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Midnight Suns – Ghost Rider’s Friendship Level

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, the Hunter will need powerful allies they can trust fighting alongside them in their quest to stop the evil Lilith. To build friendship, the Hunter will need to answer dialog questions correctly and participate in hangout events with each hero. This guide will help you increase Ghost Rider / Robbie Reyes’ friendship level, which will improve the overall team’s friendship level. We’ve color coded the below responses to the dialog options for Ghost Rider. Green is the recommended option as it gives you the highest increase to the friendship level. Yellow is an ok increase. Red will cause a negative impact on a hero’s friendship level. Please note that if a dialog option isn’t listed below, it means that the choice doesn’t matter and you can select whichever option you wish!

Abbey Conversations

After completing The Bill Comes Due main mission

  • Everyone’s on edge about it and that puts me on edge, ya know?
    • Try to think positively. (+0)
    • I’m worried too. (+1)
    • We should be on edge. (+1)
  • But I bet no one would notice if I like took off and joined Hydra or just, I dunno, disappeared.
    • I would notice. (+1)
    • Stop this self-pity. (-1)
    • You’re not planning on taking off, are you? (+1)

After recruiting Wolverine

  • Morning, Blaze! Wanna do some Spirit of Vengeance…
    • Are you talking to yourself or Sparky? (+0)
    • You’re only as lame as you feel. (+0)
    • You don’t want to be Blaze’s brother. (+0)
  • How the hell am I supposed to live up to that?
    • You don’t want to be like Johnny Blaze. (+0)
    • Consider it a challenge. (+1)
    • What does Sparky say? (-1)
    • Let me give you a couple tips… (+0)
  • I mean, look at you. You’re not intimidated by anyone…
    • I’m still adjusting. (+0)
    • I just do what’s right. (+0)
    • I’m not afraid of being hardcore. (+1)
    • I did everything you’re doing now. (+0)
  • Be honest with me, am I really the right person to be summoning Johnny Blaze?
    • This is a chance to prove yourself. (+1)
    • You are in good hands. (+0)
    • The Spirit of Vengeance is what’s important here. (-1)

After tracking Johnny with the page

  • That was an act of mad genius.
    • It got the job done. (+0)
    • You’re easily impressed. (+0)
    • One day you’ll see his true colors. (-1)
  • I think we all need to cut him some slack.
    • There’s no excuse for his behavior. (-1)
    • We don’t have a choice. (+1)
    • We should all adopt his attitude. (+1)
    • Your kindness is admirable. (+0)

After the All the Devils are Here story mission

  • It’s gotta be done…
    • I’m sorry you have to carry the Parchment. (-1)
    • You must be upset about Blaze. (+0)
    • Everything is riding on you right now. (+0)
    • You’re going to be fine. (+0)

Morning after completing the All the Devils are Here story mission

  • But it also really sucks.
    • Nobody said it would be easy. (+1)
    • You’re now the most powerful member of the team. (+0)
    • Hopefully your time with the Parchment will be short. (-1)
  • Which is why I’m thinking I should read this Parchment for myself…
    • That would be very dangerous. (+0)
    • Will you turn on us, just like Blaze did? (+0)
    • I don’t want to know what it says. (+0)
    • You have to trust me. (+0)
  • All I can say is what I saw last night made me worry about you.
    • I appreciate the concern. (+1)
    • This is Lilith’s work. (+1)
    • I’m more worried about you. (+0)
  • Because I know whatever Blaze read set him off so hard that he betrayed us.
    • Blaze can read? (+0)
    • The Page tricked him. (+0)
    • He would’ve betrayed us anyway. (+0)
    • You could never betray us. (+0)

After fighting Hulk

  • How do I honor him and still be truthful? It’s too many hands.
    • Blaze was a traitor. (+0)
      Whatever you decide will be appropriate. (+1)
    • Remember his sacrifice. (+0)
    • Honor a fellow Spirit of Vengeance. (+0)
  • You think I need something a little more foolproof?
    • A kid’s best friend is a hellhound. (+0)
    • Get him something with extra lives just in case. (+0)
    • An extraordinary kid deserves an extraordinary pet. (+0)
  • What does that mean? Some women are what?…
    • No relationship troubles of your own? (+0)
    • My love life is very eventful if you must know. (+0)
    • Honesty is the best approach. (+0)

Day after saving Hulk

  • It’s gonna go like this: save the world, go home, give my brother a big hug, throw a barbecue for the neighborhood.
    • No greater aspirations? (+0)
    • You can not leave us so quickly. (+0)
    • At least consider the alternative. (+0)
    • Gabe must miss you terribly. (+0)
  • I don’t know, you think, maybe he’d be able to do me a favor, after we save the world, I mean?
    • Depends on the favor… (+0)
    • I would think so… (+1)
    • Why wait… (+0)
  • Uhhh… I want to jump the Hell Ride over the Abbey.
    • That’s a very bad idea. (-1)
    • Explain yourself. (+0)
      • I see your “why” and raise you a “why not?”
        • That’s a very bad idea. (-1)
        • Good point (+1)
        • Have fun (+0)
    • Have fun. (+0)

Friendship Level Up Events

Friendship Level 1

  • Gorgeous, right? Even without the extra hell sauce, she’s a beast.
    • You’re pretty cool too, Robbie. (+1)
    • I’d love to take her out for a spin. (+1)
    • She is quite a beauty. (+1)

Friendship Level 2

  • He, well, both of us just wanted to say thanks. Nice to feel useful, know what I mean?
    • That’s what friends are for… (+1)
    • Then you are both welcome. (+1)
    • Yes, I do. (+1)

Friendship Level 3

  • I don’t know. I don’t want to mess up and disappoint anyone or worse, get someone hurt. I made that mistake once before and I have absolutely zero desire to do it again.
    • It’s okay to worry about it. (+0)
    • Trust yourself and the Spirit of Vengeance. (+0)
    • I’ll make sure you won’t. (+0)

Friendship Level 4

  • Will you be my Player 2?
    • Isn’t Sparky your Player 2? (+0)
    • What about Peter? (+0)
    • Yes, I will. (+0)
  • What did I do to deserve all your confidence in me?
    • You’re a badass. (+0)
    • You’re a good person. (+0)
    • Just a gut feeling. (+0)
  • Don’t get me wrong. We’re a solid duo…
    • I bet Sparky feels the same way. (+0)
    • Lots of Suns can have doubts like that. (+0)
    • Yes! You would be! (+0)

Friendship Level 5

  • What’s with that?
    • It’s called confidence. (+0)
    • Your imposter’s syndrome has been cured. (+0)
    • Oh my god. You’re becoming Blaze. (+0)
  • You should come with…
    • You’ve got this on your own. (+0)
    • I’ll think about it. (+0)
    • With Sparky, we’re a “trio”! (+0)

Hangouts / Havens

When selecting which Hangout or Haven to do, please note that Ghost Rider has certain preferences for each activity as shown in the tables below. Doing the activities he loves gives you additional Friendship XP!

