Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Gigadramon

by MrsChappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Gigadramon’s questions!


  • Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy!
    • [Stare in amazement.]
    • I know what you mean.
    • Have more patience!
    • Can’t say the same…
  • I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right?
    • Even more than you!
    • I’m not like you.
    • Grin and bear it.
    • You know your stuff!
  • Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best!
    • Thanks for the lesson!
    • Yeah, the best!
    • Really? I can’t sleep.
    • It’s bad for your gut.
  • Arrrrgh! Grraaaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way!
    • [Let it simmer down.]
    • Calm down already!
    • That’s crazy talk.
    • We can’t live alone.
  • I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa!
    • This’ll be your grave.
    • Not if I beat you!
    • Scary! But I’ll win.
    • Nice, a tough one!
  • This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here!
    • I’ll think about it.
    • You give ME food!
    • I need this food.
    • Hunt for yourself!
  • Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat?
    • You look strong.
    • Not really.
    • I eat everything!
    • I prefer vegetables.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Part 7 Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for Part 7 in Digimon Survive.


Classroom – Decision

  • What were we doing today? Today we go to…
    • School. (moral)
    • The enemy base. (wrathful)
    • The western base. (harmony)


Deep Woods – Battle

  • Doing this battle will unlock Falcomon’s ultimate form.
  • This should unlock when Minoru’s affinity is around level 50.
  • Will receive a Perfect Enlightenment Slab


Old School – Free Action

  • Use camera on bush behind Agumon to find an item.
  • Agumon (costs 1 move)
    • I’d say that for me, Agumon is…
      • Dependable. (moral)
      • A simple, kind friend. (wrathful)
      • Partner and protector. (harmony)
    • Gives Perfect Enlightenment Slab


Corridor – Free Action

  • Miu (costs 1 move)
    • How should I respond to Miu’s request? I will…
      • Talk to him. (Miu affinity up)
      • Keep an eye on him.
      • Not talk to him.


Classroom – Free Action

  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • Classic Minoru move!
    • You’re welcome. (Minoru affinity up)
    • Don’t mention it.


Music Room – Free Action

  • Haru (costs 1 move)
    • What should I say to get them to stick with us?
      • We gotta get home. (moral)
      • What does she want? (wrathful)
      • It’s dangerous to stay! (harmony)
    • Great Growth Stone x5


Deep Woods – Battle

  • Doing this battle will unlock Syakomon’s ultimate form.
  • This should unlock when Miu’s affinity is around level 50.
  • Will receive a Perfect Enlightenment Slab


Spider Lily Forest – Free Action

  • Cutscene with Professor


Old School – Free Action

  • Miu (costs 1 move)
    • Just dialog


Gym – Free Action

  • Aoi / Saki (costs 1 move)
    • Gives Bag of Nuts x1


Classroom – Free Action

  • Kaito / Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • Should I talk to them?
      • I’m actually nervous.
      • How’s everyone doing?
      • Just looking around.


Old School – Decision

  • I need to ask the professor about…
    • That tune he hummed. (moral)
    • Garurumon. (wrathful)
    • Haru. (harmony)
  • What should I say to the professor?
    • Let’s go back there. (moral)
    • Let’s talk with Haru. (wrathful)
    • Please relax a little. (harmony)


Waterway – Decision

  • Find a way to escape. (moral)
  • Let’s fight! (wrathful)
  • Ask for cooperation. (harmony)


Waterway – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll face off against Arukenimon and her Dokugumon guards. Once you defeat Arukenimon, the battle will complete.


Woods near City – Exploration

  • Use camera on any of the spots to trigger a dialog event.


Shopping District – Exploration

  • Again, use the camera on any of the spots to trigger a dialog event.


Ruined Apartment – Exploration

  • Yet again, use the camera on any of the spots to trigger a dialog event.


Residential Ruins – Decision

  • To save Miyuki, I should…
    • Help Renamon. (moral)
    • Ignore Renamon. (wrathful)
    • Distract Arukenimon. (harmony)


Residential Ruins – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll once again fight Arukenimon and her minions. There is a chest on the map containing a Clean Dressing.


