by Chappie in


Once you arrive in the Crown Tundra and start exploring, make your way to Dyna Tree Hill which is in the southern most part of the Crown Tundra. As you approach the giant tree, a cutscene will trigger introducing you to Galarian Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres. Following the cutscene, the three birds split up traveling to different areas of the Galar region. Articuno will stay in the Crown Tundra. Zapados will travel to the Wild Area. Moltres can be found in the Isle of Armor. Once you collect all 3 of the birds, return to Peony at his house in Freezington to complete the expedition.


How to catch Articuno?

Articuno can be found wandering around the Crown Tundra. We located it in the Giant’s Bed. When you approach Articuno, you will be greeted by Articuno and 2 copies of it. The real one will do a bow then all will start spinning in a circle. Keep track of the original and run into it as it gets close to the ground. You’ll know your successful when a fight ensues.


How to catch Zapdos?

Zapdos can be found in the southern part of the Wild Area between East Lake Axewell and the Meetup Spot. As you approach it, it will take off at super speeds. Pursue it and eventually it will get tired and stop. This will be your chance to approach it for an opportunity to catch it.


How to catch Moltres?

Moltres can be found in the Isle of Armor. Travel to the Fields of Honor near the dojo to spot it flying around. Moltres will travel through the Soothing Wetlands to the Challenge Beach making its way all the way south around the Isle of Armor and eventually return to the dojo. In order to battle it, you will need to cut Moltres off and whistle as it approaches you. This will grab its attention, which will give you the opportunity to catch it.



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