by Chappie in

Obtained: Umugi – Umugi Cove



Find the musician in Umugi

The musician can be found at Umugi Cove.


Locate the Straw Hat Assassins in Toyotama

The duels with the Straw Hats can be found at the following locations:



Duel in Drowning Marsh

You can find the Straw Hat named Yasumasa next to a cluster of multicolored banners in the southern part of Old Kanazawa Marsh.



Duel Under Autumn Leaves

You can find the Straw Hat named Kanetomo east of Yamabushi’s Peak on the coast.



Duel of Crashing Waves

The Straw Hat named Tomotsugu can be found north of Urashima’s Village on the path to the shrine.



Duel Under Falling Water

The Straw Hat named Kiyochika can be found southwest of Kishibe Village.



Duel Among the Spider Lilies

The Straw Hat named Hirotsune can be found in the northern part of the Field of the Equinox Flower next to a cluster of multicolored banners.


Speak with the musician in Umugi Cove

Travel to Umugi Cove and speak with the musician.


Locate the duel entrance at Omi Monastery

Travel to Omi Monastery in Otsuna then follow


Speak with Kojiro

Head inside the duel area then speak with Kojiro.


Duel on the Mirror of Sacred Light

Defeat Kojiro. You will be rewarded with Kensei’s armor!



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