
Eastward – Eastward Bound Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Eastward Bound Chapter 6 quest in Eastward.


Find a way to Ester City

Head into Alva’s Lab for a short dialog event with Sonic Punk. When it concludes speak with the bot again and exhaust all dialog options to learn that the only route east is by the Main Rail. Next head to Tayama’s in Midtown for a dialog event then head to the backroom for another with William. You can also head to Dragon Market for another dialog event then head down to the dock and speak with Mung for yet another one. Do whatever cleanup around town you want then speak with William to leave for a dialog event. When you regain control of John, head to the train platform and speak with William for a long dialog event.


Click here for the Monkollywood quest guide!



Eastward – Chapter 5 Heart Orb Locations

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on where to find the Heart Orbs in Chapter 5 of Eastward.



You’ll come across the chest containing this Heart Orb during The Aftermath quest. It will be in the northeastern part of a room full of miasma monsters hidden behind a bookshelf you’ll have to move.




Eastward – The Aftermath Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Aftermath Chapter 5 quest in Eastward.


Another Weird Dream

Speak to the guys then go to the breakroom on the southeastern side of the room to find a chest with 3 tokens. Head deeper into the mine via the southwestern path and speak with Digguh. Next, take the southcentral path and speak to Yohn. Go through the central path heading south in the next area then keep heading forward. When you reach the raft, push the raft into the water and use it to reach the other side. Now just keep following the path until you trigger a dialog event.


Head to Lowtown

Exit Rocket Mansion and head for Dragon Market for a dialog event. When it concludes, take care of the zombies in the area. After defeating one zombie, the rest sprout tentacles. When they have all been defeated, another dialog event triggers.


Find John

Head to the Dragon Market with Sam to trigger a dialog event.


Save the Two Brothers…Again!

Enter Lowtown and follow the path north through the next area then head east for a dialog event. Follow the path deeper into Lowtown until you reach a room that locks after you enter the room. Defeat the enemies then head to the next area. Sperate John and Sam, taking Sam through the tunnel. Switch to John and hit a floating bomb along the left side of the room over the water to explode the barrels on the other side. Change back to Sam then step on the platform allowing John to head through.

Proceed to the next area then split up John and Sam again. Send Sam through the tunnel the switch to John and use the floaty bomb to clear the way for Sam. Keep doing this as you move Sam to the end of the room and flip the switch at the back of the room to unlock the doors and head to the next area. Keep moving forward until you reach an area full of miasma creatures. Head to the northwestern part of the area and move the bookshelf there to find a chest with a Heart Orb. Head to the next area and take the north path before the eastern exit to the next area to find a chest with 50 salt. Move to the next area and grab the chest with 3 eggs then head to the north side of the area to find another chest with an advanced gear part then proceed to the next area.

Stock up on headline items at the vending machine if you want then blow the barrels up and head through the crack in the wall. When you pass through the next doorway, you’ll be locked in a room full of crates and explosive barrels. Defeat the enemies to unlock the door (you can use Sam to stun them and John to finish them off) then head through. You should now be in a room with a stove and fridge. Save the game and cook something if you’re getting hungry. Move to the next area for a dialog event leading to a boss fight. Shoot the boss with Sam’s ability and dodge the attacks. After some time passes another dialog event occurs leading to another fight. You’ll want to dodge the boss and shooting it with Sam’s fully charged ability when able.  After you deal some good damage to the beast, it will spawn miasma that you’ll also have to dodge. It will take 5 fully charged attacks to defeat the boss. When it finally goes down a dialog event triggers.


Click here for the Eastward Bound quest guide!




Eastward – Chapter 4 Heart Orb Locations

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on where to find the Heart Orbs in Chapter 4 of Eastward.


Lower Dam

This Heart Orb can be found in a room containing a central platform surround by water and a raft that moves around it. You’ll come here during the Second Wave quest. You’ll need to take the raft to the southeastern part of the room to reach the chest with the orb.




Eastward – Second Wave Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Second Wave Chapter 4 quest in Eastward.


