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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapters 24: Recollections, 25: The Final Guardian and 26: The Last Engage in Fire Emblem Engage!

Ch. 24 – Recollections

Location: Mountainous Region

We’re in the final stretch of the game now! When you’re ready to raise a mountain, travel to the Mountainous Region. After a trippy cutscene, you’ll need to defeat… yourself. They are stationed on the west side of the map next to the Fell Dragon Shard. This shard allows them to summon an avalanche to push you back to the starting point if you don’t take cover behind some boulders. You’ll also only have 20 turns before you lose automatically. Past Alear has 3 health bars and will continually spawn enemies along the eastern side of the map. Once you take them down, you’ll win the battle.

BootsDropped by Past Alear
LendabairDropped by a Sniper Corrupted in the middle lane on the ballista
UkonvasaraDropped by a Berserker Corrupted in the top lane

Ch. 25 – The Final Guardian

Location: Gradlon Temple

Travel to Gradlon Temple where the final Fell Dragon Shard is located to kick off a cutscene. For this battle, you’ll be facing off against Corrupted Lumera. She’ll be in the northern part of the room guarding the shard. She will use the shard to shoot a beam that will deal some damage if you aren’t standing behind one of the pillars on the map. Also keep an eye out for the enemies that spawn from the grates scattered around the map. Once you finally reach Lumera, you’ll need to deplete all three of her health bars to win the battle. You’ll then be treated a cutscene. When it ends, speak with your allies and collect any items.

CinquedeaLooted from a chest on the northwest side of the map
DracoshieldLooted from a chest on the northeast side of the map
Wille GlanzDropped by Corrupted Lumera

Ch. 26 – The Last Engage

Location: The Somniel

It’s finally time for the fated final battle with dear ole’ dad. When you’re ready, head to the second level balcony of the Somniel above the cafe to find a portal. Use it trigger a cutscene leading to the final battle. On a floating rock in the sky, you’ll be facing Sombron who is accompanied by his minions. Sombron will have 3 bars of health that you’ll need to deal with. After taking his health down all the way, phase 2 will began and Sombron will turn into a dragon and summon reinforcements. Sombron (with 4 health bars of 100 HP) will be in the middle of the map protected by a forcefield. You’ll have to destroy the Dark Emblems he summoned to break the barrier. This will allow you to attack the Fell Dragon. You’ll have to be quick though because after a turn passes, he’ll disengage any engaged units and summon more Dark Emblems to restore his barrier. Once you defeat him, a cutscene will trigger leading to the end of the game!

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