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Starfield | Shadow In Neon Mission Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Shadow In Neon mission in Starfield! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the information needed.

Some of the planets referenced in our guides and walkthroughs may not match yours due to how Starfield was created. In these situations, what you do and the places you visit on those planets should remain the same.

How to Start the Shadow In Neon Mission

Shadow In Neon is one of the faction missions for the Freestar Collective. You’ll get this mission automatically after completing the Where Hope is Built mission.

Starfield Shadow In Neon

Go To Neon

Head back to your ship and travel Neon on planet Volii Alpha in the Volii System.

Neon in Starfield

Enter the city then head left to find the Freestar Ranger building. Go inside and approach Jaylen to start a conversation. At the end, have him take you to his contact.

Talk to Billy Clayton

Follow along behind Jaylen and speak with Billy Clayton when you get there asking him about the ship thief.

Billy Clayton

NOTE: Being a Ranger also means helping those in need. Helping out Billy with the loan shark is a positive for your Ranger Evaluation.

If you want the info from him, then you’ll have to do him a favor and deal with a loan shark who is after him. If you pass a persuade check you can skip that step and get the name of the thief. If not, head back down the path you came from and take the elevator to the Underbelly. Cross the walkway to the other side and use the elevator.

Once at the top, head east to find one of the Syndicate members and speak with him. In order to gain access to the warehouse, you’ll need to persuade him to let you in or pay 1000 credits (the badge does nothing!). Either way, head inside and go up the stairs to reach Emmet’s office.

Billy and Emmet

Talk with the boss man and tell him that Billy isn’t responsible for his brother’s debt. You’ll presented with the option to persuade him to forgive it, pay it off for 4,000 credits or attack them. Return to Billy afterward to let him know his debt is forgiven to get the name of the thief.

Confront Grace Early

Head east from Billy to reach Madam Savage’s Place and head inside. Locate Grace to the left of the bar then speak with her. During the conversation, she’ll give you an encrypted slate that you’ll need to bring back to the Rock.

Confront Grace Early

Go to Akila City

Travel back to Akila City on Akila in the Cheyenne System and head for the Rock. Make your way to the upper levels then locate and speak with Alex Shadid. During the conversation, hand the slate over to him so he can decrypt it. You’ll then need to head upstairs and speak with the Marshal. This will complete the mission and you’ll be awarded 250 EXP and 7300 credits.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield, such as additional guides to assist you during your adventures in the Settled Systems!

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Starfield | Where Hope is Built Mission Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Where Hope is Built mission in Starfield! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the information needed.

Some of the planets referenced in our guides and walkthroughs may not match yours due to how Starfield was created. In these situations, what you do and the places you visit on those planets should remain the same.

How to Start the Where Hope is Built Mission

Where Hope is Built is one of the faction missions for the Freestar Collective you’ll pick up during the questline. You’ll get it automatically after completing the Deputized Freestar Collective faction mission.

Where Hope is Built Walkthrough

Go To Akila City

Return to Akila City on planet Akila in the Cheyenne System then head for the Rock and speak with Marshal Daniel Blake.

Go to Polvo’s Orbit

Head back to your ship and plot a course for planet Polvo in the Valo System. As soon as you reach the planet’s orbit, you’ll receive a distress call from Ranger Kalu. Fly over to her ship and board it. You’ll then want to head to the cockpit on the second level of the ship to find Ranger Kalu.

Starfield Where Hope is Built

Repair Nia Kalu’s Ship

Speak with the injured ranger who’ll ask that you help repair her ship. Below is a list of what you’ll need to do to get it operational again.

  • Landing Gear Control Circuits – Bottom Level
  • Nav Computer Assembly – Mid Level
  • Thruster Control Relays – Top Level

After repairing the ship, return to Nia and speak with her once more. She’ll point you in the direction of the outlaws who attacked her. Time to dish out some payback.

Go to Miatha

Make your way back to the Frontier and set a course for Miatha, another moon orbiting Polvo. As soon as you enter the moon’s orbit, you’ll be thrown into a dogfight against three outlaws. Take them out then you’ll be free to head to HopeTown on planet Polvo.

Go To HopeTown

After landing, disembark from your ship and head into HopeTech.