Deliver Lunch to Alva and Isabel

Exit Rocket Mansion and head to the Wind Shrine for a dialog event. When it concludes, make your way to the City Outskirts south of New Dam City then follow the path right to reach the next area. Head north up the stone steps to trigger a dialog event ending with you receiving the Floater Bomb. Use the western path heading through the broken section of the chainlink fence then use your charged attack to hit the floater bombs at the generator (the bombs are not the most cooperative, so it may take a couple of tries to get it close enough). Now head through the newly opened gate and proceed to the next area for a dialog event.


Hurry to the Control Room

When you gain control of John and Sam, head through the door then use your floating bombs to burn the vines on the two generators. This will raise a bridge allowing you to cross. In the next area, head through the northern doorway to find some barrels you can smash. Return to the previous room and take the elevator down. Go west to reach the next area then head through the doorway for a quick dialog event. When it’s over, use Sam to take out the turrets and head into the next area.

In this room, you’ll need to separate Sam and John using one to operate the elevator while the other rides it. Repeat this until both of them are at the top then head through the doorway.  In the next room, turn on the light switch then head to the eastern side of the room. Use Sam to operate the switch. This will cause a bridge to appear. Cross it as John then hit the switch with Sam. Go down the nearby stairs with John to open a chest containing a gear part. Head back up the stairs, flip the switch with Sam and bring her over to John. You can then head north to reach the next area. Use a floating bomb to burn the vines off of the generator on the right side of the room. Continue working towards the next area to trigger a dialog event.

Follow the left path to reach the Lower Dam. Take the elevator down then head to the east side of the room. Flip the switch there to cause a raft to show up allowing you to cross the water. Use the southern doorway to reach the next area. Deal with the enemies in here then head east to the next area. Hop on the raft and use it to reach the other side of the room. Activate the switch to drop the dam then use the raft to reach the northeastern dock. Drop and hit a floating bomb along the water to take out the vines on the generator. Now use the raft to reach the northwestern dock and head through the door. Work your way through the next two areas to reach a room with a platform in the middle surrounded by water. Sperate Sam and John, placing John on the raft and use Sam to activate the switch on the platform. When John reaches the northwestern corner, exit the raft and destroy the creates on the left side with a regular bomb. Then work the switch there to get Sam over her. Let Sam take over with the switch and move John back to the raft. Send John to the northeastern corner, then use a floating bomb to burn the vines on the generator. Head back on the raft and flip the switch with Sam. This should put you along the southeastern part of the room. Exit the raft and follow the path to find a chest with a Heart Orb. Move John back to Sam, then head through the newly unlocked doorway.

In the next area, when you reach the middle of the room, you’ll be ambushed by enemies. Take care of them then head to the next area looting the chest with 3 onions on your way out. When you reach the next area, push the big red button then exit through the southern door. Follow the path backtracking to the Central Sluice. When you reach the cart with creates stacked on it, pull it back to find a hidden path on the other side leading to a chest with 100 salt.


When you reach the Central Sluice, follow the right path to arrive at the Upper Dam. Take the elevator to reach the next area. Dodge the steam to reach the row of steam jets in the back of the room. Separate John and Sam then take Sam up the stairs and placing her on top of the cart. Push her to the other side with John, then use Sam to turn off the steam. You can now bring John through the door on the eastern side of the room and head to the next area. Work your way through the next three rooms coming to a big open room. When you enter it you’ll have to face a mini-boss. Defeat it then head to the next room and push the big red button. Return to the Central Sluice grabbing the chest with 3 daikons on the way.

Head through the Central Sluice doorway and going up the stairs to reach the Dam Central Core. Follow the path west until you reach the dark-covered room with the two red switches. You’ll want to send John down the stairs then head north up the dam. Use the stairs to go up then switch to Sam and have her activate the red switch on the right. Cross over the dam with john and head up the stairs to reach a switch. Press the switch to fill part of the dam with water. Return to Sam and make sure the switch is green. Follow the path south to reach the next area. Cross over the dam then flip another switch to open the Central Sluice. This will trigger a dialog event.

