Marvel's Midnight Suns Logo

Marvel’s Midnight Suns – Iron Man’s Friendship Level

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, the Hunter will need powerful allies they can trust fighting alongside them in their quest to stop the evil Lilith. To build friendship, the Hunter will need to answer dialog questions correctly and participate in hangout events with each hero. This guide will help you increase Iron Man / Tony Stark’s friendship level, which will improve the overall team’s friendship level. We’ve color coded the below responses to the dialog options for Iron Man. Green is the recommended option as it gives you the highest increase to the friendship level. Yellow is an ok increase. Red will cause a negative impact on a hero’s friendship level. Please note that if a dialog option isn’t listed below, it means that the choice doesn’t matter and you can select whichever option you wish!

Abbey Conversations

Day 1 – After completing the Sanctum Symbiotum main mission

  • On the Stark scale of recklessness yet daring heroics I give it a solid six out of ten. Don’t worry, you’ll get there. With a little help.
    • Get where? (+1)
    • Um, thanks… (+1)
    • Think you could’ve done better? (+0)
  • Stopped here before, while you were out- wanted to surprise you with a nice little housewarming present. Was all set to write you a lovely welcome note but I’m fairly certain that wasn’t red ink in your “quill”.
    • There’s nothing to be scared of. (+1)
    • Thanks for the gift. (+1)
    • [Joke] Quill? What quill? (+0)

Day 2 – At the forge

  • Certainly got that new suit of yours done a lot faster than I expected. Speaking of… what’s the verdict, boss?
    • Thanks, appreciate the effort. (+1)
    • Probably a little too soon to tell, don’t you think? (+0)
    • Why is there a demon in the Forge? (+0)
    • Thanks anyway. (ends conversation)
  • So, what’s your story, Tony?
    • That’s… a lot to deal with. (+1)
    • Well, I guess it all worked out in the end? (+0)
    • Bit full of yourself, aren’t you? (+0)
  • The roar of the ocean, winds moaning through the rafters…
    • I can help with a ghost. (+1)
    • [Joke] I know that ghost… (-1)
    • Your mind is playing tricks on you. (+0)

After completing The Bill Comes Due story mission

  • So, you tell me, Hunter: what’s not to be troubled about?
    • I’ll look into getting the espresso machine fixed. (+1)
    • We’re all concerned about Banner. (+1)
    • Banner is proving to be a weak link. (-1)

After establishing communications with Dr. Banner

  • Hydra may be on the rise, but they will never rise above the Tower.
    • There is no challenge Lilith can’t rise to. (-1)
    • I hope you’re right. (+1)
    • How much does a building like that cost? (+0)

After the events at Avenger’s Tower

  • Go ahead, Hunter! What are you waiting for?! Say it! Tell me I screwed up!
    • You did the right thing. (+1)
    • It was an impossible choice. (+1)
    • You screwed up! (-1)
  • How did I let him play me like that?!
    • Banner fooled us all. (+1)
    • Take a deep breath. (-1)
    • He out-smarted you. (-1)

At Magik’s Birthday Party

  • Half the night I’m shaking hands and managing expectations…
    • That sounds lonely. (+1)
    • You must get a lot of presents. (+0)
    • You’re above all that. (+0)

At Magik’s Birthday Party

  • Are you really going to chase the birthday girl through a hellish dimension she completely controls?
    • She’s my friend. (+0)
    • [Joke] You almost sound jealous. (+1)
    • She’s a crucial asset. (+0)

After discovering the backdoor in the Sanctum

  • Listen, I know you’re probably hearing all sorts of comments after your last tango with Venom…
    • So I keep hearing… (+0)
    • I’m starting to agree with you… (+1)
    • I must break him. (-1)
  • Or Eddie if you talk to Peter…
    • I’m sensing a plan here… (+0)
    • Can’t you just blast him? (-1)
    • Business of what? (+0)

After crafting the symbiote

  • Now we just have to get close enough to Venom to use it…
    • Let me guess, you’ve got that covered… (+0)
    • Um, use it how… (+0)
    • You actually expect me to use that thing? (+0)
  • It’s not gonna be easy to get that sample…
    • Bruce again? You have to let that go… (-1)
    • This is Peter’s choice to make… (+0)
    • And you think I will do what it takes… (+0)
  • This symbiote exists as a whole at the molecular level…
    • Just trying to keep up with you. (+1)
    • Try to remember I’m not from your time. (+0)
    • I just want to know how to kill Venom. (+0)
  • I mean call me crazy…
    • You should have let them know. (+0)
    • You were just protecting them. (+1)
    • Secrets are power. (+0)
  • Give me a couple hours and a decent lunch…
    • This isn’t a problem that just “goes away.” (+0)
    • [Joke] You’re gonna need a bigger lunch. (+1)
    • I’ll trust you when I see the results. (-1)

After retrieving Howard’s files

  • …in Hell.
    • At least you took it from Banner. (+1)
    • I had no idea you hated your father. (+0)
    • There is no comparison between them. (+1)
  • If that’s what Banner is after, we could be in a world of hurt.
    • Do not despair. (+0)
    • I hope you are wrong. (+0)
    • We are already in a world of hurt. (+0)
  • Gives us our biggest ace in the hole! I know, the irony isn’t lost on me.
    • Maybe you misjudged him. (+0)
    • All we can do is try it. (+1)
    • I don’t trust his technology. (-1)

After tracking Johnny with the page

  • I’m serious, what kind of ancient hero are you…
    • I’m a little confused. (+0)
    • [Joke] They’re in my other pants. (+1)
    • I’m not in a joking mood. (-1)
  • If you can deliver, great. Otherwise, he should get out of the way, you know?
    • Magic must be respected. (+0)
    • You two need to work things out. (+1)
    • You’re being too polite. (-1)
    • I”m so glad you’re being patient. (+0)
  • So in a way, it’s kind of poetic. I’m gonna use dad’s shady tech…
    • You can use that tech for good. (+1)
    • Don’t you mean Lilith? (+1)
    • Embrace your inner darkness. (-1)
    • You are not your father. (+0)

After rescuing Wanda

  • Do you think I’ll get a “Curse you, Stark”…
    • I hope you get your wish. (+1)
    • Everyone contributed to this. (+0)
    • No words about Wanda? Really? (-1)

Day after rescuing Wanda

  • If we don’t find Johnny Flame Top…
    • Should be easy. (+1)
    • Can we celebrate one victory at least? (+0)
    • If we don’t get the Parchment, we’ll be the barbeque. (+0)
    • Seems like you really know what you’re doing. (+0)
  • My appreciation of magic is evolving quite a bit…
    • I wish I shared your confidence. (+1)
    • If you’re going to do something, do it quickly. (+0)
    • The prophecy can’t be stopped. (-1)

