Shin Megami Tensei V
by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Shin Megami Tensei V guide on the locations of the Miman found around North and South Shinagawa.

South Shinagawa Miman

South Shinagawa Miman

Miman 1

South Shinagawa Miman

Located on the river bank on the far eastern side of the area at the top of the waterfall.

Miman 2

South Shinagawa Miman

Located on top of a giant rock ledge in the southern part of the area. To reach it, you’ll have to follow the sandy path in the southeastern area then jump down onto the ledge.

North Shinagawa Miman

North Shinagawa Miman

Miman 1

North Shinagawa Miman

Located next to a tree up the path north of the North Shinagawa leyline.

Miman 2

North Shinagawa Miman

Located around the central part of the mountain west of the North Shinagawa leyline overlooking the sand below.

Miman 3

North Shinagawa Miman

Located east of the highway running through the area next to a group of trees just before a climbable ledge.

Click here for the next guide on the Miman at Shinagawa Station!

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