
Rain Code Prologue | WDO vs. Amaterasu Corporation Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our walkthrough for Rain Code Prologue | WDO vs. Amaterasu Corporation in Master Detective Archives! Having narrowly avoided being framed for the murder of his fellow detectives, Yuma was saved by Yakou Furio, the head of the Nocturnal Detective Agency in Kanai Ward. Join Yuma in this prologue chapter where he’ll learn why the Master Detectives were summoned to Kanai Ward.

Abandoned Building (Rooftop)

When you regain control of Yuma, you’ll be on the roof of a building. Interact with the one object listed below for some Detective Points then speak with Yakou.

  • View

After the conversation, head over to the elevator and speak with him again to leave.

Kamasaki District / Underground Sector

Follow Yakou down the street, taking in the sights. For the next little bit, you’ll be following him until he stops then have to talk with him to get him going again. Keep doing this until you reach the agency.

Nocturnal Detective Agency

When you gain control of Yuma, you can speak with the other detectives if you wish. There are also 3 objects you can interact with for Detective Points.

  • Map
  • Bookshelf
  • Shower Room

When you’re ready, sit down on the couch to progress the story. After a lengthy dialog event, answer the phone when prompted to complete the prologue.

Additional Rain Code Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check out our Master Detective Archives: Rain Code guides and walkthroughs page for more helpful guides!


Rain Code Ch 0 | Massacre on the Amaterasu Express

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our walkthrough for Rain Code Ch 0 | Massacre on the Amaterasu Express in Master Detective Archives! Our hero Yuma awakens in a strange room with no memory of who he is or what he’s doing there. With only a note and ticket for passage on a train, Yuma heads for the train in hopes of figuring out what’s going on.

??? (Train Station)

Select whichever difficulty you’d like as it does not matter. All will result in the same outcome! When you gain control of Yuma Kokohead, interact with the items listed below in the storage room to earn 10 Detective Points each. After that, you are free to go outside via the door.

  • Cardboard Box
  • Back of the Room
  • Shelf with Umbrellas
  • Items Scattered on Shelf
  • Toy Robot

Once you’re in the hallway, Yuma will reflect on the room he was just in and you’ll be presented with three choices. Choose the Station’s Lost and Found option to receive 30 Detective Points, increasing your Detective Rank to 2.

Amaterasu Express Car 1

After a brief cutscene, Yuma will find his way aboard the Amaterasu Express. You’ll then be shown a tutorial on how the notebook works and given the main objective to find the Master Detectives in the train. Start by Interacting with the below objects on the train car to get 10 Detective Points from each one and fully explore Car 1.

  • Guide Map
  • Train Door
  • Connecting Door
  • Main Control Room A
  • Restroom
    • Mirror
    • Window
    • Toilet Door
  • Infirmary
  • Main Control Room B

When you’re done, approach the connecting door at the southern end of the car to trigger a cutscene.

Amaterasu Express Car 2

Hurray! You found the other Master Detectives! When you regain control of Yuma, speak with the people listed below.

  • Detective wearing the black hat with ears
  • All 5 of the Master Detectives
  • Zilch a second time
  • Pucchi

After getting to know your fellow detectives, Yuma will be presented with three choices:

  • About Amaterasu Corporation
  • About Kanai Ward
  • About the Amaterasu Express

Select each one to learn a little more about the situation and they will also reward you with 10 Detective Points each.

After another cutscene, Yuma will ask himself who is the most suspicious person on the train. You’ll only get to pick one and each choice rewards 10 Detective Points which should get you to Detective Rank 3. The choice doesn’t matter so pick who you want (I chose Yuma).

To wrap things up speak with Zange to learn more about his Forte. Now make your way to the infirmary in Car 1.

Amaterasu Express Car 1

Approach the infirmary to trigger an event where you’ll be introduced to the Objective Display 2 tutorial. After being tasked with finding the key to the infirmary, proceed down the hall and into the restroom to trigger an event. Before leaving, make sure to interact with the objects below in the restroom to earn 10 more Detective Points for each object (you already examined them but do it again!).

  • Mirror
  • Window
  • Toilet Door

When you’re ready, leave the restroom then approach the infirmary to trigger a cutscene. To investigate the scene, explore the following to get 10 Detective Points for each one:

  • Medical Equipment
  • AED
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Corpse

Now that you’ve examined the scene, leave the infirmary and head back to Car 2.

Amaterasu Express Car 2

After the shocking turn of events in Car 2, you’ll need to examine the crime scene. Check each of the below to earn yourself 10 Detective Points for each one.

  • Liquor Bottle
  • Corpse
  • Bar Counter

Once you’ve examined everything, make your way to Car 3.

Amaterasu Express Car 3

When in Car 3, continue your investigation by examining the items below.

  • Room 301
    • Stuffed Bear
    • Cat Ear Headphones
    • Trolley Bag
    • Corpse
  • Room 302
    • Suitcase
    • Clothes Brush
    • Animal Print Glasses Case
  • Backup Control Room
    • Control Device
    • Monitoring Device
      • Backup Control System
      • Route Map
    • Intercom

When you’re done, proceed to the next train car.