Where Hope is Built Starfield

Approach Nia standing by the welcome sign to begin dialog. If you want to look around before speaking with the big man, you can. Otherwise, tell her you’re ready to meet with Ron Hope. During the conversation, you can ask him for some details about the missing ship. Towards the end, he’ll ask you to keep it quiet as this getting out could be detrimental to the company he’s built. When the conversation is over, Cosette will barrage in providing a report that the stolen ship was taken to Neon giving you your next heading. Before setting out, speak with Nia to complete the mission. You’ll be rewarded with 250 EXP and 7300 credits.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield, such as additional guides to assist you during your adventures in the Settled Systems!

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Starfield | Failure to Communicate Mission Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our walkthrough for the Failure to Communicate mission in Starfield! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the information needed.

Some of the planets referenced in our guides and walkthroughs may not match yours due to how Starfield was created. In these situations, what you do and the places you visit on those planets should remain the same.

How to Start the Failure to Communicate Mission

We received this miscellaneous mission when we received a distress call after entering the Olympus System.

Failure to Communicate Walkthrough

Go to Deserted Relay Station

The location of Lopez’s Farm is randomly generated so you’ll need to travel to the system the objective is taking you and land on the appropriate planet. Make your way over to the farm and speak with there. He’ll ask if you can repair some satellite in space for him.

Repair the Communication Satellites

Leave the planet and travel to the Communication Satellite in orbit. Once you arrive in space, you’ll need to take out the enemy ships waiting to ambush you. Afterwards, approach the Lopez Satellite. When you get close, you’ll receive a prompt to “Repair and Connect to Alban”. Do so then you’ll be able to move on to the next satellites. They can be found randomly orbiting other planets and moons in the same system as Lopez’s Farm. It’s also possible that you could be attacked by other pirates while visiting the other satellites.

Report back to Alban Lopez on Jacquelyn’s Ship

After you’ve repaired all the satellites, make your way over to Jacquelyn’s Ship and board. Once there, witness the family meeting. When it concludes, speak with Alban. He’ll hand over some credits.

Joining the Defense Pact

Alban will ask you to help him unite the families together in a Defense Pact. To get Jacquelyn Lemaire to join, you’ll need to either persuade her or suggest paying 2,000 credits. If you try and pay her off, she’ll refuse the 2000 credits and want 10000 instead. Chanda Banda is much easier. Just talk with him and he’ll join.

Talk to Alban Lopez about the Defense Pact

Report back to Alban on your efforts. You’ll have the option to either take on the Spacers alone or with his help. It’s your choice!

Eliminate Spacer Orbiting Ships

Board your ship then head towards the Anomaly orbing the plants the Spacers are at (where they spawn is random).

Report back to Alban Lopez

After you take out both sets of enemies, travel to the Lopez Farm and speak with Alban.

Clear out Spacer Orbiting Ships

Travel to the Starstation somewhere in the system then engage in battle! Once you take out all the enemy ships, it’ll be time to dock at the Starstation. Clear out all the enemies inside. The Space Captain will be located in the control room on the upper level along with the Grunt Issue 08.

Starfield Failure to Communicate

Talk with Alban Lopez

When everyone has been defeated, speak with Alban. You’ll have the option to decline the 5000 credits he wants to give you and you’ll just receive 100 XP. If you choose to not decline, you’ll receive 5000 credits and 100 XP.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield, such as additional guides to assist you during your adventures in the Settled Systems!

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Starfield | The Boot Mission Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide for The Boot Starfield mission! In this guide, we’ll cover how to start the mission and the steps you’ll need to do to complete the mission! If you’re here looking for help with a specific mission objective, please check out the quick links section which should point you to the right section!

How to Start The Boot Starfield Mission

The argument over the boots in UC Surplus during the Boot Starfield mission

The Boot is one of the misc missions you can pick up on New Atlantis. To start it, approach Altagracia and Bianchi who are arguing in the UC Surplus store in the Well and listen to their argument about the unlucky boots.

Bianchi happy to have someone taking the boots during the Boot Starfield mission

Afterwards, speak with Antonio Bianchi and tell him “I couldn’t help overhearing that argument”. You’ll then be able to glean new information regarding this mysterious set of boots. To officially kick off this quest, tell him “I’ll deliver the boots for you”.

The Boot Starfield Mission Guide

Travel to the Den

To reach the Den, you’ll need to travel to planet Chthonia in the Wolf System. Once there, the Den can be found orbiting the planet. Hail them then dock with the station.

