Astral Chain
by Chappie in


Staying Informed

Obtained: Automatically after File 09

Objective: Check the files

Read through the new Duty Reports to complete the case.


Olive’s Admirer

Obtained: Talk to the Lovesick Man on the balcony of Z09 Hal’s Hideout 3F

Objective: Find a way to woo Olive

Talk to the Lovesick Man and suggest giving a present to Olive.  On 3F talk to Woman on Break and Dandy Man.  On 2F talk to Hal, Gabbing Man and Talkative Woman.  Return to the Lovesick Man and suggest whatever option you would like to trigger a cutscene, completing the case.


Fresh Air

Obtained: Talk to the Coughing Man located in Z09 Lower Camp Level near the purple gas

Objective: Clear the poison gas

Talk to the Coughing Man and agree to help him clear the air.  Use the Axe Legion to destroy the bulbs creating the toxic waste.  In order to reach the bulb on the ledge, you will need to climb up a yellow ladder near the bulb next to a chest.  When you destroy all the bulbs, talk to the Coughing Man to complete the case.


Measuring Up

Obtained: Talk to the Surveyor in Z09 Lower Camp Level

Objective: Measure the distance

Talk to the Surveyor and agree to use the IRIS as a measuring instrument for him.  Head to the circle a short ways away and activate the IRIS to get the distance from the Surveyor.  Head back and talk to him.  Choose the 15m option.  Next head to the second circle on top of the shipping containers.  To reach the circle, climb up the yellow ladder near the Surveyor and use your Legion to pull you to it.  Once there, activate the IRIS to get the distance from the Surveyor.  Head back and tell the Surveyor 18m.  For the last measurement, you will need to measure the distance between the two circles.  To do this, head to the closest circle and measure the distance from the Surveyor (7m).  Then head to the second circle and use your IRIS again to measure the distance from the Surveyor (22m).  Subtract the distance of the first circle from the distance of the second circle, which will give you 15m (22-7).  Head back to the Surveyor and tell him 14m to complete the case.


Special Delivery

Obtained: Talk to the Busy Man in Z09 Lower Camp Level

Objective: Deliver the storage key

Talk to the Busy Man crouched down when you first enter Z09 Lower Camp Level from Hal’s Hideout to obtain a storage key.  Follow the objective to find the Forgetful Man and talk to him to hand over the storage key, completing the case.


Gate Disposal

Obtained: Approach the gate

Objective: Destroy the gate

The gate is located in Z09 Lower Camp Level northeast of Hal’s Hideout.  Use your Legion to destroy the gate to complete the case.


Drifting Apart

Obtained: From the Concerned Man at Z09 Lower Camp Level after completing the blue side case Fresh Air

Objective: Find the lost friends

Talk to the Concerned Man and agree to look into what his friends are doing.  The first friend (somewhere with dogs), Dog Lover, can be found around the corner from the Surveyor from the Measuring Up blue side case standing next to a dog.  The second friend (high-up places), Relaxed Man, is located on a metal fire escape up the ladder behind the defective gate detector from the main story case.  The third friend (near the tents), Lonely Man, is located right outside of Hal’s Hideout next to a burn barrel.  Once you find all three friends, a cutscene will trigger and the case will complete.


Bad Medicine

Obtained: Automatically by approaching the Former Doctor near Hal’s Hideout after fixing the defective gate detectors as part of the main story case

Objective: Blueshift the civilian

When you approach the Former Doctor a cutscene will trigger.  Use your Sword Legion to blueshift the woman on the couch, completing the case.


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