Amaterasu Express Car 4

Once in this car, continue exploring.

  • Room 401
    • Tissues
    • Jacket
    • Magazine
  • Room 402
    • Bag
    • Notebook and Fountain Pen
    • Corpse
  • Room 403
    • Travel Bag
    • Clothes
    • Cosmetics Pouch

When you’ve explored this train car, head to the next one to trigger a cutscene.

Amaterasu Express Car 5

Once inside this car, examine the below!

  • Corpse
  • Main Control Room B
  • Connecting Door
  • Infirmary
    • Door Key
    • Fire Extinguisher
    • Medical Equipment
    • AED
    • Burned Bed
  • Restroom
  • Train Car Plate
  • Main Control Room A

After you get to the end of the car, the investigation will finish and a cutscene will trigger. During the cutscene, you’ll be introduced to the Danger Dodge. Successfully perform the quick time events by pressing the correct prompts to continue fleeing.

Train Station

When you make it off the train, another cutscene triggers. After it ends, you’ll find yourself in the Mystery Labyrinth leading to another cutscene.

Rain Code Ch 0 Mystery Labyrinth

During the cutscene, you’ll earn Solution Keys and will also receive a tutorial on the Playable Loop. When you regain control of Yuma, Shinigami will task you with solving the Amaterasu Express mystery!

Reasoning Death Match

Start off by following along the long unending hallway until another cutscene triggers leading to a Reasoning Death Match. You’ll need to dodge the word coming at you until the phrase You’re the only one who could’ve done the crime! shows up. Rebuttal it to counter the statement (the game will load the Inflammable Statement for you this time). You’ll then have to go through another round of dodging words until And only pretended to drink it! shows up. Rebuttal it with the Thoughtography Image solution key. This will bring a close to the Reasoning Death Match.

Mystery Labyrinth Options

Continue to head down the hallway to trigger an event when you reach the door. You’ll come to a fork in the road so to speak and be introduced to the Mystery Labyrinth Options mechanic. The question presented to Yuma will be Was the culprit one of the six?. The door to the left will say “Yes” and the door to the right will say “No”. You’ll want to head through the door that says Yes.

Reasoning Death Match

Congratulations! You’ve chosen the right door and your prize is ANOTHER REASONING DEATH MATCH!!! The table below has the Inflammable Statements you’ll get in order going top down with which Solution Key you’ll need to use to rebuttal the claim. Counter both statements with the Solution Key to emerge victorious!

Inflammable StatementSolution Key
You must have had an accomplice!Testimonies of Two Detectives
You secretly stopped the train and let your partner board!Operation Log

Mystery Labyrinth Options

Once again continue heading down the long hallway passing through the doorway at the end. This will trigger another event leading to your second fork in the road posing the question Everyone was dead, so how did the culprit pull it off?. Follow Shinigami to the right door then head over to the left. This will trigger another event where Shinigami will lead you through the correct door! Proceed down the hallway (let’s see how many different ways I can say that!) until another event triggers introducing the concept of Dead Ends. After another event, you’ll be placed back at the fork. Head through the Commit suicide after the crime door.

Mystery Labyrinth Options

Venture on down the correct hallway until yet another event occurs. Yuma will fall through the floor landing in a mine cart that will take off speeding down the track. You’ll then be asked a series of questions that you’ll need to answer correctly to continue the investigation. Those questions and their answers are listed in the table below. Answering all the questions correctly will bring you to the goal!

Who was the last person to die during this incident?The Culprit
Who set fire to the dead culprit?The Culprit
Who was the last person to be burned to death?Zilch

Reasoning Death Match

After another cutscene plays out, you’ll be given two options: “Open the conclusion door” or Demolish the conclusion door. You’ll want to follow Yuma’s gut and choose the latter option to demolish the door. This will lead to one last Reasoning Death Match where you’ll be introduced to the Noise mechanic which obstructs your vision of the statement. You’ll need to use the Solution Balde to cut through them. You’ll also get a capped bonus for each Noise you destroy. With that in mind, use the below table to finally take down the Mystery Phantom Swank. Also note that in each round, there will be multiple Inflammable Statements, but only one is Rebuttable.

Inflammable StatementSolution Key
Died of ImmolationKnife in Corpse
Y-yeah! It was to knock himself out!Coffee in Dining Car

Crime Scene Re-Creation

Thanks to Shingami’s punch to the face, you have a chance to re-examine the Infirmary from Car 1 on the train. Inspect the two items below to gain a pair of new Solutions Keys.

  • Cushion
  • Burned Blanket

Shinigami Puzzle

With this new evidence, Shinigami will start her puzzle game to help Yuma with the case. You’ll be given a question and have to fill in the missing letters hangman style before the time runs out. The letters you’ll want are as follows: R – E – D. This will solve the puzzle and you’ll now be able to loot the treasure chest for a new Solution Key! Now backtrack to the “wrong end” from before. After a short time, you’ll be given two options (Z*OM and EV*C) and Shinigami will teleport you back there to save time. Pick whatever option you would like to continue.

