Code Vein

Code Vein – Scathach Vestige Parts

by Chappie in
*NOTE: This area didn’t have many locations to use for makers, so we did the best we could 🙂


Scathach Vestige Part A

Location: City of Falling Flame – City of Falling Flame Entrance

From the mistle, head into the city taking the left path and follow the flaming path forward, passing over some magma ground and climbing up a ladder to reach a ledge. Follow the ledge left around a building and take another ladder back down to the flaming ground floor. Pass over some more magma ground taking the first right. Head through the courtyard filled with flaming cars and take a flight of stairs up to a walkway. Follow the walkway to a ladder on the right next to a concrete wall. Climb down the ladder to find the vestige.


Scathach Vestige Part B

Location: City of Falling Flame – Back Alley

From the mistle, climb up the nearby ladder to reach a concrete walkway. Take a left and drop down to the walkway below with an enemy kneeling on it. Take out the enemy and follow the path up a ramp to reach this vestige.


Scathach Vestige Part C

Location: City of Falling Flame – City of Falling Flame Entrance

From Vestige Part A, climb up the ladder and take a left. Head down the ramp and follow the path forward, walking over some more magma ground, coming to a ladder. Take the ladder up to and follow the path around to another ladder. Descend down it and head forward through the flaming alleyway with lava geysers. After exiting the alleyway, take a left and follow the path to reach a small courtyard. Climb up the ladder here and follow the left path along the walkway passing a ladder. When you come to the part of the walkway where it goes around a wall, drop off the end of the path instead of taking the right leading to a flight of stairs. The vestige will be located on the ground near where you landed.


Scathach Vestige Part D

Location: City of Falling Flame – City of Falling Flame Entrance

From Vestige Part C, follow the path (heading east) and take a left when you reach the magma ground. Continue following the path until you reach the rotten mistle at the end of the big lava ground area. The vestige will be across from the mistle near a destroyed taxi.


Scathach Vestige Part E

Location: City of Falling Flame – Back Alley

From the mistle, climb up the nearby ladder to reach a concrete walkway. Drop down to the road, heading east through the section of lava ground, and take a left at the flaming van. Head to the lava ground straight across from you to the left of the flaming car. Follow the lava ground to enter an alleyway containing the vestige at the end on the ground near a ladder.