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Midnight Suns – Spiderman’s Friendship Level

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, the Hunter will need powerful allies they can trust fighting alongside them in their quest to stop the evil Lilith. To build friendship, the Hunter will need to answer dialog questions correctly and participate in hangout events with each hero. This guide will help you increase Peter Parker / Spiderman’s friendship level, which will improve the overall team’s friendship level. We’ve color coded the below responses to the dialog options for Spiderman. Green is the recommended option as it gives you the highest increase to the friendship level. Yellow is an ok increase. Red will cause a negative impact on a hero’s friendship level. Please note that if a dialog option isn’t listed below, it means that the choice doesn’t matter and you can select whichever option you wish!

Abbey Conversations

  • I figured if I was going to be teaming up with this group, I ought to up my game. Sound more…I dunno…scary.
    • Yes, um, keep up the good work. (+1)
    • You still have some work to do. (-1)
    • How about you just be yourself. (+1)
  • Sorry Hunter, the mask’s gotta stay on. I hope that’s not gonna make things weird between us.
    • You cannot hide from Lilith. (+0)
    • It is your decision to make. (+0)
    • Your secret is safe with us. (+1)
  • I mean, I can’t shoot laser beams, light my skull on fire or glow like the sun…
    • You’ve impressed me already. (+1)
    • Neither do I… (+0)
    • The only thing that matters is if you win. (+1)
  • Really? She asked for me?
    • No. (+1)
      • The truth is… (+0)
      • Not my place to say. (+0)
      • [Lie] Yes. (+2)
    • Not directly. (+1)
    • [Lie] Yes. (+1)

After crafting the symbiote

  • They’re off discussing what to do about Venom and no one has said a word to me about it.
    • Do not wait to be asked. (+0)
    • Sorry you feel left out. (+1)
    • They are trying to protect you. (+0)
  • Maybe I’ll use the Forge to bake a loaf of sourdough…
    • There’s a better way to make your point. (+1)
    • [Joke] Try it. (-1)
    • No one will listen unless you demand it. (+0)

After getting the sample from Venom

  • If you screw this up, Venom’s gonna be snacking on your skull…
    • I never had a doubt. (+0)
    • Sometimes you have to take a risk. (+0)
    • We got lucky. (-1)
    • You could never let us down. (+3)
  • Right. Yay me! But in getting it, I left poor Eddie trapped under a heap of rubble.
    • It was for the greater good. (+1)
    • This is hard for all of us. (+1)
    • Eddie deserves his fate. (-1)
  • No, I mean helping him turn his life around. The way real heroes are supposed to.
    • Focus on the battle ahead. (+0)
    • Maybe you will someday. (+1)
    • His life isn’t your responsibility. (+0)

After getting the symbiote suit

  • The Symbiote gets in your brain and makes you do things you’d never ordinarily do.
    • Intrusive thoughts do not bother me. (+1)
    • This sounds uncomfortable. (+0)
    • The symbiote is no match for my will. (-1)
    • Ah yes, the infamous “Emo Hairdo”. (+0)
  • Alien-possessed architecture gives me the extra creeps.
    • We must face our fears. (+0)
    • I trust in Stark and Strange. (+0)
    • Lilith should scare you more. (+0)

After retrieving Howard’s files

  • But I guess Queens is not important enough for the news media to cover.
    • It’s probably too dangerous for the media. (+0)
    • No news is good news. (+1)
    • Don’t burn yourself out on the news. (+0)
    • Have you heard from Aunt May? (+2)
  • Sometimes I feel like I should be there with her…
    • We all need to make sacrifices. (+0)
    • We will make sure Aunt May is okay. (+1)
    • You don’t need to be everything to everyone. (+0)
    • You’re an invaluable member of this team. (+2)
  • Second… New York already had a hellmouth in Staten Island…
    • Never listen to gossip mongers. (+0)
    • We know the truth, that is all that matters. (+0)
    • Jameson ought to be tarred and feathered. (+0)
    • We must respond to this slander. (+1)

After fighting the hulk

  • Me? I’m here to support Robbie. He watched his personal hero sacrifice himself…
    • You should hurry him along. (-1)
    • Everyone deserves time to grieve. (+0)
    • I’m concerned about Robbie, too. (+0)
  • Yes, How do I stop my science-minded brain from melting into whimpering sludge?
    • Food solves all. (+0)
    • Embrace the chaos. (+0)
    • Ignorance is bliss. (+0)

Day after saving Hulk

  • They worry about me, but the only way to ensure nobody gets hurt is to throw myself at the big scary Lilith-shaped problem.
    • Secret identities require too much extra work. (-1)
    • We fight for those who cannot. (+1)
    • It’s not a sacrifice if it’s easy. (+0)
    • Don’t you sometimes want to web off into the distance and disappear? (+0)

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead DLC

  • I even knew a doctor that accidently turned himself into a vampire.
    • Doesn’t seem funny to me… (+0)
    • It must have been hard to fight them… (+0)
    • They could be of use to us… (+0)

Redemption DLC – After returning Venom to normal

  • Why, because one of my ex-nemeses now lives in the same building…
    • You do not look calm. (+0)
    • [Joke] Let’s see how calm you really are… (+0)
    • Calming thoughts? (+0)
  • Anyway, that’s not the only reason I’m on edge…
    • Don’t let him get to you. (+0)
    • He knows everything about you. (+0)
    • I’m surprised that you’re surprised. (+0)

After completing Venom’s second mission and speaking with Venom

  • You talked to Eddie? How’s he doing?
    • Better than expected. (+0)
    • Not good. (+0)
    • [Joke] We’re best friends now. (+0)
  • Oh, they are, but they’re…
    • He needs our support. (+0)
    • [Joke] This is like training a hellhound. (+0)
    • I’ll make sure he falls in line. (+0)

After recruiting Venom

  • Eddie won’t listen to me.
    • [Joke] It could be worse. (+0)
    • I’m surprised that you’re surprised. (-1)
    • I could intervene… (+0)
  • Look, it’s Eddie’s vampyre “investigation”…
    • That’s why you’re helping. (+1)
    • It can’t be that bad. (+0)
    • [Joke] What kind of goose chase? (+0)
  • What should I do here, Hunter?
    • Let Eddie have his fun. (+0)
    • You need to shut this down. (+0)
    • I trust your judgment. (+1)

