Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Patamon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Patamon’s questions! Please note that we found this Digimon in Part 4.


  • I don’t care how tough you are, I’m not gonna lose!
    • I’ll crush you, punk!
    • I don’t want to fight.
    • Nice, so energetic!
    • I’m not gonna lose!
  • Have you ever told a lie?
    • I don’t want to say.
    • Once, for a friend.
    • Countless times.
    • Never ever.
  • Someday I’m gonna run this joint!
    • Not a chance!
    • Good to have goals.
    • Not if I can help it.
    • Let me work for you!
  • What do you do for fun?
    • Who has time for fun?
    • Climbing trees.
    • Tag!
    • Hide and seek.
  • Whenever I meet a scary monster, I just start apologizing. Weird, right?
    • You’re a scaredy-cat.
    • You’re a nice ‘mon.
    • You don’t wanna fight.
    • I guess it’s instinct?
  • What’s the most important thing to you?
    • Myself.
    • My friends.
    • Health.
    • Food!
  • Why are leaves green?
    • Can’t say, really.
    • To make people calm.
    • It’s the chlorophyll.
    • Or yellow, or red…



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Angemon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Angemon’s questions! Please note that we found this Digimon in Part 4.


  • It’s better to take some sort of action than just sit idly by and worry.
    • I’ll do the same!
    • Look before you leap!
    • Gotta move forward.
    • Clean your own messes.
  • Are there bonds stronger than the family?
    • Why should I answer?
    • There must be.
    • Not a chance.
    • I really can’t say.
  • The goal of this battle is to test each other’s strength.
    • Who has time for that?
    • I’ll come out on top!
    • I’m the stronger one!
    • Fighting sounds scary.
  • What do you think is the most important thing for building trust?
    • Just slug it out!
    • Trusting your partner.
    • Opening up…
    • Exchanging ideas.
  • What kind of human are you?
    • I like to fight!
    • A friendly human!
    • A cowardly human…
    • My own kind of human.
  • Is there something you’d like to say to me? Go on, don’t be shy.
    • Don’t kill me!
    • You’re super cool!
    • You’re in my way…
    • Thanks for being kind.
  • By the way, why exactly are you here?
    • To defeat monsters.
    • To meet you.
    • Trying to get home.
    • I was guided here.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Birdramon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Birdramon’s questions! Please note that we found this Digimon in Part 4.


  • Is wanting quiet time to yourself such a crime?
    • Yeah, shame on you!
    • No, but it’s not easy.
    • I prefer fun.
    • You should go for it!
  • I’d like to avoid a pointless battle, if possible…
    • Then let’s retreat.
    • And yet fight we must.
    • Get ready.
    • There’s no such thing!
  • If your friend was off causing trouble, how would you deal with it?
    • Nothing to do with me.
    • With my fists!
    • I’d scold them!
    • I’d protect my friend.
  • What would you do if someone told you an idea you believed in was incorrect?
    • I’d claim I was right!
    • Get annoyed!
    • I’d be embarrassed.
    • Thank that person.
  • How do clouds in the sky look to you?
    • Makes you think, huh?
    • Fluffy and tasty.
    • Always transforming.
    • I wanna ride one!
  • Looking at innocent monsters really puts your heart at ease, doesn’t it?
    • What a gentle soul!
    • Not for me, nope!
    • Love the nice guy act.
    • They’re so cute!
  • Sometimes you should act on emotion instead of logic, don’t you think?
    • Efficiency is key.
    • That sound dangerous.
    • Be true to yourself.
    • Leap before you look!




Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Diatrymon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Diatrymon’s questions! Please note that we found this Digimon in Part 4.


  • Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy!
    • Stare in amazement.
    • I know what you mean.
    • Have more patience!
    • Can’t say the same…
  • I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right?
    • Even more than you!
    • I’m not like you.
    • Grin and bear it.
    • You know your stuff!
  • Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best!
    • Thanks for the lesson!
    • Yeah, the best!
    • Really? I can’t sleep.
    • It’s bad for your gut.
  • This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here!
    • I’ll think about it.
    • You give ME food!
    • I need this food.
    • Hunt for yourself!
  • Arrrgh! Grraaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way!
    • Let it simmer down.
    • Calm down already!
    • That’s crazy talk.
    • We can’t live alone.
  • I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa!
    • This’ll be your grave.
    • Not if I beat you!
    • Scary! But I’ll win.
    • Nice, a tough one!
  • Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat?
    • You look strong.
    • Not really.
    • I eat everything!
    • I prefer vegetables.



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Charity and Hypocrisy

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Charity and Hypocrisy standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, listen in on the conversations around Colony 4. Afterwards, head to the rest spot and discuss Herding Monsters.