Starmap of the Den during the Boot Starfield mission

Once aboard, head right past Ship Services and follow the walkway right and through the doorway at the end. Turn to the right to spot a container along the back wall and approach it.

Storage container to place the boots in during the Boot Starfield mission

You’ll be stopped by Conrad who will want to buy the boots for 500 credits. If you say “You got yourself a deal.” He’ll purchase the boots. If you say “Trust me, you don’t want these boots.”, you won’t sell the boots and can place them in the container.

Return to Antonio

Travel back to New Atlantis and head to US Surplus in the Well. Speak with Antonio and tell him the boots have been taken care of (he won’t ask how). This will complete the mission and you’ll be rewarded with 150 EXP and some credits.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield!

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Starfield | Deputized Mission Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Deputized mission in Starfield! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the information needed.

Some of the planets referenced in our guides and walkthroughs may not match yours due to how Starfield was created. In these situations, what you do and the places you visit on those planets should remain the same.

How to Start the Deputized Mission

Deputized is one of the faction missions for the Freestar Collective you can pick up in Akila City on planet Akila in the Cheyenne System. You’ll get it automatically after completing the Job Gone Wrong Freestar Collective faction mission.

Deputized Walkthrough

Talk to Emma Wilcox

So you want to be a ranger huh? Make your way to the Rock, then head to the bar to find Emma. Speak with her, say that the Marshal sent you, and ask about the rangers. When she asks, tell her you want to join. She will want to see if you are ranger material by sending you out on a mission. Head to the nearby Mission Board and pick one that suits your fancy.

Follow Emma Wilcox

Return to Emma after you complete whatever ever missing you selected and she’ll ask how it went. After that, she’ll take you to see the Marshal. On the end table just outside of his office, you’ll find the Gunslinger’s Guide 01. Speak with him to be sworn in as a Freestar Ranger Deputy. You’ll also receive a Deadeye pistol, Deputy Hat, Freestar Deputy Badge and Ranger Deputy Uniform. Emma will then give you your first mission as a ranger.

Travel to Waggoner Farm

Head to space and travel to Montara Luna (a moon orbiting Montara) in the Cheyenne System and land Waggoner Farm. After landing, you’ll be flagged down by Mikaela Waggoner who will tell you about some men who tried to force her to sell her farm.

Starfield Deputized

Find the Ruffians

Before you set out to find the ruffians, head inside Mikaela’s house and go up to the second floor. In the bedroom at the top of the stairs, you’ll find the Solomon’s Adventures 02 on a nightstand near the bunkbed.

Head down the path nearby towards the canyons to find some boot tracks. Examine them then keep following the tracks through the canyon. Along the way, you’ll have to deal with some Swarming Sunflowers and come across planted mines multiple times. As you near the ruffians, Emma will make a comment hoping that the ruffians aren’t hiding nearby ready to snipe you. Shortly after that, there will be a turret you’ll need to deal with, and just past that, some Pack Octomaggots then the ruffian camp.

Deputized Starfield

Confront the Ruffians

Approach the Ruffian Leader and speak with him. Regardless of the options you choose, you’ll end up fighting them. After taking care of the lot, loot the leader and read the Job’s Done slate he was carrying then speak with Emma and show her the slate.


Talk to Mikaela Waggoner

Return to the farm and inform Mikaela about what went down. This will complete the mission and you’ll be awarded EXP and credits.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield, such as additional guides to assist you during your adventures in the Settled Systems!

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Starfield | Start-Up Stopped Mission Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our walkthrough for the Start-Up Stopped mission in Starfield! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the information needed.

Some of the planets referenced in our guides and walkthroughs may not match yours due to how Starfield was created. In these situations, what you do and the places you visit on those planets should remain the same.

How to Start the Run the Red Mile Mission

Start-Up Stopped is one of the misc missions you can pick up at Cydonia. To pick it up, speak with Jane Weller in the residential section of Cydonia and agree to help look for her missing pilot.

Start-Up Stopped Walkthrough

Find the Berry Mule

Starfield Start-Up Stopped

We found the Berry Mule orbiting Triton, a moon of Neptune in the Sol System. Once you locate the ship, approach it, then hail the ship. After some dialog, the ship’s new captain will allow you to dock. Do so, then board the ship. Upon entering the ship, Gustavo will strike up a conversation with you. You’ll have 3 options:


If you can persuade him, he’ll let you keep the ship. Untie Erick then report back to Jane. As a reward, you’ll receive some credits and 110 XP. As a plus, she’ll offer you a discount in her shop.

