Monster Hunter Stories 2

Monster Hunter Stories 2 – Elder’s Lair Zone 4

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on the Elder’s Lair Zone 4 Trial, which is the end game content in Monster Hunter Stories 2.

Elder’s Lair Zone 4 Guide

Objective: Break the specified monster parts (7 Heads, 7 Stomachs, 5 Legs)


Normal: Power

Enraged: Speed

Weak Point: Fire

  • Stomach – Slash
  • Legs – Blunt

Blue Yian Kut-Ku

Normal: Technical

Weak Point: 

  • Head – Pierce


Normal: Technical

Enraged: Speed

Weak Point: Fire

  • Head – Blunt
  • Chest – Pierce
  • Stomach – Slash
  • Legs – Slash
  • Needle – Pierce

Royal Ludroth

Normal: Power

Enraged: Technical

Weak Point: Fire

  • Head – Pierce
  • Stomach – Slash

Yian Garuga

Normal: Technical

Enraged: Power

Weak Point: Water

  • Head – Slash
  • Tail – Slash

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Monster Hunter Stories 2

Monster Hunter Stories 2 – 9 Star Subquests

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our guide on the 9 star subquests in Monster Hunter Stories 2! For a detailed guide on everything you’ll need to know about the monsters (Monsterpedia plus more), click here!

9 Star Subquests

A Chilling Discovery

Obtained: Speak with the Lilia in Lulucion

Objective: Gather tracks in Loloska

Head to the Base of Mt. Lavina and follow the Scout Flies until you come to a High Rank Subquest Den. Enter and work your way through the den to find a Velkhana. Defeat it then return Lilia to turn in the quest.


Normal: Speed

Enraged: Power

Fog Maze Mantle: Technical

Weak Point: Fire

  • Head – Slash / Blunt
  • Tail – Slash
  • Body – Slash
  • Wings – Pierce

Rewards: Mounting Charm, 33800 Z, 8750 EXP

A Studnet’s Ambition

Obtained: Quest Board

Objective: Slay Brachydios

Brachydios can be found in High Rank Monster Dens around the Terga Volcano Base in Terga.

Rewards: Nitroshroom x4, 15800 Z, 4200 EXP

Barioth’s Island Retreat

Obtained: Quest Board

Objective: Slay Sand Barrioth

The Sand Barrioth can be found in High Rank dens on Hakolo Island.

Rewards: Cactus Flower x5, 15800 Z, 4200 EXP

Bazel’s Having a Blast

Obtained: Quest Board

Objective: Slay Bazelgeuse

The Bazelgeuse can be found around the southern part of Hakolo Island.

Rewards: Mandragora x3, 15800Z, 4200EXP

Brash Black Beast

Obtained: Quest Board

Objective: Slay Black Gravios

The Black Gravios can be found in High Rank dens around the Terga Volcano Base at Terga.

Rewards: Sleeypfish x4, 15800 Z, 4200 EXP

Deviant Monsters: Alcala

Obtained: Speak with the Clerk in Lulucion

Objective: Gather tracks in Alcala

Travel to Alcala Valley and follow the Scout Flies to eventually end up at a High Rank Subquest Den. Work your way through the den to locate the Grimclaw Tigrex. Defeat it then return to the clerk.

Grimclaw Tigrex

Normal: Power

Enraged: Speed

Weak Point: Electric

  • Head – Slash
  • Stomach – Blunt
  • Legs – Slash / Blunt

Rewards: Commendtation, 30000 Z, 7880 EXP

Deviant Monsters: Lamure

Obtained: Speak with the Clerk in Lulucion

Objective: Gather tracks in West Lamure Desert

Travel to the Jalma Highlands and follow the Scout Flies to end up at a High Rank Subquest Den(make sure you have sonic bombs before entering the den). Enter the den, working your through it to locate the Bloodbath Diablos. Defeat it then return to the clerk.

Bloodbath Diablos

Normal: Speed

Weak Point: Water

  • Horn – Slash
  • Tail – Slash
  • Legs – Pierce
  • Stomach – Blunt

Rewards: Commendtation, 30000 Z, 7880 EXP

Deviant Monsters: Loloska

Obtained: Speak with the Clerk in Lulucion

Objective: Gather tracks in Loloska

Travel to Loloska Rocky Canyon and follow the Scout Flies to eventually end up at a High Rank Subquest Den. Work your way through the den to discover a Thundrlord Zinogre. Defeat it then return to the clerk to complete the quest.