Solution Key Selection

Finally nearing the end! This final section is kicked off by introducing the Solution Key Selection mechanic where you’ll need to use the correct Solution Key to open the door to the truth!! Interact with the door and choose the Red Herring Solution Key to break the lock. Head through and follow the new path…

Mystery Labyrinth Options

…until it starts to fall apart and Yuma must jump onto different floating stones to reach safety! Answer the questions correctly as you go to reach the other side triggering an event.

Was what Yuma saw through the window actually Zilch?Yes
Was the burnt corpse in Car 1 actually Zilch?No
Zilch swapped places with the corpse in the infirmary…Before Yuma entered

Spot Selection

You’ll now be introduced to the Spot Selection mechanic where Yuma will have to deduce where the corpse was hidden. You’ll want to select under the sheet on the bed. This will return you to the hallway for another cutscene which leads to…

Reasoning Death Match

A REASONING DEATH MATCH!!! There is only one round this time and the Inflammable Statement you want will be the third one. After rebutting it, you’ll win this Reasoning Death Match and begin climbing up a ladder.

Inflammable StatementSolution Key
There was no corpse to replace anyway!Aphex’s Corpse

Mystery Labyrinth Options

When you reach the top, you’ll find yourself on top of the train. Chase after Zilch until you reach the end of the train. This will trigger another event placing you on the track. Follow along the track until you reach the fork where you’ll be presented with a question: When moving the body from Car 1 to Car 5, the culprit… You’re two answers are “Moved through the train” or “Did not move through the train”. You’ll want to choose the Moved through the train option. Know what comes next?

Reasoning Death Match

Yep! A REASONING DEATH MATCH!!! You know what to do!

Inflammable StatementSolution Key
No issues occurred during the train’s operation…Blackout and Shaking
The blackout was just a bad contact!Backup Control System

Shinigami Puzzle

After the Death Match, you’ll pursue the phantom down a hallway via cutscene which leads to another Shinigami Puzzle. This time the sentence you’ll need to complete is The main control system was lost when Car 1 was _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Choose the letters D – E – T – A – C – H – ED to solve the puzzle then continue pursuing the phantom! You’ll get a bit down the hallway when another puzzle appears! The body was transported along with the entire _ _ _. Choose the letters: C – A – R to solve the puzzle leading right into another…

Reasoning Death Match / Shinigami Puzzle

REASONING DEATH MATCH!!! Time to take down the phantom once and for all! Use the table below to rebut the phantom’s Inflammable Statement. Once that’s done you’ll kick off a Shinigami Puzzle to close the investigation.

Inflammable StatementSolution Key
There’s no way to shuffle the train cars around!Route Map

The question for the puzzle is From the start, the Amaterasu Express was a _-car train. Select the number 4. After solving the puzzle another cutscene will trigger and you’ll end up back in the long hallway. Follow it to the end then take the stairs all the way to the top to reach the fort guarding the truth.

Last Stand

Approach the fort to begin your assault!!! The area will transform sending you to the desert where you’ll begin the attack aboard the Great Onset Destroyer! Charge at the fortress kicking balls, tackling through walls and jumping over the spikes. After a while, you’ll come to a wall with the phrase There’s no evidence they ever swapped! on it. Use the Distorted Plate Key Solution to smash through it. Once you reach the fort, you’ll need to use a solution key to destroy the fortress. The phrase You have no hard evidence proving that location was the first car! will be on the front of the fort. Use the Bloodstains on Interior Lock solution key to bring down the fort! To wrap up the case you’ll have one last Spot Selection. Choose Main Control Room A when prompted to begin the Deduction Denouement.

Deduction Denouement

During the Deduction Denouement, you’ll have to piece together everything to show the full picture of the crime that has transpired. To start only a couple of the Solution Keys are available with more unlocking as you place them in the correct locations. The table below lists which solution key goes on which page. When you’re done a scene will play out going through the whole incident.

PageSolution Key
Part 01 The Train DepartsAmaterasu Express
Part 02 Four Muderers 1Knockout Drug
Part 03 Corpse Red Herring (Right)Fire Extinguisher
Part 03 Corpse Red Herring (Left)Knife and Cushion
Part 04 The First BodyUnder the Bed
Part 05 Car 1 Red Herring (1) (Right)Train Detachment
Part 05 Car 1 Red Herring (1) (Left)Blackout
Part 05 Car 1 Red Herring (3) (Right)Car Number Plate
Part 05 Car 1 Red Herring (3) (Left)Attachment of Car 1
Part 06 The Last BodyAphex’s Body
Part 08 Culprit’s IdentityZilch

Kanai Station (Interior)

When you return from the Mystery Labyrinth a cutscene will trigger. When it ends, speak with your rescuer near the train for one last cutscene closing out the chapter.