He keeps the ship and Erick goes free

He’ll agree to this deal. Free Erick then return to Jane to report the sad news about her ship. As a reward, you’ll receive some credits and 100 XP.


After defeating the gang, free Erick. He’ll be deeply disturbed by what he just witnessed but you’ll have no other ramifications from taking them all out. When you report back to Jane, she’ll be unhappy that you killed them but happy that she has her ship. As a reward, you’ll receive some credits and 100 XP. As a plus, she’ll lower the price of her merchandise.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield, such as additional guides to assist you during your adventures in the Settled Systems!

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Starfield | Leader of the Pack Mission Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Leader of the Pack mission in Starfield! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the information needed.

Some of the planets referenced in our guides and walkthroughs may not match yours due to how Starfield was created. In these situations, what you do and the places you visit on those planets should remain the same.

How to Start the Leader of the Pack Mission

Leader of the Pack is one of the missions you can pick up in Akila City on planet Akila in the Cheyenne System. You’ll start this mission automatically after completing the False Positives mission.

Leader of the Pack Walkthrough

Wait 24 Hours to Talk to Keoni Alpin

After completing the False Positives mission, you’ll need to wait 24 hours for Keoni to collect the data she needs. When time is up, head for the Rock to find Kenoi outside of it and speak with her. She’ll ask if you will check on Davis for her stating that it wouldn’t go as well if she did it.

Leader of the Pack Starfield

Talk to Davis Wilson

Make your way to the eastern gate to find Davis and speak with him. He’ll tell you that he thinks there is another creature out there then invite you to patrol with him.

Starfield Leader of the Pack

Follow him as he works out in the desert and eventually an Alpha Ashta will attack. You’ll have the option to leave Davis and return to the city with what you have found but you might want to hang back and make sure that he survives the encounter with the alpha.

Talk to Keoni

Return to Keoni near the Rock and let her know about the Alpha Ashta. The mission will be completed and you’ll be rewarded with 100 EXP, credits and the legendary Despondent Assassin rifle.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield, such as additional guides to assist you during your adventures in the Settled Systems!

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Starfield | False Positives Mission Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our guide for the False Positives mission in Starfield! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the information needed.

Some of the planets referenced in our guides and walkthroughs may not match yours due to how Starfield was created. In these situations, what you do and the places you visit on those planets should remain the same.

How to Start the False Positives Mission

False Positives is one of the misc missions you can pick up in Akila City on planet Akila in the Cheyenne System. You’ll start it automatically after completing the Defensive Measures mission.

False Positives Walkthrough

Wait 24 Hours For Keoni To Collect Her Data

After completing Defensive Measures, you’ll need to wait for 24 hours in game time. When it is up, speak with Keoni to see how it went. She’ll tell you she thinks someone sabotaged her tech and asks for your help by speaking with Davis.

Starfield False Positives

Talk to Davis Wilson

Head to the eastern tower and speak with Davis. He will not be amused with Keoni’s meddling and will also mention that the beasties are acting funny. You’ll then be invited to help him patrol. When you’re ready, meet him at the eastern gate and tell him you’re good to go.

Assist Davis on Patrol

Follow behind Davis as the two of you go on patrol. When you reach the damaged security robot, you’ll be ambushed by a group of Ashta. Take care of them then speak with Davis afterward. He’ll send you back to the city to check the access logs on the terminal in the barracks.

Search the Security Logs

When you reach the barracks head inside and make your way to the terminal. Interact with it the check the access logs for the robot. You’ll see that Bailey Kirklin was the last person to access the logs. Head outside the Barracks to find and speak with her. She’ll admit to messing with the robot to try and help Davis out. You’ll then have a choice to make.

False Positives Starfield

Extort Bailey

You can extort Bailey for 275 credits. She’ll wipe the logs and you can tell Davis that they were corrupted. This will complete the mission and you’ll be rewarded 75 EXP and 5500 credits.

Turn Bailey In

If you choose to turn Bailey in, Davis will be disappointed in her and the mission will be completed. You’ll also be rewarded with 75 EXP and 5500 credits. Turning her will put her on thin ice with Davis, but he won’t fire her just yet regardless of which option you pick.


Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield, such as additional guides to assist you during your adventures in the Settled Systems!