Hangout EventsFriendship XP
Deep Conversation+5
Exploring the Grounds+0
Playing Cards+5
Playing Video Games+7
Pool Lounging+7
Reading by the Fire+0
Watching a Movie+7
Working Out+5
Haven EventsFriendship XP
Bird Watching+5
Foraging for Mushrooms+5

Possible Hangout / Haven Questions

  • Like a car chase, but with horses. Did you ever drift a horse? maybe on a frozen lake or something?
    • No, never.
    • [Joke] Absolutely.
    • Stop this nonsense. (+0)
  • I was going to say “a roller-blading mariachi band” but I don’t think mine compares.
    • I must know more of these mariachis.
    • [Joke] It’s not a competition.
    • What has your Spirit of Vengeance seen? (+0)
  • No, in a car. You race through empty streets, pushing your ride as hard as it can take it…
    • I can’t wait.
    • [Joke] Only if I’m driving.
    • No, too dangerous for me. (+0)
      • Good point.
      • Not interested. (+0)
  • Same thing as after. My little brother, Gabe…
    • I can tell you miss him.
    • He’s lucky to have you.
    • Family is weakness.
  • We could start a weekly tradition. I make a mean carne asada.
    • I used to do that here, long ago… (?)
    • [Joke] Which one of you works the grill? (+1)
    • I’d rather eat alone. (?)
  • I guess you’d have to be. Caretaker used to tell us about “Lilith’s child”, not “Lilith’s firstborn.”
    • That’s a frightening thought.
    • [Joke] A shame there aren’t more.
    • I am one too many.
  • With my parents gone, I had to grow up fast…
    • If you ever need to leave…
    • Don’t forget “become Ghost Rider.”
    • Keep your focus here. (+0)
  • The Abbey is just… I don’t know how to put this, but it’s too quiet.
    • You think this is quiet? (+0)
    • [Joke] You should fix that.
    • I know exactly what you mean.
  • I know I can’t go home until this is over, but knowing doesn’t make it easier.
    • Could you bring your home here?
    • [Joke] Let’s fix that.
    • The Abbey isn’t ‘home” for me.


Please note that the Friendship XP boost received from a gift varies depending on the rarity of the item and how much they liked it.

All New Ghost Rider #1
Candle (Beachy Waves)
Candle (Bone)
Candle (Freshly Mowed Grass)
Candle (Grave Dirt)
Candle (Night into Morning)
Candle (Sports Car Interior)
Dealing with Difficult Coworkers
Growing Up With Trama
Meat Market
Music Box (A Little Girl’s Dream)
Music Box (Blood on Blood)
Music Box (Do It With Style)
Music Box (Vivaldi: Spring)
Passion in the Moonlight
Serenity: Calming Your Inner Demon
Snack Box (1000 Jelly Beans)
Snack Box (Fresh and Fruity)
Snack Box (Snax)
Advanced Photography
Amazing Fantasy #15
Avengers #4
Bottle of 18 year Aged Root Beer
Burning Skies: Air Combat in WWII
Candle (Jet Fuel)
Candle (Leather and Mahogany)
Captain Marvel #1 – 2012
Crystal Ball
Dark Beauty: A Gothic Coloring Book
Human Anatomy: Volume IV
Lessons in Leadership by Lt. Col. James Rhodes
Madripoor in Pictures
Magic for Normies
Multidimensional Cyphers in Graviton Theory
Music Box (Face It Tiger)
Music Box (O Danny Boy)
Music Box (On the Slopes of Wundagore)
Music Box (Transcendental Chimes)
New Mutants #98
Photo Frame
Practical Muay Thai
Premium Sketchbook
Runaways #1
Snack Box (Luxury Bites)
Snack Box (Meat-o-phile)
Snack Box (Premium MREs)
Snack Box (Root Beers of Canada)
Strange Tales #110
Tactics of the Ancients
Tales of Suspense #39
Tapered Candle
The Incredible Hulk #181
The Unauthorized Biography of Captain Marvel
The Uncanny X-Men #160
Tomb of Dracula #10
A Stoic Companion
Iron Man Fanfic Anthology
Nineteenth Century Russian Poetry
Snack Box (World’s Grossest Candy)
The Illustrated History of the Squadron Supreme

For more guides on Marvel’s Midnight Suns, click here!

Marvel's Midnight Suns Logo

Midnight Suns – Captain Marvel’s Friendship Level

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, the Hunter will need powerful allies they can trust fighting alongside them in their quest to stop the evil Lilith. To build friendship, the Hunter will need to answer dialog questions correctly and participate in hangout events with each hero. This guide will help you increase Captain Marvel / Carol Danvers’ friendship level, which will improve the overall team’s friendship level. We’ve color coded the below responses to the dialog options for Captain Marvel. Green is the recommended option as it gives you the highest increase to the friendship level. Yellow is an ok increase. Red will cause a negative impact on a hero’s friendship level. Please note that if a dialog option isn’t listed below, it means that the choice doesn’t matter and you can select whichever option you wish!

Abbey Conversations

Day 2 – Speak with her in the Abbey

  • Well, not so much fish as that ginormous, invulnerable sewer monster that swallowed the Sanctum
    • There has to be a way inside. (+1)
    • Just give me another shot at that thing. (+1)
    • Does anyone here take anything seriously? (-1)
  • I’m told I can be rather persuasive when I need to be.
    • Not compare to me. (-1)
    • Exactly how persuasive? (+0)
    • How about we start now? (+1)

Day 3 – Speak with her just before starting the main mission for this day

  • Now you see my problem.
    • Yes. But how is that my problem? (-1)
    • I will find her. (+1)
    • We don’t have time for this. (+0)
  • Really glad we got Spider-Man back, Hunter…
    • Yes, there are no small victories. (+1)
    • Is Banner up to the task? (-1)
    • The final battle is the only one that matters… (-1)
  • It’s all just starting to blur into one big giant green gamma mess…
    • You’ll get through this… (+1)
    • There’s always another way… (+0)
    • Busy with what?! (-1)
  • Nothing specific. More of an impression…
    • I know what you are going through… (+1)
    • The future is not set. (+0)
    • You sound afraid… (-1)
  • I’m having it right now and-wait. I think… oh no. Did I feed my cat before I left?
    • I am sure she is fine… (+1)
    • Cats are resourceful hunters… (-1)
    • Just bring her here… (+0)

After completing The Bill Comes Due story mission

  • Our forces are strained enough trying to keep up with Hydra. We could have used his intel.
    • Faustus would never have talked. (-1)
    • We will prevail anyway. (+1)
    • Crossbones gave him a gift. (-1)

After the events at Avenger’s Tower

  • Would you have been able to take the shot? Because I don’t think I could’ve.
    • I could never kill a friend. (-1)
    • I don’t know. (+1)
    • Stark showed weakness. (-1)

At Magik’s Birthday Party

  • He always gets into trouble when he’s alone…
    • We can always do better for our friends. (+1)
    • There’s enough blame to go around. (+2)
    • He betrayed you. You are blameless. (+1)

After trying to rescue Wanda

  • I’m going to be up all night trying to make sense of it, see if it helps us find our way back into the Sanctum.
    • You should get some rest. (+0)
    • I cannot abide by bad poetry. (+1)
    • Don’t bother trying. (-1)
  • Lilith. Your name is a black hole for men like me…
    • He’s just a madman. (+0)
    • Someone should warn my mother. (+1)
    • It’s just a tribute to his master. (-1)
  • I told her–twice–to keep a log of every time she opens a portal…
    • Cut Magik some slack. (+0)
    • Ask Magik. Don’t order her. (+1)
    • You were right to tell her. (+0)

After discovering the backdoor to the Sanctum

  • And that Blade, he’s an asset.
    • I’m glad to be working with both of you. (+1)
    • I owe him my life. (+2)
    • Vampires tend to be assets. (+0)
    • You’re the real asset. (+0)
  • But the more I see him in action, the more I think he might be an okay dude.
    • He tries really hard to be good. (+1)
    • You’ve never seen his dark side. (+0)
    • It’s not lying if I talk him up… (+1)
    • Blade admires you too. (+0)

After getting the symbiote suit

  • They finally got along enough to make this. I just hope it’s enough to stop Venom.
    • I choose to have faith. (+0)
    • Guess we will find out. (+0)
    • This armor will protect me from anything. (+0)
  • I’m telling you Hunter if I have to spend one more hour scanning digital maps…
    • We cannot afford to lose him. (-1)
    • Maybe it’s time to take a break. (+0)
    • If you can’t find him, neither can Lilith. (+1)
    • Lucky you have super human endurance and stamina. (+2)