Follow the objective north of Colony 4 to the Eagus Wilderness Barren Knoll. As you approach it, an event will trigger leading to a fight with multiple waves of level 18 Hard Hox. After the battle, you’ll be treated to a cutscene ending with the quest completing.



  • 710 EXP
  • 910 Gold
  • 3 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Dorin and Bambam

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Dorin and Bambam standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, listen in on the conversations around Colony 4. Afterwards, head to the rest spot and discuss Colony 4 Nopon.


Head to the Colony 4 Ferronis Hatch and speak with Dinzel on the first level. Exit the hatch into the camp and take a right to find Dorin. Speak with him then travel to the Llyn Nyddwy Camp west of Colony 30. Approach the Nopon to trigger an event leading to a fight with 3 level 19 Larm Ansel. After defeating them you’ll need to obtain 3 Ardun Ribs from some nearby Massido Ardun. Bring them back to the camp to trigger another event. When it concludes, travel back to Colony 4 then head towards the Gerronis Hatch to trigger another event. Make your way slightly northeast of Colony 4 to find the pair for yet another event leading to the conclusion of the quest.



  • 710 EXP
  • 910 Gold
  • 3 SP



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Part 4 Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for Part 4 in Digimon Survive.


Free Action

  • You’ll have a total of 11 moves to use!


Woods by Shrine – Exploration

  • Use camera on left tree to receive an item (we received Amulet Acorn).


Shrine – Exploration

  • Use camera on right side of shrine to receive an item.
  • Use camera on right side of stairs to receive The Tale of the Mural: Chapter 1.
  • Use camera on left statue to find a shadow. Fight if you’d like or just run away.


Old School – Exploration

  • Use camera near entrance to receive an item.


Corridor – Decision

  • What could Agumon do to help?
    • I honestly can’t say. (moral)
    • Give people space. (wrathful)
    • Talk with people. (harmony)


Corridor – Free Action

  • Shuuji (costs 1 move)
    • So how do I answer his question?
      • Think of that later. (moral)
      • No need to apologize. (wrathful)
      • I’ll apologize too. (harmony – Shuuji affinity up)


Classroom – Free Action

  • Use camera to interact with area near Labramon to receive item.
  • Use camera to interact with spot behind podium
  • Aoi (costs 1 move)
    • What should I say to Aoi?
      • It was inevitable.
      • We’re all responsible. (Aoi affinity up)
      • What’s done is done.
    • What should I say to Saki?
      • Have you had it rough? (Saki affinity up)
      • You’re so considerate.
      • You really get girls.
  • Saki (costs 1 move)
    • How should I answer Saki?
      • I couldn’t say.
      • I think you’re blunt.
      • I think you’re nice. (Saki affinity up)


Toilet – Free Action

  • Lopmon (costs 1 move)
    • Just dialog pointing you to the Shrine for locating Agumon


Cafeteria – Free Action

  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • What should I say to Minoru?
      • Why are you asking?
      • I’m not telling.
      • Those comics he likes. (Minoru affinity increase)
  • Falcomon (costs 1 move)
    • What’s my impression, here…?
      • I’m not sure. (moral)
      • This is terrible! (wrathful)
      • It’s really well-made! (harmony)
    • Anti-paralysis Crystal x1


Gym – Free Action

  • Kaito (costs 1 move)
    • I should say something too!
      • You’ve got some sense. (Kaito affinity up)
      • You’re really honest.
      • You’re a good guy.


Woods by School – Free Action

  • Cost 1 move just to go here
  • Use camera to find an item on the middle tree.


Old School – Free Action

  • Kaito (costs 1 move)
    • How can I convince Kaito?
      • By force, if need be!
      • Persuade him.
      • Appeal for help! (Kaito affinity up)
  • Floramon (costs 1 move) (we did not)
    • Just dialog


Corridor – Free Action

  • Labramon (costs 1 move) (we did not!)
    • Just dialog


Woods by Shrine – Free Action

  • Costs 1 move just to go here (we did not!)
  • Quick cutscene of Agumon


Shrine – Free Action

  • Costs 1 move to just go here
  • Agumon gave us Choice Ribs
  • Use camera near statue on the left for a fight


Music Room – Free Action

  • Haru (costs 1 move)
    • How should I respond to these two?
      • Heard what? (moral)
      • Is it bad if I did? (wrathful)
      • Yes, I heard it. (harmony)
    • Anti-Fire Crystal x1
  • Miyuki (costs 1 move)
    • Same dialog and same item received as Haru’s


Cafeteria – Decision

  • What’s the best way to stop this fight?
    • Try to enlist help. (moral)
    • Side with Kaito. (wrathful)
    • Honor Shuuji’s point. (harmony)


Woods by Shrine – Decision

Choices don’t matter.