Additional Master Detective Archives: Rain Code Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check out our Master Detective Archives: Rain Code guides and walkthroughs page for more helpful guides!

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Final Fantasy XVI – Hunt Board

by NightlyGamingBinge in

For the Hunter, Hunted and Think, Mark! trophies in Final Fantasy XVI, you’ll need to defeat notorious marks from the Hunt Board. The Hunt Board unlocks during The Gathering Storm main quest after meeting your first notorious mark, Ahriman, during the Release subquest. Check back regularly as new marks will be added. Below is a listing of all the notorious marks from the Hunt Board!

Notorious MarkRankLocationAvailableMaterial Drops
Ruin Reawakened – Svarog (Lv. 50)S??? (Sanbreque, Caer Norvent Glorieuse Gate Obelisk – southern Mornebrume)During the Things Fall Apart main questOrichalcum
The Breaker of Worlds – Atlas (Lv. 45)S??? (Rosaria, Martha’s Rest Obelisk – eastern side of Cressida)During the Out of the Shadow main questFallen Iron
The Mageth Brothers (Lv. 38)AQuietsands, Rosaria (Port Isolde Obelisk – western Quietsands)During the Things Fall Apart main quest
The Nine of Knives (Lv. 38)AThe Jaw, Dhalmekia (North of The Jaw Obelisk)During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Muddy Murder Flan Prince (Lv. 38)AHawk’s Cry Cliff, Rosaria (Hawk’s Cry Cliff Obelisk – northern part of the area)During the Bolts from the Blue main questGelatinous Mass
The Ten of Clubs (Lv. 35)BVamare, Dhalmekia (The Jaw Obelisk – southern part of The Fields of Corava)During the Things Fall Apart main questScarletite
Bomb King (Lv. 33)BThe Crock, Sanbreque (The Dragon’s Aery Obelisk – south to The Imperial Chase then head north to The Crock)During the Weird Science side questBomb Ember
A Hill to Die On – Fastitocalon (Lv. 34)BThe Velkroy Desert, Dhalmekia (Northeastern The Velkroy Desert)During the Out of the Shadow main questScarletite
Severian (Lv. 31)BNorth of Sorrowise, Rosaria (Martha’s Rest Obelisk – northwestern corner of Sorrowise)During the After the Storm main questElectrum
Sekhret (Lv. 31)BWest of Rhiannon’s Ride, Rosaria (Martha’s Rest Obelisk – directly north of Martha’s Rest in the northwestern corner of Greensheaves)During the After the Storm main questMinotaur Mane
Dozmare (Lv. 28)BCaer Norvent West Gate, Sanbreque (Lostwing Obelisk – head to southern Norvent Valley)During the Blacksmith’s Blues side questScarletite
Belphegor (Lv. 30)BThe Broken Hilt, Rosaria (Eastpool Obelisk)ImmediatelyDragon Talon
The Pack (Lv. 33)CSouth of Tabor, Dhalmekia (Tabor Obelisk – directly south of town in The Gilded Path)During the Things Fall Apart main quest after completing the 3 subquests
Grimalkin (Lv. 32)CThe Cattery, Dhalmekia (West of The Jaw Obelisk at the end of the southern path of The Sickle)During the Out of the Shadow main questGrimalkin Hide
Soul Stingers (Lv. 32)CEmpty Hovel, Dhalmekia (The Jaw Obelisk – Eastern side of The Fields of Corava)During the Out of the Shadow main quest
The Angel of Death – Aruna (Lv. 27)CClaireview, Sanbreque (Northreach Obelisk)ImmediatelyClouded Eye
Ahriman (Lv. 25)CSouth of Sorrowise, Rosaria (Martha’s Rest Obelisk)Immediately
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Final Fantasy XVI – For the Hoard Trophy

by NightlyGamingBinge in

For the “For the Hoard” trophy in Final Fantasy XVI, you’ll need to acquire all curiosities. As you progress throughout the story, you’ll find that bosses drop some and others can be purchased. These are optional curiosities and do not count towards the trophy. The curiosities that specifically count are labeled “Displayed in Clive’s chambers.” These curiosities that count towards the For the Hoard trophy are shown below.

Ambrosia’s TactComplete The White-Winged Wonder side quest.
Cid’s GobletComplete the Payback side quest.
Continental CenserComplete the An Eye for an Eye side quest.
Guardians ScarfComplete The Flames of War main quest.
Martelle ApplesComplete The Fruits of Her Labors side quest.
The OathThis curiosity is obtained automatically during the Cid the Outlaw main quest.
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Final Fantasy XVI – The Pen is Mightier Trophy

by NightlyGamingBinge in

For The Pen is Mightier trophy in Final Fantasy XVI, you’ll need to open 10 letters at the reading table. This reading table is introduced during the Home, Sweet Home main quest where you’ll open your first letter as part of the story. Return regularly to the Hideaway to check for new messages at the reading table in Clive’s chambers as you’ll need to read a total of 10 for the trophy. We’ve included a listing of the letters below.