Day after saving Wanda

  • Otherwise, I’m afraid too many people will die.
    • Your concerns are valid. (+1)
    • I trust Tony knows what he’s doing. (+0)
    • There are always casualties in war. (+0)
  • Strengths… Weaknesses… Mostly weaknesses.
    • Now we know what we need to work on. (+1)
    • I hope we have files like this on Hydra. (+0)
    • We can’t trust any of this. (-1)
  • He excused himself in a hurry. Now I need him back.
    • Don’t worry, I’ll get him back. (+1)
    • Maybe we should give him some time. (+0)
    • Crossbones must have gotten into his head. (-1)
    • Surely you could talk him back in here. (+0)

Day after saving the Hulk

  • All you have to do is be ready to fight for what you care about when the time comes.
    • I only care about victory. (+0)
    • So, don’t worry; be happy? (+1)
    • I’m fighting for Charlie then. (+1)
    • So, you’ll be fighting for your cat? (+2)

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead DLC

  • Yes, but an entirely new breed. Nothing I’ve seen before.
    • Do they merge into one giant vampire? (+0)
    • Flying vampire babies? (+0)
    • Invisible vampires? (+0)
  • What do you think of him?
    • [Joke] He’s a snappy dresser. (+2)
    • Blade is a valuable ally. (+0)
    • Blade doesn’t hesitate. (+0)
    • Blade enjoys your company. (+0)
  • If I took you up there, what would you wish to see?
    • An alien race. (+0)
    • The gravitational pull of a black hole. (+0)
    • Dealer’s choice, Captain. (+0)
  • You got it. New breed vampyre activity has slowed down…
    • For now. (+0)
    • They’re a distraction. (+0)
    • We should celebrate. (+0)
  • Yeah, I know. Nasty artifacts like that aren’t known for their safety features…
    • No way. That thing was evil. (+0)
    • I completely agree. (+0)
    • It doesn’t matter. It’s gone. (+0)

Morbius’ DLC – After finishing 3rd mission

  • Dracula still has a supply, but it’s barely effective…
    • Dracula won’t use it again. (+0)
    • We should check with Morbius. (+0)
    • Any serum left is a grave danger. (+0)

Friendship Level Up Events

Friendship Level 1

  • I have to admit, I don’t think you’d be such a formidable poker player. Yet another reason to respect you.
    • You respect me? (+1)
    • You underestimated me. (+0)
    • It’s just beginner’s luck. (+1)

Friendship Level 2

  • This is the life, licking it with the legendary Hunter, and kicking said legendary Hunter’s ass at a fighting game.
    • You think I’m legendary? (1)
    • I also enjoy your company. (+1)
    • I want a rematch! (+0)

Friendship Level 3

  • Believe it or not, I don’t have a lot peeps I can call friends, not close ones at least.
    • It’s the curse of being exceptional. (+0)
    • But everyone loves you. (+0)
    • I never had a lot of friends either. (+0)
  • I feel like you get how just how heavy all that extra baggage…
    • Even if my mom is your enemy? (+0)
    • You mean, with great power comes great responsibility? (+0)
    • You don’t have to carry the weight on your own. (+0)
    • Blade understands too. (+0)

Friendship Level 4

  • Sadly, the sense of wonder eventually wears off like most things.
    • Sounds like you miss that feeling. (+0)
    • It means you’re growing. (+0)
    • What else? (+0)
  • What would the life of regular Carol Danvers look like?
    • Be forced to take things slow. (+0)
    • Breaking new boundaries. (+0)
    • Gotten powers one way or another. (+0)
      • Oh, yeah, like who?
        • Peter. (+0)
        • Magik. (+0)
        • Tony. (+0)

Friendship Level 5

  • When was the last time you took a break?
    • Do my centuries of sleep count? (+0)
    • No work-life balance in the Abbey. (+0)
    • We have a lot of downtimes. (+0)
  • Who else? I’m not leaving you behind.
    • Why not stay here? (+0)
    • I prefer a winter vacation. (+0)
    • Tiny drink accessories sound nice. (+0)
  • So, you’re game?
    • Of course. (+0)
    • If Caretaker doesn’t have anything else for me. (+0)
    • First let’s deal with my mother. (+0)

HaNgouts / Havens

When selecting which Hangout or Haven to do, please note that Captain Marvel has certain preferences for each activity as shown in the tables below. Doing the activities she loves gives you additional Friendship XP!

Hangout EventsFriendship XP
Deep Conversation+5
Exploring the Grounds+5
Have a Drink+5
Playing Cards+7
Playing Video Games+5
Pool Lounging+5
Reading by the Fire+7
Watching a Movie+0
Working Out+7
Haven EventsFriendship XP
Bird Watching+5
Foraging for Mushrooms+5

Possible Hangout / Haven Questions

  • … Sorry if I’m ruining any romantic notions of space travel.
    • Don’t worry, you aren’t.
    • [Joke] Romantic notions? In space?
    • Yeah, you ruined it. (+0)
  • Don’t get me wrong. I like him. But then he turns into a burning psycho when we’re on mission.
    • You should hang out with him.
    • [Joke] That makes two of you.
    • Don’t insult him. (+0)
  • That’s not it. You really wanted to ask if Captain Marvel can take you flying sometime.
    • That’s exactly what I was asking.
    • [Lie] No… I wasn’t…
    • No, I really wasn’t. (+0)
  • I’m not just my powers, Hunter. Sometimes I like to take it slow…
    • It does sound fun, but I don’t know how.
    • I never had the chance.
    • I don’t see the appeal. (+0)
  • I’ve tried blindfolds, facing away from the board, and one-finger throws. Perfect score, every time.
    • Now you’re the one to beat.
    • You have to move on. (+0)
    • Time to master something else.
  • It reminds me of a Kree outpost…
    • That sounds lonely.
    • You? Loopy? That’s a thought…
    • I prefer solitude.
  • What about you? You died here…
    • It will always be home to me.
    • It’s a place like any other. (+0)
    • You’re right, it’s complicated.


Please note that the Friendship XP boost received from a gift varies depending on the rarity of the item and how much they liked it.

Burning Skies: Air Combat in WWII
Candle (Freshly Mowed Grass)
Candle (Jet Fuel)
Candle (Leather and Mahogany)
Candle (Night into Morning)
Captain Marvel #1 – 2012
Dealing with Difficult Coworkers
Growing Up With Trama
Lessons in Leadership by Lt. Col. James Rhodes
Magic for Normies
Music Box (A Little Girl’s Dream)
Music Box (Vivaldi: Spring)
Passion in the Moonlight
Practical Muay Thai
Snack Box (1000 Jelly Beans)
Snack Box (Fresh and Fruity)
Snack Box (Premium MREs)
Tactics of the Ancients
Advanced Photography
All New Ghost Rider #1
Amazing Fantasy #15
Avengers #4
Bottle of 18 year Aged Root Beer
Candle (Beachy Waves)
Candle (Bone)
Candle (Grave Dirt)
Candle (Sports Car Interior)
Crystal Ball
Dark Beauty: A Gothic Coloring Book
Human Anatomy: Volume IV
Madripoor in Pictures
Meat Market
Multidimensional Cyphers in Graviton Theory
Music Box (Blood on Blood)
Music Box (Do It With Style)
Music Box (Face It Tiger)
Music Box (O Danny Boy)
Music Box (On the Slopes of Wundagore)
Music Box (Transcendental Chimes)
New Mutants #98
Photo Frame
Premium Sketchbook
Runaways #1
Serenity: Calming Your Inner Demon
Snack Box (Luxury Bites)
Snack Box (Meat-o-phile)
Snack Box (Root Beers of Canada)
Snack Box (Snax)
Strange Tales #110
Tales of Suspense #39
Tapered Candle
The Incredible Hulk #181
The Uncanny X-Men #160
Tomb of Dracula #10
A Stoic Companion
Iron Man Fanfic Anthology
Nineteenth Century Russian Poetry
Snack Box (World’s Grossest Candy)
The Illustrated History of the Squadron Supreme
The Unauthorized Biography of Captain Marvel

For more guides on Marvel’s Midnight Suns, click here!

