Echo Generation
by MrsChappie in


Below is our Part 6 walkthrough of Echo Generation!


After leaving the cemetery, follow the path north to find a knight sitting on a bench next to a bridge. Speak with him to learn that here is a boss ahead. Instead of going across the bridge, take the path to the west. When the path branches, continue straight west instead of heading down. At the end of the path there will be $5 on the ground! Backtrack a bit and take the path down the slope to the southwest.


At the bottom there will be a strange tombstone with symbols. These symbols can be found in the static of the TVs. The code is third column third row, second column second row and first column first row. When you input the correct code, The Writer will appear. As a reward for solving the puzzle, he’ll give you S’mores Flavoring. (You can use this at Tea Tunes in Downtown to make S’more Bubble Tea. Give the tea to the lady at the table to receive an increase of 2 SP!)


Next, head south of The Writer and hug the bottom of the screen while traveling east to find a Lily at the end of the path. You can give this Lily to Grandma Patel in Downtown for a Cookie. Return to The Writer and head north to the next area. Follow the path west. Along the path you’ll find a bunch of Mushrooms on the ground. Before heading under the tree, keep following the path to the west to find a Juice Box and Sandwich on the ground. Return to the tree and pass through it, keep collecting Mushrooms as you see them.


As you keep following the path west, you’ll come across a froggy house. Speak with the frog then agree to take the quiz.

  • Are Frogs the best animal in the world? – Yes
  • Is Bob a cool name? – Yes
  • Can Bob jump over hundreds of meters in the air? – No

If you pass the quiz, you’ll receive the Star Loop Blues cassette!


Keep heading west along the path, the squirrel on the rock will want Nuts, but we don’t have any so continue on. Eventually, you’ll come across an old bicycle. Inspect it to receive the Old Bike. Make your way west then unlock the gate leading to the playground to create a shortcut.


Since you picked up the Old Bike, head to Magnus’ Garage. Interact with the red gas canister to exchange the Old Bike for the Empty Gas Canister. Then head to the bookshop Downtown and purchase the Porto Book for $100 in the travel section. If you have not already done so. When you get it, head to your mom to hand it over. In exchange, you’ll receive an Old Picture.


Return to the shortcut and follow the path east. Continue all the way until you spot the knight on the bench then proceed across the bridge. Straight ahead you’ll encounter a boss fight with the Wendageddon that has 200 HP! Please note that this boss can also heal itself for 15 HP at a time! It’s extremely helpful to have a Cookie on you! If you interact with the pile on the left side behind the knight, you’ll find a comic trapped between some rocks. Unfortunately, you don’t have anything to help you get it out so just remember it for later.


Click here for the next walkthrough on the Secret Cabin!



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