Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Colony 15 Soldiers Missing

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Colony 15 Soldiers Missing standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, listen in on the conversation at the City then head to a rest spot and discuss The Colony 15 Folk topic. Please note that Triton is required to be in your party for this quest.


After accepting this quest, head to the Michiba Canteen in the City to trigger a cutscene. Next, travel to the Sentridge Harbor Control landmark in the Cadensia Region then approach the ship to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, fast travel to Pioneer’s Inlet landmark on the western side of Cadensia Region to trigger another cutscene. Head into the inlet then work your way through the puzzles to reach the Cay of the Trick Grotto where a cutscene will trigger. During the cutscene, you’ll receive the Seven Shards. Return to Sentridge Harbor and speak with Miyori to complete the quest.



  • 6700 EXP
  • 2950 G
  • 3 SP
  • Ceramic Underguard x1



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – The Key to a New Home

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Key to a New Home standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, listen in on the conversations around the City then head to a rest spot and discuss the Homecoming Rite topic.


For the first task, speak with the following people:

  • Garrett near the Remembrance Stones landmark
  • Romero near the City Camp rest spot
  • Timna on the eastern side of the City
  • Playne on the northern side of the City


Afterwards, head to a rest spot and discuss the Homecoming Preparations topic. Next, head to the War Room and speak with Travis who will need 20 Sophora’s Leaves. Fast travel to the First Pillar Remnant landmark on Daedal Isle then make your way to the search area. Once there, collect the leaves from the ground. When you’ve gotten all 20, return to Travis in the War Room of the City and speak with him. Afterwards, speak with Kryto near the canteen. He’ll need you to collect 5 Perfume Herbs, 5 Thinskin and 5 Whisper Tomatoes. The Perfume Herbs can be gathered in Erythia Sea at Corne Island and Migrow’s Rosary. Thinskin can be found in Erythia Sea at Daedal Isle. Whisper Tomatoes can be found in Erythia Sea at Daedal Isle and Malevolent Hollow. Once you’ve gathered all the ingredients, return to Kryto in the City to hand them over. Next, return to Travis in the War Room and speak with him again. After the cutscene, make your way to the objective at the Memorial Hall in the City to trigger another cutscene. Make your way to the canteen next to trigger another cutscene. When it ends, so will the quest!



  • 6700 EXP
  • 2950 G
  • 3 SP
  • Cyrus Leg Frame x1



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – New Names

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the New Names standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, you’ll first need to complete the Invisible Bond hero quest then you can approach the ? in Li Garte Prison Camp. Afterwards, head to a rest spot and discuss The Name “Segiri” topic. Please note that Segiri is required to be in your party for this quest.


After accepting the quest, fast travel tot he Perimeter Outlet landmark in the northern part of Cadensia Region then approach the objective to trigger a cutscene. Next, head inside the prison camp and approach the Ferronis in the Central Cell. Afterwards, approach the painting on the wall in Central Cell. For the next objective, fast travel to the Nocclia Mire landmark in the Aetia Region, Upper. Once there, travel west and approach the objective to trigger a cutscene. You’ll then need to travel to the Vista of Rhonnar landmark in Pentelas Region. Make your way to the objective for another cutscene.


With all 5 pieces of information obtained, head to a rest spot and discuss the A Need for Names topic. Afterwards, travel to the Li Garte Prison Camp and approach the line of residents. When the cutscene completes, so will the quest!



  • 3590 EXP
  • 3250 G
  • 3 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Invisible Bond

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Invisible Bond hero quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, first complete the Acknowledging Feelings standard quest then approach the ? in the canteen of Li Garte Prison Camp.


After accepting the quest, speak with No. 6 in the Central Cell. Next, travel to Colony Lambda in the Pentelas Region and speak with the Lambda Soldier at the commissary. Afterwards, head north and speak with Whitby. You’ll then need to speak with Tonya. Do so then head to Colony 4 in the Fornis Region.


When you arrive, make way for the objective in the council room and speak with Maxie. Fast travel to Zorza’s Stonehammer landmark then travel to the western side of the search area to find the Levnis Wreckage. Interact with it then follow the Trace Clock Energy trail until a cutscene triggers in front of a door. Head inside Ecto Hollow and interact with another door to trigger a cutscene followed by a fight with the Level 70 No. 13. Defeat her then chase after her through the newly opened door. When you arrive on the ledge, a cutscene will trigger.


Afterwards, loot the rice then travel to Li Garte Prison Camp in the Cadensia Region. Once there, a cutscene will trigger and the quest will complete.



  • 6700 EXP
  • 5900 G
  • 10 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Acknowledging Feelings

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Acknowledging Feelings standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, first complete the Contrary Emotions standard quest then listen in on the conversation and approach the ? in Li Garte Prison Camp. Afterwards, head to a rest spot and discuss Colony 0 Duties. Please note that Segiri is required to be in your party for this quest.