  • What should I suggest?
    • Find another way.
    • Turn back here.
    • Press on like this.


Mountain Pass – Decision

  • I want to look around. (moral)
  • Let’s press on. (wrathful)
  • Let’s take a break. (harmony)


Mountain Pass – Exploration

  • Minoru
  • Aoi
  • Shuuji
  • I think I’m most worried about… (choice doesn’t matter)
    • Saki
    • Lopmon
    • Miyuki


Park Gate – Decision

  • What should I say?
    • Agumon, work this out. (moral)
    • You asked for this! (wrathful)
    • We don’t want a fight. (harmony)


Central Plaza – Exploration

  • Use the camera on the run down teapots to the right of Kaito to find the All in the Seasoning: Chapter 2
  • Kaito (progress story)


Woods by Park – Exploration

  • Use camera on bushes to the right for a shadow to either fight or run from.


Park Gate – Exploration

  • Use camera on fountain to find an item.
  • Use camera on carousel horse to find an item.
  • Aoi
    • Should I tell her what I was just thinking?
      • Save your concern.
      • You love cute stuff. (Aoi affinity up)
      • You sure are nice.


Central Plaza – Exploration

  • Minoru
    • Who would I take to a rented-out theme park?
      • Refuse to answer.
      • You. (Minoru’s affinity up)
      • My girlfriend.
  • Miyuki
    • Just dialog


Performance Space – Exploration

  • Use camera on grass behind Saki to find an item.
  • Floramon
    • What should I say to Saki?
      • No reason. (Saki affinity up)
      • You seem wistful.
      • You’re too excited.


Castle Courtyard – Exploration

  • How should we deal with this?
    • Ignore them. (moral)
    • Scare them off. (wrathful)
    • Try to convince them. (harmony)


Castle Courtyard – Exploration

  • Use camera on the pillar to the left of Kaito to find an item.
  • Kaito
    • What’s my number one question?
      • Does it get annoying?
      • What makes her cute?
      • What do you love most? (Kaito affinity up)
  • What’s our plan?
    • Completely ignore them. (moral)
    • Pose as servants. (wrathful)
    • Keep trying to reason. (harmony)


Park Gate – Exploration

  • Agumon
    • Crisp Apple x2


Performance Space – Exploration

  • Agumon
    • Clobber Carrot x2


Woods by Park – Exploration

  • Use camera on tree on right to receive an item.
  • Use camera on bush near center to find a shadow. Either fight it or don’t!


Central Plaza – Exploration

  • Use camera on left side in front of carousel to find an item.
  • Shuuji


Castle Path South – Exploration

  • Use camera at base of column near the top right corner to find a Learning Crystal.
  • Corner


Castle Path South – Exploration

  • Use camera on middle window on left side to find a shadow. Either fight it or run!
  • Use camera at base of column near the top right corner to find an Unsealing Light Crystal.


Castle Path East – Exploration

  • Use camera behind Minoru to obtain a Stirring Fire Crystal.
  • End of Hall


Castle Path North – Exploration

  • Use camera on the far right column to obtain a Melting Water Crystal.
  • Corner


Castle Path West – Exploration

  • Pillar


Throne Room – Decision

  • How to persuade her? (select any of the below as she’s not happy with any of them)
    • We’ve got great food! (moral)
    • Stop acting up! (wrathful)
    • This world is dangerous. (harmony)


Jail – Exploration

  • Iron Bars
  • Floor
  • Pillar
  • How should we get out of here?
    • Try to wait on Miu? (moral)
    • Find our own way. (wrathful)
    • Follow along! (harmony)


Woods by Park – Decision

  • What should be our first priority?!
    • Gathering information. (moral)
    • Our own safety. (wrathful)
    • Rescuing Miu. (harmony)


Central Plaza – Exploration

  • Use camera on left side in front of carousel to get an item.
  • Palmon
    • Palmon’s hurt… What should we do?
      • Hurry on ahead.
      • Treat the injury. (We treated the injury!)


Performance Space – Exploration

  • Use camera on the patch of grass on the left side to get an item.
  • Patamon
    • Should I use it or not?
      • Save it for later.
      • Treat the injury. (We treated the injury!)


Castle Courtyard – Exploration

  • Biyomon
    • Should I treat Patamon?
      • Don’t use a salve.
      • Treat the injury. (We treated the injury!)


Park Gate – Exploration

  • Cutscene with Agumon


Central Plaza – Exploration

  • Kaito
    • How do I think Shuuji feels about his brother?
      • He’s a disappointment?
      • That he’s annoying? (Shuuji affinity up)
      • That he’s scary?