Thunderlord Zinogre

Normal: Power

Electic: Speed

Weak Point: Ice

  • Head – Slash
  • Body – Blunt
  • Tail – Slash

Rewards: Commendtation, 30000 Z, 7880 EXP

En-egg-matic Eggs 6

Obtained: Speak with the Watchful Old Man in Mahana Village

Objective: Bring Elder Dragon genus egg

The easiest place to get Elder Draong eggs from Rare Dens around the Terga Volcano Base in Terga.

Rewards: Universal Stimulant, 33800 Z, 8750 EXP

Fragile Island Ecosystem

Obtained: Quest Board

Objective: Slay Deviljho

The Deviljho can be found in a High Rank Subquest Den somewhere around the North Kamuna Cape on Hakolo Island.


Normal: Power

Enraged: Speed

Weak Point: Dragon

  • Head
  • Stomach – Slash
  • Legs – Slash
  • Tail – Slash

Rewards: Girthy Garlic x3, 15800Z, 4200 EXP

Forest Fracas

Obtained: Speak with the Lilia in Lulucion

Objective: Gather tracks in Etulle Lofty Trees

Head to the Etulle Loft Trees and follow the Scout Flies until you find the High Rank Subquest Den. Enter and work your way through the den to come across a Kushala Daora. Defeat it and then return to Lilia to complete the quest.

Kushala Daora

Normal: Technical

Enraged: Power

Flying: Speed

Weak Point: Electric

  • Head – Slash
  • Stomach – Blunt
  • Tail – Pierce
  • Wings – Pierce

Rewards: Adamant Charm, 33800 Z, 8750 EXP

In Hot Pursuit

Obtained: Speak with the Lilia in Lulucion

Objective: Gather tracks in Terga

Head to the Terga Volcano Base and follow the Scout Flies until you reach the High Rank Subquest Den. Enter and work your way through the den to find a Teostra. Defeat it then return to Lilia to complete the quest.


Normal: Speed

Enraged: Power

Flying: Technical

Weak Point: Water

  • Head – Slash
  • Stomach – Slash / Pierce
  • Tail – Slash / Blunt
  • Wings – Pierce

Rewards: Might Charm, 33800 Z, 8750 EXP

Monsterpedia Targe: 100%

Obtained: Speak with the Monster Maniac in Lulucion

Objective: Fill up the Monsterpedia to 100%

Complete the Monsterpedia then speak with the Monster Maniac.

Rewards: Universal Stimulant x5, Ancient Coin x3, 33800 Z, 8750 EXP

Monumental Discovery

Obtained: Speak with the Lilia in Lulucion

Objective: Gather tracks in Pomore Garden

Head to the Pomore Garden and follow the Scout flies (you may need a flying monstie) to end up at a High Rank Subquest Den. Explore the den until you locate Kirin.


Normal: Speed

Enraged: Technical

Charged: Power

Weak Point: Fire

  • Head – Slash / Blunt
  • Body – Slash / Blunt

Rewards: Eld. Dragon Stimulant x3, Bottle Cap x10, 33800Z, 8750EXP

Nergigante Den Hunt

Obtained: Speak with the Lilia in Lulucion

Objective: Gather tracks in Terga

Travel to the Terga Volcano Base and follow the Scout Flies to discover a High Rank Subquest Den. Enter and work your way through the den to find Nergigante. Defeat him then return to Lilia to turn in the quest.


Normal: Technical

Enraged: Speed

Spiked: Power

Weak Point: Electirc

  • Head – Blunt
  • Legs – Slash
  • Wings – Slash

Rewards: Kelbi Horm x3, 33800 Z, 8750 EXP

Raging Ruby

Obtained: Quest Board

Objective: Slay Ruby Basarios

The Ruby Basarios can be found in High Rank dens at Pomore Garden in Lamure .

