The Gunk
by MrsChappie in


Below is our walkthrough for Chapter 6 of The Gunk! Objects that you can scan for the encyclopedia are in the pinky purple font color! Remember that if you scan all the available items in The Gunk, you’ll earn the Space Archeologists achievement! Please also pick up all the materials that you find as you explore the area. You’ll need these materials to unlock upgrades for Pumpkin (your hand device). If you obtain all the upgrades, you’ll receive the All In achievement!


At the start of Chapter 6, return to the ship to make some upgrades then head down the slope and use the mushrooms to cross the river. Scan the panel to the right of the large circular yellow barrier to receive the Lock Mechanism entry.

Approach the Lock Mechanism and press Y to use the key. Head through the door to reach the Garden Trail. In this next area, look on the left side to find the Turbine and scan it.

Use Pumpkin to suck air through the turbine until the bridge is in the same position as shown below.

Jump onto the bridge then loot the materials on the right. Next, grab the melon on the left and throw it at the gunk in the water to reveal an Energy Fissure. The coil can be found above you. Shoot it down then throw it onto both Energy Fissures to create mushrooms. Move the bridge using the turbine if you need to to reach the mushrooms. Continue on to find some gunk. Clean it up then press forward to reach the Abandoned City where a cutscene will trigger. Just past the Tail Hive in the small pool of water scan the ruin on the right side of the path to discover Ruin Booth.

On the left side of the Tail Hive, scan the Vegetation Nursery.

Continue forward and clear out the gunk. Again, make your way forward until a cutscene triggers when you reach the bridge. As you approach the end of the bridge, take the path on the left.

Head down and place your beacon where indicated. Scan the Ruin Cart near the beacon.

Return to the beacon and use it to reach your ship at the Campsite. Upgrade Pumpkin then return to The Old City. We chose to first head down the path to the left of the large sealed door. It is closest to the beacon. In the Misty Basin, clear the gunk then head to the far left side of the area to find a turbine on a higher ledge. Use Pumpkin to suck air through it to turn the bridge as shown in the image below.

Head across the bridge and suck up all the gunk. Climb on up to reach another turbine. Turn the bridge as shown in the image below.

Return to the other turbine and move that bridge back as shown below.

Work your way to the newly turned bridges and cross them. Grab the coil and throw it on the Energy Fissure. Next, jump onto the mushrooms to reach all the materials! Return to the top of the platform near the coil then climb down the Rhiza Twine and pull the switch. Return to the sealed door near the beacon then head down the path to the right of it. Clear up the gunk then drop down into the pit. Clean up the gunk and scan the Laboratory Counter.

Work your way through this area to find some more gunk. Clear it then grab the coil and throw it into the Energy Fissure in the water. Jump across the mushrooms that spawn and keep pressing forward. Again clear out the gunk. Pull the switch at the base of the statue. At the switch, turn around and head down the bridge. Use the melon to destroy the rubble blocking the shortcut to the gate. Before you return to the gate and unlock it, grab another melon and toss it at the rubble on the left side of the bridge.

Head back down and retrieve another coil then carry it to the other side of the switch and throw it over the ledge. There will be a Rhiza Twine there. Climb down it then bring the coil to the Energy Fissure.

Climb up the mushroom and work your way across the raised platforms to reach the cache of materials. Return to the main gate near the beacon and shoot both triggers with the plasma pulse to unlock the gate. Head inside and zigzag your way up the walls. Follow the path forward to reach The Garden Bridge. Continue straight down the really long bridge and enter the blue lit circular doorway. Shoot the 3 triggers around the top of the door to unlock it then head on in to reach The Garden. On the far side of the room, scan the Environment Control Panel between the 2 large red barriers.

Work your way through this area until you reach the room with the switch. Scan the Chair next to the switch.

Afterwards, pull the switch and backtrack all the way to the beginning of this area where the lift was. Stand on the lift and shoot the trigger that is now accessible to ascend. Make your way down the really long hall in The Dome of Geist. At the end, shoot the trigger above the door then head on in to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, The Gardner will start shooting laser beams at you. To get out of this room, look for a Hatch on the wall. Use Pumpkin to pull the bolts from it then a cutscene will trigger. In the Wasteland, proceed forward a short ways to conclude Chapter 6.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 7 of The Gunk!



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