Residential Ruins – Decision

  • What should I ask Arukenimon about?
    • The boundary. (moral)
    • How to get back home. (wrathful)
    • The maiden. (harmony)


Factory Exterior – Exploration

  • Minoru
  • Use camera on the right side above the 2 red barrels for Mature Enlightened Slabs.
  • I better thank him for it.
    • You noticed, Agumon?
    • Thank you too, Minoru. (Minoru affinity up)
    • I knew what we’d find.


Factory – Exploration

  • Saki
    • I wonder what changed in her?
      • She’s less selfish?
      • She’s kinder now?
      • She grew up? (Saki affinity up)


Factory 1F – Exploration

  • Miu
    • What should I say to Miu?
      • I’m proud of you. (Miu affinity up)
      • Look out! A snake!
      • That’s great, Miu!


Factory Exterior – Exploration

  • Professor
    • Was Miyuki abducted to…
      • Hear the gods? (moral)
      • Sing to the gods? (wrathful)
      • Serve the gods? (harmony)


Factory – Exploration

  • Saki
    • How do I respond to Saki?
      • That’s too bad.
      • Whenever is fine. (Saki affinity up)
      • What do you mean?


Factory 1F – Exploration

  • Use camera on far right side of screen to find a shadow. Either fight it or run!
  • Miu
    • How should I respond to Miu?
      • This isn’t the time.
      • Let’s both watch him.
      • Leave it to me! (Miu affinity up)


Factory 2F – Exploration

  • Aoi
    • What should I say to Aoi?
      • Keep it up! (Aoi affinity up)
      • You’re doing great.
      • Did I embarrass you?


Factory Exterior – Exploration

  • Professor
    • How can I protect him from Garurumon?
      • Ask Agumon for help. (moral)
      • Try a surprise attack. (wrathful)
      • Jump in front. (harmony)


Factory Exterior – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll fight against level 25 Garurumon and his minions. The chests on the field contain an Acceleration Charge+, Unsealing Light Crystal and Grand Rock. Defeat the enemies to finish the battle!


Factory Exterior – Decision

  • What can I say?
    • Believe in destiny. (moral)
    • We need a truce. (wrathful)
    • He’s on your side. (harmony)


Factory Exterior – Battle

  • For this fight, you’ll be up against level 36 Piedmon and his goons. The chests on the field contain the following items: Perfect Enlightenment Slab, Anti-Freeze Crystal and Anti-Confusion Crystal. After you deal some damage to Piedmon, a cutscene will trigger. When it concludes, defeat Piedmon to finish the battle and Part 7!


Click here for the next walkthrough on Part 8 of Digimon Survive!



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending IceLeomon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to IceLeomon’s questions!


  • Do you think you can do anything by force?
    • Not at all.
    • Strength is justice.
    • That’s my line!
    • There are other ways.
  • If you saw a raging fire heading towards a crying child, what would you do?
    • Yell save yourself!
    • Save the kid, duh!
    • Depends, really.
    • Nothing to be done…
  • What do you believe is “right”?
    • Acting with kindness.
    • Power, of course.
    • The answer’s in you.
    • Never considered it.
  • Do you think I’m uptight?
    • Remain silent.
    • You seem serious.
    • So much it hurts.
    • Yeah, a real bore.
  • Would you rather fight a weak enemy or a strong enemy?
    • Fighting is barbaric.
    • A weak one’s easier!
    • Does it matter?
    • Gimme a strong one.
  • I won’t forgive anyone that disturbs the peace in this area!
    • Just stare at them.
    • You got it all wrong.
    • YOU’RE the bad guy!
    • Yeah, so.
  • Can I trust humans…?
    • Not sure what to say.
    • You can and should!
    • They may betray you…
    • Get to know us first.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Sangloupmon

by MrsChappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Sangloupmon’s questions!


