Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter VII Part II: Not a Word, My Friend Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter VII – Part II: Not a Word, My Friend in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Telliore Streets (Side Story)

When you gain control on the world map, travel to Telliore Streets to see what the House Telliore is up to.


Falkes Streets (Side Story)

Check in on House Falkes at the Falkes Streets to view their thoughts on the situation.


Whiteholm Castle (Side Story)

Select Whiteholm Castle to view a cutscene with Frederica’s siblings.



Now might be a good time to stock up on items and do any Character Stories you may have.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

When you’re ready, head back to Castle Wolffort in the midst of preparing for a battle for a cutscene.


Wolffort Streets (Main Story)

After the above cutscene, head for the Wolffort Streets where you’ll be able to investigate the town before the fight. When you’re finished looking around the town, end the exploration.


Conviction Choice 1 (Roland)

  • I understand how you feel, but now is not the time for revenge. (Utility)
  • Then I’ll not stand in your way. Avlora is yours.  (Liberty)
  • Pray calm yourself, Roland. You needn’t fight this battle alone-let us aid you. (Morality)


Conviction Choice 2 (Anna)

  • I will offer them due compensation if we triumph. If we fail, then all was lost from the start. (Utility)
  • Prince Roland is my friend. I must protect him, come what may. (Morality)
  • We must put down any threat to our demesne and our people. (Liberty)



  • Firestone – under a torch near the entrance to the castle
  • Firestone – next to the cooking fire in the house to the left of the castle entrance
  • 400 Money – in the market by the steps near Geela
  • Red Scarf – on the shelf in the house on the right side of the market
  • Large HP Recovery Pellet x2 – on a barrel in the house near Erador



  • Lord Silvio’s Loyalty
    • Speak with Erador


  • Wolffort Soldier
  • Roland
  • Frederica
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Benedict
  • Child – in the house near Benedict
  • Anna
  • Itinerant Merchant
  • Geela
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Child
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Hughette
  • Wolffort Solider
  • Wolffort Merchant
  • Erador
  • Saltmonger
  • Wolffort Townsperson – in the house near the Saltmonger


Wolffort Streets (Main Story – General Avlora’s Assault)

Select the Wolffort Streets when you are ready to get the battle underway. You’ll be facing three waves of Aesfrosti soldiers, so make sure you have plenty of healing items at the ready. Just as an FYI, one of the game’s endings requires you to not only refuse to hand over Roland but also not use any of the traps during this battle. When you emerge victoriously, a cutscene will trigger and you’ll be sent back to the world map.


Telliore Streets (Side Story)

When you gain control on the world map, travel to Telliore Streets to see House Telliore’s reaction to Serenoa’s victory.


Falkes Streets (Side Story)

Travel to Telliore Streets to see House Falkes’ reaction to Serenoa’s victory.


Citadel of the Sands (Side Story)

Travel here to see Hyzante’s reaction to Serenoa’s vicotry.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

When you’re ready to press on with the story, travel to Castle Wolffort to regroup with the company.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter VIII – Part I: The Weather Vane in Triangle Strategy!



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Near-Forest Treasure Chests

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide on what loot the treasure chests contain and where they can be found in the Near-Forest in Atelier Sophie 2!



Ingot Bug


Traveler’s Vest


Bustling Lane

Yarn Coat


Big Beast Bone


Misty Garden

Gold Beehive



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Roytale Landmarks

by MrsChappie in


Below are the locations of the landmarks at Roytale in Atelier Sophie 2!




Time Flow Ruins


Sunbird’s Nest


Commercial District


Spinning Water Clock


Bell Square


Residential District


Market Square


Rose Falls

**Please note that for this landmark, I acquired it by standing in the spot marked by the yellow dot on the map above!**



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – I Want to Run a Store 4

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the I Want to Run a Store 4 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 1 Puni Jelly

Synthesize a Puni Jelly and deliver it to Kati to complete the quest. For guidance on how to unlock the Puni Jelly recipe, click here!



  • Yellow Flower (quality 85) x2




Monark – Alter Ego Location Guide

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on where to find the Alter Egos in Monark and what stats they increase. Alter Egos show up in the world after speaking to the student they are associated with.