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Midnight Suns – Words of Power

by NightlyGamingBinge in

This is a guide on how to acquire all the Words of Power for the following trophies in Marvel’s Midnight Suns:

  • Oshtur’s Gift Trophy – Acquire the “Open” Word of Power
  • Atum’s Call Trophy – Acquire the “Reveal” Word of Power
  • Hyppus’ Aid Trophy – Acquire the “Purify” Word of Power
  • Set’s Favor Trophy – Acquire the “Break” Word of Power

Open Word of Power

Complete the Trial of the Elder Gods: Oshtur Challenge Mission, which you’ll do as part of the story on the second night. This will give you access to Oshtur’s cavern. In the cavern, take the Moon Seal and place it on the statue before Oshtur. This action will reward you with the “Open” Word of Power.

Reveal Word of Power

You’ll first need to complete the Agatha’s Altar mystery to obtain a Moon Stone. Afterwards, make your way to the area far north of the Standing Stones to find the Trial of the Elder Gods: Atum.

Please note this is a Level 8 challenge mission during which you’ll have to defeat 16 enemies within 4 turns using just Hunter and Charlie. Upon victory, head into the Elder Atum Shrine and place the Moon Seal on the altar before the statue to learn the “Reveal” Word of Power.

Purify Word of Power

You’ll first need to complete Hiram Shaw’s Church Mystery to obtain a Moon Stone. Afterwards, make your way to the area east of Agatha’s Cottage to find the Trial of the Elder Gods: Hyppus.

Please note this is a Level 12 challenge mission during which you’ll have to defeat 16 Lilin within 4 turns using just Hunter and Charlie. The trick to winning this one is to force the Dark Legion enemy to copy itself or other enemies by attacking them but not outright killing them. If you don’t copy them, there will not be enough enemies for you to defeat per the challenge’s objectives! Upon victory, head into the shrine and place the Moon Seal on the pedestal to learn the “Purify” Word of Power.

Break Word of Power

You’ll first need to complete Lilith’s Garden Mystery to obtain a Moon Stone. Afterwards, make your way north of Lilith’s Garden to find the Trial of the Elder Gods: Set.

Please note this is a Level 16 challenge mission during which you’ll have to defeat 16 Lilin within 4 turns using just Hunter and Charlie. Upon victory, head inside the shrine and place the Moon Seal on the pedestal to learn the “Break” Word of Power. If you use this Word of Power on the giant Set statue in the shrine, it will reveal an Arcane Chest!

For more guides on Marvel’s Midnight Suns, click here!

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Midnight Suns – Doctor Strange’s Friendship Level

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, the Hunter will need powerful allies they can trust fighting alongside them in their quest to stop the evil Lilith. To build friendship, the Hunter will need to answer dialog questions correctly and participate in hangout events with each hero. This guide will help you increase Doctor Strange’s friendship level, which will improve the overall team’s friendship level. We’ve color coded the below responses to the dialog options for Dr. Strange. Green is the recommended option as it gives you the highest increase to the friendship level. Yellow is an ok increase. Red will cause a negative impact on a hero’s friendship level. Please note that if a dialog option isn’t listed below, it means that the choice doesn’t matter and you can select whichever option you wish!


  • For the first time as Sorcerer Supreme, I cannot foresee how the future unfolds. And with my apprentice in danger, we cannot tarry.
    • Don’t worry, Doctor. We’ll save your home. (+1)
    • Can your apprentice withstand Lilith? (+2)
    • What’s so important about the Sanctum… Whatever-um? (-1)

Day 2 – Speak with him in the Abbey

  • You’re awakening ritual was admittedly… Simply put, how do you feel?
    • Feelings are irrelevant. I have a job to do. (-1)
    • Like I woke up on the wrong side of the grave. (+1)
    • I’m honestly more worried about you. (+1)
  • Will all my resources, all my gifts, I should’ve seen this outcome spelled out… but I… miscalculated.
    • No, you let your guard down. (-1)
    • I was never any good at math either. (+1)
    • Don’t blame yourself. (+1)
  • I just wonder what it could be.
    • Destroy anything with Hydra’s foul taint. (-1)
    • Would it really give us an advantage? (+0)
    • I want you to make something powerful. (+1)
  • Plus, it’s very comfortable. Assuming you choose a good fabric, of course.
    • I do not see anyone else wearing cloaks here. (+0)
    • Why not a cape? (+0)
    • Perhaps you can help me pick one out. (+1)
  • I don’t know what to do with myself.
    • Rest up. (+1)
    • You need a hobby. (+0)
    • I wish I had that luxury. (+0)

After trying to save Wanda

  • One might think they would ask for a Sorcerer Supreme’s guiding hand.
    • I’m sure they would next time. (+1)
    • Are you feeling left out? (+0)
    • They were done being ignored. (+0)
  • Perhaps there was more I could have done to save Wanda…
    • Magik is wrong about you. (+2)
    • You are showing weakness. (-1)
    • You’ll get your power back. (+1)
  • It is a pale shadow of my Sanctum Sanctorum, of course, but it has a rustic charm to it.
    • I don’t want to argue. (+0)
    • That’s what the Abbey wants you to think. (+1)
    • Don’t insult my home. (-1)
  • I would settle for nothing less.
    • It’s a paradise. (+0)
    • I am still struggling to understand it. (+0)
    • I miss my own time. (+0)

After discovering the backdoor in the Sanctum

  • Any side effects I should know about?
    • There was one… side effect. (+1)
    • [Joke] Only the urge to murder. (+0)
    • You don’t need to worry about me. (+0)
  • We can’t in good conscience send you back into battle…
    • My collar cracked. (+1)
    • It’s none of your business. (-1)
    • Just a headache. (+0)

After crafting the symbiote

  • I don’t suppose he’s given much thought as to who should get close enough to Venom to use it?
    • Tony is dealing with his own demons. (+1)
    • It could be a suicide mission. (-1)
    • What about Peter? (+1)

After collecting a sample from Venom

  • You’re too kind, Hunter. Besides, I think our mutual friend has done quite well in guiding you so far.
    • What friend is that? (+0)
    • I did this on my own. (+0)
    • And I am grateful. (+0)
  • Shh. Just stand here with me a moment. I want to see if you can sense what I’m sensing.
    • I sense only my injuries. (+0)
    • I’m not as perceptive as you. (+1)
    • Stand here and breathe? Okay… (+1)
  • My mind races with nervous excitement at the thought of stepping back into my great cosmic library…
    • You stand in your power now. (+0)
    • I’m excited for you. (+1)
    • Soon we will have our vengeance. (+0)
  • Well… the magic that created that force field was the darkest kind… Not unlike the dark energies within you…
    • At least my dark side is good for something. (+1)
    • You are clutching at straws. (-1)
    • It cannot be that simple. (+0)
  • Demons are, by definition, evil…
    • What do we have to lose? (+1)
    • It’s a mistake to trust that thing. (-1)
    • I think it’s a sign of how desperate things are becoming. (+1)

