OSF – Hopeful Girl

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Luka, defeat 1 Booger Sabbat

The Booger Sabbat can be found at Arahabaki Secure Site. The easiest strategy is the same old Deplete Crush Gauge, hit Combo Vision and execute Brain Crush. Otherwise, simply lower HP to 5% or so and hit with the Combo Vision.

Reward: Adjustable Dumbbell x1


Disaster Prevention

Location: Seiran City – Town Center

Requester: Stall Proprietress

Objective: Use Combo Vision with Hanabi, defeat 3 Fuel Pool

The Fuel Pool can be found at Kikuchiba – Mid-Level Shopping District or Upper-Level Construction Site and Supernatural Life Research Facility – Museum Ruins. For this one, break the Crush Gauge, hit the stunned enemy with the Combo Vision and execute a Brain Crush. Duplication is recommended for lowing the Crush Gauge. You can use Pyrokinesis, but be careful to not let the SAS meter fall under 60% or you can’t activate the Combo Vision. Alternatively, fight them normally. When low on HP, use the Combo Vision to finish them off.

Reward: Simple Candle x1


Forecaster’s Hunch

Location: Musubi’s

Requester: Young Other Forecaster

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Tsugumi, defeat 1 Winery Chinery

The Winery Chinery can be found at Mizuhagawa District – Construction Site. Use the “Deplete Crush Gauge, hit Combo Vision and execute Brain Crush” strategy. Otherwise, the same rules apply. Lower the HP to roughly 5% and then use the Combo Vision. Be careful not to overuse the SAS gauge you need for the Combo Vision.

Reward: Brain Field Gear x1, SAS Refueling Drink x1


Standby Phase 11

Psychokinesis x Psychokinesis

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: OSF Data Lover

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Yuito, defeat 2 Barrista Santa

The Barrista Santa can be found in Kikuchiba – Sub-Level Underground Facility or Supernatural Life Research Facility – Museum Ruins.

Reward: Baki Floor Light x1



Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Flower Shop Owner

Objective: While SAS Clairvoyance is active, defeat 3 Doppel Pool

The Doppel Pool can be found at Togetsu – BABE Entrance.

Reward: Meditative Flower Painting x1


Good Ol’ Iron Wall

Location: OSF Hospital – Lobby

Requester: Retired Troop Member

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Gemma, defeat 2 Auger Sabbat

The Auger Sabbat can be found at Abandoned Subway: Suoh – Inside Abandoned Line or Togetsu – BABE Entrance.

Reward: Home Medicine “Health for Tomorrow” x1


New Game +

For the Exhibition

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Exhibit Staff

Objective: With SAS Electrokinesis active, defeat 3 Session Pound. In mid-air, defeat 3 Rainy Rummy.

The Session Pound can be found in the Hieno Mountain or Sumeragi Tomb – 4. Memories of Pursuit. The Rainy Rummy can be found at the Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9 – Inside Abandoned Line or Hieno Mountain.

Reward: Phantom Art: Catfish x1


Want to Learn More

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Male Shiroyama Fan

Objective: While SAS Duplication is active, defeat 2 Juttie Chinery. With Psychokinesis Follow-Up Attack, defeat 2 Winery Chinery.

The Juttie Chinery can be found at Hieno Mountain or Sumeragi Tomb – 7. Memories of Impasse. The Winery Chinery can be found at Mizuhagawa – Construction Site or Sumeragi Tomb – 2. Memories of Fighting.

Reward: Phantom Art: Honey Bee x1


Enchanted by Weapons

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – OSF Training Facility

Requester: Weapon Specialist

Objective: While SAS Hypervelocity is active, defeat 2 Grin Yawn. With a Perfect Dodge Attack, defeat 4 Vase Paws

The Grin Yawn can be found at Togetsu – BABE – Floor of Reason or Sumeragi Tomb – 1. Memories of the Beginning. The Vase Paws can be found at Kikuchiba – Mid-Level Shopping District or Arahabaki Secure Site – Bridge of Purity.