Main Bldg

  • Rinne Asahina’s Alter Ego (PSY +3)
    • Main Bldg – 1F near the main entrance. You’ll need at least 100 points in wrath to collect it.
  • Joe Nijima’s Alter Ego (ATK +2)
    • Main Bldg – 2F in classroom 3-A after clearing the mist on the second floor.
  • Yoshika Machimura’s Alter Ego (ATK +4)
    • Main Bldg – 2F in classroom 3-E. Requires 300 pride to collect it
  • Shiro Sato’s Alter Ego (PSY +5)
    • Main Bldg – RF on a ledge past the shed. Requires 500 lust to collect it.


1st Year Bldg

  • Perrine Ikejiri’s Alter Ego (PSY +3)
    • 1st Year Bldg – 1F in the Art Room
  • Miho Sonobe’s Alter Ego (HP +6)
    • 1st Year Bldg – 3F on a desk in classroom 1-F. Requires 400 sloth to collect it.
  • Hidefumi Yoshida’s Alter Ego (HP +6)
    • 1st Year Bldg – RF on the ledge in the northeastern corner. Requires 400 gluttony to collect.


West Street

  • Mihono Takagi’s Alter Ego (DEF  +4)
    • To the left of the 2nd Year Building near the fountain. Requires 400 gluttony to collect it.


2nd Year Bldg

  • Hiroki Suzuya’s Alter Ebo (HP +5)
    • 2nd Year Bldg – 1F in the Faculty Room. Requires 300 wrath to collect it.
  • Kenyu Umezawa’s Alter Ego (ATK +3)
    • 2nd Year Bldg – 1F in classroom 2-B. Requires 200 greed to collect it.
  • Junichiro Shigeno’s Alter Ego (AGI +3)
    • 2nd Year Bldg – 2F in the Biology Lab. Requires 200 sloth to collect it.


Club Building

  • Chris Carpenter’s Alter Ego (LUK +3)
    • Club Block A – 1F after clearing the mist from Club Block B
  • Yuichiro Farhad’s Alter Ego (HP +3)
    • Club Block C – 1F in the Baseball Club room in a locker
  • Yusho Okawa’s Alter Ego (AGI +3)
    • Club Block C – 1F in the hallway
  • Anna Hatta’s Alter Ego (LUK +5)
    • Club Block C – 2F in the hallway past the break area
  • Koichi Izumi’s Alter Ego (ATK +5)
    • Club Block C – 2F in the Track and Field room


Central Street

  • Mirai Otomo’s Alter Ego (PSY +4)
    • North side of Central Street near the Memorial Garden entrance. Requires 300 greed to collect it.


Old Dormitory

  • Reiko Inze’s Alter Ego (DEF +3)
    • Memorial Garden due east of Vanitas.
  • Shigeyuki Mura’s Alter Ego (DEF +6)
    • Old Dorm in the center of the courtyard.





  • N/A


Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter VII Part I: A Soul Upon the Scales

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter VII Part I: A Soul upon the Scales in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story)

From the world map, select Whiteholm Castle to view the events that are occurring at the castle.


Telliore Streets (Side Story)

Select the Telliore Streets to see a scene with House Telliore.


Falkres Streets (Side Story)

Head to the Falkres Streets to view a scene with House Falkres.


Crown City (Side Story)

Visit the Crown City to witness the aftermath of the execution.


Citadel of the Sands (Side Story)

Lastly, check in with Hyaznate as they get word on what happened in Glenbrook.


Wolffort Streets (Main Story)

With the side stories out of the way, head to Wolffort Streets to continue the story. After a cutscene, you’ll be sent back to the world map. Now would be a good time to swing by the Encampment if you haven’t yet in this chapter. You’ll be able to buy a Medal of Bravery from the Sundry Shop for 20 kudos which can be used to promote one of your units if they are level 10. You can then return to Wolffort Streets for another cutscene and Conviction Choice. Afterwards, you’ll be returned to the world map.


Conviction Choice 1 (Benedict)

  • I cannot render a decision here and now… There must be some solution… (Liberty)
  • As his vassal, I must fight to protect the prince. But as their lord, I must ensure my people’s safety… (Morality)
  • We cannot hope to win against Aesfrsot. But if we do nothing to stop them, many will lose their lives… (Utility)


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

Head to Castle Wolffort to weigh the Scales of Conviction. You’ll get the opportunity to speak with the townspeople before the votes are cast.  Speak with the people around the town and collect any items while doing so. When you are ready, return to the council chamber to begin the persuasion.