Castle Path West – Exploration

  • Use camera on treasure chest to receive an item.
  •  Saki
    • Skill Crystal x1


Castle Path East – Exploration

  • Minoru
    • Acceleration Charge x1


Throne Room – Exploration

  • Biyomon
    • Amulet Acorn x2


Castle Path North – Exploration

  • Palmon


Castle Path South – Exploration

  • Use camera on column behind Patamon to obtain an item.
  • Patamon


Throne Room – Exploration

  • Treasure Chest
  • Treasure Chest
  • Treasure Chest


Performance Space – Exploration

  • But what might that be?
    • Make Garurumon angry! (moral)
    • Agumon and the others are too much for you. (wrathful)
    • Challenge Garurumon to a fight! (harmony)


Boss Fight

  • For this boss fight, you’ll be fighting against Garurumon, Togemon, Monzaemon and 2 Gotsumon.


Performance Space – Decision

  • I was thinking…
    • …once was enough. (moral)
    • …we can take him. (wrathful)
    • …we might not win. (harmony)
  • It’s tough, but I think we should…
    • …keep thinking. (moral)
    • …ask the kidnappers. (wrathful)
    • …run and hide. (harmony)


Click here for the next walkthrough on Part 5 of Digimon Survive!



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Guardromon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Guardromon’s questions! Please note that we found Guardromon in Part 4.


  • How do clouds in the sky look to you?
    • Makes you think, huh?
    • Fluffy and tasty.
    • Always transforming.
    • I wanna ride one!
  • If your friend was off causing trouble, how would you deal with it?
    • Nothing to do with me.
    • With my fists!
    • I’d scold them!
    • I’d protect my friend.
  • Is wanting quiet time to yourself such a crime?
    • Yeah, shame on you!
    • No, but it’s not easy.
    • I prefer fun.
    • You should go for it!
  • I’d like to avoid a pointless battle, if possible…
    • Then let’s retreat.
    • And yet fight we must.
    • Get ready.
    • There’s no such thing!
  • Looking at innocent monsters really puts your heart at ease, doesn’t it?
    • What a gentle soul!
    • Not for me, nope.
    • Love the nice guy act.
    • They’re so cute!
  • What would you do if someone told you an idea you believed in was incorrect?
    • I’d claim I was right!
    • Get annoyed!
    • I’d be embarrassed.
    • Thank that person.
  • Sometimes you should act on emotion instead of logic, don’t you think?
    • Efficiency is key.
    • That sounds dangerous.
    • Be true to yourself.
    • Leap before you look!



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Teach’s Teachers

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Teach’s Teachers standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. You’ll automatically obtain the Request from Teach discussion topic after completing the Going Beyond Power hero quest. Afterwards, head to a rest spot and discuss the Request from Teach.


Examine the noticeboard in the middle of Colony Gamma and select “Check teaching requests”. You’ll then have the options of “Live Combat Training” or “Theoretical Knowledge”. Select both options to receive some discussion topics. Travel to the rest spot and discuss the Tutor: Taion and Tutors: Sena & Eunie. This will unlock the first couple of quests for Teach’s Teachers. The rest of the quests are unlocked as you progress the game and complete various ascension quests. Below are the quests you’ll need to complete in order to finish Teach’s Teachers.



  • 3140 EXP
  • 1840 Gold
  • 3 SP
  • Moon Anklets x1



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Theoretical Knowledge

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Theoretical Knowledge standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. You’ll automatically obtain this quest during Teach’s Teachers when you discuss the Tutor: Taion topic.


Talk to the group of Zakir, Mina and Schoon in the Assembly Yard. Head to the nearby tent and speak with the group again. When you’re ready, select “Sure!” to begin the lesson!

  • Which of these combo routes is wrong?
    • Break – Topple – Daze – Beguiling Charms
  • Which attacks weaken the enemy?
    • Debuffs
  • What is the most important component of a Chain Attack?
    • The balance of roles within the party
  • What should an Attacker typically do if targeted by the enemy?
    • Pull back and wait for a Defender to assist.
  • Whose role is it to attract the enemy’s attention?
    • Defenders


After you answer the above questions, there is a short break. When you’re ready to resume with the next test, speak with the group.

  • Which statement about the Flame Clocks in the Iris is correct?
    • In Keves it’s in the right eye, Agnus, the left.
  • What’s the name of the desert in the Fornis region?
    • Dannagh Desert
  • What is the name of the jewel that can be mined in the Aetia region?
    • Delicate Bell
  • Where did Colony Sigma and Colony 9 fight?
    • Everblight Plain
  • What color is the smoke from airdrops?
    • Red
  • Who led their colony to victory over three colonies simultaneously?
    • Silvercoat Ethel
  • What’s the highest rank in a colony?
    • Consul


After you answer the above questions, you’ll see if you win. Either way it does not matter. The quest will still complete!



  • 1160 EXP
  • 1410 Gold
  • 3 SP