Rewards: Honey Butter x3, 15800 Z, 4200 EXP

Rathalos’ Rivay

Obtained: Quest Board

Objective: Slay Seregios

Head to North Gamuna Cape on Hakolo Island then look around for the area for the High Rank Subquest Den. Enter the den and work your way to the end to find Seregios.

Normal: Technical

Enraged: Speed

Weak Point: Electric

  • Head – Pierce
  • Stomach – Slash
  • Legs – N/A
  • Wings – Pierce

Rewards: Godbug x5, 15800Z, 4200EXP

Rhyming Riddle

Obtained: Speak with Yoomlana at Nua Te Village

Objective: Solve the riddle

After accepting the quest. head to the left of the throne to find some children sitting on the ground playing patty cake.

  • Part 1 – Lamure Tower Front
    • Head to Lamure Tower and make your way to the second level.  Follow the path heading deeper into the tower, passing a Purple Gypceros on along an outside section. From here, head through the doorway, take a right hopping down to a lower level then pass through another doorway. Keep heading straight ahead to find the shiny object on the side of some debris. Interact with it.
  • Part 2 – Etulle Lofty Trees
    • Make your way to the southern part of the map to the open area with a small pond and Paolumu den. Look along the rock wall to the rite for a shiny object and interact with it.
  • Part 3 – Forbidden Ground
    • Travel to the Forbidden Ground then head back to Guardian Rath Woods. The shiny object can be located on the other side of the ruined stricture to your left.
  • Part 4 – Terga Volcano Base (Evening)
    • Finally head to the Terga Volcano Base in the evening going south through the lake to find a High Rank Subquest Den. Enter the den and work your way to the end.

Dreadqueen Rathian

Normal: Technical

Enraged: Speed

Weak Point: Dragon

  • Head – Slash
  • Back – Slash
  • Tail – Slash
  • Stomach – N/A

Rewards: Bottel Cap x20, 30000 Z and 7880 EXP

Thundering Tobi-Kadachi

Obtained: Quest Board

Objective: Slay Tobi-Kadachi

Tobi-Kadachi can be found in the High Rank Squbquest Den at the Loloska Rocky Canyon in Loloska.


Normal: Speed

Enraged: Technical

Weak Point: Water

  • Body – Slash
  • Tail – Slash
  • Legs – Slash

Rewards: Flashbug x3, 15800 Z, 4200 EXP

Monster Hunter Stories 2 Guides and Walkthroughs

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Baldo The Guardian Owls – Bobo Temple / The Underground

by Chappie in


The Bobo Temple can be found west of the Solino Valley. Once you arrive, there will be several Bobos (large white creatures) you need to defeat by first throwing a pot at them to knock them down then attacking them with your sword while they are down. Your task in this place is to light all 10 braziers, both inside the temple and around it.

Outside Temple

Inside Temple

When you’ve gotten all the braziers, the gates surrounding the coffin in the middle will lower. Please note that there is a fast travel point you can unlock here on the northeastern side of the temple’s exterior.

In the corner to the left of the coffin (when facing it) there is a spot to dig up that reveals a ladder.

Climb on down to receive 10 Dindi. Move the 2 tall wooden platforms as shown in the picture.

When you hear a ding-a-ling, you’ll know it’s in the right spot! Once both have been moved into place, pick up the pumpkin near the piano in the northwestern part of the temple.

Carry it up the stairs and to the right. Push aside the frog statue near the balcony then pick up the pumpkin and follow along the narrow path.

Throw it at the frog with the mirror to cause the mirror to turn!

Return to the pumpkin and pick it up. Carry it back up the stairs and follow the path further to reach the other frog with the mirror. Again, throw it at this one to change the direction of the mirror.

It will reveal a pressure point on the floor in front of the coffin. Head outside an lure a Bobo to this pressure point. When it steps on it, the coffin will open and you can then head inside! Head all the way down the stairs. At the bottom, swing under the stairs to find a room with Topazzo in it.

Speak with him then exit the room. There is nothing if you head underneath the other stairs, so head back up the stairs and swing left under the tree roots.

Follow those stairs down and around to reach a set of stairs going up. Head on up to trigger a cutscene with a ghost! He’ll say that if you find his daughter Saraia and get his medallion back, he’ll show you how to fully access the tunnels in the sewer to get to the other side of the castle.