Friendship Level Up Events

Friendship Level 1

  • So, word on the street is that the Abbey just got a massive shipment of artisan sodas…
    • Partners it is then. (+1)
    • We should make a toast! (+1)
    • You watch a lot of movies, huh? (+1)

Friendship Level 2

  • But that’s just it, what if that radioactive spider decided to chomp down on someone else’s behind…
    • You’d be my friend. (+1)
    • Special either way. (+1)
    • It doesn’t matter. (+1)

Friendship Level 3

  • Wow. The books in this place are something else…
    • That’s because spiders are terrifying. (+0)
    • I’ve slain a few of those specimens back in my day. (+0)
    • What did you find? (+0)
  • I’m not asking you to pull any strings for me or anything like that…
    • Focus on being the best you can be. (+0)
    • Wouldn’t you rather be an Avenger? (+0)
    • You’ll need to prove yourself to the Suns. (+0)

Friendship Level 4

  • So, you got a favorite genre of music we could put the tune to?
    • Heavy Metal. (+0)
    • How about a television theme song? (+0)
    • Classical. (+0)
  • So, what do you think?
    • It’s really catchy! (+0)
    • That tune sounds familiar. (+0)
    • I don’t know how to tell you how awful that is. (+0)
  • You said be the best I can be and I’m all for that…
    • You’re too good for the Suns. (+0)
    • Don’t be afraid of your dark side. (+0)
    • Maybe ask Robbie for help. (+0)

Friendship Level 5

  • I mean, I don’t want to presume or anything…
    • What if I have other Spider Friends? (+0)
    • You are my best friend here. (+0)
    • It’s cranked up to 12! (+0)
  • So what do you think?
    • You’re already a Midnight Sun. (+0)
    • You belong with the Avengers. (+0)
    • Queens needs you. (+0)

HaNgouts / Havens

When selecting which Hangout or Haven to do, please note that Spiderman has certain preferences for each activity as shown in the tables below. Doing the activities he loves gives you additional Friendship XP!

Hangout EventsFriendship XP
Deep Conversation+7
Exploring the Grounds+0
Have a Drink+5
Playing Cards+0
Playing Video Games+7
Pool Lounging+5
Reading by the Fire+5
Watching a Movie+7
Working Out+5
Haven EventsFriendship XP
Bird Watching+7
Foraging for Mushrooms+7

Possible Hangout / Haven Questions

  • I have no idea. I never really thought about it.
    • Maybe you attract them.
    • [Joke] Maybe you “attract” them. (+0)
    • It has to be a coincidence.
  • So, I’m the guy who stops bag snatchers and ATM thieves…
    • Everyone starts somewhere.
    • You absolutely belong here.
    • Don’t impose limits on yourself.
  • So, are you one of the kids? Or the second oldest adult? I don’t know how to treat you.
    • You’ve done a good job so far. (+0)
    • [Joke] Respect your elders. Respect me.
    • It’s hard for me to relate to anyone.
  • I haven’t lived with people outside of family. Am I doing it wrong? Do I write an apology note, or… How do I fix this?
    • Try to be considerate.
    • [Joke] Pay her off.
    • Take what you want. Always. (+0)
  • “Pierre Parkour.”
    • I don’t get it.
    • Nice. Any other aliases?
    • That would expose your secret. (+0)
  • Here, I have access to two whole Super Hero teams, each with their own way of doing things. It’s eye-opening.
    • You’re more than capable.
    • Grad school? How?
    • You have a lot to learn. (+0)
  • So what’s your preference? I heard you spent much of your life working solo…
    • No, I prefer a team.
    • I’ve learned to adapt.
    • Yes, I’m better alone.


Please note that the Friendship XP boost received from a gift varies depending on the rarity of the item and how much they liked it.

Advanced Photography
Amazing Fantasy #15
Candle (Freshly Mowed Grass)
Candle (Night into Morning)
Dealing with Difficult Coworkers
Growing Up With Trama
Magic for Normies
Multidimensional Cyphers in Graviton Theory
Music Box (A Little Girl’s Dream)
Music Box (Face It Tiger)
Music Box (Vivaldi: Spring)
Passion in the Moonlight
Snack Box (1000 Jelly Beans)
Snack Box (Fresh and Fruity)
Snack Box (Snax)
A Stoic Companion
All New Ghost Rider #1
Avengers #4
Bottle of 18 year Aged Root Beer
Burning Skies: Air Combat in WWII
Candle (Beachy Waves)
Candle (Bone)
Candle (Grave Dirt)
Candle (Jet Fuel)
Candle (Leather and Mahogany)
Candle (Sports Car Interior)
Captain Marvel #1 – 2012
Crystal Ball
Dark Beauty: A Gothic Coloring Book
Human Anatomy: Volume IV
Iron Man Fanfic Anthology
Lessons in Leadership by Lt. Col. James Rhodes
Madripoor in Pictures
Meat Market
Music Box (Blood on Blood)
Music Box (Do It With Style)
Music Box (O Danny Boy)
Music Box (On the Slopes of Wundagore)
Music Box (Transcendental Chimes)
New Mutants #98
Nineteenth Century Russian Poetry
Photo Frame
Practical Muay Thai
Premium Sketchbook
Runaways #1
Serenity: Calming Your Inner Demon
Snack Box (Luxury Bites)
Snack Box (Meat-o-phile)
Snack Box (Premium MREs)
Snack Box (Root Beers of Canada)
Snack Box (World’s Grossest Candy)
Strange Tales #110
Tactics of the Ancients
Tales of Suspense #39
Tapered Candle
The Illustrated History of the Squadron Supreme
The Incredible Hulk #181
The Unauthorized Biography of Captain Marvel
The Uncanny X-Men #160
Tomb of Dracula #10
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Midnight Suns – Agatha’s Altar

by NightlyGamingBinge in

You’ll be tasked with finding Agatha’s Altar in the Library on Night 3 of Marvel’s Midnight Suns. To find Agatha’s Altar, exit to the Courtyard to find Charlie then follow her to the west side of the grounds where you’ll find Agatha’s Altar. Once there, speak with Agatha to learn about the elemental rods. These elemental rods can be found at the below locations!

Fire Rod

The fire elemental rod can be found in the Chapel of the Abbey.

Water Rod

The water elemental rod can be found in front of the grate in the pool with the two floaties.

Air Rod

The air elemental rod can be found on an altar in the Whispering Woods.

Earth Rod

Use the “Open” Word of Power on the doors to the tomb in Hunter’s Folly then head inside and loot the earth elemental rod from the corner of the room.