Head through the newly opened door then take the stairs up. Use Sam to get the past turrets then take the elevator in the next room up. Head through the door at the top reach the area just outside the control room. Use this time to heal up and save then enter the control room for a dialog event. Head through the northern door of the control room for another dialog event leading to a boss fight! There are two phases to this boss. The first involves the boss charging up then punching you. Your goal here will be to shoot it with Sam’s power to stun it then push it off the ledge using John’s frying pan. After doing this a couple of times, the balloons on its arms will pop starting phase two where the boss will start shooting lasers from its eyes. You’ll need to dodge them until its eyes turn green, then hit it with Sam’s power. After a couple of times, you’ll stun the boss and be able to take him out. Throughout the fight, the boss will spawn ads that explode as they approach you, so do your best to dodge them. When the boss is defeated a dialog event triggers.


Click here for The Aftermath quest guide!




Eastward – The Wind God Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Wind God Chapter 4 quest in Eastward.


A Bad Dream

Head through the village talking with the villagers as you go. When you’re finished, exit the village and head south to trigger a dialog event.


Head to the Wind Shrine

Leave Rocket Mansion and head to Princess Avenue for a dialog event. Make your way to the Wind Shrine west of Princess Avenue and enter the building for another dialog event. You’ll now want to head to the control room, but feel free to save and stock up on healing items along the way. When you enter the Dam Control Room, a dialog event will trigger.


To the Coin Palace

Leave the Wind Shrine and head for the Coin Palace. Speak with the Dorkus and Malorkus to learn that Jasper is missing and could still be in the park.


Track Down Jasper

Go to Central Park west of Uptown for a dialog event then defeat the enemies there.


Back to the Coin Palace

Return to the Coin Palace for another dialog event.


Track Down the Two Brothers

Head to the Dragon Market for a couple of dialog events. You’ll also have to face a couple of enemies during the dialog events as well.


Back to the Control Room

Make your way back to the control room at the Wind Shrine. When you reach Princess Avenue, a dialog event triggers. After it concludes, head to the control room for another dialog event.


Click here for the Second Wave quest guide!




Eastward – To the Hot Springs Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the To the Hot Springs Chapter 3 quest in Eastward.


Head to the Hot Springs

Head to the subway on Princess Avenue and take the train to the Hot Springs. Leave the station heading north to find Alva. Speak with her and say you’re ready to enter the Hot Springs to trigger a dialog event. When you gain control of John, leave the changing room then exit the building to trigger another dialog event involving milk. When it’s over, head outside and speak to Sonic Punk to trigger yet another dialog event.


Click here for The Wind God quest guide!



Tales of Arise

Tales of Arise – Daeq Faezol Subquests

by Chappie in

Welcome to our Daeq Faezol subquests Tales of Arise guide. Listed are the subquests you can find in Daeq Faezol and how to complete them.

An Ambition Fulfilled

Obtained: Speak with the Irresponsible Biologist B after completing the Tissue Sample sub-quest

Target: Defeat the prototype at the training grounds

When you speak with him, he’ll ask you if you’re ready for a fight. Say yes (if you are) and defeat the Level 52 Helganquil that spawns to complete the An Ambition Fulfilled quest.

Rewards: 27600 Gald, 455 SP

The Reminiscence Device

Obtained: Speak with Lab Worker A on the Tower Level of Daeq Faezol

Target: Talk to the researcher once you’re ready

Talk with the researcher when you’re ready to start a battle with a level 95 Balseph followed by a battle with a level 96 Phantom Ganabelt then a level 97 Dohalim…

Rewards: 61200 Gald, 670 SP

The Super Zeugle

Obtained: Speak with the Male Lab Worker at Daeq Faezol Lower Level after completing An Ambition Fulfilled sub-quest

Target: Defeat the super zeugle at Adan Lake

Travel to Adan Lake in Mahag Saar to find a Level 56 Masher Bull and Level 56 Masher Mare. Defeat them both then return to the worker to complete The Super Zeugle quest.

Rewards: 27600 Gald, 455 SP

The Ultimate Zeugle

Obtained: Speak with the Female Lab Worker at Daeq Faezol Lower Level after completing The Super Zeugle subquest

Target: Defeat the ultimate zeugle on Mount Dhiara

Travel to the Mountain Base at Mount Dhiara in Menancia to find a Level 59 Ezamamuk (aka giant t-rex!). Defeat it then return to the lab worker on Daeq Faezol to complete The Ultimate Zeugle quest.