  • What would you say is your favorite expression?
    • Can’t say I have one.
    • Two bird, one stone.
    • Steady progress.
    • Survival of fittest.
  • Those whose positions waver from little more than words do not amount to much.
    • Maybe try listening?
    • I respect your spirit!
    • Never happened to me.
    • Hearts will waver.
  • Supreme beings can’t be understood by others. But that doesn’t mean I’m lonely or anything!
    • Look on with pity.
    • Ah… You feel alone?
    • I get it. Me too.
    • A lone wolf, huh?
  • Some things in this world cannot be overturned… Do you know of what I speak?
    • There’s no such thing!
    • You mean power?
    • Talent, right?
    • Yeah, money!
  • Inferior creature, surrender and you may yet live!
    • How about YOU give up?
    • Like I’d believe that!
    • Surrender’s an option.
    • Humans ain’t inferior!
  • Do you like the moon? The sight of a full moon is so heartwarming, don’t you think?
    • Its light is useful.
    • Reminds you of you?
    • Makes me feel alive!
    • I wanna eat cheese.
  • It’s hard to believe there are monsters out there that coexist with humans…
    • It’s common interests.
    • Friends help friends!
    • We needs servants!
    • It’s a way to survive.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Part 6 Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for Part 6 in Digimon Survive.


Beach by Waterway – Decision

  • What does Minoru need to hear…?
    • Now’s not the time. (moral)
    • Then don’t believe. (wrathful)
    • Calm down, you two. (harmony)


Free Action – Phase 1

For this free action phase, we broke it up into two parts. The first part is where each person can be found at while having 5 or more moves remaining. Once you use 4 of your moves, the Dam – Underground and Second Island Area will update causing the characters to shift their positions. That section of the guide will be in Free Action – Phase 2. Also, note that we had a couple of battles take place at the Deep Woods area on the Second Island. Those lead to the characters involved unlocking their Ultimate evolution form and did not cost any moves. Those battles are available in both phase 1 and 2. Also some of the items in the different areas might not match 100% depending on the order you went to them.


Waterway Plaza (Dam-Underground) – Free Action

  • Use the camera on the bottom of the stairwell to the left of Saki to find an item
  • Floramon
  • Syakomon
  • Saki (costs 1 move)
    • How should I respond?
      • What’s on your mind?
      • I’m just worried. (Saki affinity up)
      • No, no problem.
  • Miu (costs 1 move)
    • What should I say?
      • Don’t regret the past.
      • You’re overworrying.
      • It’s not your fault. (Miu affinity up)


Beach by Waterway (Dam-Underground) – Free Action

  • Falcomon
  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • I want to be trusting. (Minoru affinity up)
    • You’re too worried.
    • I trust Agumon.
  • Miyuki (costs 1 move)
    • How should I approach Miyuki?
      • Say something. anything! (moral)
      • Say I see nothing… (wrathful)
      • Is something there? (harmony)
    • She will also give you an item


Woods near City (Second Island Area) – Free Action

  • Examine the tree to the right of the Professor to find Spirited Away: Chapter 3
  • Examine the bush to the right of the above tree to find an item
  • Professor (costs 1 move)
    • How should I respond to the professor?
      • We’ll be fine. (moral)
      • Everyone’s on edge. (wrathful)
      • Not great. (harmony)
    • You will also receive an item
  • Agumon (costs 1 move)
    • What should I say to Agumon?
      • Thanks for waiting. (moral)
      • I choose who I trust. (wrathful)
      • You’ll Evolve well! (harmony)
    • You will also receive an item


Shopping District (Second Island Area) – Free Action

  • Dracmon
  • Kaito (costs 1 move)
    • How should I get him to open up?
      • Surprise him.
      • Be direct. (Kaito affinity up)
      • Ask a weird question.


Free Action – Phase 2


Deep Woods (Second Island Area) – Battle

  • Saki
    • This leads to a battle where Floramon unlocks its Ultimate evolution.
    • It unlocks when Saki’s affinity is close to 50.
    • Will receive a Perfect Enlightenment Slab


Deep Woods (Second Island Area) – Battle

  • Aoi
    • This leads to a battle where Labramon unlocks its Ultimate evolution.
    • It unlocks when Aoi’s affinity is close to 50.
    • Will receive a Perfect Enlightenment Slab

Waterway Plaza (Dam-Underground) – Free Action

  • Dracmon
  • Kaito (costs 1 move)
    • What should I say to keep the situation calm?
      • Double down… (Kaito affinity up)
      • Change the subject!
      • I’d better apologize.