Day after tracking Johnny Blaze with the page

  • It’s my hope that I can find a way to use its magics to break through the barrier to the lab.
    • This seems risky. (+1)
    • This will be a fun hunt. (+1)
    • Make the Barghest suffer. (-1)

After rescuing Wanda

  • I wish I could have joined you at the lab…
    • Your regret is valid. (+0)
    • At least she’s back. (+1)
    • Quit undermining our success. (-1)
    • You can make it up to Wanda later. (+0)

Day after rescuing Wanda

  • But that’s a worry for another day…
    • I share your doubts about Tony’s plan. (+0)
    • Enjoy the optimism while you can. (+1)
    • You didn’t say anything about Wanda. (-1)
      • I don’t know yet what I would say to her…
        • Caretaker’s issues are not yours. (+0)
        • Trust your instincts. (+0)
        • You can’t hide from your guilt. (-1)
        • Talk to her now. Don’t wait. (+0)

Morning after completing the All the Devils are Here story mission

  • If you think this source has got salon-sculpted facial hair and an ego the size of Montana, then you’re correct.
    • Stark is just being Stark. (+0)
    • You’re right to get some space between you. (+1)
    • Come up with a better plan. (+1)
    • Don’t let Tony’s ego inflate your own. (+0)

Day after fighting the Hulk

  • So if you have any bright ideas…
    • Bring the fight to Chthon. (+0)
    • There must be more secrets to unlock. (+1)
    • There is no stopping it. (-1)
    • I’m putting all my faith in you. (+0)
  • I fear he may be plotting against us as we speak…
    • I’ll let you get back to it then… (+0)
    • Tell me how I can help… (+1)
    • Then try harder! (-1)
  • If we’re ever going to find out what this God Killer can do Tony and I need to start researching it now.
    • We are counting on you. (+0)
    • If you think it will help… (+0)
    • We are out of other options. (+0)
  • What do you make of that?
    • Maybe I’m meant to wield it. (+1)
    • We have to hope it’s a good thing. (+1)
    • I thought you were the arcane expert. (-1)
    • I”m relying on you to figure this out. (+0)
  • I really need to double check my findings. There are a few more scrolls I should consult…
    • I trust you to tell me when you’re ready. (+1)
    • Why don’t you give me a hint? (+0)
    • It feels like you’re hiding something. (-1)
  • Part of me feels we should throw it into the Forge right now and wash our hands of it completely.
    • But we barely understand it. (+1)
    • The Forge won’t destroy it. (+0)
    • We should harness that power. (+0)
    • I know you’ll do the right thing. (+0)

Morbius DLC

  • I must admit, Morbius is an anomaly…
    • He belongs here. (+0)
    • We owe him nothing. (+0)
    • That is a familiar struggle. (+0)

Friendship Level Ups

Friendship Level 1

  • I didn’t want you to miss it.
    • You’re very thoughtful. (+1)
    • This event is beautiful. (+1)
    • Have you seen this before? (+1)

Friendship Level 2

  • I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the direction my life will take if we survive your mother’s apocalypse…
    • You could practice medicine again. (+0)
    • A man in a fabulous cape. (+1)
    • An Avenger. (+1)

Friendship Level 3

  • With the loss of the Sanctum, is it possible that I am the last Sorcerer Supreme?
    • Leadership is a cape you’ve worn many times. (+0)
    • You know who else loves the spotlight? (+0)
    • You failed, so what? (+0)

Friendship Level 4

  • Your continued confidence and honesty with me have rekindled…
    • I am honest with those I respect. (+0)
    • We have a shared goal. (+0)
    • You are Doctor freakin’ Strange. (+0)

Friendship Level 5

  • With such uncertainty ahead…
    • My destiny is to return to death. (+0)
    • My destiny is to destroy the Darkhold. (+0)
    • My destiny is to slay my mother again. (+0)
  • There is more than just an artifact. But whatever it is could represent a change in the direction of our battle against Lilith.
    • Maybe we should lock it away again. (+1)
    • It’s clearly dangerous. (+1)
    • We should use it now. (+0)
    • Only you can figure this out. (+0)

Hangouts / Havens

When selecting which Hangout or Haven to do, please note that Dr. Strange has certain preferences for each activity as shown in the tables below. Doing the activities he loves gives you additional Friendship XP!

Hangout EventsFriendship XP
Deep Conversation+7
Exploring the Grounds+7
Have a Drink+5
Playing Cards+5
Playing Video Games+0
Pool Lounging+0
Reading by the Fire+7
Watching a Movie+5
Working Out+0
Haven EventsFriendship XP
Bird Watching+5
Foraging for Mushrooms+7

Possible Hangout / Haven Questions

  • I appreciate this time away from the Forge. Despite Tony’s complaints, a bit of soldering is far less effort than wrestling a demon into daily submission.
    • Tony complains too much.
    • Be careful. The Forge is dangerous. (+0)
    • It’s difficult work. You deserve a break.
  • Go on. To what genre am I most partial?
    • History.
      • Ancient history. (+0)
      • Modern history. (+0)
      • Fictional history.
    • [Joke] Comic books. (+0)
    • Fiction.
      • Science fiction. (+0)
      • Historical fiction.
      • Dystopian fiction. (+0)
  • Of all the enemies we could be facing, I’m grateful Lilith is our foe.
    • “Grateful?” Are you insane? (+0)
    • She is no match for you, Doctor.
    • I’d like to know of a greater threat.
  • Stephen Strange, the surgeon, was a very different person. Selfish, vain, and prone to grandiose delusions of grandeur.
    • You sound ashamed.
    • [Joke] I don’t see the difference. (+0)
    • Nobody changes. Not really.
  • She tries to take charge of the Midnight Suns, but she won’t decide for anyone…
    • I’ve noticed the same thing.
    • Everyone is their own worst enemy.
    • Nico knows what she’s doing. (+0)
  • But I cannot shake the sense that life as I know it has changed for the worse.
    • My condolences.
    • You have to remain hopeful.
    • Don’t let it get to you. (+0)
  • Tell me, Hunter. If Lilith’s forces captured the Abbey…
    • I’d fight for my home.
    • Your question isn’t about me.
    • I’d find a new home.
  • Eventually. But first we faced each other in the Abbey grounds, prepared to do battle.
    • That’s hard to believe.
    • [Joke] That sounds amazing!
    • I’m surprised you’re still alive. (+0)
  • As I attempted to locate that vile tome…
    • You can’t blame her for that. (+0)
    • Good thing she missed.
    • You are wrong about the Darkhold.
  • Since the beginning of this crisis, my predictions have all been skewed…
    • That’s a shame. I’m sorry.
    • Sounds like you’re adapting.
    • You can’t rely on predictions.
  • “I’m wingin’ it. ”
    • I’m glad your so positive.
    • [Joke] It’s what the rest of us do.
    • You’re trying hard to convince yourself. (+0)


Please note that the Friendship XP boost received from a gift varies depending on the rarity of the item and how much they liked it.

