Below are the materials found in Ys IX: Monstrum Nox for the Material Girl trophy! Click here for a master list of all the items that can be purchased in the shops.
Beast Materials
- Light Shell
- Tranquil Underpass
- Moorgarth
- Decrepit Underpass
- Moorgarth
- Gloggury
- Lemures (Ch. 3)
- Kosmarion
- Tranquil Underpass
- Sturdy Shell
- Cloaca Maxima
- Cuhanni
- Dry Moat Ruins
- Dunpede
- Concealed Path
- Tarantiel
- Mount El Dore
- Jaganni
- Blocked Path
- Tarantiel
- Decrepit Underpass
- Moorgarth
- Gloggury
- Groaning Grotto
- Formi
- Emain Macha
- Gaspard
- Woodlands of Woe
- Gloggury
- Lemures (Ch. 2)
- Grosporte
- Lemures (Ch. 3, 4)
- Kosmarion
- Lemures (Ch. 5, 6, 7)
- Malvillion
- Cloaca Maxima
- Armored Shell
- Concealed Path
- Tarantiel
- Mount El Dore
- Jaganni
- Blocked Path
- Cuhanni
- Tarantiel
- Groaning Grotto
- Formi
- Adamangelo
- Formian
- Woodlands of Woe
- Gloggury
- Ancient Battlefield
- Yammer
- Balduq Fortress of Yore
- Melai-Siga
- Lemures (Ch. 3, 4, 5)
- Grosporte
- Lemures (Ch. 6)
- Grosporte
- Malvillion
- Lemures (Ch. 7)
- Malvillion
- Concealed Path
- Indestructible Shell
- Concealed Path
- Veidon
- Alchemy Wing
- Adichivo
- Lemures (Ch. 4, 5, 6)
- Grosporte
- Lemures (Ch. 7, 8)
- Zerasporte
- Concealed Path
- Thin Hide
- Balduq Prison – Depths
- Plutoad
- Tranquil Underpass
- Moorgarth
- Anxigas
- Cloaca Maxima
- Anxigas
- Plutoad
- Dry Moat Ruins
- Vazuli
- Estatte Road
- Channam
- Ratni
- Lemures (Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Garguleo
- Balduq Prison – Depths
- Thick Hide
- Dry Moat Ruins
- Vazuli
- Hornville
- Dunpede
- Estatte Road
- Channam
- Mount El Dore
- Hornville
- Blocked Path
- Plutoad
- Decrepit Underpass
- Moorgarth
- Milianne Plains
- Gublin
- Emain Macha
- Zol-Gublin
- Keening Highlands
- Vaume
- Ciel Canyon Road
- Cel-Ratni
- Lemures (Ch. 3)
- Tudhor
- Kahazh
- Lemures (Ch. 4)
- Tudhor
- Lemures (Ch. 5)
- Kahazh
- Dry Moat Ruins
- Beast Hide
- Concealed Path
- Veidon
- Groaning Grotto
- Adamangelo
- Milianne Plains
- Rob-Gublin
- Keening Highlands
- Ras-Gublin
- Jyacomo
- Alchemy Wing
- Valvalchia
- Balduq Fortress of Yore
- Melai-Siga
- Lemures (Ch. 5, 6)
- Valdoriga
- Kahazh
- Lemures (Ch. 8, Final Ch.)
