Astria Ascending
by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Scaly Blight side quest in Astria Ascending.


Obtained: Speak with Belza at the Residential Area east of Harmonia Central Plaza

Rewards: Potion+ x3, 500 Lums


Defeat 10 Noise

You can defeat any 10 Noise for this quest (we went to the Peyska Spring Sewers).


Go back and talk to Belza in the Residential Area

With the 10 Noise defeated, return to Belza and speak with her.


Talk to Frea and Greipr in front of the Harmonia Tower

Travel to the Tower Entrance and speak with Frea. Afterwards, head west a bit to find Greipr and speak with him.


Go back and talk to Belza in the Residential Area

Return to Belza and speak with her where she’ll ask you who you believe is guilty. If you choose Frea then you’ll be sent to the Peyska Spring Sweres while choosing Greipr will have you going to the swamps. We chose Frea since we had the sewers unlocked and it was a bit faster.


Inspect the chest in the Peyska Spring Sewers (if you chose Frea)

Head to the Peyska Springs Sewers and go east. Head through the doorway (leading to the where we fought the chapter 1 boss) then look to the left to find a glowing red circle. Interact with it to trigger a cutscene leading to a fight with 3 Saniri Noises.


Go back and talk to Belza in the Residential Area

Make you way back to Belza and speak with her to complete the quest.



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