Beach by Waterway (Dam-Underground) – Free Action

  • Floramon
  • Saki (costs 1 move)
    • (Saki’s attitude is…)
      • Nice and cheerful. (Saki affinity up)
      • Pretty optimistic.
      • Totally relaxed.


Woods by City (Second Island Area) – Free Action

  • Use the camera on the tree to the right of Minoru to find Spirited Away: Chapter 3
    • Won’t be here if you grabbed it already in phase 1
  • Use the camera on the bush to the right of the above tree to find an item
  • Use the camera on the area behind Falcomon to gain an item
  • Falcomon
  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • I have to stop their fight!
      • Get them to calm down!
      • Give some calm advice! (Minoru affinity increase)
      • Get Minoru to apologize!
  • Agumon (costs 1 move)
    • Agumon will mention something not feeling right. If you use your camera to the right of him, you’ll find what he’s talking about then receive an item.


Shopping District (Second Island Area) – Free Action

  • Use the camera on the ice box to the left of Aoi to receive an item
  • Labramon
  • Syakomon
  • Aoi (costs 1 move)
    • What can I say to help?
      • Let’s make up for it. (Aoi affinity up)
      • What’s past is past.
      • Labramon doesn’t care.
    • Receive an item
  • Mui (costs 1 move)
    • Should I ask Miu to mediate for us?
      • Care to mediate?
      • Humble myself. (Miu affinity up)
      • Ask her normally.
    • Receive an item (Aura)


End of Free Action


Woods near City – Decision

  • What would help people most?
    • Resting a bit. (moral)
    • Talking about something. (wrathful)
    • Get everyone to regroup! (harmony)


Wood near City – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll be fighting a horde of Betamon. There is also a chest on the map.


Wood Near City – Decision

  • What should I ask the professor?
    • How about Agumon? (moral)
    • What is “instability”? (wrathful)
    • What is a “pure mind”? (harmony)


Complex Far Side – Exploration

  • Floramon
  • Saki
    • What can I say to rid Saki of her fear?
      • I feel bad for Floramon. (Saki affinity up)
      • Her power protects you.
      • You won’t be killed!
    • This event also leads to a battle.


Complex Far Side – Battle

  • You’ll be battling two champion level Kiwimon which are data types with Floramon and two others.


Complex Far Side – Exploration

  • Floramon
  • Saki
    • Will receive GuardBreak+


A Certain Room – Exploration

  • Agumon
    • What can I say to put Agmon’s mind at ease?
      • Don’t hide your anxiety. (moral)
      • I’m worried, too. (wrathful)
      • You’ll never turn bad. (harmony)
    • After making the choice and the scene plays out, you’ll be forced into a battle.


A Certain Room – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll be fighting against 2 Virus type Deltamon.


A Certain Room – Exploration

  • Labramon
  • Aoi
    • What can I say to make her relax?
      • What does Labramon want? (Aoi affinity up)
      • You’re overthinking.
      • You’re so serious…
    • After making the choice and the scene plays out, you’ll be forced into a battle.


A Certain Room – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll be fighting against 2 Champion level 22 Virus type Guardromon.


A Certain Room – Exploration

  • Aoi
    • Gives Clean Dressing x3


Far Ruins – Exploration

  • Use camera near overturned fire barrel to find an item
  • Use camera on right side near the railing to find a shadow. Either fight it or run.


Ruined Apartment – Exploration

  • Use camera behind Dracmon to find All in the Seasoning: Chapter 3!
  • Dracmon
  • Kaito
    • How can I make Kaito be nicer to Dracmon?
      • Ask Dracmon himself.
      • Keep lecturing him!
      • Don’t say anything… (Kaito affinity up)


Ruined Apartment – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll be fighting against 2 Champion level 20 Data type Togemon.


Ruined Apartment – Exploration

  • Kaito
    • Gives All-Purpose Ointment x3


Deep Woods – Battle

  • This battle will lead to Dracmon unlocking his Ultimate form.
  • It unlocks when Kaito’s affinity is close to 50.
  • After battle, you’ll get a Perfect Enlightenment Slab


Woods near City – Exploration

  • Use camera in the bushes to the left of Agumon for an item.
  • Syakomon
  • Miu
    • What should I say to Miu?
      • This is my specialty.
      • It starts with you.
      • Believing is hard, isn’t it? (Miu affinity up)


Woods near City – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll fight 2 Birdramon.