Morning after completing the All the Devils are Here story mission

  • I think he’s afraid I’m gonna turn around and become an even greater sorcerer than he is.
    • Hard to blame him. (+1)
    • Aren’t you two supposed to get along now? (+0)
    • Or maybe he understands things you don’t. (-1)
    • I thought you were trying to understand him. (+0)
  • Every problem has a solution, my resurrected friend…
    • I believe you can handle it. (+1)
    • The Darkhold is not a toy. (+0)
    • Famous last words. (-1)

After completing the research for the Parchment

  • I don’t like to say that I do my best work under pressure, but I think this time, I even amazed myself.
    • I’m impressed as well. (+1)
    • I hope this works as promised. (+0)
    • It’s too soon to celebrate. (+0)
  • But this thing’s gonna shut his team down permanently.
    • Stay focused on the Parchment. (+0)
    • We could use it to destroy Hydra. (-1)
    • I hope you are right. (+0)
    • This thing could destroy Banner. (+0)

After fighting the Hulk

  • Or maybe you’re smart and you know I can get us across the finish line?
    • I’m on your side. (+1)
    • Just listen to Steve. (-1)
    • Step down, Tony. (-2)
    • At least you tried. (+0)
  • How would you, ah, handle something like that?
    • You need to lay off the caffeine. (+0)
    • Make friends with it. (+0)
    • Scare the ghost away. (+0)
  • If that fails, we shoot him off into outer space…
    • Your ideas are still good. (+1)
    • This is not just your problem. (+0)
    • It may be too late to stop Hulk. (-1)
  • But if you told me I would one day trade in my state-of-the-art Avengers lab for a demon-powered forge…
    • You’ve come a long way. (+0)
    • How is Babs? (+1)
    • I hope they’re treating you well. (+1)
    • Soon you’ll be a wizard yourself. (+2)
  • Got you! Been waiting for that a looong time.
    • I wasn’t scared. (+0)
    • Oh, so you’re a prankster now? (+0)
    • You scared me for a second. (+0)

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead DLC

  • I know I said I was completely comfortable with that thing before, but I may have lied…
    • Good call… (+0)
    • You sound like Robbie… (+0)
    • That is disappointing… (+1)

Friendship Level Up Events

Friendship Level 1

  • And that was just today.
    • Maybe they just need to get to know the real you… (+1)
    • I’m sorry the others haven’t been welcoming. (+1)
    • That’s a lot of…garlic. (+0)

Friendship Level 2

  • And now here we are, two friends, enjoying a moment…
    • It does get easier, Tony. (+1)
    • I get scared too… (+1)
    • You’re right… (+1)

Friendship Level 3

  • Yeah. I don’t want to know card tricks or anything like that…
    • Let’s start with something small. (+0)
    • Are you sure you’re ready? (+0)
    • Can’t wait to introduce you to some demons. (+0)
  • If you don’t mind, can we keep these lessons between you and me?
    • I’ll keep the secret to my grave. (+0)
    • Strange will find out eventually. (+0)
    • I won’t lie to anyone. (+0)

Friendship Level 4

  • Is it crazy that I’m actually kind of enjoying this?
    • I’m glad you didn’t run away. (+0)
    • Just be careful you don’t go too crazy. (+0)
    • Things only get stranger from here. (+0)
  • Oh no. He stays Doctor Spooky….
    • You two are exactly the same. (+0)
    • He understands these forces better than I do. (+0)
    • I hope you set aside your differences. (+0)

Friendship Level 5

  • I’m launching a new R&D department…
    • That sounds exciting. (+0)
    • I don’t think magic performs well in a lab setting. (+0)
    • I hope you include Strange. (+0)
  • What do you say?
    • I deserve this. (+0)
    • I need time to think about it. (+0)
    • My respect for the arcane prevents me from accepting. (+0)

Hangouts / Havens

When selecting which Hangout or Haven to do, please note that Iron Man has certain preferences for each activity as shown in the tables below. Doing the activities he loves gives you additional Friendship XP!

Hangout EventsFriendship XP
Deep Conversation+5
Exploring the Grounds+0
Have a Drink+0
Playing Cards+7
Playing Video Games+7
Pool Lounging+7
Reading by the Fire+7
Watching a Movie+5
Working Out+5
Haven EventsFriendship XP
Bird Watching+5
Foraging for Mushrooms+5

Possible Hangout / Haven Questions

  • Yes! Blazing trumpets, fiery pits, Thor’s backyard–where did you end up?
    • I don’t remember.
    • [Joke] There I was… (+0)
    • I don’t want to talk about it.
  • Acceptable answers are “genius design,” “work of a genius”–really, anything involving the word “genius”.
    • I love it! I use it all the time.
    • [Joke] I have an exhaustive list of suggestions… (+0)
    • It’s a tool, like any other.
  • You seem like a bright person. Why don’t you tell me?
    • Vanity.
    • Responsibility.
    • Just tell me. (0)
  • Assuming we had all that, would it work?
    • I hope so. Why?
    • That’s not how it works.
    • Whatever you’re planning, stop. (+0)
  • Money isn’t everything, but it’s a lot of things…
    • You should try it without.
    • You don’t seem bothered by the question.
    • So you admit it’s evil.
  • No, the whole situation. Chasing magic pages from an evil book…
    • We’ll get through this.
    • [Joke] I hate it, too. (+0)
    • Keep it together.
  • Did we lose entrophy…
    • Take a break, Tony.
    • I won’t tell you what you want to hear.
    • If you can’t contribute, leave.


Please note that the Friendship XP boost received from a gift varies depending on the rarity of the item and how much they liked it.