To speak with Saraia in The Misty woods, which is northwest of Bobo Temple, you must follow the trail of glowing blue flowers that appear. The first is to the west of the map transition to Bobo Temple. From there follow the path west then northwest until you reach a pavilion. Speak with Saraia under it, and she will disappear after she gives you a Cursed Ghost Medallion.


Return to Cacia in Bobo Temple to show him the medallion. He’ll then tell you to visit Topazzo in the next room to learn about the secret passage to the sewers under Rodia that will lead you to the Abandoned Royal Mansion behind the Castle where the Owl Bomb is stored. Speak with Cacia who will reveal an entrance behind a bookshelf. Climb on down the ladder to reach The Underground! Follow the path around. When you reach the stairs, follow the fork to the left to find 2 chests containing 10 Dindi each. One will be at each of the dead ends along that path.

When you’re ready to proceed with the area, return to the stairs and follow the path east and go down the stairs. Head northeast.

When the path forks, take the northern path to find 10 Dindi. Head back to the fork and take the southern path to find 10 Dindi in a chest. Return to the stairs and take the southeastern path to come to a door.

Enter through the door. Step on the wooden platform in the water. When you’re ready, use the fire to burn the web holding the platform in place.

As you sail along, you’re going to want to keep your fire out. You’ll need it to burn the webs and swinging sacks. As you go, you’ll also need to kill the tentacles. When you reach dry land, there will be a chest containing 10 Dindi just before a ladder. Climb up then step on the pressure point under the fish mosaic. The path to the southwest will take you into Rodia. Follow the path southeast to find a chest containing 10 Dindi at the dead end. Head onto the wooden walkway diagonally from the chest then turn left. Push the block out of the way. Backtrack until you see a row of boxes and push them out of the way.

Continue forward and push the stone out. Turn left to find a lever. Push the lever 3 times until the scene of the water draining plays. Head southeast then follow the path northeast then northwest to arrive at a hanging platform.

Stand on it then quickly make your way through the water to the western stairs and head up them. At the top of the stairs, head west passing the lever to reach the area that was previously gated. Head into this area and cut the grass under the mosaic to reveal a pressure point.

Stand on it to unseal a grate. Return to the water and push the box to the pillar as shown in the image below.

Climb back up the stairs and turn the lever once to cause the water to rise. Walk across the newly made bridge to arrive at a circular passage.

Head through then drop down to the very bottom where 3 spiders await. Take them out to unlock the area. Head through the door on the southwestern side to leave. You’ll emerge back at the lever. Follow along the water to renter the room you were just in via the circular passage. Grab a pot and chuck it at the fish in the wall that has a lever in its mouth.

Backtrack to those golden doors in the previous room in the northeastern corner.

Head inside and step on the pressure point. Afterwards, return to the previous room with the wall fish lever and head through the door on the right. Hit the lever to create a shortcut in the previous room to the well in Rodia Town and the previous The Underground used to get to Rodia Town. Head all the way back to the lever and use it to drain the water. Enter Rodia Town via the shortcut diagonally from the starting area in this place. Renter The Underground via the entrance at the end of the path along the river near the inn.

The chest in this room contains 10 Dindi. Head down the stairs to find 3 levers. If you purchased the book entitled Symbols of the Sewers at Rodia Library, you’ll be given clues on what 2 of the rings should look like. If not, just look at the picture below for the answer!

Now head to the well in Rodia to renter The Underground. Take the platform to the second level and enter through the door straight ahead. Push the long pole sticking out all the way into the fish on the wall until you hear a ding-a-ling! The door to your right will unbar. Head through it and turn left to find an owl statue. Push it all the way off the ledge on the right side of the screen. Drop down after the statue onto the stones along the wall then continue pushing it until you reach the pressure point.

Push the other owl onto the pressure point to open the way forward. Head inside and burn the webs to continue forward. Eventually you’ll reach a room with an octopus mosaic on the floor. A brief scene with Topazzo will trigger. He’ll tell you that one lever is missing. You’ll need to find his sister Topa in Jacu Oasis. She’ll be dressed in red and her house is the tallest in Jacu Oasis with a big windmill on top. He suggests that the blacksmith might be able to help us turn the rod she’ll give us into a lever to replace the missing one. Furthermore, he’ll say that we need something to resist the incredible heat during the day but at night we should be prepared for the extreme cold.