Woods near City – Exploration

  • Miu
    • Gives Attack Break+


Shopping District -Exploration

  • Use camera near Professor to find an item.
  • Use camera on left side to find an item.
  • Minoru (progress story)
  • Professor (progress story)
  • Falcomon (progress story)


Ruined Apartment – Exploration

  • Professor (progress story)
    • What should I ask the professor about?
      • If he’s worried… (moral)
      • Miyuki and Haru (wrathful)
      • How he’s doing! (harmony)


A Certain Room – Exploration

  • Cutscene


Woods near City – Exploration

  • Falcomon
  • Minoru (progress story)
    • What can I say to raise Minoru’s spirits?
      • Believe in yourself! (moral)
      • Don’t regret anything! (wrathful)
      • Trust in your bond! (harmony)


Complex Far Side – Exploration

  • Falcomon
  • Minoru (progress story)


Complex Far Side – Battle

  • For this battle, you fight 4 Gozimon and 1 Garurumon with just Agumon.
  • After the first turn, Kaito and Dracmon show up to lend their assistance.
  • After the third turn, you’ll get Miu!
  • After the fourth turn, you’ll get Aoi.
  • Kuwagamon and Kabuterimon show up on the 5th turn.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Part 7 in Digimon Survive!



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Andromon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Andromon’s questions!


  • (The monster seems interested in what the humans are saying.)
    • [Stay quiet.]
    • [Talk to him slowly.]
    • [Howl like a beast.]
    • [Rattle on and on.]
  • (The monster bends forward, scowling at you.)
    • [Look apologetic.]
    • [Jump aside.]
    • [Clap vigorously.]
    • [Mimi his posture.]
  • (The monster just stands there.)
    • [Stand silently.]
    • [Make a lot of noise.]
    • [Gesture.]
    • [Sing a song.]
  • (The monster shakes his head as he starts to leave.)
    • [Nod your head.]
    • [Sheak your fist.]
    • [Shake your head.]
    • [Speak kindly to him.]
  • The monster is staring in fascinated confusion.)
    • [Grin and wave.]
    • [Take a step forward.]
    • [Look away.]
    • [Stare right back.]
  • (The monster looks warily in this direction.)
    • [Smile back.]
    • [Try to soothe him.]
    • [Chicken out.]
    • [Prepare to fight.]
  • (The monster is trying to say something.)
    • [Go “Nyooww” back.]
    • [Show your confusion.]
    • [Give it some food.]
    • [Cock your head.]



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Garudamon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Garudamon’s questions!


  • Can I trust humans…?
    • Not sure what to say.
    • You can and should!
    • They may betray you…
    • Get to know us first.
  • If you saw a raging fire heading towards a crying child, what would you do?
    • Yell “save yourself!”
    • Save the kid, duh!
    • Depends, really.
    • Nothing to be done…
  • Do you think you can do anything by force?
    • Not at all.
    • Strength is justice.
    • That’s my line!
    • There are other ways.
  • I won’t forgive anyone that disturbs the peace in this area!
    • [Just stare at them.]
    • You got it all wrong.
    • YOU’RE the bad guy!
    • Yeah, so?
  • Would you rather fight a weak enemy or a strong enemy?
    • Fighting is barbaric.
    • A weak one’s easier!
    • Does it matter?
    • Gimme a strong one.
  • Do you think I’m uptight?
    • [Reamin silent.]
    • You seem serious.
    • So much so it hurts.
    • Yeah, a real bore.
  • What do you believe is “right”?
    • Acting with kindness.
    • Power, of course.
    • The answer’s in you.
    • Never considered it.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Arukenimon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Arukenimon’s questions!