Candle (Freshly Mowed Grass)
Candle (Leather and Mahogany)
Candle (Night into Morning)
Candle (Sports Car Interior)
Dealing with Difficult Coworkers
Growing Up With Trama
Iron Man Fanfic Anthology
Lessons in Leadership by Lt. Col. James Rhodes
Magic for Normies
Multidimensional Cyphers in Graviton Theory
Music Box (A Little Girl’s Dream)
Music Box (Do It With Style)
Music Box (Face It Tiger)
Music Box (Vivaldi: Spring)
Passion in the Moonlight
Snack Box (1000 Jelly Beans)
Snack Box (Fresh and Fruity)
Snack Box (Luxury Bites)
Tales of Suspense #39
The Unauthorized Biography of Captain Marvel
Advanced Photography
All New Ghost Rider #1
Amazing Fantasy #15
Avengers #4
Bottle of 18 year Aged Root Beer
Burning Skies: Air Combat in WWII
Candle (Beachy Waves)
Candle (Bone)
Candle (Grave Dirt)
Candle (Jet Fuel)
Captain Marvel #1 – 2012
Crystal Ball
Dark Beauty: A Gothic Coloring Book
Human Anatomy: Volume IV
Madripoor in Pictures
Music Box (Blood on Blood)
Music Box (O Danny Boy)
Music Box (On the Slopes of Wundagore)
Music Box (Transcendental Chimes)
New Mutants #98
Photo Frame
Practical Muay Thai
Premium Sketchbook
Runaways #1
Serenity: Calming Your Inner Demon
Snack Box (Meat-o-phile)
Snack Box (Premium MREs)
Snack Box (Root Beers of Canada)
Snack Box (Snax)
Strange Tales #110
Tactics of the Ancients
Tapered Candle
The Incredible Hulk #181
The Uncanny X-Men #160
Tomb of Dracula #10
A Stoic Companion
Meat Market
Nineteenth Century Russian Poetry
Snack Box (World’s Grossest Candy)
The Illustrated History of the Squadron Supreme
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Game Guides

Marvel’s Midnight Suns Guides and Walkthroughs

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below are our walkthroughs and guides on Marvel’s Midnight Suns!

Club Meetings

Club meetings?? You bet! Click on the below clubs to see what they’re doing!

Collectible Collections

The following are collectibles you can obtain throughout the game to complete your Collections:

Friendship Level / Dialog Choices

As you progress through Midnight Suns, you’ll come across dialog options that can increase, decrease or not change your friendship levels with the various heroes. Below are guides on these dialog choices!



Mysteries are like side quests in Marvel’s Midnight Suns. Below are guides on how to complete these mysteries.


Trophy guides to help you obtain those pesky trophies! 😉

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – Green Shrine Stake Locations

by NightlyGamingBinge in

As you explore Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you’ll see stakes sticking up from the ground. These stakes can be used to open sealed shrines throughout the Paldea Region. In order to reach these stakes, you’ll need to have unlocked all the abilities for your mount. For a guide on how to unlock these abilities, click here! To open the green shrine located on the northern side of the Casseroya Lake, you’ll need to find 8 green stakes throughout Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Green Shrine Map Location

This green shrine is home to the Level 60 Dark / Ground type Pokemon known as Ting-Lu.

Stake 1

Green Stake map location

This stake can be found on the cliff near some ruins to the southwest of Gracia Stones fly point on the northwestern side of Casseroya Lake.

Yellow Stake

Stake 2

Green Stake Map Location

This stake can be found directly north of the Porto Marinada Pokemon Center on the southwestern side of Casseroya Lake.

Green Stake

Stake 3

Green stake map location

This stake can be found on top of a rock in the cavern directly east of Porto Marinada.

Green stake location

Stake 4

Green stake map location

This stake can be found along the river just south of the Casseroya Watchtower No. 1, which is on the southern side of Casseroya Lake.

Green stake

Stake 5

Green Stake

This stake can be found on a small island on the southern side of Casseroya Lake.

Green Stake

Stake 6

Green stake map location

This stake can be found on the eastern side of the largest island in the center of Casseroya Lake.

green stake

Stake 7

Green stake map location

This stake can be found at the top of a waterfall where the water meets the snow on the northeastern side of West Province (Area 3).

Stake 8

Green stake map location

This stake can be found on the snowy ledge in the northern part of Casseroya Lake.

Green stake
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Logo

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – Blue Shrine Stake Locations

by NightlyGamingBinge in

As you explore Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you’ll see stakes sticking up from the ground. These stakes can be used to open sealed shrines throughout the Paldea Region. In order to reach these stakes, you’ll need to have unlocked all the abilities for your mount. For a guide on how to unlock these abilities, click here! To open the blue shrine located in a cave at the top of the waterfall on the mountain southeast of Fury Falls in North Province (Area 2), you’ll need to find 8 blue stakes throughout Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Blue Shrine Map Location
Blue Shrine

This blue shrine is home to the Level 60 Dark / Fire type Pokemon known as Chi-Yu.

Stake 1

Blue Stake Map Location

This stake can be found at the top of the mountain containing the blue shrine just southeast of the Fury Falls fly point in the North Province (Area 2).

Blue Stake

Stake 2

Blue Stake Location

This stake can be found in the ruins on the eastern side of North Province (Area 2).

Blue Stake Location

Stake 3

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Blue Stake Map Location

This stake can be found on the top of the cliff just west of the Levincia Lighthouse, which is northeast of Levincia.

Blue Stake Location

Stake 4

Blue Stake

This stake can be found on a grassy ledge along the side of the mountain just northeast of the Dalizapa Passage Pokemon Center.

Stake 5

Blue Stakes Map Location

This stake can be found on the top of a cliff in the northeastern part of the Tagtree Thicket.

Blue Stake

Stake 6

Blue stake on map

This stake can be found on top of the tall rock up the path just north of the North Province (Area 1) Pokemon Center.

Blue Stake

Stake 7

Blue Shard Map Location

This stake can be found near the beach northeast of Montenevera.

Blue Stake

Stake 8

Blue Stake Map Location

This stake can be found at the base of a tree at the top of a mountain on the east side of the North Province (Area 2) Pokemon Center.

Blue Stake
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Logo

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – Yellow Shrine Stake Locations

by NightlyGamingBinge in

As you explore Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you’ll see stakes sticking up from the ground. These stakes can be used to open sealed shrines throughout the Paldea Region. In order to reach these stakes, you’ll need to have unlocked all the abilities for your mount. For a guide on how to unlock these abilities, click here! To open the yellow shrine located on the far western side of Western Province (Area 1), you’ll need to find 8 yellow stakes throughout Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Yellow Shrine Location

This yellow shrine is home to the Level 60 Dark / Ice type Pokemon known as Chien-Pao.

Stake 1

Yellow Stake Location

This stake can be found at the top of the central waterfall east of Alfornado.

Yellow Stake Locations

Stake 2

Yellow Stake

This stake can be found on a grassy ledge northeast of the Leaking Tower of Paldea, which is north of Alfornado.

Yellow Stake

Stake 3

Yellow Stake

From Cortondo, head southwest across the river to enter South Province (Area 4). Keep heading southwest to reach a cave. Head through the cave to find the stake.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Yellow Stake Location

Stake 4

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Yellow Shrine Yellow Stake

This stake can be found southwest of the West Province (Area 1) – Central Pokemon Center on a grassy ledge.

