Welcome to NGB and our Ghostwire Tokyo guide on the Matsumi Shrine Area Completion. This guide will cover everything you need to know to complete this area easily.
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Matsumi Shrine Collectibles Overview

To successfully complete this area, you’ll need to gather the following collectibles:
- Jizo Statues: 2
- KK’s Investigation Notes: 1
- Magatama: 2
Jizo Statues
Wind Jizo Statue

This statue can be found in the alley southwest of Matsumi Shrine

Wind Jizo Statue

This statue can be found southeast of Matsumi Shrine.

KK’s Investigation Notes
The Cult of the Flying Cloth
Purchase KK’s Investigation Notes 02 from Musical Nekomata for M100,000.

The Magatama can be found high above a building south of Matsumi Shrine. You might have to finish the Ittan-momen side quest before you can absorb this Magatama. Climb up to the building near it then approach it to trigger a chase. Follow after the Magatama until it hits its head then absorb it.
Magatama 2
Complete the Rokurokubi side mission.
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