Candle (Bone)
Candle (Freshly Mowed Grass)
Candle (Leather and Mahogany)
Candle (Night into Morning)
Dealing with Difficult Coworkers
Growing Up With Trama
Human Anatomy: Volume IV
Meat Market
Music Box (A Little Girl’s Dream)
Music Box (Transcendental Chimes)
Music Box (Vivaldi: Spring)
Passion in the Moonlight
Snack Box (1000 Jelly Beans)
Snack Box (Fresh and Fruity)
Strange Tales #110
A Stoic Companion
Advanced Photography
All New Ghost Rider #1
Amazing Fantasy #15
Avengers #4
Bottle of 18 year Aged Root Beer
Burning Skies: Air Combat in WWII
Candle (Beachy Waves)
Candle (Grave Dirt)
Candle (Jet Fuel)
Candle (Sports Car Interior)
Captain Marvel #1 – 2012
Crystal Ball
Dark Beauty: A Gothic Coloring Book
Lessons in Leadership by Lt. Col. James Rhodes
Madripoor in Pictures
Multidimensional Cyphers in Graviton Theory
Music Box (Blood on Blood)
Music Box (Do It With Style)
Music Box (Face It Tiger)
Music Box (O Danny Boy)
Music Box (On the Slopes of Wundagore)
New Mutants #98
Nineteenth Century Russian Poetry
Photo Frame
Practical Muay Thai
Premium Sketchbook
Runaways #1
Serenity: Calming Your Inner Demon
Snack Box (Luxury Bites)
Snack Box (Meat-o-phile)
Snack Box (Premium MREs)
Snack Box (Root Beers of Canada)
Snack Box (Snax)
Tactics of the Ancients
Tales of Suspense #39
Tapered Candle
The Incredible Hulk #181
The Unauthorized Biography of Captain Marvel
The Uncanny X-Men #160
Tomb of Dracula #10
Iron Man Fanfic Anthology
Magic for Normies
Snack Box (World’s Grossest Candy)
The Illustrated History of the Squadron Supreme

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Midnight Suns – Nico’s Friendship Level

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, the Hunter will need powerful allies they can trust fighting alongside them in their quest to stop the evil Lilith. To build friendship, the Hunter will need to answer dialog questions correctly and participate in hangout events with each hero. This guide will help you increase Nico’s friendship level, which will improve the overall team’s friendship level. We’ve color coded the below responses to the dialog options for Nico. Green is the recommended option as it gives you the highest increase to the friendship level. Yellow is an ok increase. Red will cause a negative impact on a hero’s friendship level. Please note that if a dialog option isn’t listed below, it means that the choice doesn’t matter and you can select whichever option you wish!

Abbey conversations

Hangout – Watching a Movie – This event occurs as part of the story during the tutorial introducing Hangouts.

  • I get why facing Lilith won’t be easy. I was fifteen when I found out my mother was Capital “E” Evil.
    • That’s terrible. (+1)
    • What about your father? (+0)
    • So? I was 10 when I found out. (-1)
  • Magik’s birthday is coming up. I want to throw her a surprise party, but I can’t do it alone.
    • Of course I’ll help. (+0)
    • What’s a “surprise party?” (+0)
      • Interesting. I’m in. (+0)
      • [Joke] Back in my day… (+0)
      • This had better be worth my time. (+0)
    • Not sure if it’s worth my time. (+0)
  • Thanks for this. Do you have any questions?
    • Why throw a surprise party?
      • Yes, I would love that. (+2)
      • I can tell you’re a big fan of them. (+3)
      • No, it’s a bad idea. (-1)
    • Did you pick a location? (+0)
    • No questions. (+0)
  • Pisses me off so much, I could scream.
    • Well, scream, then… (+1)
    • We will need everyone to stop Lilith. (+0)
    • Then do something about it. (-1)

After the events at Avenger’s Tower

  • Who was there for us when Wanda was taken…
    • Have empathy for them. (-1)
    • I was there for you. (-1)
    • Time to take matters into your own hands. (+1)

At Magik’s Birthday Party

  • Illyana’s my friend. How could I have missed that?
    • It’s not your fault. (+0)
    • Blaming yourself helps no one. (+1)
    • Yes, it’s all your fault. (+0)

After trying to save Wanda

  • Don’t bother. Kinda just want to be left alone.
    • We did our best. (-1)
    • We screwed up. (+0)
    • I should go then. (+0)
  • There’s gotta be something in here…
    • Normal is a relative term here… (-1)
    • You’re going to need dark magic, then. (+1)
    • It’s never that easy… (-1)
  • Or you trying to do the same thing to her…
    • That wasn’t Wanda… (-1)
    • Then we’ll have to do better next time… (+1)
    • It’s time to face the truth… (-1)

After obtaining a sample from Venom

  • Yeah, why? You got an opinion about it.?
    • No opinion. (+0)
    • I like your determination. (+1)
    • You’re just hurting yourself. (-1)
  • And since chaos magic is a helluva lot more powerful…
    • I want to help. (+1)
    • How creative. (+1)
    • I’m telling Caretaker. (-1)
  • She should be letting me use my talents to help the team…
    • Don’t let her get you down. (+1)
    • She’s letting fear control her. (+2)
    • You haven’t earned her trust. (-1)
  • But, poof, here this was… waiting for me.
    • Quite a coincidence. (+1)
    • Perhaps the library is haunted. (+1)
    • Chaos magic is forbidden for a reason. (-1)
    • I love your passion for knowledge. (+2)
  • You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the first case of corruption in recorded history.
    • Was it cured? (+1)
    • Anything is possible. (+1)
    • It’s probably just a myth. (-1)
  • The Pharaoh came back to his senses…
    • The light worker was a hero. (+1)
    • That sounds hopeful. (+0)
    • Nothing is ever that easy. (+0)
  • Yes?
    • This is going to end in disaster. (-1)
    • Sounds like a long shot. (-1)
    • No risk, no reward. (+1)
  • Remember that first account of Lilin corruption I found in that Book of Thoth?
    • Yes, I do. (+1)
    • Remind me. (-1)
  • And I’m pretty sure we can use it to finally remove your psycho mom’s corruption over Wanda.
    • Pretty sure? (-1)
    • She’s not psycho. (-1)
    • I’m impressed. (+2)
  • So, whoever removes it from Wanda will also have to absorb it.
    • That much dark energy will destroy you! (+0)
    • I feel terrible for whoever has to… (+0)
    • I will do it. (+2)
    • You are so brave to sacrifice yourself for a friend. (+2)
  • Think you can remember that,,. Hunter?
    • Not a problem. (+1)
    • Guess I have some homework to do. (+1)
    • I still don’t like this. (-1)

After getting the pungent suit

  • You do remember them, right?
    • Of course, I remember them. (+1)
    • Can you remind me? (-1)
    • [Joke] You didn’t mention penguins. (+0)
  • And the last line…?
    • Domun domini princapasa yior… (-1)
    • Domun domini praecepta yoir… (+2)
    • Domun domi preecepta yor… (+0)
  • I just want to make sure you’re up to it.
    • I’m already filled with dark energy. (+0)
    • How intense? (+2)
    • I’m more worried about Wanda. (+2)
    • Thanks to you, I sure am. (+2)
  • I’ve already lost enough people I care about.
    • We have that in common. (+2)
    • You won’t lose me. (+2)
    • I care about you. (+2)

After rescuing Wanda

  • You, uh, reunited our twisted little family…
    • Now, you outnumber the Avengers. (+1)
    • And neither is my back. (+1)
    • Neither will Caretaker. (+0)
    • We are chosen family. (+2)
  • Yup. So scrumptious…
    • I will help you make more. (+1)
    • [Joke] Whoever did this will pay… (+2)
    • Who do you think did it? (+0)
  • It feels weird.
    • How does the weapon work? (+2)
    • It sounds weird… (+0)
    • Power has its price. (+1)
  • You ever miss people from your past?
    • Of course. (+2)
    • Sometimes. (+1)
    • I leave the past where it belongs…behind me. (+0)

Day after fighting Hulk

  • So, it’s time for them to move over and let the kids take the reins.
    • Finally! (+1)
    • Are you ready for that? (+0)
    • Not if you’re leaving out the Avengers. (-1)
    • As long as you’re taking the lead… (+2)

After bringing down the temple in Part 3

  • Way to go team.
    • You have nothing to regret. (+1)
    • It’s not the end of the world… yet. (+1)
    • We made a mistake… (+0)
    • What you did was brave. (+0)

