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Jedi Survivor – Coruscant Hangar 2046-C Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help locating the collectibles in Hangar 2046-C on Coruscant? Check out our Coruscant Hangar 2046-C collectibles guide below!

Databank – Air Traffic Control Perch

When coming from the Skylane Regulation Station, you’ll have to wall run on 3 billboards to reach the hangar. At the top of the stairs after fighting some enemies, scan the console.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

To the left of the actual hangar.

Chest – Slice: DT Sentry

This collectible can’t be contained until you unlock the Electro Dart near the end of the main story. Starting at the meditation point, take the nearby elevator up then follow the hall right looking for the first door on the left. Use the dart on the conductors above the door to open it. You’ll then need to defeat the D-L1T Sentry Droid. After the battle, scan the monitor at the back of the room with BD-1 to receive the collectible.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

This treasure can be found on the other side of the Mantis where it’s docked in the hangar. You’ll need to destroy a Scavenger Bot to collect it. This won’t be available until your second visit to Coruscant.

For other guides on Star Wars Jedi Survivor, click here!

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Jedi Survivor – Coruscant Skylane Regulation Station Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help finding the collectibles in the Skylane Regulation Station on Coruscant? Check out our Coruscant Skylane Regulation Station collectibles guide below!

Databank – Gonk Droid

From the Meditation Point, take the nearby set of stairs down and head through a doorway. It will be at the end of the hallway on the left.

For the next guide on the collectibles found in the Coruscant Hangar 2046-C, click here! For other guides on Star Wars Jedi Survivor, click here!

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Jedi Survivor – Coruscant Freight Handling Depot Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help locating the collectibles in the Freight Handling Depot on Coruscant? Check out our Coruscant Freight Handling Depot collectibles guide below!

Databank – Turbo Dogs

After defeating the storm troopers in the main room of the depot, you’ll splice open a door bringing you to a room with a grapple point in the center of it. This databank can be found on the ground under the right side of the grapple point. This is just before the meditation point.

Chest – Weapon Materials: Coruscant Paint

From the above collectible, use the grapple point then wall jump up the wall. At the top, turn around and wall run to reach that platform with the chest. If starting from the meditation circle, face outside and head right down the hallway. Look to the right to see the chest.

Essence – Force Essence

This collectible will be unavailable until you unlock the dash by progressing further in the story. To reach it, head to the central room in the depot and grapple onto one of the giant metal pieces moving along the conveyor belt at the top of the room. When you approach the green barrier, jump off and dash through it. From there, follow th path to reach the essence.

For the next guide on the collectibles found in the Skylane Regulation Station, click here! For other guides on Star Wars Jedi Survivor, click here!

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Jedi Survivor – Coruscant Undercity Meats Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help locating the collectibles in the Undercity Meats on Coruscant? Check out our Coruscant Undercity Meats collectibles guide below!

Chest – Stim Canister

Starting from the meditation point, look for the wall between the two red lights. Climb up it using your newly learned jump climb technique to spot the chest under a giant metal fan. Defeat the battle droid guarding it then loot the chest to receive the stim canister.

Essence – Force Essence

This essence can be found in the meat freezer just after where Cal fights the Electrostaff Purge Trooper.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

This collectible is unavailable until you unlock the dash by progressing further in the story. To reach it, travel to the Industrial Stacks and use the dash to pass through a green barrier there. This will put you on an elevator that will take you down into Undercity Meats. Dash through the barrier to exit the elevator then back to make the elevator go up. Quickly dash back through the barrier to stay in Undercity Meats and look where the elevator was to find the treasure.

Essence – Health Essence

This collectible is unavailable until you unlock the Electro Dart by progressing further in the story. To reach it, travel to the Industrial Stacks and use the dash to pass through a green barrier there. This will put you on an elevator that will take you down into Undercity Meats. Dash through the barrier then follow the hallway taking the first left. This will bring you to a big room with shut yellow doors. Use the Electro Dart on the conductors to the top right of the door to open it. Defeat the Frenzied Jotaz then enter its cage to find the essence.