Yellow Stake Location

Stake 5

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Yellow Stake

This stake can be found northwest of the West Province (Area 1) – Central Pokemon Center. There will be a cave on the west side of the mountain that you’ll need to enter to reach the secluded area where the stake rests.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Yellow Stake Location

Stake 6

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Yellow Stake Location

This stake can be found on a ledge just southeast of the West Province (Area 1) Watchtower overlooking the Team Star Camp.

Yellow Stake Location

Stake 7

Yellow stake location shown on a map

This stake can be found in the eastern part of West Province (Area 1) in a little nook along the mountainside.

Yellow stake along cliff

Stake 8

Yellow stake map location

This stake can be found behind the gym in Cascarrafa next to a big tree.

Yellow stake location
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Logo

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – Purple Shrine Stake Locations

by NightlyGamingBinge in

As you explore Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you’ll come across stakes sticking up out of the ground. These stakes can be used to open the sealed shrines throughout the Paldea Region. In order to reach these stakes, you’ll need to have unlocked all the abilities for your mount. For a guide on how to unlock these abilities, click here! To open the purple shrine located in South Province (Area 1), you’ll need to find 8 purple stakes throughout Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Purple Shrine Location

This purple shrine is home to the Level 60 Dark / Grass type Pokemon known as Wo-Chien.

Stake 1

Purple Stake

This stake can be found on the cliff directly above the shrine.

Purple Stake

Stake 2

Purple Stake

This stake can be found on top of the mountain at the top of the waterfall just south of Los Platos.

Purple Stake

Stake 3

Purple Stake Location

This stake can be found sticking out of the ground on top of the cliff directly northeast of the Los Platos Pokemon Center.

Purple Stake Location

Stake 4

Purple Stake Location

This stake can be found on top of the tallest mountain northeast of the Los Platos Pokemon Center.

Purple Stake

Stake 5

Purple Stake

This stake can be found just southeast of Mesagoza on a cliff overlooking the water near the dam.

Purple Stake

Stake 6

Purple Stake in Ground

This stake can be found in South Province (Area 3) on a ridge between between the Mesagoza and South Province (Area 3) Pokemon Centers.

Purple Stakes in Ground

Stake 7

Purple Stake Location

This stake can be found on a ledge along the border between South Province (Area 3) and East Province (Area 1). It is slightly northwest of the South Province (Area 3) watchtower.

Pokemon Stake

Stake 8

Purple Stakes

This stake can be found on a cliff overlooking the southwestern side of Artazon just south of the Artazon (West) Pokemon Center.

Purple Stake Location
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Logo

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – Academy Bonding Events

by NightlyGamingBinge in

When you travel to Uva Academy in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you’ll be able to interact with the teachers as you progress through the game. If there is an ! on the directory where you select which room you wish to travel to, it means there is an event there. These bonding events will increase your bond with that particular teacher, nurse or director so be sure to check back regularly after progressing the story to unlock these bonding events! Sometimes you just have to leave the academy then immediately return to get the events to spawn!


Once in the Director’s Office, speak with Clavell who is sitting behind his desk. He’ll ask you what cheugy means. Cheugy means being outdated and uncool! Go ahead and tell him that to slightly increase his bond. For the next bonding event, head to the Director’s Office and speak with Clavell. He’ll want to know which of the faculty members has made the most favorable impression on you. Make your selection then you’ll become even closer with him. Speak with him again to trigger another event. He’ll ask what hairstyle is considered cool amongst the youth these days. If you choose the giant pompadour, which was the hairstyle that he used when disguised as Clive, he’ll be surprised and say that he hasn’t seen many boys with that style around campus. If you select another hairstyle other than the pompadour, he’ll comment that he has seen boys around campus with that style. No matter your selection, he’ll suggest that the pompadour has already had its day in the sun and reflect that maybe he should change his wig. When the scene ends, you’ll feel trusted by Director Clavell. Speak with him once more and he’ll ask if you can continue being friends with Penny. Select either option to receive a Big Nugget! You will then have formed a close bond with Director Clavell.


Head to the Schoolyard and speak with Dendra next to the raised platform along the track. Tell her you’ve come for some training. When she asks about the sandwich, you can answer with either option as they both have the same outcome. Afterwards, your bond with her will slightly increase. For the next bonding event, travel to the Home Ec Room and speak with Dendra to become even closer with her! When we finished her final exam, the next event showed up! For it, travel to the Nurse’s Office and speak with Dendra. She is trying to convince Miriam to eat her sandwich. Select whatever options you wish as they do no matter. Afterwards, you’ll feel trusted by her. When you’re able, travel to her next event at the School Store. Speak with Dendra again to receive 10 bottles of Protein! You will then have formed a close bond with Ms. Dendra.


Travel to the Art Room and speak with Hassel to become slightly closer with him. When available, travel to the Schoolyard and speak with him again to become even closer with Mr. Hassel. When we finished his final exam, the next event showed up! For it, travel to the Entrance Hall and speak with Hassel. He’ll tell you about his family. Select whichever choices you’d like as they do not matter. You’ll feel trusted by Mr. Hassel! The next event will take place in the Art Room. Head on over there when you’re able then speak with Hassel. Select the options you wish as again they do not matter. He’ll give you 50 Dragon Tera Shards and form a close bond with you.


Make your way to the Biology Lab and speak with Jacq. He’ll want you to register a certain number of species of Pokemon to your Podex. Once you’ve registered enough Pokemon, talk with him again to receive the below rewards!

  • 30 species of Pokemon = TM057 False Swipe
  • 100 species of Pokemon = 20 Ultra Balls
  • 200 species of Pokemon = 20 Quick Balls
  • 400 species of Pokemon = Shiny Charm


Make your way to the Nurse’s Office and speak with Miriam to become slightly closer to her. Speak with her again when you see the ! on the directory to become even closer with her. When the next event becomes available, head to the Entrance Hall and speak with Miriam on the first floor at the base of the stairs to the left of the receptionist’s desk. When she asks if you needed something of her, you can either select yes or no. If you select yes, she heals your Pokemon. After the conversation ends, you’ll feel trusted by Nurse Miriam! Travel to the Nurse’s Office for her next event. Speak with her to receive 10 Max Revives. You’ll also become closer with her.


In the Staff Room, speak with Raifort. She’ll ask if you like new or old things. Answer that you like old things as she’s a HISTORY teacher and she’ll keep that in mind for something later! When your conversation ends, you’ll become slightly closer with her. When we finished her final exam, the next event showed up! For it, travel to the Entrance Hall and speak with her on the left side of the first floor. Tell her you’re interested in her tale from class then say that you do not believe the story is make-believe. After the conversation, you’ll become even closer with Raifort. Speak with her again in the Entrance Hall for the next event. She’ll tell you about how there are 4 shrines containing Pokemon. Each shrine is sealed by 8 stakes in the ground. She’ll mark the locations of these shrines on your map. (For guides on the locations of each stake needed to unlock the 4 shrines, click here!) When the conversation ends, you’ll feel trusted by Ms. Raifort. Before you’re able to start her next event, you must visit these shrines and catch the Pokemon residing there. After doing so, return to her in the Entrance Hall and tell her that you found the treasures of the ruins. Afterwards, you’ll receive TM140 Nasty Plot and become close with her!