After recruiting Hulk

  • Told you everything would get better once Wanda was back.
    • Things do seem to be looking up. (+1)
    • I just hope it wasn’t too much for her. (+0)
    • You never gave up on her. (+2)
  • Maybe a somewhat dysfunctional family with a ton of issues to work through…
    • Does that make Tony and Strange your crazy uncles? (+1)
    • Loving the more positive outlook. (+0)
    • [Joke] Sounds dangerous… (+2)
    • I do see you as family, Nico. (+3)

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead DLC

  • I feel called out. Figured since your mom is the Mother of Demons and all…
    • No. I’m trying to be different than mom. (+0)
    • I don’t like labels. (+1)
    • More goth than you. (+2)

Friendship Level Up Events

Friendship Level 1

  • Caretaker makes me feel like a child sometimes, but you don’t, so, like, thanks.
    • It’s an honor to fight beside you. (+1)
    • Caretaker is the worst. (+1)
    • She’s just protective of you. (+0)

Friendship Level 2

  • It’s something I make all my friends watch with me.
    • We’re friends now? (+1)
    • Why is it your favorite? (+1)
    • Like a rite of passage? (+1)

Friendship Level 3

  • Anyway we’ll get some more quality one-on-one time. It’s a little retro…
    • Lively, I like it. (+0)
    • Too noisy for me. (+0)
    • What are we listening to? (+0)
  • Like why have a kid if you’re going to get rid of them…
    • I hope you got your revenge. (+0)
    • Not everyone is meant to be parents. (+0)
    • I feel the same about my mom. (+0)

Friendship Level 4

  • Okay, I think that you think that I’m one of those good people, right…
    • We’re a reflection of our environment. (+0)
    • It’s all set the moment we’re born. (+0)
    • Either way it doesn’t matter to me. (+0)
  • How can you be sure that I’m not, you know, evil?
    • What’s wrong with a little darkness? (+0)
    • Because I know you. (+0)
    • I’ll take my chances. (+0)
  • Okay. How?
    • Decide to accept it. (+0)
    • Use your magic. (+0)
    • Find a way to forgive. (+0)

Friendship Level 5

  • I’ll spare you the sappy stuff, but you’ve climbed to the top…
    • I want to hear the sappy stuff. (+0)
    • Who’s at the top? (+0)
    • That’s amazing. (+0)
  • And I took your advice…
    • Just don’t forget. (+0)
    • Now you can move on. (+0)
    • It takes a lot of character to forgive. (+0)

Hangouts / Havens

When selecting which Hangout or Haven to do, please note that Nico has certain preferences for each activity as shown in the tables below. Doing the activities she loves gives you additional Friendship XP!

Hangout EventsFriendship XP
Deep Conversation+7
Exploring the Grounds+5
Have a Drink+5
Playing Cards+5
Playing Video Games+0
Pool Lounging+7
Reading by the Fire+5
Watching a Movie+7
Working Out+0
Haven EventsFriendship XP
Bird Watching+5
Foraging for Mushrooms+5

Possible Hangout / Haven Questions

  • That’s magic I picked up on my own. I use the Staff of One to focus and augment it, but I don’t pull out the big guns unless things get, let’s say, “apocalyptic.”
    • Don’t use it unless you have to. (+0)
    • We are trying to stop an apocalypse.
    • Whatever you do, don’t hold back.
  • She’ll never forget how her favorite cartoon characters showed up as exotic dancers. Nor will she ever forgive me.
    • You sound like you regret it.
    • [Joke] I can only imagine…
    • You wasted your power. (+0)
  • Of all the changes you’ve had to deal with, at least the music is better.
    • Modern “music” is noise. (+0)
    • I always preferred live performances.
    • It’s amazing. I love it.
  • Meh. That requires effort.
    • Don’t worry, I can fix this. (+0)
    • [Joke] Is this a millennial thing?
    • Make up your mind.
  • That you were a godlike hero walking the earth, single-handedly holding back the forces of evil.
    • That’s wrong. I was always part of a team.
    • [Joke] Yep, I was amazing. (+0)
    • There’s nothing special about me.
  • I’m surprised you and Caretaker keep butting heads…
    • Caretaker and I always fought.
    • We used to get along.
    • Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.
  • Hey, uh… I’ve been meaning to ask…
    • No I’m the Hunter. I hunted. (+0)
    • Not really. I can cook anything.
    • Yes, I miss Agatha’s cooking.


Please note that the Friendship XP boost received from a gift varies depending on the rarity of the item and how much they liked it.

Candle (Beachy Waves)
Candle (Freshly Mowed Grass)
Candle (Grave Dirt)
Candle (Night into Morning)
Dark Beauty: A Gothic Coloring Book
Dealing with Difficult Coworkers
Growing Up With Trama
Meat Market
Music Box (A Little Girl’s Dream)
Music Box (Blood on Blood)
Music Box (Do It With Style)
Music Box (Vivaldi: Spring)
Passion in the Moonlight
Runaways #1
Snack Box (1000 Jelly Beans)
Snack Box (Fresh and Fruity)
Snack Box (Luxury Bites)
Snack Box (Snax)
The Unauthorized Biography of Captain Marvel
A Stoic Companion
Advanced Photography
All New Ghost Rider #1
Amazing Fantasy #15
Avengers #4
Bottle of 18 year Aged Root Beer
Burning Skies: Air Combat in WWII
Candle (Bone)
Candle (Jet Fuel)
Candle (Leather and Mahogany)
Candle (Sports Car Interior)
Captain Marvel #1 – 2012
Crystal Ball
Human Anatomy: Volume IV
Lessons in Leadership by Lt. Col. James Rhodes
Madripoor in Pictures
Music Box (Face It Tiger)
Music Box (O Danny Boy)
Music Box (On the Slopes of Wundagore)
Music Box (Transcendental Chimes)
New Mutants #98
Photo Frame
Practical Muay Thai
Premium Sketchbook
Serenity: Calming Your Inner Demon
Snack Box (Premium MREs)
Snack Box (Root Beers of Canada)
Strange Tales #110
Tactics of the Ancients
Tales of Suspense #39
Tapered Candle
The Incredible Hulk #181
The Uncanny X-Men #160
Tomb of Dracula #10
Iron Man Fanfic Anthology
Magic for Normies
Multidimensional Cyphers in Graviton Theory
Nineteenth Century Russian Poetry
Snack Box (Meat-o-phile)
Snack Box (World’s Grossest Candy)
The Illustrated History of the Squadron Supreme

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Midnight Suns – Old Midnight Suns Mystery

by NightlyGamingBinge in

First Stone Statue

To begin the Old Midnight Suns Mystery in Marvel’s Midnight Suns, pay your respects to the large stone statue that can be found in a nook at the end of the path heading southwest from The Grotto.

Midnight Suns Mystery Statue Location

This will activate another statue in a group of 4 stone statues just east of The Abbey. Your goal is to light up the other three statues by finding their corresponding statue in the world!

Second Stone Statue

The next statue can be found in a nook in the northern part of the Stone Terrace at the end of a small path near a broken stone bridge.

Pay your respects to this statue to cause the second statue in the Abbey Grounds to activate.

Third Stone Statue

The third statue can be found between the Everflowing Glade and Shaw’s Church.

Pay your respects to this statue to cause the third statue in the Abbey Grounds to activate.

Fourth Stone Statue

The fourth stone statue can be found northwest of Lilith’s Garden. Pay your respects to this statue to cause the mystery to complete. Travel to the 4 stone statues next to the Abbey and loot the legendary arcane chest that spawns in the middle of them!

