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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help locating the collectibles at the Hangar Bay on the Nova Garon? Check out our Nova Garon Hangar Bay collectibles guide below! Please note that this guide assumes that you have unlocked the shortcuts throughout the area.

Databank – Electron Wall

From the Hangar Bay Exterior mediation point, head into the building and take the first left. Follow the hallway to the end. Jump across to the run wall then slide down to the bottom. This will bring you to the Hangar Bay. Head through the doorway at the bottom and scan the red barrier.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

Dash through the red barrier then take the first right through the open entryway to find the treasure on a crate.

Databank – Mind Trick Sabotage

From the above treasure, keep following the main path heading through the hanger until you reach a room with faulty electronics. Scan the equipment near the pipes blocking the door.

Chest – Shirt: Bomber

From the previous collectible, head through the pipes blocking the nearby door. If the game isn’t allowing you through these pipes, jump dash! Climb through the narrow opening bringing you to the upper platform. You might have to use the electro dart on the conductor handing from the ceiling to make sure the grapple point is on your side of the hanger. Jump onto the gapple point then look to the left to find a ledge on the other side of some railing. Launch yourself over there to locate the chest.

Databank – Back-Up Servers

Use the grapple point to dash through the red barrier across the way. Once you dash through, work your way through the room. When you reach the other side, use the swinging pole to reach the roof of the building. Use your electro dart on the conductor to move it again. This will allow you to reach another red barrier. Dash on through it then work your way to an elevator. Facing the elevator squeeze through the opening on your left. Drop down to the room below. Scan the terminal in the center.

Essence – Force

From the above databank, head through the door on the right and take a left at the end of the hallway. Head through the doors at the end of that hallway to find the essence.

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