Head to the Home Ec Room and speak with Saguaro to become slightly closer with him. When the option is available, head to the Cafeteria and speak with Saguaro. Select the bottom option that he needs to try the Peanut Butter Sandwich. Since we insisted, he chose the sandwich he really wanted! Afterwards, we became even closer! When we finished his final exam, the next event showed up! Travel to the Staff Room and speak with Saguaro. He’ll tell you of a sweet condiment. When the conversation ends, you’ll feel trusted by Saguaro. For the next event, head to the Home Ec Room and speak with Saguro again. He’ll tell you that the sweet condiment is called the Sweet Herba Mystica and will want you to give him one. The Sweet Herba Mystica can be obtained from 5 star raids. Once you’ve found one, return to Saguaro and hand it over. You’ll receive a Slowpoke Cup and form a close bond with him.


In the Staff Room, speak with Salvatore to become slightly closer with him! When able, travel to the Schoolyard and speak with him near the garden. He’ll ask what he should do about the Pawmi. We told him to use a Potion then handed one over to him (so make sure you have one on you!). Afterwards, you’ll become even closer with Salvatore! When we finished his final exam, the next event showed up! For it, travel to the Biology Lab then speak with Salvatore. Select whichever option you’d like as it doesn’t matter. When the dialog ends, you’ll feel trusted by Salvatore. When you’re able to, travel to the Staff Room for his next event. Speak with Salvatore and again select whichever option you’d like. In return, you’ll receive a Glarian Meowth from Salvatore and form a close bond with him.


In the Staff Room, speak with Tyme. She’ll ask you if you have any questions. Reply that you do then answer the following question correctly to slightly increase her bond:

  • When a Rock-type move hits a Flying-type Pokemon, what becomes of the move’s damage?
    • It stays the same
    • It’s doubled
    • It’s multiplied by 100

For the next bonding event, head to the Entrance Hall then speak with Tyme at the base of the stairs on the right side to become even closer with her. When we finished her final exam, the next event showed up! For it, travel to the Cafeteria then speak to Tyme next to the stove on the far left side. Afterwards, you’ll feel trusted by Tyme. Once you’re able, travel to the Schoolyard for the next event. Speak with Tyme on the right side just past the playground equipment. You’ll receive 50 Rock Tera Shards and form a close bond with Ms. Tyme.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Logo

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – Academy Classes Questions & Answers

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you’ll unlock classes you can take at Uva Academy in Mesagoza. To begin each class, enter the Entrance Hall of Uva Academy then speak with the woman behind the counter on the first floor. During these classes, you’ll be asked questions to test your knowledge of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. In order to pass the midterm exams, you must get three questions correct. For the final exams, you must get four questions correct. Below are the correct answers to the classroom questions!


Your teacher for biology is Mr. Jacq! Below are the answers to his questions. For passing the midterm exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies S! As a reward for passing the final exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies M!

Biology (1)Can anyone tell me where it is that you shouldn’t have your Pokemon walk along with you?Near the water
Inside buildings
In tall grass
Biology (2)This very important something is what Pokemon are born from. Let’s all say it together!Boxes!
Poke Balls!
Biology (3)But there’s another way to up your chances of a successful catch. Can you guess what it is?Give the Pokemon a Berry
Inflict the Pokemon with a status condition
Prove you’re stronger than the Pokemon
Biology Midterm1. What button would you use to let a Pokemon out of its ball so that it can walk with you?R Button
ZR Button
+ Button
Biology Midterm2. Combine one letter and one number below to correctly say when and where Eggs are found.A, 1
A, 2
B, 1
B, 2
Biology Midterm3. Which of the following is an effective way to warm up Eggs?Going to sleep
Walking around
Biology Midterm4. What will NOT make Pokemon easier to catch?Giving them a Berry
Surprising them from behind
Inflicting them with poison
Using certain kinds of Poke Balls
Biology Midterm5. What will make it easier to catch Pokemon of higher and higher levels?Certifications
Gym Badges
Biology Midterm6. How do you like the Pokedex? Is it easy to use? I’d be happy to hear your honest opinions!It’s easy to use!
It’s all right
I don’t use it that much…
Biology (4)To cancel Evolution, press the…A Button!
B Button!
C Button!
Biology (5)Does anyone here know what the likelihood of finding a Shiny Pokemon is?1 in 40
1 in 400
1 in 4,000
Biology (6)Does anyone know the Pokemon I’m referring to?Rotom
Biology Final1. How many of the following four methods make it easier to catch a Pokemon?One
Biology Final2. True or false? You can get new Pokemon only by catching them yourself or trading with other Trainers.True
Biology Final3. If a Pokemon is holding an Everstone, will using an item that induces Evolution, such as a Fire Stone, cause it to evolve?Yes, it will
No, it won’t
Biology Final4. What is the probability of running into a Shiny Pokemon?1 in 2,000
1 in 4,000
1 in 6,000
Biology Final5. True or false? The Pokemon known as Oricorio has three forms.True


Your teacher for math is Ms. Tyme! Below are the answers to her questions. For passing the midterm exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies S! As a reward for passing the final exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies M!

Math (1)If the move Water Gun hits a Fire-type Pokemon, what becomes of the move’s damage?It’s cut in half
It doesn’t change
It’s doubled
Math (2)If you bought as many Poke Balls as you could afford, how many would you receive?Nine
Math (3)Does anyone know what percent chance a Pokemon has of landing a critical hit?About 1 percent (1 in 100 hits)
About 4 percent (4 in 100 hits)
About 12 percent (12 in 100 hits)
Math Midterm1. How much damage does Water Gun do when it hits a Fire-type Pokemon?Half damage
Normal damage
Double damage
Math Midterm2. How much does Razor Leaf do when it hits a Fire-type Pokemon?Half damage
Normal damage
Double damage
Math Midterm3. If you spent 2,000 on as many 200 Poke Balls as possible, how many would you get?Nine
Math Midterm4. What percent chance does a Pokemon usually have to land a critical hit?About 1 percent
About 4 percent
About 12 percent
Math Midterm5. How much damage does a move deal when it lands a critical hit?Half as much
One-and-a-half times as much
Two times as much
Math (4)How much more damage, then, would this Pokemon deal?Double damage
Triple damage
Quadruple damage
Math (5)So, between Surf and Hydro Pump, which move would you want to use yourself?I’d use Surf
I’d use Hydro Pump
It depends on the situation
Math (6)What happens to that move’s power?Its power becomes 150
Its power becomes 200
Its power becomes 300
Math Final1. How many Great Balls could you purchase with 3,000 if each one costs 600?Five
Math Final2. If a Water-type move with a power of 100 lands a critical hit on a Grass-type Pokemon, what will the move’s power be?50
Math Final3. Under normal conditions, what percent chance does Stone Edge have to land a critical hit?About 1 percent
About 4 percent
About 12 percent
Math Final4. If a Pokemon uses Swords Dance twice to boost its Attack by four stages, how much damage will its physical moves then do?Double damage
Triple damage
Quadruple damage
Math Final5. If a Rock-type Pokemon whose Tera Type is Rock Teratallizes, what will the power of its Rock-type moves be multiplied by?0.5