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Marvel’s Midnight Suns – Masterworks

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, masterworks can be placed in frames around The Abbey. You can find these masterworks throughout the game at the below locations!

Allegory of the Transience of Life

Masterworks Map Location

This masterwork can be found west of The Abbey just past the training ground.

Masterworks Location

Evening in the Woods

Masterworks Map Location

This masterwork can be found near a pond northeast of The Abbey.

Masterworks Location

Girl with Cherries

This masterwork can be found behind a breakable wall just south of the Everflowing part of the Everflowing Glade text on the map.

Heart’s Ease

This masterwork can be found under the bridge on a rock west of the Abbey in the creek.

Moonlight on Mount Lafayette, New Hampshire

This masterwork can be found leaning against a broken wall south of Agatha’s Altar.

Moonlight, Wood Island Light

This masterwork can be found in the central part of Gideon’s Cross on the eastern side of the main path.

Schloss Milkel in Moonlight

This masterwork can be found near the cross paths in northern Gideon’s Cross.

Still Life with a Skull and a Writing Quill

This masterwork can be found northwest of Lilith’s Garden.

The Damsel and Orlando

Masterworks Map Location

This masterwork can be found on a rock pile in the northwestern part of the Hunter’s Folly Region near a chest.

Masterworks Location

The Dream of Aeneas

This masterwork can be found in a small cemetery just north of the Envy part of the Garden of Envy text on the map. You’ll need to use the Open Word of Power on the gate to reach it.

The Flower Girl

This masterwork can be found in the northern part of the Garden of Envy. You’ll need to use the Break Word of Power to clear the rubble blocking the path in order to reach it.

The Glorification of the Royal Hungarian Saints

This masterwork can be found by a wheel barrel next to a building in the northern part of the Valley of the Winds.

The Return of the Cattle

This masterwork can be found just under the “Te” of Stone Terrace on the map in the remains of a building.

The Weeders

This masterwork can be found on a table down the northeastern path from Shaw’s Church.

Two Men Contemplating the Moon

This masterwork can be found in the northern part of the Whispering Wood.

Vanitas Still Life

This masterwork can be found in a bucket across the northern bridge in the Whispering Wood.

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Marvel’s Midnight Suns – Caretaker’s Journal

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, there are 12 Faded Journal Pages that make up the Caretaker’s Journal, which is a collectible that can be found throughout the world. Below are the locations of these pages in Marvel’s Midnight Suns! After you obtain all 12 of the Faded Journal Pages, you’ll receive the Black Grimoire recipe book which allows you to convert Gloss to Credits and Credits to Gloss.

Faded Journal PageLocation
July 13, 1689The day after recruiting Spiderman, a ladder will be available in the Chapel allowing you to reach the attic. Climb up the ladder to find the journal on the table in the back.
July 13, 1689War Room – On Caretaker’s desk across from the Mirror Table
November 23, 1689War Room – On a wooden table near the Mirror Table
April 13, 1693Caretaker’s Room – Bedside table
April 17, 1694Caretaker’s Room – On desk
November 4, 1694Caretaker’s Room – In front of fireplace
November 14, 1694In Agatha’s Cottage *See below for map!*
November 20, 1694In Agatha’s Cottage *See below for map!*
January 2, 1695Agatha’s Cottage – On a table under the overhang attached to the cottage *See below for map!*
April 4, 1701Agatha’s Cottage – On a table in the courtyard in front of the cottage *See below for map!*
February 14, 1708Lilith’s Garden – Next to Lilith’s statue
June 3, 1710Accessible during the story on Night 3 – On a desk in the back of the Library
August 15, 1710Chapel – On a bookshelf

Agatha’s Cottage Location

Lilith’s Garden

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Marvel’s Midnight Suns – Hunter’s Journal

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, there are 12 Faded Journal Pages that make up the Hunter’s Journal, which is a collectible that can be found throughout the world. Below are the locations of these pages in Marvel’s Midnight Suns!

April 3, 1703

When you first gain access to your room near the beginning of the game, pick it up from the nightstand.

February 20, 1708

This journal page can be found on an overturned wheel barrel near the center of Dreamer’s Descent, which is accessible after learning the “Open” Word of Power.

June 26, 1710

This journal page can be found in the southern part of Stone Terrace directly east of the Hunter’s old fort in a ruined building. Please note that this might not show up until Night 3 after visiting Agatha’s Altar as part of the story.

July 15, 1710

This journal page can be found on the ground in the ruins of a building south of Agatha’s Altar.

August 14, 1710

This faded journal page can be found outside of a cave with a giant statue in the northern part of the Garden of Envy.

August 18, 1710

This journal page can be found in the northern part of the Misty Moors.

September 23, 1710

This journal page can be found northwest of Lilith’s Garden.

March 20, 1711

This faded journal page can be found on the ground just north of the Everflowing Glade text on the map.

December 15, 1711

This faded journal page can be found behind the Shaw’s Church, which is accessible during the Hiram Shaw’s Church Mystery.

July 13, 1712

This journal page can be found along the main path in Gideon’s Cross near the Haven.

September 8, 1712

This journal page can be found near a bridge in the northeastern part of Stone Terrace.

November 3, 1712

This journal page can be found in Dreamer’s Descent at the “Dream” in the Dreamer’s Descent text on the map. Please note that this might not show up until Night 3 after visiting Agatha’s Altar as part of the story.

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Marvel’s Midnight Suns – Tarot Card Locations

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, there are 22 tarot cards that can be found throughout the world. These tarot cards are a part of the Collection! Below are the locations of these tarot cards in Marvel’s Midnight Suns!


This tarot card can be found on the very southern tip of Agatha’s Altar along the edge of the map.


This tarot card can be found on the backside of Agatha’s Altar.


This tarot card can be found in the Chapel on the floor next to the bookshelf.


Head outside from the War Room and take a left then head straight into the woods. You’ll come to some large rocks on your left. This tarot card will be in the middle of these rocks.

The Chariot

This tarot card can be found to the far north of Lilith’s Garden. Use the Reveal Word of Power on the bridge to reach it!

The Devil

This tarot card can be found along the main path in the Misty Moors.

The Emperor

This tarot card can be found just below the “Glade” in the Everflowing Glade text on the map.

The Empress

This tarot card can be found in the cemetery northwest of Shaw’s Church.

The Fool

This tarot card can be found in the central part of Gideon’s Cross along the main path.

The Hanged Man

This tarot card can be found across a bridge west of Agatha’s Altar and is only reachable after obtaining the “Reveal” Word of Power.

The Hermit

This tarot card can be found along the path in the “Whispering” text on the map of Whispering Wood.

The Hierophant

This tarot card can be found in the area behind Shaw’s Church, which is accessible during the Hiram Shaw’s Church Mystery.

The High Priestess

This tarot card can be found along the path northeast of Standing Stones along the edge of the map.

The Judgement

This tarot card can be found above a well in the southeastern part of Misty Moors.

The Lovers

This tarot card can be found in a small cemetery just north of the Envy part of the Garden of Envy text on the map. You’ll need to use the Open Word of Power on the gate to reach it.

The Magician

This tarot card can be found behind the breakable wall in the southern part of the Dreamer’s Descent.

The Moon

This tarot card can be found in the Forge on the ground near the bookshelves.

The Star

This tarot card can be found in the Forge on the counter near the glove hologram by the Iron Man suit.

The Sun

This tarot card can be found northeast of The Abbey near a pond.

The Tower

This tarot card can be found in the southeastern part of Dreamer’s Descent. You’ll need to use the Break Word of Power on some rubble blocking a path to clear the way allowing you to reach it.

The Wheel of Fortune

This tarot card can be found on a small altar directly west of Agatha’s Altar.

The World

This tarot card can be found at Agatha’s Cottage.

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