For the next guide on the collectibles found in the Freight Handling Depot, click here! For other guides on Star Wars Jedi Survivor, click here!

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Jedi Survivor – Coruscant Industrial Stacks Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help finding the collectibles at the Industrial Stacks on Coruscant? Check out our Coruscant Industrial Stacks collectibles guide below!

Databank – Bloody Negotiations

On the ground in the office of the Senator’s yacht

Databank – Stolen Treasures

After speaking with the Senator in his office, scan the items in the display case behind his chair.

For the next guide on the collectibles found in the Undercity Meat, click here! For other guides on Star Wars Jedi Survivor, click here!

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Jedi Survivor – Coruscant Renovation Site 4733 Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help finding the collectibles at Renovation Site 4733 on Coruscant? Check out our Coruscant Renovation Site 4733 collectibles guide below!

Treasure – Priorite Shard

After using the zip line to reach the Renovation Site, you’ll use the wall run twice bringing you to an area with a wet, slippery ramp. The collectible can be found to the left of the ramp.

Renovation Site 4733 priorite shard map image
Renovation Site 4733 priorite shard area image

Chest – BD-1 Materials: Coruscant Paint

From the previous collectible, head to the right side of the ramp then wall jump to reach the top of the ramp. Once at the top, splice the door straight ahead to reveal the chest.

Renovation Site 4733 Treasure Chest BD-1 Coruscant Paint map image
Renovation Site 4733 Treasure Chest BD-1 Coruscant Paint area image

Databank – Local Directory

From the Meditation Point, face the stairs and look to the left to find it against the wall.

Databank – Desi’s Noodles

From Meditation Point, head up the stairs and keep going straight. Wall jump across the gap then take a right, heading down another flight of stairs. Turn left and go through a doorway to reach the restaurant. Scan it!

Treasure – Pirorite Shard

As you progress through the area, you’ll reach a section where there is a plaza of Stormtroopers below. Cal will have to jump from one pipe to another to sneak past. Unfortunately for him, the pipe breaks and he’ll have to take out the Stormtroopers. From this plaza facing the purple sign, head up the stairs to the right of this sign and take a left to find a gap. Use the pole to cross to find the shard.

Chest – Grip: Patience

Looking at your map with the stairs facing north of the Meditation Point, this chest will be found in the northeastern part of the area in the section with the 3 curved screens. From the above collectible, it’s on the opposite side of the plaza. You’ll have to move a giant cube under a section of climbable wall. Once you reach the top, use the ceiling to climb across the gap. This will bring you onto the roof of the building. Use the blue and white monitor to wall jump on to reach the next building. On top of this building use the 2 higher blue and white monitors to wall jump across to find the platform with the chest.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

After unlocking the shortcut leading to the crane, head up the stairs from the Meditation Point then take a right going up a second set of stairs. Head through the doorway and climb up the wall. At the top, head through the door then take a right going down a flight of stairs. This collectible will be under these stairs. (This is just before the mini boss!)

Databank – Abandoned Shop

From the previous collectible, head up the stairs and take a right. Head down a short flight of stairs (where Stormtroopers were). At the bottom, take a right and head down another flight of stairs. Look to your left to find a zip line. From here look to the right to find another set of stairs you’ll want to take down. Jump over the broken sections then head through the doorway on the left.

Databank – Ascension Cable

This databank unlocks automatically as you progress through the area.

For the next guide on the collectibles found in the Industrial Stacks, click here! For other guides on Star Wars Jedi Survivor, click here!

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Jedi Survivor – Coruscant Rooftops Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help finding the collectibles along the Rooftops of Coruscant? Check out our Coruscant Rooftops collectibles guide below!