Your teacher for history is Ms. Raifort! Below are the answers to her questions. For passing the midterm exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies S! As a reward for passing the final exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies M!

History (1)What exactly was believed to rest in the depths of the Great Crater – inside Area Zero?Treasure
A Snorlax
A Pokemon Center
History (2)Approximately how many years ago was it that the Paldean Empire began to rule this region?About one thousand years ago
About two thousand years ago
About three thousand years ago
History (3)Tell me – approximately how many years ago was this academy of ours established?About six hundred years ago
About seven hundred years ago
About eight hundred years ago
History Midterm1. What is the name of the geological formation in the center of the Paldea region?The Great Crater of Paldea
The Center of Paldea
The Paldean Valley Floor
History Midterm2. What was long believed to rest in the depths of Area Zero?A mysterious Pokemon
A school
History Midterm3. How many years ago did the Paldean Empire begin to rule this region?Approximately 1,000 years ago
Approximately 2,000 years ago
Approximately 3,000 years ago
History Midterm4. How many years ago was this academy built?805 years ago
806 years ago
807 years ago
History Midterm5. Those seeking _______ need look no further than the grapes of Paldea.Power
History (4)What do you think these tablets were?Wooden planks for writing on
Handheld electronic devices
Medicine that you chew
History (5)What was the name of the team that first made it to the deepest reaches of the Great Crater?The Area Zero Adventurers
The Area Zero Expedition
The Area Zero Survey Corps
History (6)What was the name of the famous professor who unraveled the Terastal phenomenon mystery?Professor Heath
Professor Sada/Turo
Professor Clavell
History Final1. What is the area within the Great Crater of Paldea called?The Core Area
Area Zero
The Crater Area
History Final2. How many years ago was this academy founded?805 years ago
806 years ago
807 years ago
History Final3. Which of these did not appear in the Paldean fairy tale about the four treasures?A vessel
A folding fan
A set of tablets
A set of beads
History Final4. Which Area Zero Expedition member wrote the record of the team’s activities?Leif
History Final5. How many years ago did Professor Sada/Turo invent Tera Orbs?20 years ago
15 years ago
10 years ago


Your teacher for languages is Mr. Salvatoret! Below are the answers to his questions. For passing the midterm exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies S! As a reward for passing the final exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies M!

Languages (1)Gracias, merci, xiexie, arigato, danke – these all have the same meaning! Can you guess what it is?Good-bye
Thank you
Good night
Languages (2)Delicieus! Haochi! Buono! Can anyone tell me what these words mean?Delicious
Languages (3)Ai shiteiru! Je t’aime! Te amo! Ich liebe dich! Does anyone know what these phrases mean?Time to eat
I love you
I’m going home
Languages Midterm1. Gracias, arigato, merci, and xiexie all share the same meaning. What is it?Thank you
Good night
Languages Midterm2. Which of the following means “delicious”?Au revoir
Languages Midterm3, Which of these phrases doesn’t belong?Ich liebe dich
Je t’aime
Te amo
Time to eat
Languages Midterm4. When speaking with a person, what is the first step to smooth communication?Compliment them
Get mad at them
Bury them in flattery
Languages Midterm5. What is your beloved teacher’s name?Theodore
Languages (4)What emotion do you suppose Pikachu was trying to convey just now?Happiness
Say it again, Pikachu!
Languages (5)What emotion do you suppose Pikachu was trying to convey just now?Happiness
Say it again, Pikachu!
Languages (6)What emotion do you suppose Pikachu was trying to convey just now?Happiness
Say it again, Pikachu!
Languages Final1. Which of the following means “delicious”?Gracias
Languages Final2. What do these two foreign phases mean? Je t’aime! Ich liebe dich!Time to eat
I love you
I’m going home
Languages Final3. Based on what you just heard, what emotion do you think Pikachu was expressing?Happiness
Languages Final4. Based on what you just heard, what emotion do you think Pikachu was expressing?Happiness
Languages Final5. What is your beloved teacher’s name?Amador

Battle Studies

Your teacher for battle studies is Ms. Dendra! Below are the answers to her questions. For passing the midterm exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies S! As a reward for passing the final exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies M!

Battle Studies (1)There are two categories that attack moves can fall under. Know what they are?Moves of light and moves of darkness
Physical moves and special moves
Moves you love and moves you hate
Battle Studies (2)This cheer restores HP for all ally Pokemon. What do you think it is?Heal up!
Wham-Bam Potion!
Explosive healing wave!
Battle Studies (3)If the Pokemon you’re battling puts up its Tera Shield, what should you do?Close your eyes and give in
Call your parents
Terastallize and attack it
Battle Studies Midterm1. The higher a Pokemon’s Sp. Def, the less damage it takes from ____ attacks.Physical
Battle Studies Midterm2. Which of the following has no effect on a move’s damage?The move’s type
The move’s power
The move’s name
Battle Studies Midterm3. How many Trainers are on a Tera Raid Battle team?Three
Battle Studies Midterm4. What is an effective method for breaking an opponent’s Tera Shield?Switching Pokemon
Terastallizing and attacking
Battle Studies Midterm5. What is Ms. Dendra’s favorite type?Fighting
Battle Studies (4)Does anyone have any questions so far?How do I stop an Auto Battle?
Can I catch wild Pokemon in Auto Battles?
No questions here!
Battle Studies (5)To create TMs, you need Pokemon materials and one other thing. Anyone remember what that is?LP
Battle Studies (6)Which rule set should you pick if you want to use a lower-level Pokemon and keep its level low?Normal Rules
Flat Rules
Battle Studies Final1. What cheer boosts Attack and Sp. Atk for all allies during a Tera Raid Battle?Go all out!
Go all in!
Out we go!
Battle Studies Final2. What do we call the battles that Pokemon sent out with the R Button do on their own?You-Can-Do-It Battles
Auto Fights
Auto Battles
Battle Studies Final3. How should you obtain LP?Take on Gyms
Exchange materials
Hack the system
Battle Studies Final4. High-level Pokemon are adjusted to what level when using Flat Rules in Link Battles?Lv. 50
Lv. 60
Lv. 100
Battle Studies Final5. When using Normal Rules in Link Battles, you can use multiple Pokemon of the same species and multiples of the same held item.True


Your teacher for art is Mr. Hassel! Below are the answers to his questions. For passing the midterm exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies S! As a reward for passing the final exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies M!