Reward: Phant Art: Horse x1


The Other in a Dream

Location: Musubi’s

Requester: Nightmare-Having Soldier

Objective: While SAS Psychokinesis is active, defeat 3 Saliva Santa

The Saliva Santa can be found at Mizuhagawa – Construction Site or Togetsu – BABE Entrance.

Reward: Combat Experience Assist x1


Help with a Report

Location: OSF Hospital – Lobby

Requester: Art Student

Objective: While SAS Invisibility is active, defeat 3 Base Paws. With Brain Crush, defeat 3 Saws Paws.

The Base Paws can be found at Arahabaki Secure Site – Hallowed Grounds or Sumeragi Tomb – 3. Memories of Longing. The Saws Paws can be found at Arahabaki Secure Site – Worship Hall or Sumeragi Tomb – 5. Memories of Rebellion.

Rewards: Phantom Art: Lizard x1



Scarlet Nexus

Scarlet Nexus – Kasane’s Bond Episodes & Presents

by Chappie in


Below are the Bond Episodes for Kasane during Yuito’s Story in Scarlet Nexus.

  • Standby Phase 1 – Interact with the table in the middle of the living room to receive a message. Respond to it to start the Bond Episode during which you’ll need to look for Seto’s fountain pen in the Upper-Level Construction Site at Kikuchiba. The pen can be obtained on Floor 3 of the Upper-Level Construction Site after defeating the enemies in the area where the boss was.
  • Standby Phase 5 – Reply to her message
  • Standby Phase 9 – Speak with her in the hideout
  • Standby Phase 10 – Speak with her in the hideout
  • Standby Phase 11 – Speak with her in the hideout


Please note that the following presents can also increase the bond level and can be obtained through the Item Exchange shop:

  • First Aid Kit
  • Sewing Kit
  • Plug-In Parallelization Program V
  • Plug-In Parallelization Program H
  • Corkboard (2)
  • Poem Collection “First Love and the Maiden”
  • Hanging Scroll “Conviction”
  • Passionate Flower Planting
  • Red Drink Bottle
  • Natural Photo Frame



Scarlet Nexus

Scarlet Nexus – Hanabi’s Bond Episodes & Presents

by Chappie in


Below are the Bond Episodes for Hanabi during Yuito’s Story in Scarlet Nexus.

  • Standby Phase 1 – Speak with her in the hideout
  • Standby Phase 3 – Speak with her in the hideout
  • Standby Phase 7 – Speak with her in the hideout
  • Standby Phase 9 – Speak with her in the hideout. Afterwards, you’ll be transported to the Old OSF Hospital. Head down to the basement to stumble across the Woman in White. After the cutscene, you’ll engage in a battle. Defeat the enemies to trigger another cutscene.
  • Standby Phase 11 – Speak with her in the hideout


Please note that the following presents can also increase the bond level and can be obtained through the Item Exchange shop:

  • Fashion Magazine “RUMOR”
  • Plug-In Parallelization Program V
  • Luxury Oil
  • Squash Racket
  • Rare Antique Lamp
  • Red Cushion
  • Pink Drink Bottle
  • Plug-In Parallelization Program H
  • Colored Candle
  • Starry Sky Vision



Scarlet Nexus

Scarlet Nexus – Yutio’s Side Quests

by Chappie in


Below are the quests that can be found in Scarlet Nexus!


Phase 1 Trusting the Path to the Future

Don’t get Cocky

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester:  During the “Go to the site of the distress signal” objective, speak with the 566th Member near the save point on the north side of the area.

Objective: Deliver 2 Kikuchiba Environment C

These items can be collected in the Kikuchiba: Mid-Level Shopping District.

Reward: Oil-Proof Coating: Generic x1


Standby Phase 1

Surprise Test!

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester:  Speak with the Examiner near the save point on the north side of the area.

Objective: In mid-air, defeat 2 Vase Paws

The Vase Paws can be found near the beginning of Kikuchiba: Mid-Level Shopping District

Reward: All: Light Jelly x3


Trouble with Fire

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Speak with the City Equipment Maintenance Head on the south side of the area.

Objective: While SAS pyrokinesis is active, defeat 2 Fuel Pool

The Fuel Pods can be found near the beginning of Kikuchiba: Mid-Level Shopping District.