Return Rods to the Elemental Altar

Once you find all 4 rods, return to Agatha’s Altar and place them on the pedestals in the following order left to right: Water, Air, Earth, Fire. After the rods have been placed, collect the Moon Seal from the altar.

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Midnight Suns – Emo Kids Club Meeting

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Meeting 1

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, you’ll obtain the Emo Kids Club Meeting on Night 4 as part of the story. After completing a mission during the day, you’ll load into the Abbey that night and Nico will want to speak with you. Do so and tell her your ready to officially kick off the Emo Kids Club Meeting. Starting this activity will take you to Agatha’s Altar. Once there speak with Nico to learn about the objective of the Emo Kids. Afterwards, talk with Doctor Strange and Magik to learn about the ritual. If you want, speak with Magik a second time for a joke! When you’re ready, speak with Nico to perform the ritual. Once the cutscene ends, speak with Nico again. You’ll then be able to pick a cool new ability for Nico and will receive the following rewards:

  • Nico – Emo Kids (Common Abbey Outfit)
  • Hunter – Emo Kids (Common Abbey Outfit)
  • Magik – Emo Kids (Common Abbey Outfit)
  • Doctor Strange – Emo Kids (Common Abbey Outfit)

Meeting 2

For the Emo Kids Meeting 2, you’ll receive a message from Illyana (Magik) containing an ingredient list of items you’ll need to gather before the next meeting. Collect the following ingredient from the Abbey and its grounds:

  • Oyster Mushroom x10
  • Wolfsbane x10
  • Skill Essence x15 (randomly spawns within the Abbey)

Once you’ve found all the ingredients, hand them over to Magik! You’ll then receive a message from Nico talking about the next meeting. Respond to the message so the next free night everyone will be available. When available, speak with Nico to kick off the second meeting. Once the meeting starts, speak with Nico at the altar then Magik and lastly Doctor Strange. To complete the meeting, speak with Magik then Nico. You’ll then be able to pick a cool new ability for Doctor Strange!

Meeting 3

During the next day, you’ll receive another ingredient list from Magik. Collect the following ingredients:

  • Witch Hazel x10
  • Chicken Mushroom x10
  • Skill Essence x30

Once you’ve found all the ingredients, hand them over to Magik. Wait until you receive a message from Nico and reply to it. It might take a few days to show up. The next night speak with Nico to officially kick off the third meeting. When at the altar, speak with the Caretaker, Dr. Strange and Nico. After you speak with Nico, you’ll again need to talk to the Caretaker and Dr. Strange.

  • Are you prepared for Miss Rasputin to apply the metaphorical cheese grater to your soul?
    • I am not looking forward to this. (+1)
    • You sound jealous. (+0)
    • Go easy on Magik. (-1)

Next, speak with Magik to begin the ritual. When the cutscene ends, speak with Magik, Caretaker and Dr. Strange. To continue, speak with Nico. You’ll then receive a new ability for Hunter and will get to pick an ability for Magik.

Meeting 4

The next ingredient list consists of the following items:

  • Death Cap x10 (Valley of the Winds)
  • Moon Flower x10 (Valley of the Winds)
  • Attack Essence x50

After you’ve gathered all the materials, speak with Magik to hand them over. Wait until you receive a message from Nico and reply to it. The next night speak with Nico to officially kick off the fourth meeting.

  • So, don’t get mad, but Caretaker wants to run EMO KIDS tonight.
    • That’s not a problem. (+0)
    • We’ll get through this. (+0)
    • She always wants control. (+0)

Once at the altar, speak with Doctor Strange.

  • Tonight’s ritual will prove to be an absolute treat.
    • Yes, I’m excited. (+0)
    • [Joke] EMO KIDS has treats? (+0)
    • Not for me. (+0)

Speak with the other members then speak with Caretaker to start the ritual. Please note that her dialog options don’t matter! After the ritual, speak with the other members of the club. When you’re done, speak with Nico to end the meeting! You’ll receive an ability for the Hunter and can choose another ability for Hunter.

Meeting 5

During the next day, you’ll receive another ingredient list from Magik. Collect the following ingredients:

  • Heroic Essence x50
  • Corpse Flower
  • Dryad’s Saddle

After you’ve gathered all the materials, speak with Magik to hand them over. Wait until you receive a message from Nico and reply to it. The next free night speak with Nico to officially kick off the fifth meeting!

  • Wanda asked to run this one…
    • Caretaker means well. (+0)
    • Caretaker may have a point. (+0)
    • Caretaker oversteps, as usual. (+0)

Once at the altar, you’ll have a quick cutscene with Caretaker. These dialog options don’t matter. Afterwards, speak with the other attendees!

Nico: No dialog options


  • Now, do not fret about Wanda…
    • I agree with you. (+0)
    • Either of them could be right. (+0)
    • Caretaker has a point. (+0)

Doctor Strange:

  • What are your thoughts on Ms. Maximoff leading this meeting?
    • Wanda deserves a chance. (+0)
    • I’d rather know what you think. (+1)
    • I agree with Caretaker. (-1)


  • The last meeting–specifically, the moment of your death…
    • I believe you. (+0)
    • That gives us nothing to go on. (+0)
    • You weren’t even there. (+0)
  • When I killed Agatha…
    • Don’t blame yourself. (+0)
    • That’s not the way to convince me. (+0)
    • At least you admit it. (+0)

After the ritual, speak with the attendees again! Wanda will have a dialog option.

  • Good. How about what you saw?
    • It felt right. (+0)
    • I don’t know what to think. (+0)
    • I can’t believe it. (+0)

When you’re ready to end the meeting, speak with Nico. You’ll receive an ability for Hunter and can choose one for Scarlet Witch.

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Midnight Suns – Apothecary Vessels

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, there are 6 Apothecary Vessels that contain the Victims of the Witch Trials. Below are the locations of these vessels in Marvel’s Midnight Suns!

Glowing Apothecary Vessel

This apothecary vessel can be found in a basket on a concrete pedestal across the stairs leading up to Agatha’s Altar.

Sealed Apothecary Vessel

This apothecary vessel can be found in the Whispering Wood.

Fractured Apothecary Vessel

This apothecary vessel can be found behind a breakable wall in the Whispering Wood.

Murky Apothecary Vessel

This apothecary vessel can be found in a basket in the northern part of the Whispering Wood.

Empty Apothecary Vessel

This vessel can be found across the northern bridge in the Whispering Wood.