Art (1)Think for a moment, all of you. What is beauty, anyway? What makes something beautiful?Its shape and color
The eye of the beholder
I don’t know
Art (2)So, class… what type do these lovely, glistening flowers about Professor Gible’s head represent?The Grass type
The Fire type
The Water type
Art (3)So, class… what Tera Type do you imagine this jewel might represent?The Water type
The Ice type
The Ghost type
Art Midterm1. What is the name of the gemstone that glows over a Pokemon’s head when it Terastallizes?Tera Jewel
Tera Rock
Tera Stone
Art Midterm2. When the answer to question 1 is in the shape of flowers, what type does it represent?The Grass type
The Fire type
The Water type
Art Midterm3. What shape are most snowflakes classified as?Square
Art Midterm4. Where is the eatery that allows you to change a Tera Type?Cabo Poco
Art Midterm5. What makes something beautiful?Its shape and color
The eye of the beholder
I don’t know
There’s no correct answer
Art (4)Can anyone here tell me what my mood was when I crafted its detached expression?A happy mood
A sad mood
An angry mood
Art (5)What is the name of the three-pronged cliff on Glaseado Mountain? No need to grasp at straws!Glaseado’s Grasp
Glaseado’s Reach
Glaseado’s Run
Art (6)Does anyone know what special thing you can do with Pokemon that have Ribbons or marks?You can exchange Ribbons!
You can show them off!
You can change their title!
Art Final1. What is the name of the restaurant where you can change a Pokemon’s Tera Type?The Treasury
The Treasure Eatery
The Treasure Trove
Art Final2. What is the name of Brassius’s signature art installation that we discussed in class?Sensitive Sunflora
Sobbing Sunflora
Surrendering Sunflora
Art Final3. How many waterfalls are counted among the Ten Sights of Paldea?Two
Art Final4. Where can you find the Million Volt Skyline?Cabo Poco
Art Final5. The marks a Pokemon has are present when you first meet and none can be added later.True

Home Ec

Your teacher for home ec is Mr. Saguaro! Below are the answers to his questions. For passing the midterm exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies S! As a reward for passing the final exam, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies M!

Home Ec (1)Tell me – what must you keep in mind to receive even more helpful Meal Powers?My choice of fillings and condiments
How fast I can prepare the food
I have to remember to put my heart into it!
Home Ec (2)What should you search for when in a perilous situation with no way to heal your Pokemon?A place with water
A teacher
Items on the ground
Home Ec (3)What, then, happens to a Pokemon when it loses all of its PP?It can’t use moves
It won’t listen to its Trainer
All of its stats get lowered
Home Ec Midterm1. Which is not an effect of a picnic meal?HP restoration
Curing poison
Increasing Speed
Gaining Meal Powers
Home Ec Midterm2. Which of the following affects the kinds of Meal Powers received from a particular meal?Fillings and condiments
Number of people eating
The color of the utensils
Home Ec Midterm3. Which of these Berries can restore a Pokemon’s HP?Pecha Berry
Cheri Berry
Oran Berry
Home Ec Midterm4. Leandro wanted his Pokemon to decide on its own when to use its item in battle, so he gave it an Oran Berry. This will work as he hopes.True
Home Ec Midterm5. If a move runs out of PP, it can no longer be used. If a Pokemon runs out of PP for all its moves, it can only sit there in frustration.True
Home Ec (4)What should Ar-ahem, this young man-do to increase the effectiveness of his Meal Powers?He should make food more often
He should make food with other people
Home Ec (5)What should you do if your Pokemon is dirty?Clean it up
Pat it on the head
Home Ec (6)There is one more thing you all like to decorate, which-I must say-I find quite charming.Our classroom desks?
Our dorm rooms?
Our Rotom Phones?
Home Ec Final1. Which of the following Meal Powers makes it easier to come across Shiny Pokemon?Sparkling Power
Encounter Power
Catching Power
Home Ec Final2. Which of the following is NOT an effect of Egg Power?It makes Eggs hatch faster
It helps hatch strong Pokemon
It makes Eggs easier to find
Home Ec Final3. What is a simple yet important tactic for increasing the effectiveness of Meal Powers?Make food more often
Make food at home
Make food with others
Home Ec Final4. What is the correct action to take when your adorable Pokemon become dirty?Pokemon Wash
Pokemon Dash
Pokemon Wish
Home Ec Final5. This is a question about academy rules. Should you change your uniform tops and bottoms to properly match each season?Yes, you should
It doesn’t matter

Once you finish all of the final exams, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies L!

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – Where to Buy Mints

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Mints in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet can be purchased for 20,000 each from Chansey Supply at Cascarrafa, Levincia, Mesagoza or Montenevera after obtaining 6 gym badges! Below are mints you can purchase!

Adamant MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Attack stat grow stronger. However, its Sp. Atk stat may suffer.
Bold MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Defense stat grow stronger. However, its Attack stat may suffer.
Brave MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Attack stat grow stronger. However, its Speed stat may suffer.
Calm MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Sp. Def stat grow stronger. However, its Attack stat may suffer.
Careful MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Sp. Def stat grow stronger. However, its Sp. Atk stat may suffer.
Gentle MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Sp. Def stat grow stronger. However, its Defense stat may suffer.
Hasty MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Speed stat grow stronger. However, its Defense stat may suffer.
Impish MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Defense stat grow stronger. However, its Sp. Atk stat may suffer.
Jolly MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Speed stat grow stronger. However, its Sp. Atk stat may suffer.
Lax MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Defense stat grow stronger. However, its Sp. Def stat may suffer.
Lonely MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Attack stat grow stronger. However, its Defense stat may suffer.
Mild MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Sp. Atk stat grow stronger. However, its Defense stat may suffer.
Modest MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Sp. Atk stat grow stronger. However, its Attack stat may suffer.
Naive MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Speed stat grow stronger. However, its Sp. Def stat may suffer.
Naughty MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Attack stat grow stronger. However, its Sp. Def stat may suffer.
Quiet MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Sp. Atk stat grow stronger. However, its Speed stat may suffer.
Rash MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Sp. Atk stat grow stronger. However, its Sp. Def stat may suffer.
Relaxed MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Defense stat grow stronger. However, its Speed stat may suffer.
Sassy MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Sp. Def stat grow stronger. However, its Speed stat may suffer.
Serious MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint will cause its Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def and Speed stats to grow at an equal rate.
Timid MintHaving a Pokemon smell this mint can make its Speed stat grow stronger. However, its Attack stat may suffer.
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – Starfall Street