Rewards: 36800 Gald, 650 SP

Tissue Sample

Obtained: Speak with the Irresponsible Biologist A at Daeq Faezol Lower Level after traveling to Rena

Target: Defeat the six-armed giant on Rena

Travel to Gegham Helgarahi Upper Level 3F to find a Level 54 Calamity Arms. Defeat it then return to the biologist to complete the Tissue Sample quest.

Rewards: 27600 Gald, 455 SP

For more Tales of Arise guides and walkthroughs, click here!


Eastward – A Golden Feast Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the A Golden Feast Chapter 3 quest in Eastward.


Meet William and Daniel at The “Big” Station

Make your way to the subway and take the train to The “Big” Station to trigger a dialog event.


Head for Quake Valley

Head north of The “Big” Station then go east for the next two areas. You should come to a cave in the eastern part of the City Outskirts. Enter the cave and work your way through it. When you come to a fork, take the left path through the scattered pots (and enemies) to find a chest with a gear part. Then follow the way forward east. After moving through a couple of areas,  you’ll find yourself in Quake Valley where a dialog event will trigger.


Find the Temblor Fish

Follow the northern path deeper into Quake Valley. When you reach the flooded area with sunken cars, taketh the right path (watch out for the bees in the barrels blocking the car bridge). When you reached the cracked stone pillars, drop a bomb to destroy them, then head to the stone dock. Switch to Sam and use her ability to remove the flowers in the lake. This will cause the raft on the other side of them to move south with the flow of the river. Follow the raft to the southwestern part of the area clearing the flowers from its path as you go. It will eventually stop near some cars creating a bridge for you to cross leading to the next area.

Follow the path around the pond then drop a bomb near the cracked stone pillars at the end to destroy them. Watch out for the frog enemy in this room who will spew out poison all over the place. In the next area, there will be venus flytraps scatters all around the ground. If you hug the left side of the area, you’ll pass some cracked stone pillars and end up at a chest containing a gear part. Return to the stone pillars and use a bomb to remove them then keep heading forward until you reach an area with a raft that that is moving in a circle in the water. Hop on the raft and use Sam to clear the flowers, you’ll need to do this two times. After the second set of flowers have been dealt with, switch to John and hit a bomb next to some stone pillars to destroy them. You can then get off of the raft on the dock across from where you started and move the giant crate out of your way to proceed deeper into Quake Valley.

Pass through the next area reaching the following area then loot the chest there for 3 Daikon. Head through the southern exit in this area to reach another area containing a chest with a Heart Orb. Return to the previous area and follow the path east until you reach a room with a fallen log on the left side and a raft on the right. You’ll need to split up Sam and John, take Sam through the fallen log. Use her to free the raft then switch to John and use it to reach the other side. You’ll then need to use Sam to clear the path forward for John ultimately getting him to the northern part of the map where he’ll be able to lob a bomb over to Sam’s side destroying some stone pillars blocking her way forward.

In the next couple of areas, keep switching between Sam and John to clear the obstacles in their path. Watch out for the crows, they will attack whoever is your active character which can be a pain when you are controlling Sam. When you reach the waterfall section with John, drop a bomb by the cracked wall behind it to find a hidden room with a chest containing a Pearl of the Valley. When you enter the room with a jeep in the middle of it a dialog event will trigger. When it ends, you’ll start a driving mini-game and the jeep even has nitro! When you reach the end of the river a dialog event triggers.

Make sure you save and stock up on healing items. When you’re ready, head south to face the mighty Temblor Fish! This monster likes to move through the ground tremor style and throw tractors at you. Use your bombs to blow up the tractor while avoiding the beast. When it comes out of the ground, deal as much damage as you can to it. It will also slam into the side of the room causing giant rocks to fall dealing damage if they land on you. The fish also will spawn additional tractors into the fight to throw at you. It will guard them by moving your bombs away from the tractors. You can drop a bomb under where a tractor is going to land to destroy it instantly or try to kite the fish away to give the bombs time to go off. Once you take the beast down, a dialog event will trigger and you’ll receive a Golden Valley Snapper!


