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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our walkthrough for the Starfield Friends Like These mission! Friends Like These is one of the faction missions for the United Colonies (UC).

Starting Friends Like These

The Starfield Friends Like These mission will automatically begin after completing the Eyewitness faction mission.

Friends Like These Objectives

Speak to Deputy MacIntyre

Head to the Cabinet Chambers / Interstellar Affairs floor and speak with Deputy Elisabeth MacIntyre in the Office of Interstellar Affairs. She’ll give you the option of first persuading either Ambassador Radcliff of the Freestar Collective or Ambassador Bal’mor of House Va’ruun.

Acquire the Freestar Collective Archival Code

Exit the building and head to the Freestar Collective Embassy in the MAST District.

Freestar Collective Embassy for Starfield Friends Like These Mission

Once there, enter the elevator and ride it to the Freestar Embassy floor. Head to the back of the area to find Ambassador Evangeline Radcliff. Speak with her then you’ll have 2 options of getting the code!

Persuade Radcliff

If you can successfully persuade her, agree to her demands as they’re reasonable then follow her downstairs to get the code. This is by far the easiest way of obtaining this code!

Find Another Way

For this alternative way of obtaining the code, start off by reading the FC Embassy Security text log in your inventory to learn that the utility section access door in the conference room is unlocked!

Next, make your way to the conference room to find the utility room mentioned in the text log.

Find Another Way in Starfield Friends Like These Mission

If you don’t want to pick the expert lock on the utility room door, head across the hall from Ambassador Radcliff’s office and speak with Cameron Long in the cafeteria. He’ll want to talk somewhere more private so follow him downstairs. Tell him that you need to get access to her quarters without being seen. For his assistance, he’ll want 1,000 credits or you can lie to him. He’ll give you the key to the utility room.

Once you’re in the utility room, climb up the crates to reach a vent. Inside hug the left side then drop down into a bathroom. Head into the bedroom connected to this bathroom then inspect the planter in the corner to find the listening device.

Where to find the Listening Device

Now that you have this juicy information, return to Radcliff and tell her that you know of her plan to “replace” someone on the Council of Governors. Agree to keep this little secret between you and if you tell her you want a gift, she’ll hand over her Ambassador Rare Rifle.

Ambassador Rare Rifle

In the next set of dialog, you’ll be able to ask her for a negotiation fee and she’ll give you 7000 Credits. Follow her downstairs to retrieve the code.

Acquire House Va’Runn’s Archival Code

For the next objective in Friends Like These, make sure you have lots of digipicks and are prepared to battle robots and turrets! When you’re ready, enter the side door to the right of GAL Bank in New Atlantis.

Entrance to House Va'Runn's Archival Code

Take a right and enter the door at the end. In the abandoned embassy, take the elevator up to the House Va’ruun Embassy floor. Head down the hallway and interact with the computer just before the intercom. It’s a novice lock! Deactivate the turrets then interact with the intercom. Throw the power switch right next to the intercom then continue deeper into the embassy via the newly opened door near the computer controlling the turret. Hope you are in the mood for Halloween as this next part is going to give you haunted house vibes!!

As you make your way along the narrow pathways, be careful of the hostile robots! When you finally reach the intercom, interact with it to find only static. Make your way out of the creepy plant covered pathway and into a bunk room. Interact with the Remote Robot Control computer on the wall to activate the robots then recalibrate their friend/foe setting if you wish. This will require advanced lockpicking! Make sure to pick up the Va’Ruun Scripture 06 magazine from the table in this room!

Va'Ruun Scripture 06

Keep working your way through the embassy until you reach the conference room on this floor. Interact with the intercom then flip the switch.

House Va'Runn's Archival Code Conference Room Intercom

While you’re in this room, interact with the computer that has an advanced lock to deactivate the turret! Continue deeper into the area, going up the stairs. Traverse the cubicle maze to reach an office on the back side of this area. Interact with the intercom then flip the switch next to it. Backtrack all the way through the maze and head down the stairs. Continue down to the basement and interact with the intercom. The mysterious voice will warn you of demons in the basement so BEEEEWAAAARRRRE!! 🙂

House Va'Runn's basement

Eliminate the 2 robots then speak with Ambassador Bal’mor in his quarters to receive his code! Afterwards, grab the Va’Ruun Storeroom Keycard from the shelf above one of the beds.

Va'Ruun Storeroom Keycard

Exit the ambassador’s quarters to reenter the room where you fought the 2 robots in the basement. Use the Va’Ruun Storeroom Keycard to open the door on the left. This room contains a bunch of goodies!

Return to Deputy MacIntyre

Now that you have both of the codes, return to Deputy MacIntyre on the Interstellar Affairs floor of the MAST building. In her office, make sure to pick up the Nova Galactic Manual 03 from the coffee table if you haven’t already!

Nova Galactic Manual 03

Report to the Armistice Archives

Exit the building and head straight for the Armistice Archives building.

Armistice Archives

Take the elevator then approach the actual archives safe. Before entering you’ll first need to approach the Monitor on the left. She’ll instruct you to deposit the code pieces into the 3 receptacles. Do so then head into the archives. Head straight ahead and open the glass door. Collect the data from Unit 18 then exit the archives.

Return the Data

Report back to MacIntyre on the Interstellar Affairs floor in the MAST building. Afterwards, give the data to Hadrian.

Speak with MacIntyre

Follow MacIntyre to the top of the MAST building then speak with her to gain your citizenship. Congratulations, you’re officially a United Colonies citizen!!! She’ll also reveal a cliff hanger then the Friends Like These mission will complete!

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