- Garguleo-Roa
- Concealed Path
- Unfading Hide
- Keening Highlands
- Ratnilarda
- Alchemy Wing
- Valvalchia
- Avaluga
- Ancient Battlefield
- Ras-Gublin
- Reyzard
- Balduq Fortress of Yore
- Melai-Siga
- Keening Highlands
- Faint Drop
- Balduq Prison – Depths
- Plutoad
- Tranquil Underpass
- Anxigas
- Cloaca Maxima
- Anxigas
- Plutoad
- Dry Moat Ruins
- Zafange
- Concealed Path
- Culeiyo
- Mushahr
- Mudhu
- Mount El Dore
- Mushahr
- Lemures (Ch. 1)
- Tarylux
- Garguleo
- Lemures (Ch. 2)
- Odh
- Tarylux
- Garguleo
- Lemures (Ch. 3)
- Odh
- Pyrion
- Garguleo
- Tarylux
- Lemures (Ch. 4)
- Odh
- Anjy
- Garguleo
- Pyrion
- Lemures (Ch. 5)
- Zes-Pyrion
- Gi-Anjy
- Odh-Mea
- Balduq Prison – Depths
- Dark Drop
- Balduq Prison – Depths
- Plutoad
- Cloaca Maxima
- Plutoad
- Dry Moat Ruins
- Zafange
- Concealed Path
- Mushahr
- Tarantiel Egg
- Mount El Dore
- Mushahr
- Blocked Path
- Plutoad
- Groaning Grotto
- Disgaze
- Milianne Plains
- Vrogium
- Mundt Marsh
- Vrogium
- Mushahr
- Road to Hidden Treasure
- Mudhu
- Lemures (Ch. 1)
- Snerpent
- Lemures (Ch. 2)
- Logier
- Snerpent
- Lemures (Ch. 3)
- Snerpent
- Pyrion
- Logier
- Lemures (Ch. 4)
- Snerpent
- Anjy
- Logillon
- Logier
- Grautney
- Pyrion
- Lemures (Ch. 5)
- Zes-Pyrion
- Valdoriga
- Rabby
- Gi-Anjy
- Grautney
- Logillon
- Lemures (Ch. 6)
- Zes-Pyrion
- Gi-Anjy
- Rabby
- Valron
- Odh-Mea
- Valdoriga
- El-Tarylux
- Lemures (Ch. 7)
- Valron
- Lu-Anjy
- Fol-Odh
- El-Tarylux
- Rabby
- Lemures (Ch. 8)
- Fol-Odh
- Garguleo-Roa
- Geo-Tarylux
- Lemures (Final Ch.)
- Fol-Odh
- Garguleo-Roa
- Geo-Tarylux
- Balduq Prison – Depths
- Midnight Sun Drop
- Estatte Road
- Lubregia
- Concealed Path
- Tarantiel Egg
- Groaning Grotto
- Disgaze
- Milianne Plains
- Vrogium
- Mundt Marsh
- Vrogium
- Mushahr
- Keening Highlands
- Vaume
- Quarry Ruins
- Piouvre
- Road to Hidden Treasure
- Disgaze
- Lemures (Ch. 4)
- Logier
- Logillon
- Disastro
- Grautney
- Zeraphan
- Lemures (Ch. 5)
- Grautney
- Zeraphan
- Pieretta
- Logillon
- Neflude
- Luciluphan
- Lemures (Ch. 6)
- Zes-Pyrion
- Logillon
- Grautney
- El-Tarylux
- Curimanthe
- Valron
- Gi-Anjy
- Rabby
- Pieretta
- Luciluphan
- Zea-Grautney
- Vakhmedhu
- Lemures (Ch. 7)
- Valron
- Lu-Anjy
- Aspiyus
- Logillon
- Luciluphan
- El-Tarylux
- Rabby
- Varlukan
- Zea-Grautney
- Lemures (Ch. 8)
- Valron
- Geo-Tarylux
- Varlukan
- Zea-Grautney
- Lu-Anjy
- Aspiyus
- Dei-Rabby
- Lemures (Final Ch.)
- Valron
- Geo-Tarylux
- Aspiyus
- Lu-Anjy
- Dei-Rabby
- Varlukan
- Estatte Road
- Polar Night Drop
- Keening Highlands
- Jyacomo
- Ciel Canyon Road
- Nipantu
- Woodlands of Woe
- Wogene
- Ancient Battlefield
- Mudo-Veidon
- Balduq Fortress of Yore
- Despusa
- Lemures (Ch. 4)
- Luciluphan
- Disastro
- Lemures (Ch. 5)
- Zeraphan
- Luciluphan
- Neflude
- Varlukan
- Lemures (Ch. 6)
- Luciluphan
- Neflude
- Lemures (Ch. 7)
- Aspiyus
- Zea-Grautney
- Baturolle
- Neflude
- Luciluphan
- Lemures (Ch. 8)
- Aspiyus
- Zea-Grautney
- Disastyrfe
- Varlukan
- Exceflude
- Dio-Manthe
- Lemures (Final Ch.)