Baldo The Guardian Owls – Wind Stick Runes

by Chappie in


In Baldo The Guardian Owl, you need 4 pieces of Wind Stick runes to restore the power of the Wind Stick. Once you’ve collected all 4, speak with Saraia in The Misty woods to receive the complete Wind Stick. You’ll need to complete her side quest called Saraia first! These runes can be found at the below locations.


The Misty woods

In the center of The Misty woods, there is a building. Stand on the guardian symbol and use your horn. Look above the door to see the order that you need to strike the bells (octopus, fish, creature).

The octopus bell can be found along the fence to the west of the building. Follow the fence southwest to find it. The fish bell can be found in the water slightly northwest of the fence. The creature bell can be found directly south along the bottom of the area. Once all 3 bells have been rung in the correct order, the door to the building will open. Head inside to arrive at Caruana, which is a giant maze. In the Rodia library, you can purchase a book called The Path to the Misty woods Temple which shows the maze. The solution to the maze is shown below.

Please note that there are two enemies along the path. One is a lizard and the other is a huge dude. The big guy is located in the center of the map and you can run past it if you do not wish to fight. When you arrive at the end of the maze, you’ll find a chest. Open it to receive the Wind Stick rune!


Joricu in Solino Valley

This puzzle can be found in an owl temple at the top of a hill in Solino Valley. For this puzzle, you’ll need to push the rolling owl statues around the board to arrive at a symbol on the floor.

Use the statues to help each other get to the locations!


Bucalaci in Leone Heights

This place is a bit tricky to get to. It is highly recommended that you have the Kangmi Coat from Jafar in Rodia Town to avoid taking damage in this extreme environment. From the Leone Heights fast travel point, head southeast to the map transition. In this next area, the owl tower is located in the far northeastern corner. In order to unlock it, you must grab an owl statue directly north of the map transition.

Bring it all the way to the far eastern side of the area. There will be a long narrow path with a circular platform at the end.

The second owl statue is on the raised ground in the center of the area.

Head across a fallen log to reach it then carry it to the circular platform at the very top of this hill.

The last statue is found at the very southern part of the map next to an archway.

Carry it to the far southeastern corner and place it on the circular platform.

You will then be able to head up to the northeastern corner of this area to use your horn to gain entry into Bucalaci. Once inside, swap the brown owl statues with the blue owl statues to unlock the chest containing the Wind Stick rune!




Baldo The Guardian Owls – Ruppa

by Chappie in


Below is how to solve the Ruppa puzzle for the Rune of Power in Baldo The Guardian Owls.


To reach this puzzle, head to Solino Valley by passing north of where Ranotto the Minstrel was in Haneko Plain. Follow the river north and cross it at the bridge. Follow the path north, passing a burnt house. Just before the next bridge, take a right and make your way to a dead end where you’ll find a well.

Climb down the well and at the bottom play the horn on the guardian symbol to reveal a hidden room. Head inside and arrange the owls in the following order to receive a Rune of Power:



Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact – Wind, Courage, and Wings

by Chappie in


Below are the quests in the Wind, Courage, and Wings questline in Genshin Impact.


Glide with the Wind

Obtained: Raise your Adventure Rank to level 8

Objective: Talk to Amber

Travel to the Mondstadt courtyard near the Cathedral to find Amber and speak with her. After a cutscene the quest will complete.

Rewards: 125 Adventure EXP, 2750 Mora, 7 Wanderer’s Advice, 3 Fine Enhancement


License to Glide

Obtained: Complete Glide with the Wind story quest quest

Objective: Go to the exam point

When you’re ready to take your exam, travel south of Windrise near the Temple of the Lion to find Amber on a cliffside overlooking Windrise. Speak with her to start the exam the follow the rings to reach your destination. Once there, talk with Amber again to complete the quest.

Rewards: 175 Adventure EXP, 4375 Mora, 2 Adventurer’s Experience, 5 Fine Enhancement Ore


Mondstadt Glider

Obtained: Complete License to Glide story quest

Objective: Go to the door of the Mondstadt Cathedral

Make your way to the Mondstadt Catherdral and speak with Amber near the entrance to kick off the next phase of the exam. Follow the rings to their destination then speak with Amber when you get there to start the next part of the exam. Again follow the rings to the end and then a brief cutscene will trigger. The quest will complete when it concludes.

