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by NightlyGamingBinge in

In One Piece Odyssey Usopp’s experience and skills will be taken from him. In order to get them back, you’ll need to locate 40 cube fragments scattered around Waford Island. Below is a guide on where to find his cube fragments in Water Seven. You’ll receive the Cube Collector: Usopp trophy/achievement for finding all of his cube fragments.

Dock One

Employee Plaza

This fragment can be found behind a wagon on the northwestern corner of the area.

Material Depot

This fragment can be found under the scaffolding in the center of the depot. You’ll need to move the crane arm above the scaffolding so that you can reach it via Gum-Gum Rocket. Then just head down to the ground level.

Shipbuilding Scaffolding

This fragment can be found on some scaffolding on the northeastern side of the area. You will need to activate a console to move the crane to the left in order to reach it with a Gum-Gum Rocket.


Old Sewer

This fragment can be found on the upper level of a broken walkway near the entrance to the Old Sewer.

Tower of Law

Tower of Law 1F

This fragment can be found under the train where you start in the southern part of the area.

Underground Storage

This cube will be in the second room using Chopper to reach filled with a bunch of stacked cubes. You can find it on top of a storage container after climbing up a ledge.

Water Seven City Area

Elevator – Top Floor

This fragment can be found on the ground next to a light pole in the south-central part of the area.

White Cat’s Weapon Shop (Fountain Square)

The fragment can be found on the floor of the White Cat’s Weapon Shop in Fountain Square.

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