Yakuza Like a Dragon
by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 7 – Approach the guy stuck upside down in the trash heap in the alley west of Romance St. (night)

Agree to help him then let the cutscene play out. Afterwards, wait awhile for the objective to appear in the same spot on the map and speak with Shige-san who will offer you the following items:


  • Shiny Black Object Nameless Katana
  • Dull Metal Object Rusted Chainmail
  • Creepy Object Rime Amulet
  • Decline +10 Intellect


The Shiny Black Object aka Nameless Katana is obviously a weapon. The Dull Metal Object aka Rusted Chainmail is blade-resistant gear. The Creepy Object aka Rime Amulet is a charm infused with prayers to protect the wearer from frostbite and sickness. Choose whatever you’d like or nothing at all which will net you +10 Intellect. Afterwards, wait again for the objective to reappear on the map. After you speak with Shige-san, a battle will appear with 2 Lv. 17 Yakuza. Defeat them!

Reward: Intimidation Manual



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