Lost Judgment
by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, you’ll receive the Seiryo High Robotics Club school story during the Seiryo High Mystery Research Club school story after you find out who the Dancing Bunny is during the Seiryo High Dancing Club school story! Upon speaking with Amasawa, you’ll receive the Theif-Bot’s Bolt for evidence and be tasked with popping into the Robotics Club. Make your way to the Robotics Club on 4F to receive a warm welcome. 😉 Afterwards, speak with all 4 members then win the minigame! Next, make your way to Amasawa in the Mystery Research Club (MRC) room to report on your infiltration. Return to the Robotics Club for a tutorial on the robots. If you ever need materials to upgrade your robots, click here for a guide on where you can find them! Also, as an FYI, the easiest way to win the battles is to get one of your blocks in the enemy’s base. It is an instant win! Do do this, lay your blocks down in a linear path to your opponent’s base to get there as fast as possible since you can only place the blocks along your existing ones.


After customizing your robot, exit the room to trigger a cutscene with the Young Teacher. Exhaust all the dialog options then return to the Robotics Club room and speak with Okitegawa to begin the match. Once you win, your Teamwork level will increase! Head to the MRC room for a cutscene then make your way to the roof to find Itokura reading a book. Speak with her then select “Why not join the Robotics Club?”.


When you’re able, speak with Okitegawa to begin the match. After you win, a cutscene will trigger and your Teamwork will increase. Join the Robotics Club in the Cafeteria on 1F and exhaust all the dialog options. Next, head back up to the Robotics Club room for a cutscene. Once it completes, speak with Okitegawa to begin the match against Jonan Technical School Robotics Club. Win it to receive an increase in both Teamwork and Focus.


To continue with this school story, return to the Robotics Club room. When prompted, select the option “Why not have an idea meeting?”. During the meeting, select all the members to get their opinions. Your Teamwork will increase then speak with Okitegawa to customize your robots and begin the match. After you win and the cutscene concludes, you’re Focus will increase to Lv. 2.


Head to the MRC room where you’ll receive the Photo of the Thief-Bot evidence. Make your way back to the Robotics Club room and speak with Sakura. Next, travel to the cafeteria and interact with Itokura to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, head back to the Robotics Club room and speak with Okitegawa to begin a match. During the cutscene that follows, select “Defend the Robotics Club” and your Focus will increase.


When you’re ready, speak with Okitegawa to begin the match. After you win, you’ll be at 50% completion! To progress further with this story, you must push on with the main story. In Chapter 6 during the objective to kill some time, you’ll finally be able to continue with this school story. Head on up to the Robotics Club room to trigger a cutscene. Next, make your way to the MRC room and exhaust all the dialog options with Amasawa. You’ll then need to trek all the way back to the club room. Enter for a brief scene then speak with Okitegawa to customize your robots and then begin the match. After you win, a cutscene will trigger during which you’ll go out for ramen.


When it concludes, enter the club room to be greeted by another cutscene. Afterwards, speak with Okitegawa to begin another match. After you win and the cutscene concludes, head back into the club room and begin another match by speaking with Okitegawa again. When you defeat them and a cutscene concludes, exit the room then reenter for another cutscene. Make your way back to the Robotics Club room for yet another cutscene. Next, you’ll be tasked with speaking to Itokura. She can be found in the MRC (we had to push forward in the story a little for her to appear here). When you enter the MRC, a cutscene will trigger. Select whichever option you’d like then return to the Robotics Club to follow up.


When you’re ready, speak with Okitegawa to begin the match. After you win, head back in the club room. While speaking with Okitegawa, we selected “Are you really connected to those thugs?” then say “You need to talk to everyone.” Next, head back to the Robotics Club to check on things. Speak with Okitegawa to find out that new parts have been unlocked. Customize your robots if you’d like then begin the match against the Koyama Academy Robotics Club. Win it to receive a key from Okitegawa. Use it to open the cabinet then head to the Cafeteria and speak with Kurumazaki. Exhaust all the dialog options then head to the hideout on E Tsurukame Hwy. Examine the half open gate and unlock the door. When you emerge from the building, you’ll be greeted by some punks. Defeat them then return to the Robotics Club room for a cutscene.


Next, speak with Okitegawa to begin the match Ishii and his Merry Friends. Defeat them. For the next battle, you must switch the body of your main unit to Jack in the Bot. Begin the match and defeat them. Congratulations on being crowned the champions!! After the cutscene, make your way to the MRC to learn more about the Professor and complete this school story!



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