Conviction Choice 2 (Wolffort Townsperson)

  • I find myself in the unfortunate position of having thought peace would be everlasting… (Utility)
  • I cannot allow the currents to carry me along. I muse use them to my advantage and turn the tide of the battles to come. (Liberty)
  • My father risked his life to bring honor to our house. I’ll not be the one to tarnish his legacy. (Morality)


Conviction Choice 3 (Wolffort Twonsperson)

  • Aesfrost’s betrayal will not stand. They will answer for their atrocities. (Liberty)
  • I share in your confusion, but Frederica knew nothing of this. Pray, do not blame her for Aesfrost’s actions. (Morality)
  • The kingdom has no true allies, nor true enemies. We shall sue for peace and work to avoid further conflict. (Utility)



  • Wolffort’s Secret Weapon
    • Speak with the Wolffort Solider near the house with a shield out front at the end of the path from the castle entrance
  • A Bounty on the Prince
    • Speak with the Wolffort Townsperson in the center of town near the stall with a blue top
  • The Dawnspear’s Sacrifice
    • Speak to the Wolffort Merchant on the far right side of town



  • HP Ring
    • Under a table with a pot on it in the house to the left of the entrance to the castle
  • Quality Iron x2
    • On a shelf in the house with a shield on it down the path from the castle entrance
  • HP Recovery Pellet
    • On the middle stall in the center of town
  • HP Recovery Pellet
    • On a bed in the middle house on the far right side of the town



  • Marvels of Norzelia, Vol. 1
    • On a desk in the house near the lady with a Conviction Choice closest to the castle



  • Wolffort Solider
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Child – in the house near the lady with the Conviction Choice closest to the castle
  • Wolffort Soldier
  • Cat – in the house near the lady with a Conviction Choice closest to the castle
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Wolffort Townsperson – in the house to the right of the market
  • Child – in the house to the right of the market
  • Saltmonger
  • Wolffort Merchant


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Voting)

Below we have listed what each character stands for in this persuasion along with their dialog options. After the voting, a cutscene triggers and the chapter competes. Please note that choosing not to hand over Roland is a requirement for one of the game’s four endings.


Stave of the Aesfrosti army and protect Prince Roland


  • Surrendering Roland is the only way.
    • It pains me to admit it, but I do. I fear this is a battle we cannot win, and so it is best avoided.
    • Doing so would save countless lives. This is the only way to protect our own.
    • I will not see Ser Maxwell’s sacrifice rendered meaningless.
      • The Dawnspear’s Sacrifice info


  • Surrendering Roland is the only way
    • 1st Set of Questions
      • I cannot compel my people to march to their demise for one man, prince or not.
      • Roland and I agree we must keep peace in the Wolffort demesne however we can.
      • Resisting the duchy now would spell the end of us all, and we do not know for sure they will kill him once he is theirs.
    • 2nd Set of Questions
      • They will destroy us if we do not.
      • The lord of a high house is sworn to protect his people, no matter the cost.
      • I see no other choice, Hughette
        • A Bounty on the Prince info



  • Surrendering Roland is the only way
    • 1st Set of Questions
      • I cannot bear to watch the good people of the demesne die.
      • I intend to keep our losses to a minimum. This is how we do so.
      • This is Roland’s will, Erador. Who am I to defy him?
    • 2nd Set of Questions
      • By protecting his loyal subjects, come what may.
      • What debt? The king is dead.
      • This has nothing to do with any debt. I make this decision as lord of House Wolffort, and I take responsibility for its outcome.
        • Serenoa’s Duty info
    • 3rd Set of Questions
      • But now is not the time, Erador. Not if we hope to win.
      • So you believe we can defeat Avlora?


Surrender Prince Roland and avoid conflict with the Aesfrosti army


  • We must protect Roland at all costs.
    • 1st Set of Questions
      • Surely we can find a way to protect you and the people.
      • Our kingdom needs you, as do I and House Wolffort.
      • Have you forgotten Ser Maxwell’s dying words? Would you render his noble sacrifice for naught?
        • The Dawnspear’s Sacrifice info
    • 2nd Set of Questions
      • Pray, do not deny your beloved master his last request.
      • Your sacrifice alone will not overcome this impasse. It’s nothing more than an abdication of your responsibility.
      • The Wolffort demesne has many secrets… One of which we might use to drive the enemy back.
        • Wolffort’s Secret Weapon info



  • We must protect Roland at all costs.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • There must be another way…
      • The royal family is a beacon to the people. With the king slain, they need Roland now more than ever.
      • Perhaps the battle is not as hopeless as one might think…
        • Wolffort’s Secret Weapon info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Is it not together with Roland we might best protect both demesne and kingdom? Surely that is reason enough!
      • I do not believe the battle is a futile one. Victory or defeat is but a matter of fortune.
      • I have as much duty to the royal family as I do to House Wolffort. Such is the lot of the lords of high houses.