  • Trying to pick a fight with a peace-lover like me… You humans are so cruel.
    • You’ll say anything…
    • You attacked me!
    • I love peace, myself.
    • So let’s call it off.
  • Let’s make a deal: Throw the fight and I’ll give you an item!
    • Interesting proposal!
    • I don’t believe you.
    • I’ll just beat you up.
    • That sounds dodgy.
  • What do you think decides what’s right or wrong?
    • Majority rule?
    • Your own beliefs.
    • Your preference?
    • Reality itself.
  • Who do you think is worse? The deceiver, or the deceived?
    • I don’t like either.
    • The deceiver, duh!
    • Only dupes get duped!
    • It depends, I guess.
  • You sure like to puff out your chest around a weak monster like myself.
    • Oh. My bad.
    • Liar. You’re not weak.
    • How rude!
    • Strength’s irrelevant.
  • I bet you’ve got some secrets, huh? Go on, tell me one! I dare you!
    • I’m not telling you.
    • You first…
    • I’ve nothing to hide.
    • Secrets? I wonder…
  • You may think those around you as friends, but perhaps you’re actually alone?
    • Don’t mess with me!
    • That’s not true!
    • Do you have friends?
    • I wouldn’t mind.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Tuskmon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Tuskmon’s questions! Please note that we found this Digimon in Part 5.


  • I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa!
    • This’ll be your grave.
    • Not if I beat you!
    • Scary! But I’ll win.
    • Nice, a tough one!
  • I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right?
    • Even more than you!
    • I’m not like you.
    • Grin and bear it.
    • you know your stuff!
  • Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat?
    • You look strong.
    • Not really.
    • I eat everything!
    • I prefer vegetables.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Part 5 Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for Part 5 in Digimon Survive.


Cafeteria – Decision

  • Still, I think we should…
    • Think a bit more… (moral)
    • Enter the enemy base. (wrathful)
    • Look for another way. (harmony)


Spider Lily Forest (Forest Area) – Exploration

  • Use the camera on a bush to find a Shadow
    • Choose whether to fight or run


Woods by Shrine (Forest Area)

  • Use the camera on a tree right side of the middle of the area for an item.
  • Use the camera on a bush/tree on the left side of the area to find a shadow.
    • Choose whether to fight or run


For the free actions below, there are more than 9 moves worth of interactions. Some of them just contain dialog with no rewards or affinity boosts. The choices we went with have a different text color than the rest.


Old School – Free Action

  • Miu (costs 1 move)
    • How should I react here?
      • Do it, Syakomon!
      • Take Kaito’s side.
      • Yea, let’s cast it out! (Miu affinity up)
  • Miu (2nd time – costs 1 move)
    • Just a little dialog about a missing talisman with no rewards.


Corridor – Free Action

  • Use the camera to the right of Agumon to find an item.
  • Use the camera even farther to the right of Agumon to find an item.
  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • Back in our world, I wonder if…
      • No one noticed?
      • They’re worried?
      • They’re going nuts? (Minoru affinity up)
  • Minoru (2nd time – costs 1 move)
    • Just a little dialog about lost socks with no rewards.


Classroom – Free Action

  • Shuuij (costs 1 move)
    • What should I do?
      • Let me help too. (Shuuji affinity up)
      • You do your best.
      • That doesn’t suit you.
  • Shuuji (2nd time – costs 1 move)
    • Just a little dialog about his missing wallet.


Music Room – Free Action

  • Use the camera to the left of Haru to find an item.
  • Miyuki (costs 1 move)
    • Haru changes with the girls?!
      • Best not think about it. (moral)
      • I’m jealous, Haru! (wrathful)
      • That’s not cool! (harmony)
    • Also will receive an item from Haru
  • Haru (after talking with Miyuki)
    • Some dialog about a new monster


Faculty Room – Free Action

  • Kaito (costs 1 move)
    • I’d say he’s pretty…
      • Used to fighting?
      • Great as a brother. (Kaito affinity up)
      • Practical, actually.
  • Kaito (2nd time – costs 1 move)
    • Some dialog about missing food


Cafeteria – Free Action

  • Aoi (costs 1 move)
    • When I see her like this, it’s…
      • Cute… (Aoi affinity up)
      • Refreshing.
      • Unexpected!


Gym – Free Action

  • Use the camera on the metal cart behind Agumon to find an item.
  • Saki (costs 1 move)
    • If we become sacrifices, then…
      • I don’t know.
      • We’ll die, won’t we?
      • We can do home. (Saki affinity up)


Gym  – Free Action

  • Saki event for 1 cost
    • This event requires you to leave the Gym and then head back again.


