by Chappie in

Obtained: Tsutsu – West of River Child’s Wetlands



Search for the healer at the inn in Tsutsu

Travel west of the River Child’s Wetlands to find a small town. Speak with the male peasant at the inn.


Follow Hanaoka

Hop on your horse and follow the man.


Investigate the crossroads

Keep heading along the path to find a group of bandits.


Defeat the bandits

Kill the group.


Speak with the peasant

Speak with the peasants you freed by defeating the bandits.


Follow Hanaoka

Continue following behind the man.


Speak with Homyo

When you stop at the next village, speak with the woman that comes running out.


Check on Homyo’s son

Follow Hanaoka into the house.


Search for the cause of the sickness

Inspect the empty pot next to the boy, empty basket near the cooking stove, and log covered with mushrooms outside near the wood shed.


Return to Hanaoka

Head back inside the house.


Reach the river

Head back outside and travel east to find the river. Head into the river and gather moss.


Return to Hanaoka

Head back to the house to complete the quest.


Follow Hanaoka

Follow Hanaoka outside then hop on your horse and continue down the path with Hanaoka.


Defeat the Mongols

After heading down the road for a bit, you’ll come across a group of bandits. Defeat them.


Rejoin Hanaoka

Rejoin Hanaoka next to the small lake.


Follow Hanaoka

Continue following behind Hanaoka until you reach a small village. Approach the peasants to trigger a cutscene and complete the tale.



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