Weathered Apothecary Vessel

This vessel can be found near the above Empty Apothecary Vessel.

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Midnight Suns – Wanda’s Journal

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, there are 8 Faded Journal Pages that make up Wanda’s Journal, which is a collectible that can be found throughout the world. Below are the locations of these pages in Marvel’s Midnight Suns!

February 13, 2020

This journal page can be found on a stone table in the room with the giant statue of the shrine where you get the Open Word of Power.

February 22, 2020

This journal page can be found on a table in the ruins of a building south of Agatha’s Altar.

March 4, 2020

This journal page can be found on a stack of rocks along the path just north of the Dreamer’s Descent text on the map. Please note that this might not show up until Night 3 after visiting Agatha’s Altar as part of the story.

March 13, 2020

This journal page can be found along the path leading north between the Stone Terrance and the Standing Stone.

March 24, 2020

This journal page can be found in the Elder Atum Shrine where you learned the “Reveal” Word of Power.

April 4, 2020

This journal page can be found on a barrel along the northeastern path next to Shaw’s Church.

April 9, 2020

This journal page can be found in the “W” in the Everflowing Glade text on the map.

April 14, 2020

This journal page can be found in Lilith’s Garden on the ground next to a breakable doorway.

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Midnight Suns – Hiram Shaw’s Journal

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, there are 12 Faded Journal Pages that make up the Hiram Shaw’s Journal, which is a collectible that can be found throughout the world. Below are the locations of these pages in Marvel’s Midnight Suns!

October 12, 1688

This journal page can be found in a witch’s cave on the eastern side of Dreamer’s Descent.

December 04, 1688

This journal page can be found in a witch’s cave on a barrel just north of the Stone Terrace text on the map. It is at the end of the short path.

April 16, 1689

This journal page can be found northwest of Lilith’s Garden.

July 21, 1689

This journal page can be found in the cave reachable after the red ward is dispelled during the Church Mystery.

August 15, 1689

This journal page can be found across the northern bridge in the Whispering Wood.

November 24, 1689

This journal page can be found along the southeastern wall of Misty Moors.

June 13, 1690

This journal page can be found in the northern part of the Whispering Wood.

July 29, 1692

This journal page can be found in the northern part of the Misty Moors.

January 06, 1694

This journal page can be found on a table in the room behind the two doors in Shaw’s Church, which is accessible during the Hiram Shaw’s Church Mystery.

April 23, 1694

This journal page can be found in the same room as the above journal page dated January 6, 1694.

August 02, 1694

This journal page can be found in the area behind Shaw’s Church underneath the bridge.

November 21, 1694

This journal page can be found behind a breakable wall just south of the Everflowing part of the Everflowing Glade text on the map.

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Midnight Suns – Havens for Hunter the Explorer Trophy

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Many Havens can be found around the Abbey Grounds in Marvel’s Midnight Suns. Each Haven can be used as a special hangout with your allies. You can only use a Haven 1 time and each hero can only attend 1 Haven hangout event per save file. For the Hunter the Explorer trophy, you’ll need to find every Haven on the Abbey Grounds in a single campaign. Below are the locations of these Havens! Please note that the names of these Havens are random but the locations are still the same!

The Deserted Barrens

Haven Map Location

This Haven can be found northeast of the Abbey.

The Wooded Hilltop

This Haven can be found at the center of the Dreamer’s Descent.

The Earthy Meadow

This Haven can be found in the northeastern part of the Stone Terrance.

The Babbling Brook

This Haven can be found west of The Abbey near the creek.

The Quiet Trail

This Haven can be found along the path leading southeast from Agatha’s Altar.

The Towering Grove

This haven is located across a bridge west of Agatha’s Altar. It is only accessible after obtaining the “Reveal” Word of Power.

The Shady Bridge

This haven is located west of Shaw’s Church.

The Eerie Clearing

This haven can be found along the path next to the cemetery northwest of Shaw’s Church.

The Ancient Passage

This haven can be found on the ground just north of the Everflowing Glade text on the map.

The Mysterious Clearing

This haven can be found at Agatha’s Cottage.

The Weathered Overlook

This haven can be found behind Lilith’s Garden.

The Damp Hill

This haven can be found along the main path in northern Gideon’s Cross.

The Moist Copse

This haven can be found in the southeastern part of Dreamer’s Descent. You’ll need to use the Break Word of Power on some rubble blocking a path to clear the way allowing you to reach it.

The Quiet Crossing

This haven can be found in the northeastern part of the Misty Moors along the main path.

The Desolate Depression

This haven can be found in the northwestern corner of Lilith’s Garden. It required the Break Word of Power to reach!

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Midnight Suns – Unknown Grave Mystery

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, you can stumble across an unmarked grave near the center of Dreamer’s Descent.

In order to solve the mystery, place 3 handmade dolls that can be found at the below locations on the grave to trigger an event with the Caretaker. Afterwards, you’ll receive an Arcane Key, which you’ll be able to use to open 1 Arcane Chest found around the Abbey or its grounds!

Handmade Hunter Doll

Handmade Doll Map Locatiion

This handmade doll can be found on a table in the eastern area of Dreamer’s Descent.

Handmade Doll Location

Handmade Caretaker Doll

This handmade doll can be found in the northern part of Dreamer’s Descent.

Handmade Lilith Doll

This handmade doll can be found in the southeastern part of Stone Terrace.

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Midnight Suns – Magik’s Friendship Level

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, the Hunter will need powerful allies they can trust fighting alongside them in their quest to stop the evil Lilith. To build friendship, the Hunter will need to answer dialog questions correctly and participate in hangout events with each hero. This guide will help you increase Magik’s friendship level, which will improve the overall team’s friendship level. We’ve color coded the below responses to the dialog options for Magik. Green is the recommended option as it gives you the highest increase to the friendship level. Yellow is an ok increase. Red will cause a negative impact on a hero’s friendship level. Please note that if a dialog option isn’t listed below, it means that the choice doesn’t matter and you can select whichever option you wish!