Return to Rocket Mansion

Head back to New Dam City via the train and speak with Assistant Yasu (the guy in black suit and glasses) on Princess Avenue. If you found the Pearl of the Valley, you can give it to him for 200 salt. Continue to Rocket Mansion and enter Alva’s house for a dialog event.


Click here for the To the Hot Springs quest guide!




Eastward – A Big Dam Plan Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the A Big Dam Plan Chapter 3 quest in Eastward.


Get some King Krabs

Exit Rocket Mansion and head to The King Krab (first store on the left of the path leading to Rocket Mansion). Speak with Captian Seaman behind the counter then exit the shop. Make your way to the Dragon Market which can be found west of Midtown near the exit to the City Outskirts. At the market, approach the three people on the southwestern dock for a dialog event.


Head to the King Krab

When you get control of John and Sam, make your way to The King Krab and speak with Captain Seaman. Next head to Dragon Market. Speak to Da Gama on the blue rug to receive a fire mint and the Fruit Seller on the red/blue rug to receive a pineapple. When you’re ready, approach the dock to trigger a dialog event. When it ends, speak with Tater just past the dock then head to Lightning Mac’s in Uptown. On the way there, you can pick up a chest with an advanced gear part in the alley next to the Friendly Spendie on Princess Avenue. If you stop by Jazz 21, you can find a chest containing 50 salt. Enter Lightning Mac’s when you’re ready for a dialog event then head to the King Krab when it ends for another one. Afterward, head inside and speak with Captain Seaman to receive a King Krab.


A Side Adventure

This is optional, but if you head to Uptown and speak with Dwayne near the bench, he’ll ask you to make him a burger set. Travel to the Coin Palace and speak with Mikey on the game floor to receive the Burger Set recipe. You’ll need meat, fish and fruit to cook the burger. This can be done in Lowtown (reachable through Dragon Market). Return to Dwayne and give him the burger. Speak with him again then go to Lowtown and talk with Big Jaw. Choose the “put up the dough” option to get the Vegetable Stir-Fry recipe. Use the stove in Lowtown to create the dish using vegetables. Take the stir-fry back to Dwayne and give it to him for another dialog event. When it ends, head to Jazz 21 and speak with Kurahachi to receive a Diet Set. You’ll need an egg, chicken and lobster to cook this dish. Those items can be found in The King Krab and The Friendly Spendie, but keep in mind that the items for sale change so you might have to do some other stuff until they appear. After cooking the Diet Set, take it to Dwyane for one last dialog event. When it ends, you’ll receive a Heart Orb.


A Ghost of a Tale

If you interact with the small statues scatter around New Dam City, you’ll be greeted by Mimi, a ghost with a passion for scary stories. If you listen to all of her stories, she’ll reward you with a Heart Orb at the shrine in Uptown.

The locations of the statues are listed below:

  • Dragon Market
    • On the ground in the northwestern part of the area
  • Hot Springs
    • To the left of the main doors of the hot spring
  •  Lowtown
    • On a table in the western part of the area
  • Midtown
    • In an alleyway between two buildings (one of the buildings has a pig statue)
  • Princess Avenue
    • In an alley under a fan to the right of the path leading to Rocket Mansion


Cook the Krab

Return to Rocket Mansion and head to Alva’s house to start cooking the meal.


Catch the Krabs

When you gain control of Sam, you’ll need to grab six Krabs. There are three on your current floor and three upstairs (one in the hallway and one in each room). Take all six of them to the kitchen to trigger a dialog event.


Help the Troupe Out

Make your way to Central Park west of Uptown. If you stop by the shop that has bikes under an overhang, you can find a chest with 3 tokens slightly hidden next to the leaky pipe.  Continue on to Central Park to trigger a dialog event then speak with the troupe afterward. You can also speak with Cage to play a baseball game mini-game. You’ll need to time it just right to hit Cage with the ball. You can also talk with Dorkus in the southern part of the area and agree to watch his act. When prompted, choose where the ball isn’t to really make his day. When you’re ready, head to the Coin Palace and go upstairs. Check the rooms on this floor to find the three pieces for the Bettle Queen Costume then take it back to the troupe to trigger a dialog event.


Click here for the A Golden Feast quest guide!