Immortals Fenyx Rising
by Chappie in


This constellation puzzle can be found in The Observatory. You’ll need to complete this puzzle as part of the story.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. Head down the stairs north of the puzzle to find a building with 3 metal gates. Smash the northern wall with your axe to enter the building. Push the giant metal cube with the bear symbol to grab the orb.


2. Head up the stairs on the west side of the puzzle and take a right to reach a building with a red barrier blocking the way in. Stand on the gold platform across from the door then shoot an arrow through the fire to the brazier above the door to light it. This will unseal the barrier and allow you to collect the orb.


3. & 4. Head up the stairs on the west side of the puzzle then take a left at the top to come to a lever. Pull the lever to open a locked door straight ahead. Run through this door before it closes again and enter the room with an orb. Put the orb on the slot in the floor to open the gate leading to the 4th orb.


Once you place the balls in the correct slots, you’ll be able to collect the Wing Piece.



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