Abbey Conversations

Day 3 – Speak with her as part of the main story

  • Well, I am in the middle of something. Come back later.
    • Looks like an interesting book… (+1)
    • Put the book down. We need you. (+0)
    • You miss Wanda, don’t you? (+0)
  • She would never let me read it. So, now I read it.
    • Put that accursed thing down. (-1)
    • Find anything good? (+0)
    • I can help you with that. (+0)
  • I cannot let such a fate happen to her.
    • It may already have. (-1)
    • Then open the damn portal already! (+1)
    • We will save her. (+0)

Night 3 – Speak with her after completing the Stop Hydra Helicopter main mission

  • You’re observant, Hunter. You tell me.
    • Thinking about Wanda? (+0)
    • I’m not that observant. (+0)
    • I’m not in the mood for riddles. (+1)
  • And when all you knew was darkness and despair growing up…
    • Should we warn the others? (-1)
    • Is Limbo still safe? (+0)
    • Danger is familiar to me too. (+1)

If you choose to tell Magik about the party…

  • And why do you tell me this?
    • You deserve to know. (+1)
    • [Joke] To make things more interesting. (+1)
    • Secrets are bad for the team. (+0)
  • What I eat is none of your business.
    • I am just trying to make small talk. (+0)
    • I was curious. (+0)
    • That must take discipline. (+2)
  • What? Oh. Sorry. I was off somewhere else. Thinking about my brother.
    • Brother? (+1)
    • I am sure he will be safe… (-1)
    • Focus on what’s in front of you… (+0)

After completing The Bill Comes Due story mission

  • I do not think I will ever sleep again: not until we find her.
    • You are grieving. This is perfectly natural. (-1)
    • Try and take your mind off things. (-1)
    • Then you must listen to her. (+1)
  • Don’t you also hear it calling out to you in your dreams sometimes, whispering secret things, dark think?
    • I refuse to listen. (-1)
    • That is my business. (-1)
    • Yes. Lilith speaks to me through my dreams. (+1)

After meeting Wolverine during the story mission

  • Like I said earlier, we’re all mutants. Not to freak you out or anything.
    • You say that as if it’s a bad thing. (-1)
    • I know nothing of mutants. (+0)
    • I will not freak out. (+1)
    • Titles are not important to me. (+0)
  • Are you sure it was him and not… something else?
    • It was definitely him. (+0)
    • I will take him down. (+1)
    • Let’s hope Wolverine takes care of him. (+0)
    • This isn’t over with Sabretooth. (+0)

At her birthday party

  • Of course. And why did she not come herself?
    • Nico feels awful for embarrassing you. (+0)
    • Never mind that. How are you doing? (+2)
    • Come back. You can ask her yourself. (+0)
  • Wait, if you found your way to this place… What did you hear?
    • I heard everything. (+0)
    • [Lie] Nothing. (+1)
    • Your secret is safe with me. (+2)
  • I lost my childhood to one bad choice…
    • It’s not your fault. (+1)
    • Tell me what happened. (+0)
    • <Say nothing.> (+2)
  • This day is an anniversary of my weakness… Nothing more.
    • Don’t bottle this up. (+0)
    • You’re no longer that child. (+1)
    • <Say nothing.> (+1)
  • I should stay here, this evening. I can endure the stares and the whispers… But not tonight.
    • Come back to the party. (+0)
    • I don’t need to go. (+0)
    • I’ll leave you alone. (+0)
  • You can, but I should not. Don’t worry, I will return in the morning.
    • I don’t need to go. (+0)
    • I’ll leave you alone. (+0)

After trying to save Wanda

  • What do you think?
    • It was worth the risk. (+1)
    • At least we’re still alive. (+0)
    • We need to start thinking about everybody’s safety. (-2)

After birthday party

  • Yes, but i do not want to say it out loud.
    • It’s okay to be frightened. (-1)
    • Could you write it down for me, then? (+0)
    • Tell me now. (+1)

After bringing Wolverine back to the Abbey

  • She should trust us more.
    • [Joke] Did she hurt your feelings? (+0)
    • You don’t trust her either. (+1)
    • She means well. (-1)
  • Entrusting it to him was a mistake.
    • Maybe they know something we don’t. (+0)
    • Blaze is too weak for the job. (+1)
    • Who would you have given it to? (+0)
    • You should be entrusted with it. (+2)
  • Yes, that. I cannot imagine it went well. Not well at all.
    • Don’t laugh at me. (+1)
    • She’ll change her mind. (+0)
    • She can’t stop us. (+1)
  • She should trust us… We should be trusted.
    • Caretaker doesn’t even trust Stark. (+1)
    • We haven’t earned her trust. (-1)
    • You only need to trust yourself. (+1)
    • The only person I trust is you. (+3)

After wearing the pungent suit

  • You have to ask?
    • It’s hideous, I know. (+1)
    • What? You don’t like it? (+0)
    • Well, I think it looks sick. (+1)
    • I care what you think. (+2)
  • I do. I just think wearing a hellhound’s skin to bypass a demonic barrier…
    • That’s exactly why it’s a good idea. (+0)
    • This is about your beef with Strange. (+0)
    • You have a better idea? (+1)

After rescuing Wanda

  • I don’t know if I’ve recovered from my traumas…
    • All she needs is love and patience. (-1)
    • I don’t think I’ve healed from mine either. (+1)
    • It’s our traumas that make us strong. (+1)
    • She needs you to help her. (+2)

After the All the Devils are Here story mission

  • And today, I booted him from it…
    • Are you feeling a little guilty? (-1)
    • Ever think of taking the throne again? (+1)
    • Did you tell him you are grateful to him? (+1)
    • I’d like to hear about the first time. (+2)
  • Huh? Nothing. I actually like him.
    • Nice to see you finally making friends. (-1)
    • [Joke] You should ask him out. (-1)
    • But you do not like anybody. (+2)

After looking for the memento in Caretaker’s room during Part 3 as part of the main story

  • What were you doing in Caretaker’s room?
    • I’ll come clean. (+5)
    • You never saw me. (+1)
    • [Lie] I wasn’t in Caretaker’s room. (+0)

For a guide on the dialog choices that occur during Agatha’s ritual to bring her back, click here!

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead DLC

  • That’s different. I trust her.
    • And you can not trust the Avengers? (-1)
    • Did you like any of the X-Men? (+1)
    • I do not trust a lot of people either. (+2)
  • What else do you want to know?
    • Is it safe? (+1)
    • Where did you learn to do that? (+0)
    • Don’t be cute. (+1)

Redemption DLC – Speak with her at the portal after starting The Devil’s Due main mission.