A Bad Feeling…During the Out of the Shadows main quest
A Bird by Any Other NameAfter completing The White-Winged Wonder side quest
A Desert AllianceDuring the Riddle of the Sands main quest
A Flame None BrighterDuring the Here Be Monsters main quest
A Humble RequestComplete the subquests during the Things Fall Apart main quest
About BlackthorneComplete Blacksmith’s Blues side quest then progress to and complete the Letting Off Steam III main quest
About the Other DayComplete the Payback side quest
All Quiet in the DominionDuring the Here Be Monsters main quest
An Apple a DayComplete The Fruits of Her Labors side quest then progress to the Here Be Monsters main quest
Cursebreaker IntelligenceDuring the Things Fall Apart main quest
Dramatis PersonaeComplete Down the Rabbit Hole main quest
DutyDuring the Cloak and Dagger main quest.
Greetings from the Crimson CaravansAfter completing the Blood from the Stones main quest
HomecomingDuring the Bolts from the Blue main quest
How Fares the RestComplete The Flames of War main quest
Off the RecordDuring the Out of the Shadows main quest
On Our Own TermsComplete An Eye for an Eye side quest
Quite the MessDuring the Things Fall Apart main quest
The Flames Burn BrightComplete The Flames of War main quest
The Republic’s PlayWhen the reading table is introduced during the Home, Sweet Home main quest
Word from NorthreachComplete Why We Fight main quest

For more guides on Final Fantasy XVI, click here!

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Final Fantasy XVI – Where to Find Materials

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a guide on where to find items in Final Fantasy XVI. These materials will be useful when crafting and reinforcing your gear at the Black Hammer. For most of the materials, you’ll notice that you can essentially find them anywhere. The first couple of places you come across these materials are listed in the table below.

Bloody Hide-Orabelle Downs
-Norvent Valley
-The Imperial Province of Rosaria
-Item on ground
-Dropped by wolf, dog and antelope enemies
Bomb EmberDropped by the Bomb King
Bone NecklaceThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque: Norvent ValleyDropped by Hill Gigas (giant goblin) during the Needs of the Many side quest
Briar Clam ShellThe Imperial Province of RosariaItem on ground
Clouded Eye-Caer Norvent
-The Dragon’s Aery
Dropped by Chirada and Suparna (boss), Wind Elemental, The Angel of Death – Aruna
Coeurl WhiskerDuring Capital Punishment main questDropped by Coeurl (boss)
Desert RoseThe Dhalmekian RepublicItem on ground
Dragon TalonThe Imperial Province of RosariaDropped by dragon enemies, Belphegor
Earth ShardDuring Capital Punishment main questDropped by main boss
Earthen FuryDuring the Into the Darkness main questDropped by main boss
ElectrumDropped by Severian
Fallen IronPhoenix GateDropped by Iron Giant (boss), Atlas
Fire ShardPhoenix GateDropped by Infernal Eikon / Infernal Shadow (boss)
Gelatinous MassDropped by Muddy Murder Flan Prince
Gnarled ScaleDuring Fire & Ice main questDropped by fire lizard (boss)
Grimalkin HideDropped by Grimalkin
Imperial LinkThe KingsfallDropped by a Dragoon (boss)
Light ShardDuring Fire in the Sky main questDropped by main boss
Lightning ShardAt the beginning of the Cid the Outlaw main questDropped by the kitty (boss)
Liquid FlameDuring Fire & Ice main questDropped by Liquid Flame (boss)
Magicked Ash-The Greatwood
-Norvent Valley
-The Kingsfall
-Dropped by plant enemies
-Item on ground
Minotaur ManeThe KingsfallDropped by Minotaur, Sekhret
OrichalcumDropped by Atlas, Svarog
Scarletite-Dropped by Dozmare, Fastitocalon, The Ten of Clubs
-Complete Hot Water side quest
Sharp Fang-The Greatwood
-Norvent Valley
-The Kingsfall
-The Imperial Province of Rosaria
-The Dhalmekian Republic: The Velkroy Desert
-Dropped by flying insect, spider and scorpion enemies
-Item on ground
Steelsilk-Norvent Valley
-Caer Norvent
-Dropped by royalists
-Item on ground
Valley Madder-Norvent Valley
-Orabelle Downs
Item on ground
Whitewyrm BoneDuring the Fire in the Sky main questDropped by White Dragon (boss)
Wind ShardThe Eye of the TempestDropped by Garuda (boss)
Wyrrite-The Greatwood
-Caer Norvent
-Item on ground
-Dropped by royalists

For more guides on Final Fantasy XVI, click here!

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Final Fantasy XVI – Where to Purchase Items

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a guide on where to purchase items from the shops in Final Fantasy XVI. Please note that as you progress through the story new items will unlock!