Rewards: 225 Adventure EXP, 5525 Mora, 3 Adventurer’s Experience, 6 Fine Enhancement Ore


They Call Him Raptor

Obtained: Complete Mondstadt Glider story quest

Objective: Track Raptor

Travel to Springvale south of Mondstandt and approach the objective maker to start a short cutscene. Examine the three clues (one on the road, south of the road and near Cider Lake) then follow the road west. Defeat the enemies attacking Farrah then speak with him. Keep following the road west a short way to get ambushed by some of Raptor’s cronies. Deal with them then take the next left following following some track to complete the quest.

Rewards: 275 Adventure EXP, 6175 Mora,3 Adventurer’s Experience, 7 Fine Enhancement Ore


Outrider Style

Obtained: Complete They Call  Him Raptor story quest

Objective: Enter Raptor’s Hideout

Enter Raptor’s Hideout then work your way through the first part of the domain by gliding and dropping bombs on the enemies. In the second part, you’ll need to use Amber to clear the obstacles out of the way so you can keep pushing further. When you reach the end defeat the Raptor and his goons then head to the Catherdral and speak with Amber inside to complete the quest.

Rewards: 275 Adventure EXP, 60 Primogems, 6175 Mora, 5 Teachings of Freedom, 3 Adventurer’s Experience, 7 Fine Enhancement Ore


Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact – Troublesome Work

by Chappie in


Below are the quests in the Troublesome Work questline in Genshin Impact. Please note that to start this questline, you’ll need to raise your Adventure Rank to level 15.


Troublesome Work

Obtained: Complete The Outlander Who Caught the Wind Archon questline.

Objective: Find Lisa in the Library

Rewards: 425 Adventure EXP, 9475 Mora, 5 Adventurer’s Experience, 3 Mystic Enhancement Ore



Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact – Secret Pirate Treasure

by Chappie in


Below are the quests in the Secret Pirate Treasure questline in Genshin Impact.


Kaeya’s Troubles

Obtained: Complete the The Outlander Who Caught the Wind Archon questline.

Objective: Talk to Kaeya

Head for the Knigts HQ in Mondstadt city and speak with Kaeya. When you’re done, exit the HQ and turn right then jump over the wall towards the windmill. Approach Kaeya to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, make your way to the Adventurers’ Guild building and talk with Cyrus there choosing the “We’re looking for…” option. When you are done talking with him, return to the Knights HQ and speak with Kaeya near its entrance.

Rewards: 250 Adventure EXP, 3225 Mora, 8 Wanderer’s Advice, 3 Fine Enhancement Ore


Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins

Obtained: Complete Kaeya’s Troubles story quest.

Objective: Meet with the informant at the designated location

Exit Mondstadt and follow the road north to find the informant along the road between the city and Whispering Woods.  As you approach the marker, the informant will run out of the woods being chased by enemies. Defeat them then speak with Vile.


Treasure Clue 1

The first clue reads “Three six-armed giants reside in the city in the lake. Two guard the statue, one, the treasure”. This riddle is referring to the three giant windmills in the city. Head for the Adventurer’s Guild HQ in the southern part of Mondstandt (it has a blue roof). Look for the windmill across from the guild on the other side of the stairs. Climb to the top of it to find a treasure chest containing the second clue.


Treasure Clue 2

The second clues read “She doesn’t love him at all. The passion rushing through the clear spring is just a front. When she’s cold and alone, her true heart is revealed”. This clue will lead you to a cliff overlooking the lake with a Teleport Waypoint in its center southeast of Springvale. You’ll want to look for three pillars with the ice symbol on them along the southern part of the lake. Once located, use Kaeya’s ice powers on all three of them to reveal a chest. Loot it to complete the quest.

Rewards: 250 Adventure EXP, 3225 Mora, 8 Wanderer’s Advice, 3 Fine Enhancement Ore


Kaeya’s Gain

Obtained: Complete Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins story quest

Objective: Use the map to find the buried treasure

Make your way to the eastern part of the beach on the Falcon Coast to find Lost Arcadia. Enter the domain and work your way to the end to trigger a cutscene. Defeat the boss and its adds that spawn to complete the quest.