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Starfield | Last Will And Testament Mission Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Last Will and Testament mission in Starfield! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the information needed.

Some of the planets referenced in our guides and walkthroughs may not match yours due to how Starfield was created. In these situations, what you do and the places you visit on those planets should remain the same.

How to Start the Last Will And Testament Mission

Last Will and Testament is one of the misc missions you can pick up in Akila City on planet Akila of the Cheyenne System. You’ll receive it after one of the guards mentions that Mayor Cartwright might have work you can help with while wandering around town.

Last Will And Testament Walkthrough

See Mayor Cartwright About a Job

Mayor Cartwright can be found hanging out around the Coe Estate. Speak with him and ask about the Core then follow that up by asking about Frank Langston. This will prompt to to talk about a job to which you can offer to help. He’ll want you to head out to a farm braving the wild creatures of the planet to find Sahar Hasanov’s Will.

Get Sahar Hasanov’s Will

Starfield Last Will And Testament

Travel to Sahar’s Farm by heading to the Starmap and selecting it on the Akila planet map. Once you arrive head inside (the Frontier will land right next to it) and look for a Storage Box. The will will be inside. Grab it then return to Akila City.

Last Will And Testament Starfield

Talk to Elias Cartwright OR Talk to Frank Langston

When you get back to Akila City you’ll have the option of delivering the Will to either Elias or Frank.

Give Frank Langston the Will

To speak with Frank, head to the Langston Estate which can be found east of the Coe Heritage Museum.

Last Will And Testament

Enter his home and speak with the man to tell him you found the Last Will and Testament of Sahar Hasanov. He’ll make you an offer of 10,000 credits to hand over the will and tell Elias that you didn’t find one. If you accept his offer and lie to Elias that you couldn’t find it, the mission will be completed. You’ll also be awarded 50 EXP and more credits.

Give Elias the Will

Giving the will to Elias will complete the mission. You’ll be rewarded with 100 EXP and some credits. The dialog / what happens doesn’t change even if you speak with Frank first.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield, such as additional guides to assist you during your adventures in the Settled Systems!

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Starfield | Rough Landings Mission Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Rough Landings mission in Starfield! This guide will walk you through starting the mission and detail the necessary steps for its completion. If you need help with a specific mission objective, check the quick links section to easily find the information needed.

Some of the planets referenced in our guides and walkthroughs may not match yours due to how Starfield was created. In these situations, what you do and the places you visit on those planets should remain the same.

How to Start the Rough Landings Mission

Rough Landings is one of the misc missions you can pick up in Akila City on planet Akila of the Cheyenne System. You’ll pick up this quest after overhearing a member of the local security force talk about how rough of a time the Jansen family is having.

Rough Landings Walkthrough

Talk to Marko Jansen

Marko can be found at his house along the northeastern wall down the street from Aggie’s. Speak with him about his family’s woes then offer to help. He’ll ask you to chat with his wife’s cousin Milena Axelrod.

Starfield Rough Landings

Meet Up with Milena Axelrod

To reach Milena, you’ll need to head back out to space and travel to the planet in the Cheyenne System that she’s orbiting. After reaching the planet’s orbit, you’ll be attacked by 3 ships of the Crimson Fleet. Defeat them then the Dalliance will send you a message giving you permission to board.

Rough Landings Starfield

Once you’re on the ship, speak with Milena and tell her that Marko sent you to ask for help. She’ll say she would be happy to…after you clear her from the blacklist. You can do this one of two ways. You enlist the help of Tom Starrett (Trade Authority Fixer) or speak with Mayor Cartwright directly.

Tom Starret

Tom can be found around the southern part of the city near the soccer field. Speak with him asking for his help with Milena. You’ll be able to purchase a set of credentials that will allow her unlimited access to the city as long as she keeps her head down for 1,000 credits.

Tom Starret

Mayor Elias Cartwright

The Mayor can be found close to the Coe estate. Speak with him about it and he’ll agree to remove her from the blacklist if you pay her bounty of 5000 credits. If you can pass a persuasion check, then he’ll give her a second chance at no cost to you!

Report Back to Marko Jensen

Regardless of how you do it, report back to Marko once Milena has been removed from the blacklist. This will complete the mission and you’ll be awarded with 75 EXP and some credits.

Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs

Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield, such as additional guides to assist you during your adventures in the Settled Systems!