Shin Megami Tensei V
by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Shin Megami Tensei V guide on the Hamamatsucho and Shiba Park Miman locations.

Hamamatsucho and Shiba Park Miman Locations

Hamamatsucho and Shiba Park Miman Locations Shin Megami Tensei V SMT V

Miman 1

At the beginning of Hamamatsucho when coming from Shiba, you’ll have to climb up a ledge. There will be a demon you can speak to on the left. There will also be another ledge leading to a higher level. Jump off the roof to the right of the ledge then head to the end of the path to find the Miman behind some fallen rubble.

Miman 2

This guy is located on the upper level of a destroyed building in the eastern part of the area. You’ll have to climb up as high as you can on the building then jump down to reach it.

Miman 3

It can be found under a giant rock to the left of the highway leading to Tokyo Tower.

Miman 4

This Miman can be found on a rock sticking out of the middle of a waterfall in Shiba Park.

Miman 5

Located next to rock on the sandy ramp west of the Hamamatsucho leyline.

Miman 6

This guy can be found on the long stretch of sand next to a rock west of Hamamatsucho leyline.

Miman 7

This Miman can be found next to some rocks at the southeastern tip of Shiba Park.

Miman 8

It can be found along the river in the southern part of Shiba Park.

Miman 9

This Miman can be found sitting behind a large rock southwest of the Tokyo Tower leyline.

Shin Megami Tensei V Guides and Walkthroughs

Click here for the next guide on the locations of the Miman in Shiba (accessible via Tokyo Tower), Akabanebashi, Tokyo Tower, Kamiyacho and Onarimon! For other Shin Megami Tensei V guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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