Reward: Prometheus Torch Type 2 x 1


Phase 2 Days of Disquieting Stagnation

Because It’s Good!

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Speak with the Gluttonous Troop Member in the northern part of the area near the western walkway at the be.

Objective: Deliver 2 Medium Jelly

You can obtain Medium Jelly as the reward for completing the Surprise Test Cont. quest which is unlocked after the training mission.

Reward: Bunny Ear Device (Red) x1


Surprise Test Cont.

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Speak with the Examiner in the southwestern part of the area during the Go to Sumeragi Tomb story objective.

Objective: Defeat 2 Wither Sabbats with Brain Crush

A Wither Sabbats (goat-looking Other) can be found in the northwestern Mizuhagawa District in the Construction Site or Floor 2 at the Kikuchiba Mid-Level Shopping District. There is only one so you’ll have to leave the area and come back to cause the other to respawn. We found this one easier to do in the shopping district.

Reward: Medium Jelly x3


Standby Phase 2

Human-like, but Not

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Relief Corps Member

Objective: During Brain Drive, defeat 5 Buddy Rummy

The Buddy Rummy can be found at the Mizuhagawa District – Construction Site.

Reward: All: Normalization Tablet x3


Standby Phase 3

Steel Body

Location: Musubi’s – Restaurant Interior

Requester: Frustrated Troop Member

Objective: While SAS sclerokinesis is active, defeat 1 Auger Sabbat

The Auger Sabbats can be found at Mizuhagawa District – Construction Site and Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9 – Inside Abandoned Line.

Reward: Gauntlets: Peerless Adam T3 x1


Standby Phase 4

Responsibility Issue

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Complaining Man

Objective: Deliver 1 Max Jelly

The Max Jelly can be found at the Supernatural Life Research Facility – Museum Ruins on 2F as a Resource Reading during the “Investigate the interior of the Supernatural Life Research Facility” objective.

Reward: Fire-Proof Barrier: Generic x1


Phase 5 A Changed World and Creeping Unease

Eyes that See All

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Security Chief Soldier

Objective: While SAS clairvoyance is active, defeat 2 Saws Paws

The Saws Paws can be found at Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9 – Hirasaka Station Entrance/Exit.

Reward: Blank Plant Observation Journal x1


Destroy the Shell

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: During the “Talk to Luka in Kikuchiba” objective, speak with the Depressed Soldier.

Objective: With Charge Attack, defeat 3 Rat Rut

The Rat Ruts can be found at Kunad Highway – Suoh Exit and Junction. Please note that Charge Attack is a skill that you need to purchase under the Expand tree on the Brain Map.

Reward: Water-Proof Coating: Generic x1


Standby Phase 5

The Urge to Train

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Sports Gym Owner

Objective: While SAS sclerokinesis is active, defeat 3 Brawn Yawn

The Brawn Yawn can be found at the Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9 – Hirasaka Station Entrance/Exit and Kunad Highway – Suoh Exit.

Reward: Famous Select Alcohol Set x1


For a Teammate

Location: OSF Hospital

Requester: 567th New Recruit

Objective: While SAS teleportation is active, defeat 4 Marabou Pendu

The Marabou Pendu can be found at Kikuchiba – Sub-Level Underground Facility.

Reward: Weight Hammer v4 x1



Location: Musubi’s

Requester: Wild Animal Researcher

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Gemma, defeat 1 Auger Sabbat

The Auger Sabbats can be found at Mizuhagawa District – Construction Site and Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9 – Inside Abandoned Line. In order to do the Combo Vision with Gemma, your bond level must be level 3.

Reward: Cat Ear Head (Red) x1, Animal Paw (Red) x1 and Animal Foot (Red) x1


Fire with Fire

Location: Musubi’s

Requester: OSF Soldier’s Older Sister

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Hanabi, defeat 3 Kitchen Rummy

The Kitchen Rummy can be found at Kunad Highway – Suoh Exit and Junction. In order to do the Combo Vision with Hanabi, your bond level must be level 3.

Reward: Luxury Oil x1


Standby Phase 6

Infinite Multiplying

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – OSF Training Facility

Requester: OSF Platoon Commander

Objective: While SAS clairvoyance is active, defeat 2 Doppel Pool

The Doppel Pool can be found at Kikuchiba – Sub-Level Underground Facility.