Chest – Emitter: Patience

After you first gain control of Cal, look for a small side room with a locked door to find the chest. (Should be on your left.)

jedi survivor emitter patience map image
jedi survivor emitter patience area image

Force Tear – Skill Point

This collective is unavailable until you unlock the ability to lift objects with force by progressing further in the main story. To find the force tear, use lift on the door to the right of the above chest then head inside the room. Interact with the tear to kick off a challenge where you’ll need to defeat two Rancor.

Databank – Abandoned Squatter Site

While standing on the Meditation Point, face the three spinning fans. Head around the metal wall to the right of the spinning fans to find the collectible.

jedi survivor databank area image

Chest – Switch: Patience

From the Meditation Point, face the 3 spinning fans then head to the right and use BD-1 to slice open the door. Head through onto a walkway and use the force to close the pipe spewing water. Jump across 2 platforms to find the chest.

jedi survivor switch patience map image
jedi survivor switch patience area image

Databank – Squatter Camp

From the Meditation Point, face the 3 spinning fans then head left, jumping onto a metal structure. Climb up the climbable wall. At the top, dispatch the three enemies then scan the while symbol under the light.

jedi survivor squatter camp databank map image
jedi survivor squatter camp databank area image

Treasure – Priorite Shard

From the previous collectible, face the white symbol then head left and go down the stairs. Follow the path to the end.

jedi survivor priorite shard map image
jedi survivor priorite shard area image

For the next guide on the collectibles found at the Renovation Site 4733, click here! For other guides on Star Wars Jedi Survivor, click here!

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Dead Island 2 – Missing: Shane

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the Missing: Shane lost and found quest in Dead Island 2, interact with the missing board in the Serling Hotel on Ocean Avenue. For this quest, you’re looking for Shane, a lifeguard who went missing at Venice Beach. Make your way to the southern part of Venice Beach to the lifeguard hut.

Inside collect the Offer of a Lifetime journal from the counter. It’ll tell you to go to the lifeguard hut on the other side of the beach. Head on over then clear out the zombies around it. A named lifeguard zombie will spawn. Take her out then collect the For Whom the Nell Tolls journal from where she falls.

Next, travel to the Lifeguard HQ at the Santa Monica Pier. Head to the southern side of HQ to find TJ the Lifeguard.

Take him out to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive 2,000 XP.

Dead Island 2 Logo

Dead Island 2 – Lending a Hand

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the Lending a Hand side quest in Dead Island 2, approach Luther in his hotel room at the Serling Hotel on Ocean Avenue.

He’ll claim that Denise stole his bag. To begin restoring the peace, speak with Denise guarding the entrance to hear her side of the story. She’ll give you the Waste Disposal Keycard as she threw his stinky bag down the chute. It’s up to you to retrieve it! Drop down to the bottom floor of the hotel then use the keycard to enter the basement.

Search through all the dumpsters then follow the path, opening the gates. You’ll find more dumpsters to search through. These won’t be it either! Use the crates in this room to reach a hole in the wall.

Inside, you’ll find a red stinky bag. Pick it up then bring it all the way back to Luther. Be careful as it will attract zombies!! When you deliver it, you’ll complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive 3,000 XP and a Composite Sledgehammer.

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Dead Island 2 – The Hero’s Journey

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain The Hero’s Journey side quest in Dead Island 2, approach the pillars underneath the southern side of the pier. You’ll find our heroic lifeguard with an actual survivor.

Speak with Burt. He’ll need you to take Rita to the Lifeguard HQ. We of course cannot leave him behind, so clear the way of zombies then make your way to the public toilets in search of Burt’s lucky torp. These toilets are actually located across the beach in the military zone. Once you find them, head between them to find some crates. Kick the crates to destroy them then head into the area with all the blue porter potties. Loot the red torp from the ground!

Next, make your way to the Lifeguard HQ. Speak with Rita then run to the shoreline to save Burt. A bit of de ja vu as he’s in the lifeguard hut surrounded by zombies. Take out the undead then speak with Burt in the hut. Afterwards, the quest will complete!