Woods by School – Free Action

  • Agumon/Falcomon/Agumon (costs 1 move)
    • What should I do?
      • Beat around the bush. (moral)
      • Speak my real feelings. (wrathful)
      • Say thanks honestly. (harmony)


Woods by School – Battle

  • You’ll need to beat the Gazimon before it’s able to flee the battle area using Agumon, Falcomon and Syakomon. There are also 2 chests containing the Heal and Shock skills on the battlefield you can loot.
    • After beating the Gazimon, Saki will show up and you’ll get an affinity increase for her.


Toilet – Decision

  • Shuuji
    • What should I say here?
      • Don’t talk like that.
      • Time to be a leader. (Shuuji affinity up)
      • Do your best, Lopmon!


Woods by School – Decision/Exploration

  • What should I tell Shuuji?
    • How about a break? (Shuuji affinity up)
    • This isn’t training?
    • Will this work?
  • Lopmon


Note: You only get to pick 3 of the exploration areas below before the story progresses. Each of the areas has an affinity increase for the character there except for the Music Room so take that into account when selecting where to go. After making your choices, skip down to the Cafeteria – Decision heading.


Gym – Exploration

  • Use the camera on the cart behind Agumon for an item.
  • Use the camera where the stage meets the floor behind Floramon for an item.
  • Saki
    • I think Saki’s words seem…
      • Hard to understand.
      • Fine, I think. (Saki affinity increase)
      • Tactless, actually.


Cafeteria – Exploration

  • Use the camera on the table behind Aoi to find an item.
  • Aoi
    • To me, Aoi is…
      • Like a coordinator?
      • Our class president.
      • A mom, in a good way. (Aoi affinity increase)


Faculty Room – Exploration

  • Kaito
    • What should I ask Kaito about?
      • What he likes about Miu? (Kaito affinity up)
      • Did something happen?
      • You care a lot…


Music Room – Exploration

  • Miyuki / Haru
    • Just a dialog event that may or may not raise some questions


Classroom – Exploration

  • Agumon
    • For me, Agumon and the others are…
      • Strange creatures. (moral)
      • Strong and cool! (wrathful)
      • Reliable partners. (harmony)


Old School – Exploration

  • Use the camera on the bush to the left of the main doors to find an item
  • Miu
    • What should I say to her?
      • You should stop this.
      • Spriti power’s cool! (Miu affinity up)
      • Weirdos are cute?


Cafeteria – Decision

  • I wonder what the others think? (Select whoever you wish as the options don’t matter.)
    • I’ll ask Minoru.
    • I’ll ask Saki.
    • I’ll ask Miu.
  • What’s our best course of action?
    • Maybe get more allies? (moral)
    • Trust our partners. (wrathful)
    • Act with caution. (harmony)
  • What to do? Whose opinion should I listen to? (the options don’t matter)
    • I should hear Miu out.
    • What does Kaito think?
    • Agumon wants to talk.
  • What should I do? (the options don’t matter)
    • Agree with Shuuji.
    • Agree with Minoru.


Woods by Waterway – Exploration

  • Lopmon
  • Shuuji
  • Minoru (progress story)
  • Minoru
  • Lopmon
  • Shuuji (progress story)
    • How can I stop them from fighting?
      • Come on, you two… (moral)
      • Gotta stay focused… (wrathful)
      • Let’s keep our cool… (harmony)
    • So, what should I do?
      • Let Miu handle this. (moral)
      • Let them fight! (wrathful)
      • Get them to listen. (harmony)


Waterway Entrance – Exploration

  • Use camera to the right of the entrance to receive an item.
  • Use camera on weeds in front of Labramon to receive an item.
  •  Shuuji
  • Aoi
  • Miu
  • Kaito
  • Minoru
  • Saki
  • Waterway Entrance (progress story)
    • So, what should I decide?
      • Aoi should stay, too. (moral)
      • Shuuji’s on his own. (wrathful)
      • Miyuki and Haru stay. (harmony)


Waterway – Exploration

  • Use camera on gap in walkway on the left to find an item.
  • Use camera on right side to find an item.
  • Go right.
    • Use camera on right side to find an item.
  • Go right.
    • Use camera on right side to find an item.
  • Go straight.
  • Go straight.
    • So which is the real Agumon?
      • On the left!
      • On the right!