- Aspiyus
- Exceflude
- Baturolle
- Vakhmedhu
- Varlukan
- Dio-Manthe
- Disastyrfe
- Guarmedhu
- Keening Highlands
- Razor Claw
- Cloaca Maxima
- Cuhanni
- Dry Moat Ruins
- Hornville
- Estatte Road
- Ratni
- Mount El Dore
- Hornville
- Groaning Grotto
- Formi
- Formian
- Milianne Plains
- Gublin
- Emain Macha
- Zol-Gublin
- Keening Highlands
- Ras-Gublin
- Lemures (Ch. 1, 3, 4)
- Gevaudan
- Cloaca Maxima
- Ultradense Bone
- Dry Moat Ruins
- Dunpede
- Mount El Dore
- Jaganni
- Blocked Path
- Cuhanni
- Groaning Grotto
- Adamangelo
- Milianne Plains
- Gublin
- Rob-Gublin
- Emain Macha
- Gaspard
- Zol-Gublin
- Keening Highlands
- Ras-Gublin
- Jyacomo
- Ciel Canyon Road
- Cel-Ratni
- Alchemy Wing
- Divarse
- Ancient Battlefield
- Ras-Gublin
- Lemures (Ch. 4)
- Gevaudan
- Dry Moat Ruins
- Drill Fang
- Keening Highlands
- Ratnilarda
- Ciel Canyon Road
- Cel-Ratni
- Alchemy Wing
- Divarse
- Valvalchia
- Ancient Battlefield
- Ras-Gublin
- Reyzard
- Balduq Fortress of Yore
- Dymitri
- Lemures (Ch. 6)
- Curimanthe
- Vakhmedhu
- Keening Highlands
- Relic Bone
- Keening Highlands
- Ratnilarda
- Alchemy Wing
- Avaluga
- Adichivo
- Ancient Battlefield
- Mudo-Veidon
- Balduq Fortress of Yore
- Vrovollo
- Depth Gigan
- Lemures (Ch. 7)
- Baturolle
- Zerasporte
- Lemures (Ch. 8)
- Exceflude
- Disastyrfe
- Zerasporte
- Dio-Manthe
- Lemures (Final Ch.)
- Exceflude
- Baturolle
- Vakhmedhu
- Dio-Manthe
- Disastyrfe
- Guarmedhu
- Keening Highlands
- Fluorescent Fluid
- Concealed Path
- Culeiyo
- Mudhu
- Emain Macha
- Hyueille
- Lemures (Ch. 1)
- Tarylux
- Snerpent
- Garguleo
- Gevaudan
- Lemures (Ch. 2)
- Odh
- Logier
- Snerpent
- Garguleo
- Tarylux
- Grosporte
- Lemures (Ch. 3)
- Odh
- Snerpent
- Pyrion
- Gevaudan
- Kahazh
- Garguleo
- Logier
- Tarylux
- Kosmarion
- Lemures (Ch. 4)
- Odh
- Kosmarion
- Anjy
- Garguleo
- Tudhor
- Pyrion
- Lemures (Ch. 5)
- Zes-Pyrion
- Rabby
- Odh-Mea
- Malvillion
- Concealed Path
- Anguished Tear
- Concealed Path
- Culeiyo
- Mushahr
- Veidon
- Mudhu
- Tarantiel Egg
- Mount El Dore
- Mushahr
- Blocked Path
- Plutoad
- Decrepit Underpass
- Gloggury
- Groaning Grotto
- Disgaze
- Milianne Plains
- Vrogium
- Mundt Marsh
- Vrogium
- Mushahr
- Emain Macha
- Gaspard
- Hyueille
- Keening Highlands
- Vaume
- Quary Ruins
- Piouvre
- Road to Hidden Treasure
- Mudhu
- Disgaze
- Alchemy
- Divarse
- Niktravha
- Voldon
- Ancient Battlefield
- Yammer
- Lemures (Ch. 1)
- Snerpent
- Gevaudan
- Lemures (Ch. 2)
- Logier
- Grosporte
- Snerpent
- Lemures (Ch. 3)
- Snerpent
- Gevaudan
- Logier
- Kahazh
- Lemures (Ch. 4)
- Snerpent
- Logier
- Grautney
- Gevaudan
- Kosmarion
- Tudhor
- Logillon
- Zeraphan
- Lemures (Ch. 5)
- Odh-Mea
- Valdoriga
- Rabby
- Kahazh
- Pieretta
- Gi-Anjy
- Grautney
- Logillon
- Malvillion
- Lemures (Ch. 6)
- Zes-Pyrion
- Gi-Anjy
- Logillon
- Rabby
- Malvillion
- El-Tarylux
- Valron
- Odh-Mea
- Valdoriga
- Kahazh
- Grautney
- Pieretta
- Zea-Grautney
- Lemures (Ch. 7)
- Valron
- Lu-Anjy
- Fol-Odh
- Varlukan
- Melgevaudan
- El-Tarylux
- Rabby
- Malvillion
- Logillon
- Lemures (Ch. 8)
- Valron
- Fol-Odh
- Melgevaudan
- Lu-Anjy
- Dei-Rabby
- Lemures (Final Ch.)