Rewards: 300 Adventure EXP, 60 Priogems, 3850 Mora, 5 Teachings of Ballard, Harbinger of Dawn, 10 Wanderer’s Advice, 4 Fine Enhancement Ore


Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact – Mondstadt World Quests

by Chappie in


Below are the world quests that can be found at Mondstadt in Genshin Impact.


Collector of Anemo Sigils

Obtained: Collect enough Anemo Sigils while exploring

Objective: Talk to the shop owner, Marjorie

In Mondstadt city, head to the With Wind Comes Glory shop just past the Adventurer’s Guild and speak with Majorie. When you’re done speaking with her, the quest will complete. Also note, that you don’t have to buy anything from her to complete the quest.

Rewards: N/A


In the Mountains

Obtained: Speak with Iris at the pass leading to Windwail Highland

Objective: Investigate the strange ice

Rewards: 500 Adventure EXP, 60 Primogems, 3 Hero’s Will, 3 Mystic Enhancement Ore, 30000 Mora

Notes: This is a level 30 area


Lost in the Snow

Obtained: Speak with Joel at the pass leading to Windwall Highland

Objective: Follow the Snow-Covered PAth to search for Joel’s father

Rewards: 300 Adventure EXP, 40 Primogems, 2 Hero’s Will, 4 Mystic Enhancement Ore, 30000 Mora

Notes: This is a level 30 area


Scent of the Wind

Obtained: Pass by the Good Hunter restaurant in Mondstadt after finishing the “The Outlander Who Caught the Wind” Archon questline

Objective: Purchase Fisherman’s Toast

Speak with Sara choosing the “Can I get good to-go?” option. Purchase a Fisherman’s Toast for 1025 Mora to complete the quest.

Rewards: 5 Enhancement Ore, 2500 Mora, 125 Adventure EXP


Sharpening the Axe Won’t Hinder the Work

Obtained: Mondstadt – Speak with the Blacksmith near the city entrance

Objective: Talk to Wagner the blacksmith

Head to the entrance of town to locate the blacksmith nearby and speak with him. He’ll give you the low down on what he does then tell you where you can find some ore. Go collect the ore then return and speak with him again. Use the ore to create an Enhancement Ore to complete the quest.

Rewards: N/A


The Art of Cooking

Obtained: Mondstadt – Speak with Lynn at the small camp just outside of the city

Objective: Give the Chicken-Mushroom Skewer to Lynn

Loot the barrel to the right of Lynn then use the Fowl and Mushrooms from it to cook the Chicken-Mushroom Skewer at the cooking station. Give the skewer to Lynn to complete the quest.

Rewards: 5 Mushroom, 10 Fowl, 5 Wheat, 5 Bird Egg,  25000 Mora, 125 Adventure EXP


The Blessings of The Seven

Obtained: Complete the “The Outlander Who Caught the Wind” Archon questline

Objective: Offer the Anemoculus to the Statue

Head for one of the Statue of The Seven – Anemo statues then interact with it. Choose “Worship Statue” and offer up an Anemoculus (you should have received one from one of the temples during The Outlander Who Caught the Wind quest chain). This will trigger a brief cutscene and the quest will complete.

Rewards: ???


Welcome to the Adventurers’ Guild

Obtained: Complete the “The Outlander Who Caught the Wind” Archon questline

Objective: Talk to Katheryne for more details

Head to Adventurers’ Guild near the entrance to Mondstadt and speak with Katheryne. Read through all of the dialog and the quest will complete when you finish.

Rewards: 100 Adventure EXP, 20 Primogems, 3 Fine Enhancement Ore


When the Trail Goes Cold

Obtained: Complete the “Welcome to the Adventurers’ Guild ” quest

Objective: Talk to Katheryne

Speak with Katheryne at the Adventurers’ Guild in Mondstadt then follow the objective south of Mondstadt to find Iris at a makeshift camp. Talk to her and choose the “About adventuring in Dragonspine…” option to complete the quest.

Rewards: 10000 Mora, Adventurer’s Experience