  • Da?
    • Want to talk about it? (+2)
    • You deserved to know. (+0)
    • Sorry. I’ll leave you alone. (+1)

Blood Storm DLC

  • So. What do you think of Storm?
    • I am cautiously optimistic. (+0)
    • She needs to prove herself. (-1)
    • She really impressed me. (+1)

Friendship Level Ups

Friendship Level 1

  • I did not say you. This…is a place I like to take all my…colleagues.
    • Okay…so what happens now? (+0)
    • I think you’re pretty cool too, Magik. (+1)
    • Thanks, I needed this. (+1)

Friendship Level 2

  • The others would not understand. But I know you do, as we both… Have so much in common.
    • Actually, we do have a few things in common… (+1)
    • It sounds like you miss Limbo. (+1)
    • Because we are friends… (+1)

Friendship Level 3

  • We are just hanging out…
    • You know how to have fun? (+0)
    • You must really like me, huh? (+0)
    • I thought your idea of fun was giving Strange a hard time. (+0)
  • No braiding each other’s hair…
    • We’re clear. (+0)
    • I need time to consider. (+0)
    • Why no nicknames? (+0)

Friendship Level 4

  • And more importantly, you’re proving to be quite a good… friend.
    • You’re using the F-word now?! (+0)
    • I am honored to be your friend. (+0)
    • You say that now… (+0)
  • It never felt right for a bad girl like me to fight with the good guys… Until you showed me how.
    • Sorry Caretaker never taught you that. (+0)
    • You’ve taught me a lot too. (+0)
    • You’re not that bad. (+0)
  • Am I a monster for being grateful it happened as it did?
    • Of course not. (+0)
    • It doesn’t matter what I think. (+0)
    • So what if you are? (+0)

Friendship Level 5

  • Obviously. You’re better than that…
    • Say that again. (+0)
    • Just an equal? (+0)
    • The Darkchylde sees me as an equal? (+0)
  • I will never apologize for being comfortable with my darkness…
    • You have nothing to be ashamed of. (+0)
    • I don’t care what others think. (+0)
    • I’m not comfortable with the darkness. (+0)
  • When this battle is over, you should come back with me, join the X-Men.
    • Do they have employee benefits? (+0)
    • What about the Midnight Suns? (+0)
    • Don’t you need to be a mutant? (+0)

Hangouts / Havens

When selecting which Hangout or Haven to do, please note that Magik has certain preferences for each activity as shown in the tables below. Doing the activities she loves gives you additional Friendship XP!

Hangout EventsFriendship XP
Deep Conversation+0
Exploring the Grounds+5
Have a Drink+7
Playing Cards+5
Playing Video Games+0
Pool Lounging+5
Reading by the Fire+7
Watching a Movie+5
Working Out+0
Haven EventsFriendship XP
Bird Watching+5
Foraging for Mushrooms+5

Possible Hangout / Haven Questions

  • There is always strangeness in the background. Like hippie aliens…
    • You’re right the Abbey is strange.
    • [Joke] Russian caricature, huh?
    • I’m not seeing it.
  • Made from octopus, marbled with ginger shavings…
    • Sure, I’ll try that.
    • That doesn’t scare me.
    • Absolutely not. (0)
  • Hunter, what I most appreciate is that you always know when to say nothing.
    • I appreciate your brevity. (+0)
    • [Joke] Really? (+0)
      • Sorry. I was just joking around.
      • And you’re the best.
      • <Say nothing.>
    • <Say nothing.>
  • You answer first. What country can you say you belong to?
    • America, I suppose. (+0)
    • England, technically.
    • No country claims me.
  • No. Something you can do by yourself during the bleak moments.
    • I had a hobby, long ago.
    • I’m more interested in yours.
    • I don’t need a hobby. (+0)
  • It must be worse for you, Hunter. All the faces are new, except for Caretaker.
    • I don’t mind.
    • I try not to think about it.
    • You’re right. it’s difficult.
  • It comes so easy to you. Even when you are a butt, you are a likable butt.
    • That means a lot.
    • [Joke] What did you say?
    • I’m not here to make friends. (+0)
  • Do you like the music?
    • I like this music. (+0)
    • Only a little bit. (+0)
    • I don’t. (+0)
  • This was the only music I had for so long…
    • I wouldn’t call it that. (+0)
    • How does music end up in Limbo? (+0)
    • Just this? It didn’t get old? (+0)
  • Replacing you was too much to ask of her.
    • I’m surprised to hear that.
    • She didn’t need that pressure.
    • None can replace me. (+0)
  • Not to me, Hunter. You are incapable of replacing her.
    • Sorry, I misspoke.
    • I admire how much you respect her.
    • I see what you’re doing, Illyana.


Please note that the Friendship XP boost received from a gift varies depending on the rarity of the item and how much they liked it.

A Stoic Companion
Candle (Bone)
Candle (Freshly Mowed Grass)
Candle (Grave Dirt)
Dealing with Difficult Coworkers
Growing Up With Trama
Human Anatomy: Volume IV
Meat Market
Music Box (A Little Girl’s Dream)
Music Box (Blood on Blood)
Music Box (Do It With Style)
Music Box (Face It Tiger)
Music Box (O Danny Boy)
Music Box (Transcendental Chimes)
Music Box (Vivaldi: Spring)
Nineteenth Century Russian Poetry
Passion in the Moonlight
Snack Box (1000 Jelly Beans)
Snack Box (Fresh and Fruity)
Snack Box (Snax)
Snack Box (World’s Grossest Candy)
The Unauthorized Biography of Captain Marvel
The Uncanny X-Men #160
Advanced Photography
All New Ghost Rider #1
Amazing Fantasy #15
Avengers #4
Bottle of 18 year Aged Root Beer
Burning Skies: Air Combat in WWII
Candle (Beachy Waves)
Candle (Jet Fuel)
Candle (Leather and Mahogany)
Candle (Night into Morning)
Candle (Sports Car Interior)
Captain Marvel #1 – 2012
Crystal Ball
Dark Beauty: A Gothic Coloring Book
Lessons in Leadership by Lt. Col. James Rhodes
Madripoor in Pictures
Music Box (On the Slopes of Wundagore)
New Mutants #98
Photo Frame
Practical Muay Thai
Premium Sketchbook
Runaways #1
Serenity: Calming Your Inner Demon
Snack Box (Luxury Bites)
Snack Box (Meat-o-phile)
Snack Box (Premium MREs)
Snack Box (Root Beers of Canada)
Strange Tales #110
Tactics of the Ancients
Tales of Suspense #39
Tapered Candle
The Incredible Hulk #181
Tomb of Dracula #10
Iron Man Fanfic Anthology
Magic for Normies
Multidimensional Cyphers in Graviton Theory
The Illustrated History of the Squadron Supreme

For more guides on Marvel’s Midnight Suns, click here!