  • We must protect Roland at all costs.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • I will not bet the life of our prince – of my friend – on a mere supposition.
      • We are finished the moment we bend the knee. There must be a way to strike at them.
      • I fear delivering Roland will not stop Aesfrost’s onslaught.
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Surrendering Roland will show the people we lack courage. We’ll not have an easy time of it if we lose their trust.
      • I am prepared to fight to the last, even if we cannot win. House Wolffort remains the royal family’s sword and shield.
      • Truth be told. I have a plan… Provided the rumors I’ve heard are true.
        • Wolffort’s Secret Weapon info




  • We must protect Roland at all costs.
    • We cannot capitulate to revert demand our enemies make.
    • House Wolffort shrinks from no enemy. We will strategize and fight, as we always have.
    • ???
  • Surrendering Roland is the only way.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • That time grows short.
      • That I may not be able to protect my people from the fires of war I see on the horizon.
      • ???
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Ser Maxwell gave his life to protect the kingdom. Fighting would bring harm to the people and render his sacrifice in vain. 
        • The Dawnspear’s Sacrifice info
      • Roland is my liege and, as such, I must respect his wishes.
      • Roland will castigate himself for any harm that befalls the people.


Click here for the next walkthrough for Chapter VII – Part II: Not a Word, My Friend in Triangle Strategy.



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – How to Unlock the References Recipes!

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide on how to obtain the References recipes in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream.


Baked Waffle

Multicolor Dye

  • Purchase Happy Living from Pirka’s Emporium for 1500 Cole


  • Purchase Happy Living from Pirka’s Emporium for 1500 Cole

Plant Seeds

  • Obtained when Olias makes a visit to the atelier and brings a greenhouse


Glacial Larimar

  • Obtained automatically as part of the main story

Demolition Bomb

  • Obtained automatically as part of the main story


  • Purchase The Secret Ingredient from Pirka’s Emporium for 3000 Cole. This item show up for us after return Plachta’s soul to her doll body.


  • Purchase The Secret Ingredient from Pirka’s Emporium for 3000 Cole. This item show up for us after return Plachta’s soul to her doll body.


  • Purchase A Puni Guide to DIY from Pirka’s Emporium for 3250 Cole. This item show up for us after return Plachta’s soul to her doll body.

Sperrholz Plywood

  • Purchase A Puni Guide to DIY from Pirka’s Emporium for 3250 Cole. This item show up for us after return Plachta’s soul to her doll body.

Wake-Up Flower

  • Obtained automatically as part of a side story for Gnome and Kati. Every time you see Gnome’s head in front of a location in Roytale on the world map make sure to visit them for a cutscene. Eventually you’ll get this recipe for a quest. The recipe requires a Solar Face and Lunar Face, so it’ll be after you’ve acquired them as well!

Mystic Seeds

  • Purchase the Mystic Seed Recipe for 3 scrolls from Gnome at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion


  • Purchase The Art of Battle from Alette for 4000 Cole

Moonless Mist

  • Purchase the Book of the New Moon for 4 scrolls from Gnome at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion

Rainbow Neutralizer

  • Loot the Heart of Alchemy from a chest on the eastern side of Surva’s Heart – Inferno’s Pulse


  • Purchase the Dream Vision Log from Alette for 6000 Cole

Starry Comet

  • Purchase the Falling Star for 5 scrolls from Gnome at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion



  • Loot the Heavenly Weaving from a chest in the central part of Eternal Sand Dunes – Shimmering Land

Crimson Dragon Fangs

  • Received automatically from one of Pirka’s dialog events towards the end of the game



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – I Want to Run a Store 3 Quest

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the I Want to Run a Store 3 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 1 Honey

Synthesize a Honey then deliver it to Kati to complete the quest.



  • Waffle Cooking Guide (quality 50) x1



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Wishing for a Balanced World 4 Quest

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Wishing for a Balanced World 4 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 1 Bomb

Synthesize a Bomb then deliver it to Kati to complete the request.



  • Frost Uni (quality 65) x1
  • 1500 Cole