The Hideaway – Charon’s Toll Shop

Diamond SwordWeapons3,000During the Things Fall Apart main quest
EnhancerWeapons2,500During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Platinum SwordWeapons2,000During the After the Storm main quest
Gaia BladeWeapons1,500During The Hunter and the Hunted main quest
Bastard SwordWeapons1,000During the Wings of Change main quest
LongswordWeapons700During The Dead of Night main quest
Silken SashBelts2,900During the Things Fall Apart main quest
Hunter’s WaistclothBelts2,250During the Getting to Work main quest
Platinum BeltBelts1,980During the After the Storm main quest
Goldwork SashBelts1,450During The Wages of Guilt main quest
Dark SashBelts950During the Wings of Change main quest
Wolfskin SashBelts630During The Dead of Night main quest
Iron BeltBelts400Immediately
Diamond ArmletsVambraces2,700During the Things Fall Apart main quest
Hunter’s ArmclothsVambraces2,450During the Getting to Work main quest
Platinum CannonsVambraces1,800During the After the Storm main quest
BattlechainsVambraces1,350During The Wages of Guilt main quest
Steel CrownsVambraces950During the Wings of Change main quest
Traveler’s BandsVambraces680During The Dead of Night main quest
Iron BracersVambraces400Immediately
Channeler’s WhispersAccessories20,000During the Home, Sweet Home main quest
Crimson TasselsAccessories26,000During the Home, Sweet Home main quest
Cobalt TasselsAccessories24,000During the Home, Sweet Home main quest
The Breath of Fire (Heatwave)Accessories10,000During the Righting Wrongs main quest
The Breath of Wind (Rook’s Gambit)Accessories11,000During The Wages of Guilt main quest
The Golden TestamentAccessories5,000During the Home, Sweet Home main quest
On Fortune and the HeavensAccessories5,500During the Home, Sweet Home main quest
The Wages of WarcraftAccessories5,500During the Home, Sweet Home main quest
MeteoriteMaterials1,000During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Desert RoseMaterials40During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Valley MadderMaterials20During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Briar Clam ShellMaterials30During the Out of the Shadow main quest
WyrriteMaterials40During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Sharp FangMaterials40During the Out of the Shadow main quest
SteelsilkMaterials40During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Bloody HideMaterials40During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Magicked AshMaterials40During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Lovely, Dark, and Deep Orchestrion RollCuriosities40,000During the Home, Sweet Home main quest
Into the Mire Orchestrion RollCuriosities40,000During the Home, Sweet Home main quest
Night Terrors Orchestrion RollCuriosities20,000During the Things Fall Apart main quest
High PotionConsumables400Immediately
ElixirConsumables10,000During the Home, Sweet Home main quest
Strength TonicConsumables700Immediately
Stoneskin TonicConsumables600Immediately
Lionheart TonicConsumables500During the Righting Wrongs main quest
Last ElixirConsumables20,000During the Things Fall Apart main quest

Lostwing Shop

EnhancerWeapons2,500During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Platinum SwordWeapons2,000During the After the Storm main quest
Bastard SwordWeapons1,000During the Wings of Change main quest
Platinum BeltBelts1,980During the After the Storm main quest
Dark SashBelts950During the Wings of Change main quest
Wolfskin SashBelts630Immediately
Platinum CannonsVambraces1,800During the After the Storm main quest
Steel CrownsVambraces950During the Wings of Change main quest
Traveler’s BandsVambraces680Immediately
The Wages of WarcraftAccessories15,000During The Gathering Storm main quest
Desert RoseMaterials40During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Valley MadderMaterials20Immediately
Briar Clam ShellMaterials30During the After the Storm main quest
Idylls of the Empire Orchestrion RollCuriosities40,000Immediately
High PotionConsumables400Immediately
ElixirConsumables10,000During The Gathering Storm main quest
Strength TonicConsumables700Immediately
Stoneskin TonicConsumables600Immediately
Lionheart TonicConsumables500During the Righting Wrongs main quest

Martha’s Rest Shop

Platinum SwordWeapons2,000During the After the Storm main quest
Gaia BladeWeapons1,500Immediately
Bastard SwordWeapons1,000Immediately
Platinum BeltBelts1,980During the After the Storm main quest
Goldwork SashBelts1,450Immediately
Dark SashBelts950Immediately
Platinum CannonsVambraces1,800During the After the Storm main quest
Steel CrownsVambraces950Immediately
Stoneskin CuffsAccessories1,900During The Gathering Storm main quest
Valley MadderMaterials20Immediately
Briar Clam ShellMaterials30During the After the Storm main quest
The Founder’s Footsteps Orchestrion RollCuriosities20,000Immediately
High PotionConsumables400Immediately
ElixirConsumables10,000During The Gathering Storm main quest
Strength TonicConsumables700Immediately
Stoneskin TonicConsumables600Immediately
Lionheart TonicConsumables500During the Righting Wrongs main quest

Eastpool Shop

*After The Meaning of Life main quest, this shop will no longer be available.*

Gaia BladeWeapons1,500Immediately
Goldwork SashBelts1,450Immediately
The Breath of Wind (Rook’s Gambit)Accessories11,000Immediately
Valley MadderMaterials20Immediately
Lovely, Dark, and Deep Orchestrion RollCuriosities40,000Immediately
High PotionConsumables400Immediately
Strength TonicConsumables700Immediately
Stoneskin TonicConsumables600Immediately