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Midnight Suns – Blade’s Friendship Level

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, the Hunter will need powerful allies they can trust fighting alongside them in their quest to stop the evil Lilith. To build friendship, the Hunter will need to answer dialog questions correctly and participate in hangout events with each hero. This guide will help you increase Blade’s friendship level, which will improve the overall team’s friendship level. We’ve color coded the below responses to the dialog options for Blade. Green is the recommended option as it gives you the highest increase to the friendship level. Yellow is an ok increase. Red will cause a negative impact on a hero’s friendship level. Please note that if a dialog option isn’t listed below, it means that the choice doesn’t matter and you can select whichever option you wish!

Abbey Conversations

  • And that op against Faustus. The way Captain Marvel just absorbed that bomb. Unbelievable, isn’t it?
    • Yes. She’s something else. (+1)
    • I may in fact owe her my life… (+0)
    • Are you hinting at something? (+0)
  • Yes. No. Wait…what are you trying to say?
    • This is hard for you, isn’t it? (+0)
    • Should I spell it out for you… (+0)
    • Forget it. Can I go now? (-1)
  • I don’t actually care, but he needs to stop moping. So? Can Robbie play with your dog?
    • Of course he can play with my dog. (+1)
    • That’s up to Charlie. (+1)
    • No way. Charlie is off limits. (-1)
  • Well, what are they thinking about us?
    • Why don’t you ask “them”? (+0)
    • Are you sure you’re feeling okay? (+0)
    • [Jok] They think we’re awesome. (+0)
  • Admit what? That I feel a sense of admiration and respect for a fellow teammate?
    • You have a crush on her! (-1)
    • Fine, have it your way. (+1)
    • I’m sure she admires you, too. (+1)

When unlocking the Book Club Meetings

  • Yeah. I didn’t figure the great and powerful Hunter would be into a book club.
    • Depends on the book. (+2)
    • I meant, “what’s a book club?” (+0)
    • Blah. Reading. (+1)

After discovering the backdoor in the Sanctum

  • I’m beginning to think I was right. You’re your mother’s kid, alright…
    • I’m trying to escape it. (+1)
    • And what’s wrong with that? (-1)
    • You offend me. (-1)
  • I was so sure you were about to Fall that I didn’t leave your side…
    • Thanks for looking out for me. (+1)
    • You scare easily. (-1)
    • I will never fall. (-1)

After getting the symbiote suit

  • Incredibly.
    • I’ll have Strange and Stark make a set for you. (+0)
    • You’re lucky you can face Venom without it. (+0)
    • I hope it will be enough. (+0)
  • Surely you’ve felt it, too.
    • I don’t know what you mean. (+0)
    • Embrace your strength. (+0)
    • I know that feeling. (+0)
    • Lilith talks to me in my dreams. (+2)
  • You know how much I like to be in control.
    • Don’t be afraid of yourself. (+1)
    • Should I be hanging garlic over my bed? (+0)
    • Rely on your teammates. (+0)
  • You’re hung up on the Were-roosters… Alright, let’s hear what you got.
    • I am tripped up on “Were-Roosters”. (+0)
    • Your book sounds helpful. (+0)
    • Is Lilith in your book? (+0)

Day after tracking Johnny Blaze with the page

  • Is this visit business or pleasure?
    • We have pressing business. (+0)
    • Perhaps both? (+0)
    • I am returning to the hunt. That does bring me pleasure. (+0)

Morning after completing the All the Devils are Here story mission

  • If he doesn’t pass that page off to someone else…
    • He’s stronger than you realize. (-1)
    • You’re right to worry. (+0)
    • Try not to let it bother you. (+0)
    • You can help him. (+0)

After retrieving the memento from Caretaker’s room as part of the main story in Part 3

  • How’s your mental health? A good portion of this “darkness hunting” game is mental health and processing intense situations.
    • Nothing can prepare us for Chthon. (+0)
    • I am made of Lilith and dark magic. (+0)
    • Worry about yourself. Blade. (+0)
    • Or I’m strategizing in my head. (+0)
  • But, hell on Earth isn’t a garden stroll.
    • Hell’s that bad. I’ve been there. (+0)
    • Don’t think for a second this hell won’t freeze over. (+0)
    • Hell is relative. (+0)
  • What do you do after we beat Lilith and stop the Prophecy of the Midnight Sun?
    • I will retire to the Abbey. (+0)
    • Never gave much thought to “after”. (+0)
    • Evil never rests. (+0)
  • I’ve spent decades experimenting and putting it together. Any of ’em interest you?
    • I love your fashion sense. (+0)
    • Ever improvised a weapon? (+0)
    • Tell me about your arsenal. (+0)
  • I want you to know, I understand what you’re going through…
    • I try not to think about it… (+0)
    • It is my duty… (+0)
    • She made me who I am… (+1)

Day after saving the Hulk

  • I’m telling you, Hunter. I don’t know what’s coming next, but I do know when the shit hits the fan with Chthon…
    • Don’t get too comfortable. (+0)
    • It would suck if Chthon crashed this party. (+1)
    • I couldn’t think of better company myself. (+1)
    • And I’m proud to be among them. (+2)
    • You and Carol are lucky to have each other. (+0)

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead DLC

  • You tell me, Hunter.
    • That looked rough. (+1)
    • Need a breather? (+0)
    • You’re not mad at me. (+1)
  • You’re acting like I did it for fun…
    • Sounds like you’re both wrong. (+0)
    • Just be careful. (+1)
    • Remember our actual goal. (+0)

The Hunger DLC

  • Comfortable? I’ll never be comfortable around that monster…
    • I don’t like this. (+0)
    • This could be good. (+0)
    • I’ll follow your lead. (+0)
  • That man is a walking bomb…
    • He’s not that bad. (+0)
    • I agree, we should be careful. (+0)
    • We can’t turn him away. (+0)

Friendship Level Up Events

Friendship Level 1

  • More like a friendly competition.
    • Interesting. I’m in. (+1)
    • This is… unexpected. (+0)
    • [Joke] “Friendly?” Yeah, right. (+1)

Friendship Level 2

  • How about we grab a couple of mats and find out?
    • “Yoga off” it is then… (+1)
    • You’re a student of yoga? (+1)
    • This was definitely unexpected… (+0)