Reward: Lily Bell M20-4 C x1


Brain Field Data

Location: OSF Hospital

Requester: OSF Technical Researcher

Objective: In the Brain Field, defeat 3 Wither Sabbat

The Wither Sabbat can be found at Kikuchiba – Sub-Level Underground Facility, Mid-Level Shopping District and Upper-Level Construction Site.

Reward: Confusion Ward: Generic x1


Standby Phase 7

Vision and Reflexes

Location: Musubi’s

Requester: Other Response Corps Soldier

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Tsugumi, defeat 1 Barrista Santa

The Barrista Santa can be found at the Old OSF Hospital in the Old Ward.

Reward: Electric-Proof Barrier: Generic x1


Standby Phase 8

Growing Other

Location: Musubi’s

Requester: Other Department New Member

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Luka, defeat 2 Base Paws

The Base Paws can be found at the Old OSF Hospital – Old Ward.

Reward: Drone and Controller x1


Going to Togetsu

Location: Musubi’s

Requester: Togetsu Faith Hopeful

Objective: During Brain Drive, defeat 5 Session Pound

The Session Pound can be found at Hieno Mountain – Trailhead-Togetsu Area.

Reward: Full-Face Mask (White) x1


Standby Phase 9

Counter Research

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Defense System Developer

Objective: With intercept, defeat 3 Cushion Pound

The Cushion Pound can be found at Supernatural Life Research Facility – Museum Ruins.

Reward: Breastplate (White) x1


Totally Lost

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Worried Soldier

Objective: With Psychokinesis Finish, defeat 3 Missin Pound

The Missin Pound can be found at the Supernatural Life Research Facility – Museum Ruins.

Reward: OSF Armband Vision (Red) x1


Ruins Fan

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: Archaeology Freak

Objective: Deliver 2 Abandoned Subway Environment C

The Abandoned Subway Environment C can be found in the Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9.

Reward: SAS Recovery Support Mk 1 x1


Help with Coverage

Location: OSF Hospital

Requester: Journalist

Objective: With Psychokinesis Follow-Up Attack, defeat 5 Scummy Rummy

The Scummy Rummy can be found at Kikuchiba – Sub-Level Underground Facility and Supernatural Life Research Facility – Museum Ruins.

Reward: Ogre Horn (White) x1


Standby Phase 10

Photo Model Request

Location: Seiran City

Requester: Photographer

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Shiden, defeat 3 Bile Pool

The Bile Pool can be found at Kikuchiba – Upper-Level Construction Site.

Reward: Nature Landscape Photograph x1



Location: Seiran City

Requester: Distinguished Artist

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Kyoka, defeat 2 Rat Rut

The Rat Rut can be found at Kunad Highway – Junction and Hieno Mountain – Trailhead – Togetsu Area

Reward: Room Fragrance x1


Veteran Experience

Location: Mushubi’s

Requester: Veteran Other Forecaster

Objective: With psychokinesis Read Attack, defeat 2 Slippy Chinery

The Slippy Chinery can be found at Togetsu – BABE – Floor of Emotion.

Reward: Brain Field Gear x1 and SAS Refueling Drink x1


Standby Phase 11

Trouble with Flying

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward

Requester: Market Store Owner

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Kagero, defeat 3 Marabou Pendu

The Marabou Pendu can be found at Kikuchiba – Sub-Level Underground Facility.

Reward: Rare Vintage Alcohol x1


Rooting for the Hero

Location: Seiran City

Requester: Hero-Loving Boy

Objective: While SAS psychokinesis is active, defeat 3 Barrista Santa

The Barrista Santa can be found at Old OSF Hospital – Old Ward.

Reward: Passionate Flower Planting x1


Mini-Boss Strat

Location: Seiran City

Requester: Gamer Girl

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Arashi, defeat 3 Bandeau Pendu

The Bandeau Pendu can be found at Mizuhagawa NCD Dist. – Construction Site and Arahabaki Secure Site – Bridge of Purity.

