Immortals Fenyx Rising
by Chappie in


Below are the chests that can be found at The Forgelands in Immortals Fenyx Rising!


This chest can be found north of The Aqueduct fast travel point. You’ll come here during the Spring Hope Eternal main quest.


This chest can be found in the south central part of The Forgelands right next to Talos the Rebuilt, Legendary Automaton.


This chest can be found in the south central part of The Forgelands.

To remove the barrier, you’ll need to pull the lever then use Apollo’s Arrow to shoot all 3 unlit braziers. Once the braziers have been lit, you’ll be able to access the chest!


This chest can be found in the southeastern corner of The Forgelands.


This chest can be found south of The Aqueducts fast travel point behind a red barrier.

To unseal the barrier, you’ll need to head to the mountain in the distance across the gap that contains a lever. Once you pull the lever, air currents will activate allowing you to glide to the chest before time runs out.


This chest can be found underwater next to a partially submerged ship on the shore of the island to the east of The Forgelands.


This chest can be found on the southside of the island east of The Forgelands.

To unlock the barrier, head northwest along the path to find an object between 2 statues. Carry the object back to the barrier and place it on the pedestal. Head inside to open the chest.


This chest can be found west of The Aqueducts fast travel point in a cave covered by corruption to the east of the Myth Challenge Fresco. Break the corruption then enter the cave to open the chest.


This chest can be found at the circular structure above the Myth Challenge Fresco to the west of The Aqueducts fast travel point.


This chest can be found just north of the God of the Forge fast travel point in a cave.


This chest can be found on the southwestern side of Sisyphos’s Cage vault in the side of the mountain. To reach the chest, you’ll need to stand on the circular platform then shoot the 3 targets with Apollo’s Arrow.


This chest can be found on the very top roof of the Forge of the Gods fast travel point.


This chest can be found north of the Forge of the Gods fast travel point at the bottom of a ravine.


This chest can be found on top of a structure at the Atmos Mechanikos fast travel point.


This chest can be found in a cave in the side of a cliff between the Atmos Mechanikos and Forge of the Gods. You’ll need to smash the entrance to enter the cave.


This chest can be found north of the Forge of the Gods in a cave in the side of a mountain. To reach the chest, smash through the breakable wall.


This chest can be found northwest of The Aqueducts fast travel point. It’s located in the water under the structure in front of the sealed pipe.


This chest can be found slightly northeast of the last chest in the same lake.

To reach it, you’ll need to dive underwater where you see the bubbling water next to the piece of broken walkway in the water. Use the blue mushrooms as a guide to reach a secret cavern containing the chest.


This chest can be found north of The Aqueducts fast travel point.

To access it, you’ll need to get both of the giant metal cubes down into the slit with the 2 lasers. If you have the Heavy Lifting ability, you can simply toss them in there. Once both are on the platforms, activate the pedestal to open the chest.


This chest can be found in a cave near a guarded chest in the northeastern part of The Forgelands.


This chest can be found on the side of a cliff overlooking the ocean just west of the Shrine of Aither vault in the northeastern corner of The Forgelands.



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