Friendship Level 3

  • Actually, it’s Eric. Eric Brooks from Harlem.
    • I’m still just Hunter. (+0)
    • We’re on first name basis now? (+0)
    • What a nerdy name! (+0)
  • He gave me the name Blade. He used to take me to church on Sundays when I was a kid. Taught me right from wrong.
    • Well, he did a good job. (+0)
    • Sounds like he was a lot like caretaker. (+0)
    • A vampire hunter too you in? (+0)
  • I guess what I’m saying is: you deserve that same benefit of doubt. You may be a demon child, but I see the human in you winning.
    • Right back at ya. (+0)
    • I’ll do my best to not disappoint. (+0)
    • [Joke] I don’t know. I’m still pretty evil… (+0)

Friendship Level 4

  • You’re turning out to be one of my favorite people…
    • That’s because we both like to kill things. (+0)
    • Whatever, you love people. (+0)
    • Feeling is mutual. (+0)
    • What about Carol? (+0)
  • You remind me of this guy I used to work with…
    • Sounds like a kindred spirit. (+0)
    • Hannibal? Did he eat people? (+0)
    • I am pretty well-rounded. (+0)
  • Hardest thing I ever had to do…
    • I would want you to. (+0)
    • I’d like to see you try. (+0)
    • I’d do the same for you. (+0)

Friendship Level 5

  • Nah, you’ve done more than show up. You showed me the way.
    • I don’t know where I’m going. (+0)
    • What way? (+0)
    • Right back at ya. (+0)
  • But now I’m damn sure that time will never come.
    • You thought about hunting me? (+0)
    • So, I can take the garlic down now? (+0)
    • I never thought it would. (+0)

Hangouts / Havens

When selecting which Hangout or Haven to do, please note that Blade has certain preferences for each activity as shown in the tables below. Doing the activities he loves gives you additional Friendship XP!

Hangout EventsFriendship XP
Deep Conversation+0
Exploring the Grounds+5
Have a Drink+7
Playing Cards+5
Playing Video Games+5
Pool Lounging+5
Reading by the Fire+5
Watching a Movie+0
Working Out+7
Haven EventsFriendship XP
Bird Watching+5
Foraging for Mushrooms+5

Possible Hangout / Haven Questions

  • Why do you think? They take vicious killers and present them as tragic and misunderstood.
    • I can see the appeal. (+0)
    • [Joke] Like you?
    • You should look into this.
  • All over the place. Calcutta, Vladivostok, Capetown, Perth… Maybe swing through Transia on the way back.
    • Sounds like a hunting expedition.
    • [Joke] About your travel plans… (+0)
    • You want company?
  • It’s just… Off, somehow. I swear, the moonlight on a clear evening is too dim for this time of year…
    • We should look into this.
    • [Joke] Try taking off your shades. (+0)
    • Stop being paranoid.
  • Was your first thought about killing me?
    • No. I think before I strike. (+0)
    • I don’t remember. (+0)
    • Yes. That was my instinct. (+0)
  • What I’m asking is, if I lost control, would you stop me?
    • I don’t know if I could. (+0)
    • What are you asking? (+0)
      • I don’t know if I could. (+0)
      • Trust me to make that call.
      • I promise.
    • I promise.
  • Oh. I used to think people with easy childhoods… I barely saw them as human.
    • I don’t believe that. (+0)
    • That’s how vampires think.
    • You’re not wrong. (+0)
  • How about you?… Do you find it harder to trust?
    • I don’t know. I might. (+0)
    • Not anymore. (+0)
    • Of course I do. (+0)
  • But she made a good point…
    • They sound ridiculous. (+0)
    • I don’t agree, but I get it. (+0)
    • You never lost your edge.
  • Does hating her define you…
    • Myself, finally.
    • I honestly don’t know.
    • I don’t want to talk about this. (+0)
  • Now, that’s a tale. You want the short or the long version?
    • The long version.
    • The short version. (?)
    • The “not at all” version. (?)
  • No… I’m just not the kind of person who takes a lot of breaks.
    • You have to take breaks. (+0)
    • [Joke] That’s an understatement.
    • Neither do I. Resting makes you weak.
      • Yeah. You can’t control everything–dangers crop up…
        • You’re right. Not every day. (+0)
        • Wrong! EVERY. DAY.


Please note that the Friendship XP boost received from a gift varies depending on the rarity of the item and how much they liked it.

A Stoic Companion
Candle (Bone)
Candle (Freshly Mowed Grass)
Candle (Grave Dirt)
Candle (Leather and Mahogany)
Candle (Night into Morning)
Candle (Sports Car Interior)
Dealing with Difficult Coworkers
Growing Up With Trama
Human Anatomy: Volume IV
Magic for Normies
Meat Market
Music Box (A Little Girl’s Dream)
Music Box (Blood on Blood)
Music Box (Do It With Style)
Music Box (Transcendental Chimes)
Music Box (Vivaldi: Spring)
Passion in the Moonlight
Practical Muay Thai
Snack Box (1000 Jelly Beans)
Snack Box (Meat-o-phile)
Snack Box (Snax)
Tactics of the Ancients
The Unauthorized Biography of Captain Marvel
Tomb of Dracula #10
Advanced Photography
All New Ghost Rider #1
Amazing Fantasy #15
Avengers #4
Bottle of 18 year Aged Root Beer
Burning Skies: Air Combat in WWII
Candle (Beachy Waves)
Candle (Jet Fuel)
Captain Marvel #1 – 2012
Crystal Ball
Dark Beauty: A Gothic Coloring Book
Lessons in Leadership by Lt. Col. James Rhodes
Madripoor in Pictures
Music Box (Face It Tiger)
Music Box (O Danny Boy)
Music Box (On the Slopes of Wundagore)
New Mutants #98
Photo Frame
Premium Sketchbook
Runaways #1
Serenity: Calming Your Inner Demon
Snack Box (Luxury Bites)
Snack Box (Premium MREs)
Snack Box (Root Beers of Canada)
Strange Tales #110
Tales of Suspense #39
Tapered Candle
The Incredible Hulk #181
The Uncanny X-Men #160
Iron Man Fanfic Anthology
Multidimensional Cyphers in Graviton Theory
Nineteenth Century Russian Poetry
Snack Box (Fresh and Fruity)
Snack Box (World’s Grossest Candy)
The Illustrated History of the Squadron Supreme

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