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by NightlyGamingBinge in

You’ll receive Professor Ronen’s Assignment in Hogwarts Legacy as part of the story during the Attend Your First Day At Hogwarts main quest to introduce the concept of assignments. Below is a walkthrough for this assignment.

Assignment 1

For the first task, speak with Professor Ronen in the Transfiguration Courtyard. Afterwards, head east from Professor Ronan to spot the flying paper near the broken statue past an outdoor hallway. Use the Accio spell to collect it.

Next, proceed to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower. It can be found through a doorway southwest of the professor in the courtyard near the Floo Flame. Once you reach the tower, the page can be found flying around the stairs. Again, use Accio to collect the page, then return to the professor in the courtyard.

Speaking with him will kick off the mini-game where you’ll need to trace out the symbol for the spell. You’ll be able to cast Reparo now! Head over to the broken statue near the first page you had to retrieve and cast the spell to see it in action. This will complete the assignment!

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