After accepting the quest, speak with No. 8 in the Central Cell. Follow No. 8 to the entrance of the storage room then speak with him. With the painting in your possession, head to the City and speak with No. 10. Afterwards, follow No. 10 to Leeanne. She’ll need you to gather a Metessia Resin from the Pentelas Region and a Seven-Hue Seashell dropped from the Ottils in the Cadensia Region. For the Metessia Resin, travel to the Low Maktha Wildwood then head south to the objective and retrieve the item there. For the Seven-Hue Seashell, travel to the objective on the southeastern side of Cadensia Region. Once there, defeat the Zhell Ottil swimming around in the water then loot the item!


With the items collected, return to Leanne in the City to hand them over. Afterwards, return to Li Garte Prison Camp in the Cadensia Region and speak with No. 8 to complete the quest.



  • 4780 EXP
  • 4330 G
  • 3 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Life in the City

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Life in the City standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, listen in on the conversations around the City then head to a rest spot and discuss The Colony 15 Folk topic.


For this task, approach the Caelum Residential Quarter, southeastern corner of the City and the northeastern corner of the City to trigger quick cutscenes. You’ll also need to speak with Kryto next to the canteen and Joulietta in the southwestern corner of the City. Next, approach the objective next to the City Traderpon to trigger a cutscene.


With all the tasks in the City complete, make way for Daedal Isle in the Cadensia Region. Once there, head to the objective. When you approach it, a cutscene will trigger. We chose to protect Torto and he willingly went with the group. To help Torto out, return to the City and approach the objective to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, head directly south to the next objective to start a fight against the Level 50 Conservation LNs. Defeat the four of them to complete the quest.



  • 3920 EXP
  • 2300 G
  • 3 SP
  • Strung Jade x1



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Contrary Emotions

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Contrary Emotions standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, approach the ? in the Li Garte Prison Camp. Afterwards, head to a rest spot and discuss the Sena and No. 9 topic.


After you accept the quest, head to the nearby objective to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, speak with No. 8 outside of the Cell No. 1 rest spot. Next, make your way to the objective in the Aetia Region, Upper. The closest spot for fast travel is the Keen Chicky-Chicky unique enemy or the Nocclia Mire landmark. Once you arrive at the objective, interact with the shiny object on the ground. Afterwards, travel to the Syra Hovering Reefs, specifically The Tap-Dancing Nopon rest spot, then make your way to the objective and speak with Giddygiddgy. He’ll need you to bring him Harmony Ebony, which can be found in both High Maktha Wildwood and Low Maktha Wildwood. Once you’ve gathered enough, return to Giddygiddgy to hand it over. It’s now time to return to Li Garte Prison Camp. When you’ve arrived, speak with No. 9 to complete the quest.



  • 3830 EXP
  • 2170 G
  • 3 SP
  • Smithy Gloves x1



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – The Final Cog

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Final Cog standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, listen in on the conversation at the Colony 30 Canteen then head to a rest spot and discuss the Dorrick Complete topic. Please note that Valdi is required to be in your party for this quest.


Exit Colony 30 then head to the objective slightly to the southwest at Wasteland. When you approach the group, a cutscene will trigger followed by a fight with the four Level 68/70 Saboteur Pulipuli. Defeat them all to complete the quest. Make sure to Toroidal Origin Shard at the sight of the wrecked machine before you go!



  • 6700 EXP
  • 2950 G
  • 3 SP



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Uniting the Seven Nopon

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Uniting the Seven Nopon standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. After finishing The Ultimate Vessel, speak with Samon at the ? in Sentridge Harbor Control at the Great Sword’s Base to obtain this quest.


After you accept the quest, you’ll begin your search for Nopons. Head to the following locations:

  • Aetia Region – Hillside Ferronis Hulk rest spot – Panepane
  • Fornis Region – Sage’s Domicile landmark – Burrburr
  • Pentelas Region – Low Maktha Wildwood – Gingin’s Treehouse – Gingin
  • Cadensia Region – Erythia Sea – Daedal Isle – Tempapa’s Home – Tempapa **Must have completed Culinary Repertoire quest!**
  • Cadensia Region – Li Garte Prison Camp – Communal Cell Block – Fixifixi **Must have Valdi in your party when you speak with him!**


After you’ve spoken with all of the above, travel to any rest spot and discuss the Seven Nopon topic. Next, head to Colony 9 in the Aetia Region and retrieve the Ultimate Hammer. When the cutscene concludes, return to the City and head to Samon’s workshop across from the canteen to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards the quest will complete.



  • 4290 EXP
  • 1180 G
  • 3 SP
  • Nopon Coin (Silver) x8



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – The New Inspector

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The New Inspector quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest head to the ? at Fort O’Virbus in the Syra Hovering Reefs to trigger a cutscene.


After you accept the quest, fast travel to Colony 9 in the Aetia Region then approach the commander’s office to trigger a cutscene. Next, exit the town to speak with Ulrich at the field. You’ll then need to head for Colony Gamma and approach the objective there. For the next objective, travel to Agnus Castle where you’ll check in with Aggy and Oggy. Afterwards, the quest will complete.



  • 4020 EXP
  • 3540 G
  • 3 SP