- Valron
- Lu-Anjy
- Melgevaudan
- Fol-Odh
- Dei-Rabby
- Concealed Path
- Luminescent Fluid
- Estatte Road
- Lubregia
- Emain Macha
- Hyueille
- Quarry Ruins
- Diglem
- Dig-Merta
- Woodlands of Woe
- Gloggury
- Road to Hidden Treasure
- Mudhu
- Disgaze
- Alchemy Wing
- Voldon
- Niktravha
- Ancient Battlefield
- Reyzard
- Diglem
- Yammer
- Balduq Fortress of Yore
- Chilvalier
- Despusa
- Dymitri
- Lemures (Ch. 3)
- Grosporte
- Lemures (Ch. 4)
- Snerpent
- Luciluphan
- Disastro
- Zeraphan
- Grosporte
- Lemures (Ch. 5)
- Zeraphan
- Neflude
- Luciluphan
- Grosporte
- Pieretta
- Varlukan
- Lemures (Ch. 6)
- Odh-Mea
- Kahazh
- Grosporte
- Luciluphan
- Neflude
- Logillon
- Grautney
- Pieretta
- Zea-Grautney
- Lemures (Ch. 7)
- Fol-Odh
- Neflude
- Logillon
- Luciluphan
- Aspiyus
- Varlukan
- Zea-Grauteny
- Melgevaudan
- Lemures (Ch. 8)
- Valron
- Fol-Odh
- Aspiyus
- Dei-Rabby
- Melgevaudan
- Lu-Anjy
- Geo-Tarylux
- Varlukan
- Garguleo-Roa
- Zea-Grautney
- Lemures (Final Ch.)
- Valron
- Lu-Anjy
- Dei-Rabby
- Varlukan
- Melgevaudan
- Fol-Odh
- Geo-Tarylux
- Aspiyus
- Garguleo-Roa
- Estatte Road
- Bloodshot Tear
- Alchemy Wing
- Niktravha
- Avaluga
- Balduq Fortress of Yore
- Vrovollo
- Lamdian
- Depth Gigan
- Dymitri
- Despusa
- Lemures (Ch. 4)
- Luciluphan
- Lemures (Ch. 5)
- Varlukan
- Lemures (Ch. 6)
- Curimanthe
- Vakhmedhu
- Neflude
- Lemures (Ch. 7)
- Neflude
- Baturolle
- Melgevaudan
- Zerasporte
- Lemures (Ch. 8)
- Melgevaudan
- Zerasporte
- Exceflude
- Disastyrfe
- Lemures (Final Ch.)
- Melgevaudan
- Exceflude
- Alchemy Wing
- Otherworldly Core
- Ancient Battlefield
- Mudo-Veidon
- Balduq Fortress of Yore
- Vrovollo
- Depth Gigan
- Lemures (Ch. 8)
- Dio-Manthe
- Lemures (Final Ch.)