Northreach Shop

EnhancerWeapons2,500During the Letting Off Steam III main quest
Platinum SwordWeapons2,000During the After the Storm main quest
Gaia BladeWeapons1,500Immediately
Platinum BeltBelts1,980During the After the Storm main quest
Goldwork SashBelts1,450Immediately
Platinum CannonsVambraces1,800During the After the Storm main quest
The Breath of Earth (Raging Fists)Accessories15,300During the Letting Off Steam III main quest
Desert RoseMaterials40During the Letting Off Steam III main quest
Valley MadderMaterials20Immediately
Briar Clam ShellMaterials30Immediately
Before the Storm Orchestrion RollCuriosities50,000Immediately
High PotionConsumables400Immediately
ElixirConsumables10,000During The Gathering Storm main quest
Strength TonicConsumables700Immediately
Stoneskin TonicConsumables600Immediately
Lionheart TonicConsumables500Immediately

Moore Shop (Northeast of Northreach)

*After the time skip, this shop won’t be available.*

Gaia BladeWeapons1,500Immediately
Goldwork SashBelts1,450Immediately
The Breath of Fire (Heatwave)Accessories10,000Immediately
Briar Clam ShellMaterials30Immediately
Into the Mire Orchestrion RollCuriosities40,000Immediately
High PotionConsumables400Immediately
Strength TonicConsumables700Immediately
Stoneskin TonicConsumables600Immediately
Lionheart TonicConsumables500Immediately

Amber Shop (Hawk’s Cry Cliff)

Gaia BladeWeapons1,500Immediately
Goldwork SashBelts1,450Immediately
Cobalt TasselsAccessories24,000Immediately
Briar Clam ShellMaterials30Immediately
Night Terrors Orchestrion RollCuriosities20,000Immediately
High PotionConsumables400Immediately
Strength TonicConsumables700Immediately
Stoneskin TonicConsumables600Immediately
Lionheart TonicConsumables500Immediately

The Lazarus District – Guardian Quartermaster’s Shop

Gaia BladeWeapons1,500Immediately
Goldwork SashBelts1,450Immediately
Crimson TasselsAccessories26,000Immediately
Desert RoseMaterials40Immediately
High PotionConsumables400Immediately
Strength TonicConsumables700Immediately
Stoneskin TonicConsumables600Immediately
Lionheart TonicConsumables500Immediately

The Dalimil Inn Shop

Platinum SwordWeapons2,000Immediately
Hunter’s WaistclothBelts2,250Immediately
Platinum BeltBelts1,980Immediately
Hunter’s ArmclothsVambraces2,450Immediately
Platinum CannonsVambraces1,800Immediately
The Breath of Lightning (Lightning Rod)Accessories12,200Immediately
Desert RoseMaterials40Immediately
The Thousand Tables Orchestrion RollCuriosities40,000Immediately
High PotionConsumables400Immediately
Strength TonicConsumables700Immediately
Stoneskin TonicConsumables600Immediately
Lionheart TonicConsumables500Immediately

Boklad Shop

Desert RoseMaterials40Immediately
Betrayal Orchestrion RollCuriosities20,000Immediately
High PotionConsumables400Immediately
Strength TonicConsumables700Immediately
Stoneskin TonicConsumables600Immediately
Lionheart TonicConsumables500Immediately

Tabor Shop

Diamond SwordWeapons3,000Immediately
Silken SashBelts2,900Immediately
Diamond ArmletsVambraces2,700Immediately
Desert RoseMaterials40Immediately
On the Shoulders of Giants Orchestrion RollCuriosities20,000Immediately
High PotionConsumables400Immediately
Strength TonicConsumables700Immediately
Stoneskin TonicConsumables600Immediately
Lionheart TonicConsumables500Immediately

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Final Fantasy XVI – Forging Recipes

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Final Fantasy XVI at the Black Hammer in The Hideaway, you’ll be able to forge new weapons and armor or reinforce existing gear. Below are forging recipes that can be used at the blacksmith forge. Please note that more recipes will unlock as you progress through the game. For a guide on where to find the materials needed to craft or reinforce your gear, click here!