Waterway Plaza – Battle

For this fight, all you have to do is defeat Seadramon to win the battle. There will be some adds and treasure chests in the room as well. Please be aware that Seadramon has an attack that freeze your Digimon in place!


Waterway – Exploration

  • Use the camera behind Agumon to find an item.
  • Go straight.
    • Use the camera behind Aoi to find an item.
    • Aoi
  • Go straight.
    • Aoi
  • Go straight.
    • Use camera on the right to find an item.
    • Use camera behind Aoi to find The Tale of the Mural: Chapter 3.
    • Aoi
  • Go straight.
    • What describes the real Labramon?
      • I don’t know.
      • He loves Aoi to bits.
      • He knows Aoi the best.
    • The real Labramon is…
      • On the left!
      • On the right!


Waterway – Exploration

  • Use camera near Aoi to find an item.
  • Go straight.
    • Use camera in the center to find an item.
    • Saki
  • Go straight.
    • Use camera near Aoi to find an item.
    • Saki
  • Go straight.
    • Saki
  • Go right.
    • Saki
  • Go straight.
    • The real Floramon would…
      • Know her friendships.
      • Go along with Saki.
      • Forgive secrets.
      • I don’t know.
    • The real Floramon is…
      • On the left!
      • On the right!


Waterway – Battle

This battle is similar to the previous one. Just defeat Seadramon to finish the battle.


Waterway Fork – Exploration

  • Use camera behind Agumon to find an item.
  • Agumon
  • Go straight.
    • Use camera in front of Miu to find an item.
  • Go right.
    • Use camera behind Miu to find an item.
  • Go right.
    • Miu
  • Go right.
    • The real Syakomon would…
      • Not call Miu a loner.
      • Not doubt her feelings.
      • Know Miu’s strong.
      • …Do what, I wonder?
    • The real Syakomon is…
      • On the left!
      • On the right!


Waterway – Battle

For this battle, you’ll have to fight a Seadramon yet again. Once again, defeat it to complete the battle.


Waterway – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • Go right.


Waterway (T-Shape) – Exploration

  • Use camera in the middle of the aqueduct to find Miu’s Good Luck charm.
  • Use camera on the left of Agumon to find an item.
  • Agumon (Miu affinity up)
    • Miu’s Talisman
  • Go right.


Waterway Crossing – Exploration

  • Use camera on the right path to find an item.
  • Go right.


Waterway (L-Shape) – Exploration

  • Use camera in the water between Labramon and Agumon to find Aoi’s CD.
  • Agumon (Aoi affinity up)
    • Aoi’s Ring
  • Go right.


Waterway Fork – Exploration

  • Use camera in water near Saki to find her chart.
  • Go back.


Waterway (L-Shape) – Exploration

  • Go back.


Waterway Crossing – Exploration

  • Go left.


Waterway (L-Shape) – Exploration

  • Use camera in the water between Agumon and Minoru to receive Minoru’s Action Figure.
  • Agumon (Minoru affinity up)
    • Minoru’s Sock
  • Go right.


Waterway Crossing – Exploration

  • Go straight.


Waterway – Decision

  • Maybe we should…
    • Meet them and see. (moral)
    • Get ready to fight! (wrathful)
    • Try talking. (harmony)


Waterway – Exploration

  • Lopmon
  • Go right.
    • Use camera in the water to find an item.
    • Saki
    • Kaito (progress story)


Waterway – Battle

Yet again, you’ll face Seadramon in battle! After a couple of turns, a cutscene will trigger. When it concludes, you’ll have to face off against Wendigomon, a Virus. After a couple of turns have passed and you get it around half heath, another cutscene will trigger. Once it concludes, you’ll reenter the battle. Defeat Wendigomon!


Waterway – Decision

  • The fact that Shuuji…
    • …had his reasons. (moral)
    • …guided us. (wrathful)
    • …worried about us. (harmony)


Click here for the next walkthrough for Part 6 of Digimon Survive!