Reward: Ranch Escape “Poppoko Adventure” x1


New Game +

Important Mission

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward

Requester: OSF Shiroyama Fan

Objective: While SAS pyrokinesis is active, defeat 4 Fuel Pool and with Brain Field Super Armor, defeat 2 Buddy Rummy

The Fuel Pods can be found near the beginning of Kikuchiba: Mid-Level Shopping District. The Buddy Rummy can be found at the Mizuhagawa District – Construction Site.

Reward: Phantom Art: Monkey x1


For the Exhibition

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward

Requester: Exhibit Staff

Objective: While SAS teleportation is active, defeat 3 Saliva Santa and with Slam Attack, defeat 4 Marabou Pendu

The Saliva Santa can be found at BABE – Floor of Reason and Sumeragi Tomb – 3. Memories of Longing. The Marabou Pendu can be found at Kikuchiba – Sub-Level Underground Facility.

Reward: Phantom Art: Elephant x1


Suppression Support

Location: Suoh City Ryujin Ward – Main Street

Requester: OSF Company Commander

Objective: Use a Combo Vision with Kasane, defeat 2 Winery Chinery

The Winery Chinery can be found at Hieno Mountain – Trailhead-Togetsu Area and Sumeragi Tomb – 2. Memories of Fighting.

Reward: Bond Assist x1


Verifying the Secret

Location: Seiran City

Requester: Female Shiroyama Fan

Objective: While SAS clairvoyance is active, defeat 2 Vine Yawn and with Psychokinesis Finish, defeat 3 Missin Pound

The Vine Yawn can be found at Sumeragi Tomb – 5. Memories of Rebellion and 7. Memories of Impasse. The Missin Pound can be found at the Supernatural Life Research Facility – Museum Ruins.

Reward: Phantom Art: Shallow x1


No Interference!

Location: Seiran City

Requester: Art Dealer

Objective: While SAS sclerokinesis is active, defeat 2 Auger Sabbat and with Charge Attack, defeat 2 Booger Sabbat

The Auger Sabbats can be found at Mizuhagawa District – Construction Site and Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9 – Inside Abandoned Line. The Booger Sabbat can be found at Arahabaki Secure Site – Hallowed Grounds and Sumeragi Tomb – 2. Memories of Fighting.

Reward: Phantom Art: Turtle x1



Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart – Might’ve Broken Something Trophy

by Chappie in


For the Might’ve Broken Something trophy in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, you need to collect 3 Lorbs (aka Lombax Lore). These Lorbs can be found on Savali at the below locations. Please note that the trophy will not pop until you speak with a Monk Scholar at the spa in the center of the area.


Lorb 1

This Lorb is located at the Lombax Shrine on the western part of the giant island. You’ll need to step on the 3 switches powering the barrier to deactivate it.


Lorb 2

This Lorb is located in a ruin on the western part of the giant island. To reach it, you’ll need to defeat the enemies there.


Lorb 3

This Lorb is located on the eastern central side of Savali on a raised platform. You’ll need to use the Hover Boots to reach it.


Lorb 4

This Lorb is located in the northeastern part of Savali in a cave.


Lore 5

This Lorb is located on the eastern side of Savali on the side of a hill.


Lorb 6

This Lorb is located in the southeastern part of Savali in a small cave behind boxes.


Lorb 7

This Lorb is located in the southern part of Savali on a cliff in the middle of 4 pillars. You’ll need to shoot a red light on a pillar a few times to activate the altar.


Lorb 8

This Lorb is located on the southern part of Savali on a cliff ledge. To reach it, you’ll need to use the wall jumps.


Lorb 9

This Lorb is located at the spa in the center part of the area.


Lorb 10

This Lorb is located in the northwestern part of the area on a moving platform. You’ll need to chase behind it then use your hookshot to latch onto it.


Lorb 11

This Lorb is located on a giant rock in the central southeastern area. You’ll need to use some rifts to reach it.


Lorb 12 

This Lorb is located on a cliffside on the southern small island. If you head across from where Gary is, you’ll see some rifts. Head through the 3 rifts then go on the grind rail to reach it.



Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart – Does This Make My Tail Look Big? Trophy

by Chappie in


For the Does This Make My Tail Look Big? trophy in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, you’ll need to acquire and equip a head, torso and leg armor. The below are the armor sets that can be found in the game!


Galactic Ranger

Ranger Space Helmet

On an island in Sargasso.


Ranger Tactical Vest

Complete the Hidden Pocket Dimension at Blizar Prime in the north central island in the lava area.


Ranger Tactical Pants

Collect 30 Zurpstones for Trudi on Sargasso, which unlocks after leaving Scarstu Debris Field.


Robot Pirate

Pirate Helmet

Obtained as part of the story after clearing the pirate trials on Ardolis.


Robot Chest Plate

This is on a moving platform east of the vendor in Savali.  You will need to chase behind it in order to catch it.


Buccaneer Breaches

Complete the Bronze Cup at Zurkie’s in the Scarstu Debris Field.


Carbonox Advanced

Carbonox Advanced Helmet

Complete the Gold challenge Twice as Nice at Zurkie’s in Scarstu Debris Field


Carbonox Advanced Chest

Complete the Silver challenge Revenge of the Seekerpede at Zurkie’s in Scarstu Debris Field.


Carbonox Advanced Boots

Complete the Bronze challenge: A Grunthor Named Sue at Zurkie’s in Scarstu Debris Field.


Robot Disguise

Robot Mask

Complete the Hidden Pocket Dimension in Nefarious City.


Robot Disguise Chest

Complete the Hidden Pocket Dimension in the southwestern part of Sargasso.


Robot Disguise Boots

Complete the Hidden Pocket Dimension near Rivet’s Hideout on Sargasso.


Lombax Praetorian

Praetorian Helm

Complete the Hidden Pocket Dimension in the eastern part of Torren IV after getting the Hurlshot.


Praetorian Plate

Complete the Hidden Pocket Dimension on the path to the warden’s office on Viceron.


Praetorian Greaves

Complete the Hidden Pocket Dimension in the southeastern part of Savali.



Q-Force Cowl

Complete the Hidden Pocket Dimension on the eastern side of the Scarstu Debris Field.


Action Vest

In the VIP section on Viceron in an open cell.


Speed Pants

On the most north central island of Blizar Prime where the chief engineer was.


Captain Starshield

Hero’s Mask

Complete the Hidden Pocket Dimension in the southeastern part of Savali.


Hero’s Suit

Complete the Hidden Pocket Dimension at Cordelion in the southern part of Kedaro Station.


Hero’s Leggings

Complete the Hidden Pocket Dimension under the bridge leading to where you have to rescue Pierre Le Fer at Ardolis.


Wasteland Gear

Wasteland Helmet

Trade in Lorbs to the Monk Scholar at the spa in Savali.


Wasteland Chest Armor

Trade in Lorbs to the Monk Scholar at the spa in Savali.


Wasteland Leg Armor

Trade in Lorbs to the Monk Scholar at the spa in Savali.




Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart – Aim to Misbehave Trophy

by Chappie in


In Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, you’ll come across spybots! If you find all the spybots, Ms. Zurkon will craft you the ultimate weapon called the RYNO! When you acquire the RYNO, you’ll earn the Aim to Misbehave trophy!


Corson V (aka Nefarious City)

The first one is an optional objective in Nefarious City. It is located in the factory.



To obtain this spybot, collect 60 Zurpstones for Trudi on Sargasso, which unlocks after leaving Scarstu Debris Field.



This spybot can be found on a pirate ship in a cave on the northeastern part of the area.


Blizar Prime

You’ll be awarded this spybot if you help the missing chef!


Torren IV

This spybot is located on the east side of the area with the vendor. You can reach it by taking a magnetic walkway.



This spybot is located on a ledge in the Dimensionator Forge. You need to use a rift to reach it.



This spybot is located on the most northeastern island reachable via Speetle.



This spybot is located in the vent ducts above where Clank was being held prisoner.


Scarstu Debris Field at Zurkie’s

Complete the Gold challenge Vroom Around.


Scarstu Debris Field

On a platform behind the entrance to Zurkie’s. You can only reach it using a swingshot.



Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart – BOING! Trophy

by Chappie in


For the BOING! trophy in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, you’ll need to bounce on Big Al, Clank and Qwark’s Parade Balloons. These balloons can be found in the Hidden Pocket Dimension, which is located in Nefarious City aka Corson V (see below).



Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart – Nooks and Crannies Trophy

by Chappie in


For the Nooks and Crannies trophy in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, you’ll need to collect 5 Gold Bolts. These bolts can be found at the following locations:


Corson V

Gold Bolt 1

This bolt can be found on a balcony on the upper level of the factory.


Gold Bolt 2

After entering the club, you’ll pursue the Phantom. Eventually, you’ll reach a big open area with a tree on each side and a wall jump in the middle. When facing the wall jump, head right passing the tree on the left side. This will bring you to a loading area. Use the 2 rifts to reach the Gold Bolt.


Gold Bolt 3

From Mrs. Zurkon, head to the moving platform across from her shop leading to the beginning area. Take the platform up then jump to the raised walkway on the right next to the wall with the 07 written on it. In front of you, there will be a broken section of fence. Jump to the pipe then use Phantom Dash on the wall to reach the area containing the bolt.



Gold Bolt 4

This bolt can be found on the island east of Rivet’s Hideout behind a giant machine.


Gold Bolt 5

This bolt is located at the very top of the mountain containing Rivet’s Hideout in a circular ring. You can only reach this using Trudi.


Gold Bolt 6

This bolt is located northwest of the vendor at the refinery. There will be a rift on a secluded island containing the bolt.


Scarstu Debris Field

Gold Bolt 7

To reach the bolt underneath the platform south of the Hidden Pocket Dimension, you will need to glide to it.


Gold Bolt 8

Complete the Bronze challenge: Awesome Bugtrax Done Quick in Zurkie’s.


Gold Bolt 9

Complete the Silver challenge Pest Control at Zurkie’s.



Gold Bolt 10

This is located on a secluded platform in the western part of the giant island. To reach it, you’ll have to head to the northern part of the area to find some boost pads lined up. Boost through the pads, hitting the green switches as you go. If you’re quick enough, a rift will open when you hit the third switch.


Gold Bolt 11

This bolt is located on a mobile platform in the southern part of the area. You’ll need to follow along behind it using the Hover Boots then use the Omniglove to hookshot onto it. Once on top, you’ll be able to disable it.


Gold Bolt 12

This bolt is located in the catacombs behind the door with a virus infected console. You’ll come here as part of the story.


Blizar Prime

Gold Bolt 13

This bolt is located in the very southern tip of the area in the dimension with lava.


Gold Bolt 14

This bolt is located at the end of a broken magnetic wall in the eastern central part of the area.


Gold Bolt 15

This bolt is located in the northeastern section of the area near the missing chef. You’ll need to use the crystals to switch to it.


Torren IV

Gold Bolt 16

This bolt is located in the far southeastern part of the area near where you start.


Gold Bolt 17

This bolt is located on a rail after fixing the fixer. To reach it take the rail out of Junk Town then jump through a rift along the rail onto another rail that contains the bolt.



Gold Bolt 18

This bolt is located on a platform on the eastern side near the starting area. To reach it, you’ll need to head to the top of the tower and hit the blizon. Afterwards, head back down the tower then jump and glide towards the platform. When you get close enough, use the rift then hit the blizon crystal to collect the bolt.


Gold Bolt 19

This bolt is located after you take the elevator down. Head east then take the first left to find a blocked doorway. Use the rift to enter the room containing the bolt.


Gold Bolt 20

This bolt can be found in the western part of the underwater area.



Gold Bolt 21

This bolt can be found during the Pirate Trials.


Gold Bolt 22

This bolt can be found near the central area of the map. To reach it, you’ll need to take a Speetle to the east side. Over there, you will find a path leading to the west with a ramp that you can use to reach the bolt.



Gold Bolt 23

This bolt can be found east of the vendor at the start of the area on an impounded pirate ship.


Gold Bolt 24

This bolt can be found on a platform when chasing Ratchet and Kit.


Gold Bolt 25

This bolt is located in the VIP section in a cell. You can reach it after turning off the power to the VIP section.