Craftable Weapons

BrightburnGrindstone x1
Light Shard x1
Meteorite x4
During the Things Fall Apart main quest
ExcaliburWyrrite x300
Grimalkin Hide x1
Bomb Ember x1
Scarletite x1
Complete the Blacksmith’s Blues II side quest
Diamond Sword +1Whitewyrm Bone x1
Imperial Link x1
Bloody Hide x90
During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Enhancer +1Earthen Fury x1
Wyrrite x225
Magicked Ash x75
During the Out of the Shadow main quest
GrindstoneLevinbolt x1
Earth Shard x1
Meteorite x3
During the Getting to Work main quest
Platinum Sword +1Liquid Flame x1
Wyrrite x200
Magicked Ash x40
During the After the Storm main quest
LevinboltFlametongue x1
Lightning Shard x1
Meteorite x2
During the Home, Sweet Home main quest
FlametongueStormcry x1
Fire Shard x1
Meteorite x1
During the Righting Wrongs main quest
Gaia Blade +1Imperial Link x1
Wyrrite x90
Minotaur Mane x1
During The Hunter and the Hunted main quest
StormcryWind Shard x1During The Wages of Guilt main quest
Bastard Sword +1Clouded Eye x1
Wyrrite x55
Magicked Ash x10
During the Wings of Change main quest
Longsword +1Gnarled Scale x1
Wyrrite x42
Dragon Talon x1
During The Dead of Night main quest
Broadsword +1Frozen Tear x1
Wyrrite x30
After crafting the Iron Belt during the Hide, Hideaway main quest

Craftable Belts

Silken Sash +1Whitewyrm Bone x1
Steelsilk x261
Magicked Ash x87
During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Hunter’s Waistcloth +1Steelsilk x67
Magicked Ash x203
Coeurl Whisker x1
During the Getting to Work main quest
Platinum Belt +1Liquid Flame x1
Wyrrite x177
Magicked Ash x59
During the After the Storm main quest
Drakeslayer’s BeltDragon Talon x1
Electrum x1
Briar Clam Shell x20
Scarletite x1
Complete the Blacksmith’s Blues side quest
Goldwork Sash +1Steelsilk x60
Magicked Ash x26
Valley Madder x3
During The Hunter and the Hunted main quest
Dark Sash +1Valley Madder x2
Magicked Ash x30
Steelsilk x20
During the Wings of Change main quest
Wolfskin Sash +1Steelsilk x12
Bloody Hide x14
Sharp Fang x12
During The Dead of Night main quest
Iron Belt +1As part of the Hide, Hideaway main quest

Craftable Vambraces

The Sons of OuroborosOrichalcum x1
Stained Loincloth x1
Morbol Flower x1
During the Things Fall Apart main quest
Diamond Armlets +1Wyrrite x243
Whitewyrm Bone x1
Sharp Fang x81
During the Out of the Shadow main quest
Hunter’s Armcloths +1Earthen Fury x1
Sharp Fang x219
Bloody Hide x75
During the Getting to Work main quest
Platinum Cannons +1Bloody Hide x54
Sharp Fang x162
Briar Clam Shell x12
During the After the Storm main quest
Drakeslayer’s BraceletsDragon Talon x1
Gelatinous Mass x1
Briar Clam Shell x20
Scarletite x1
Complete the Blacksmith’s Blues side quest
Battlechains +1Imperial Link x1
Wyrrite x81
During The Hunter and the Hunted main quest
Steel Crowns +1Wyrrite x57
Dragon Talon x1
During the Wings of Change main quest
Traveler’s Bands +1Gnarled Scale x1
Sharp Fang x40
During The Dead of Night main quest
Iron Bracers +1Frozen Tear x1
Wyrrite x24
After crafting the Iron Belt during the Hide, Hideaway main quest

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Final Fantasy XVI – Main Quest List

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Curious how many chapters are in Final Fantasy XVI? Below is a listing of the main story quests. We’ll be adding more quests as we progress in the game so please make sure to check back frequently for all of your Final Fantasy XVI needs!

  1. A Flame Summoned
  2. To Kill a Dominant
  3. Pride
  4. Sunrise, Sunset
  5. Lost in a Fog
  6. Flight of the Fledgling
  7. A Chance Encounter
  8. Hide, Hideaway
  9. Fanning Embers
  10. Louder than Words
  11. The Dead of Night
  12. Headwind
  13. Wings of Change
  14. Awakening
  15. The Wages of Guilt
  16. The Hunter and the Hunted
  17. Homecoming
    • Building Bridges
    • A Bearer’s Lot
  18. Holding On
    • Back in the Day
  19. Buried Memories
  20. The Meaning of Life
  21. Righting Wrongs
    • The Dame

This is a point of no return. Finish up any side quests you’d like to do and make a save just in case you wish to return!

  1. The Crystals’ Curse
  2. Sid the Outlaw
  3. Home, Sweet Home
  4. The Gathering Storm
    • Dark Clouds Gather
    • Release
  5. Bloodlines
  6. Black Light Burns
    • Black or White
  7. Here Be Monsters
  8. Fire and Ice
  9. After the Storm
  10. Capital Punishment
  11. Bolts from the Blue
    • Getting to Work
  12. Riddle of the Sands
    • Follow the Crystals
  13. Into the Darkness
  14. Out of the Shadow
    • Letting Off Steam I
    • Letting Off Steam II
    • Letting Off Steam III
  15. Onward
    • To Catch a Thief
    • Blood from the Stones
  16. Fire in the Sky
  17. Things Fall Apart
    • The Flames of War
    • Why We Fight
    • Down the Rabbit Hole
  18. Cloak and Dagger

For more guides on Final Fantasy XVI, click here!