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Pokemon Scalet and Violet, you’ll take part in a Treasure Hunt that takes you across the Paldea region to learn things that can’t be taught in the classroom. Starfall Street is one of the main three branches of the Treasure Hunt that tasks you with taking down Team Star one outpost at a time. You’ll work with Cassiopeia and Clive to bring down Team Star once and for all. The below covers each member of Team Star you’ll face, what Pokemon they will use and where they can be found.

Dark Crew Base (Segin Squad)

Storm the Gates!

To face off against the Dark Crew, travel to their base southwest of Cascarrafa. Approach the gate to trigger an event leading to a battle with one of the guards. After defeating them in battle another event will trigger.

Team Star Grunt (Grunt A)MurkrowDark / Flying19

Challenge Team Star

When you’re ready, ring the alarm on the base gate to begin your assault. Note that you can only bring the first 3 Pokemon of your party with you. The way battle works is you send out your Pokemon on their own and they defeat Pokemon in the base. If any of them get low on health, Clive will be around to heal them up. For this challenge, you’ll have to run around the base sending out your Pokemon to defeat 30 of Segin Squad’s Pokemon in 10 minutes. As they are all using dark-type Pokemon, you may want to bring some fighting or fairy types to make quick work of them. Clearing this objective forces Giacomo, Team Star’s Boss, to show up.

Team Star’s Dark Crew Boss – Giacomo

A cutscene triggers introducing Dark Camp’s resident DJ Vice himself, Giacomo. Defeat him in a Pokemon battle to receive TM062 Foul Play. You’ll also be awarded some LP for clearing the base.

PawniardDark / Steel21
Revaroom (Segin Starmobile)Dark20

Fire Crew Base (Schedar Squad)

Storm the Gates!

Make your way to East Province (Area One) to locate the Fire Crew Base north of Arazon then approach the main gate to trigger an event with Clive. Afterwards, continue towards the gate for another event with a grunt leading to a fight. Defeating the grunt triggers a third event.

Team Star GruntHoundourFire / Dark25

Challenge Team Star

When you’re ready, interact with the alarm to commence the assault. This being a Fire Squad means Rock, Ground and Water will be your best friends for this challenge. Defeat 30 of Team Star’s Pokemon in 10 minutes to force the boss to make an appearance.

Team Star’s Fire Crew Boss – Mela

Mela makes a grand entrance and challenges you to a battle. Defeat her to receive TM038 Flame Charge and some LP for clearing the base.

Revaroom (Schedar Starmobile)Fire26

Poison Crew Base (Navi Squad)

Storm the Gates!

The Poison Crew can be found west of the East Province (Area Three) Pokemon Center. Head for the base to trigger an event with Clive. When it ends, proceed on to the Poison Crew Base main gate for another event leading to a battle with Youssef.


Challenge Team Star

Ring the alarm on the gate when you’re ready to commence the assault. Same as before, only your first 3 Pokemon can join you. You’ll have 10 minutes to defeat 30 of Navi Squad’s Pokemon to force their boss to show up.

Team Star’s Poison Crew Boss – Atticus

Atticus enters the fray on his mighty mechanical beast. Defeat him to be awarded TM102 Gunk Shot and some LP.

SkuntankPoison / Dark32
RevaroomPoison / Steel32
Revaroom (Navi Starmobile)Poison / Steel32

Fairy Crew Base (Ruchbah Squad)

Storm the Gates!

Fairy Squad can be found at their base in North Province (Area Three) in the northern part of Paldea. Head towards the camp to trigger an event with Clive. When it ends continue on to the gate for another event leading to a battle with Harrington.

MorgremDark / Fairy48

Challenge Team Star

Ring the alarm on the gate when you’re ready to commence the assault. Same as before, only your first 3 Pokemon can join you. You’ll have 10 minutes to defeat 30 of Ruchbah Squad’s Pokemon to force their boss to show up.

Team Star’s Fairy Crew Boss – Ortega

After defeating enough grunts, Ortega makes his grand entrance on his tricked-out ride. Defeat him to be awarded TM079 Dazzling Gleam and some LP.

AzumarillWater / Fairy50
WigglytuffNormal / Fairy50
Revaroom (Ruchbah Starmobile)Fairy50

Fighting Crew Base (Caph Squad)

Storm the Gates!

Fighting Squad can be found at their base in North Province (Area Two) in the northeastern part of Paldea. Head towards the camp to trigger an event. When it ends continue on to the gate for another event leading to a battle with Carmen.

CroagunkFighting / Poison54

Challenge Team Star

Ring the alarm on the gate when you’re ready to commence the assault. Same as before, only your first 3 Pokemon can join you. You’ll have 10 minutes to defeat 30 of Caph Squad’s Pokemon to force their boss to show up.

Team Star’s Fairy Crew Boss – Eri

After defeating enough grunts, Eri makes her grand entrance on his tricked-out ride. Defeat her to be awarded TM167 Close Combat and some LP.

ToxicroakPoison / Fighting55
LucarioFighting / Steel55
AnnihilapeFighting / Ghost56
Revaroom (Caph Starmobile)Fighting56

A Challenge from the Big Boss

Challenge the Boss

Make your way to the entrance of Uva Academy in Mesagoza to trigger an event with Clive followed by a fight.

OranguruNormal / Psychic60
AbomasnowIce / Grass60
Grass / Poison
Water / Flying
HoundoomDark / Fire60
Grass / Dark (Tera Type: Grass)
Water / Fighting (Tera Type: Water)
Fire / Ghost (Tera Type: Fire)

When the fight is through, head to the Schoolyard in Uva Academy when it’s dark to trigger another battle.

SylveonFairy; Tera Type: Fairy63

Go to Director’s Office

Once back at your dorm, head to the Director’s Office to trigger another event. Afterwards, leave the school to receive a call from Penny.

Meet Penny

Head down to the bottom of the stairs and speak with Penny to trigger an event. You’ll receive the TM169 Draco Meteor.