- Dio-Manthe
- Disastyrfe
- Guarmedhu
- Baturolle
- Vakhmedhu
- Ancient Battlefield
- Hornville Wing
- Dry Moat Ruins
- Hornville
- Mount El Dore
- Hornville
- Dry Moat Ruins
- Tarantiel Thread
- Concealed Path
- Tarantiel
- Blocked Path
- Tarantiel
- Concealed Path
- Formian Cuticle
- Groaning Grotto
- Formian
- Groaning Grotto
- Gublin Tribe Shield
- Milianne Plains
- Rob-Gublin
- Milianne Plains
- Diglem Core
- Quarry Ruins
- Diglem
- Dig-Merta
- Ancient Battlefield
- Diglem
- Quarry Ruins
- Adichivo Shell
- Alchemy Wing
- Adichivo
- Alchemy Wing
Plant Materials
- Small Leaf
- Tranquil Underpass
- Cloaca Maxima
- Estatte Road
- Concealed Path
- Mount El Dore
- Decrepit Underpass
- Blocked Path
- Milianne Plains
- Emain Macha
- Keening Highlands
- Quarry Ruins
- Ciel Canyon Trail
- Ancient Battlefield
- Glossy Leaf
- Estatte Road
- Concealed Path
- Mount El Dore
- Decrepit Underpass
- Sparkling Leaf
- Mount El Dore
- Blocked Path
- Milianne Plains
- Emain Macha
- Keening Highlands
- Quarry Ruins
- Ciel Canyon Trail
- Verdant Leaf
- Keening Highlands
- Path to Hidden Treasure
- Ciel Canyon Trail
- Ancient Battlefield
- Aromatic Lumber
- Tranquil Underpass
- Cloaca Maxima
- Estatte
- Hermit’s Remedy – 2000
- Road
- Concealed Path
- Mount El Dore
- Blocked Path
- Milianne Plains
- Emain Macha
- Keening Highlands
- Quarry Ruins
- Path to Hidden Treasure
- Ciel Canyon Trail
- Spirit Lumber
- Available for purchase at Lantern of Crossing
- Available for purchase at Arche’s Warehouse
- Estatte Road
- Concealed Path
- Mount El Dore
- Decrepit Underpass
- Soul Lumber
- Blocked Path
- Milianne Plains
- Keening Highlands
- Quarry Ruins
- Sacred Branch
- Path to Hidden Treasure
- Ciel Canyon Trail
- Ancient Battlefield / Keening Highlands
- Marl Flower
- Tranquil Underpass
- Ciel Canyon Trail
- Chamomile
- Available for purchase at Lantern of Crossing
- Available for purchase at Arche’s Warehouse
- Estatte Road
- Mount El Dore
- Decrepit Underpass
- Snowbell
- Milianne Plains
- Emain Macha
- Tree Stumped
- Nightfrost Beauty
- Keening Highlands
- Ciel Canyon Trail
- Ancient Highlands
Mineral Materials
- Copper Ore
- Cloaca Maxima
- Estatte Road
- Mount El Dore – Cave
- Decrepit Underpass
- Blocked Path
- Groaning Grotto
- Milianne Plains
- Emain Macha
- Keening Highlands
- Quarry Ruins
- Ciel Canyon Trail
- Ancient Battlefield
- Iron Ore
- Available for purchase at Lantern of Crossing
- Available for purchase at Arche’s Warehouse
- Estatte Road
- Mount El Dore – Cave
- Blocked Path
- Groaning Grotto
- Milianne Plains
- Emain Macha
- Crimson Spar
- Groaning Grotto
- Emain Macha
- Keening Highlands
- Ciel Canyon Trail
- Mystic Lazulite
- Keening Highlands
- Quarry Ruins
- Ciel Canyon Trail
- Ancient Battlefield
- Sol Spar
- Ciel Canyon Trail
- Ancient Battlefield
Special Materials
- Nocturne Oil
- Apple
- Available for purchase at Henri’s Produce in Central District
- Potato
- Available for purchase at Henri’s Produce in Central District
- Flour
- Available for purchase at Susie’s Wholesale in Agricultural District
- Tomato
- Available for purchase at Susie’s Wholesale in Agricultural District
- White Asparagus
- Available for purchase at Paulette’s Produce in Main Square
- Mushroom
- Available for purchase at Paulette’s Produce in Main Square
- Cheese
- Available for purchase at Angela’s Grocery in Main Square
- Red Meat
- Available for purchase at Angela’s Grocery in Main Square
- White Meat
- Available for purchase at Angela’s Grocery in Main Square