Shin Megami Tensei V
by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Shin Megami Tensei V guide on the Miman found around Nihonbashi, Kanda, Uchikanda, Iwamotocho and Awajicho in Shin Megami Tensei V.

Nihonbashi Miman Locations

Nihonbashi Miman Locations

Miman 1

Nihonbashi Miman Location

Located on the support beam underneath the bridge. To reach it, make your way to Mokoi (the demon in the building that gives you a side quest) then head to the path that is southwest from him. Once you reach the bridge, jump down its right side into the tree to find it.

Kanda Miman Locations

Kanda Miman Locations

Miman 1

Kanda Shin Megami Tensei V

Located on metal stairs directly north of the Nihonbashi leyline.

Miman 2

Kanda Miman SMT V

Located directly east of the Nihonbashi leyline on a cliff.

Miman 3

Shin Megami Tensei Miman at Kanda

Located at the base of a tree next to a slanted building on the lower level northeast of the Nihonbashi leyline.

Miman 4

Kanda SMT V Miman

Located on the far western side of the area along the path that leads to Yurakucho.

Uchikanda Miman Locations

Uchikanda Miman Locations

Miman 1

Uchikanda Miman Location

Located between a tree and a building in the center of the map.

Miman 2

Uchikanda Miman Shin Megami Tensei V

Located on a cliff overlooking a road in the center of the map next to a slanted building.

Miman 3

SMT V Uchikanda

Located on the side of the train tracks near the center of the map.

Miman 4

Uchikanda Shin Megami Tensei V

From the previous Miman, jump down and head north to find this Miman dancing at the ground level.

Iwamotocho Miman Locations

Iwamotocho Miman Locations

Miman 1

Iwamotocho Miman Shin Megami Tensei V

Located on the ground on the far eastern side along the map’s edge.

Miman 2

Iwamotocho SMT V

Located on a cliff on the side of the broken highway in the eastern part of the map.

Miman 3

Iwamotocho Shin Megami Tensei V

Located on a hill next to a building.

Awajicho Miman Locations

Awajicho Miman Locations

Miman 1

Awajincho Shin Megami Tensei V

Located at the base of a building along the map’s edge.

Miman 2

Awajicho SMT V

Located on the roof directly east of the Awajicho leyline.

Shin Megami Tensei Guides and Walkthroughs

Click here for the next guide on the locations of the Miman at Yurakucho in SMT V! For other Shin Megami Tensei V guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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